#endless rewrites and forced content inclusion and last minute content cuts etc
thetwobosses · 8 months
Hearing about Volition's abrupt shuttering has left me in a weird empty, mourning mood tonight.
When I first started playing Saints Row: The Third almost exactly ten years ago, little would I know how much it'd end up changing my life. I found my best friends through Saints Row's Tumblr community, friends I keep up with daily even though all of us have since moved on to different fandoms. I got to know many other amazing people in the community, through all the shared art and headcanons and roleplays. And I got deeply invested in the creation and development of my OCs, these silly and badass and tragic imaginary people who shared my headspace almost every waking moment of my life for several years.
All this I got from a game series its studio had clearly poured their hearts and souls into, even through all the constant corporate meddling in the development processes over what must have been the last fifteen years, and now finally, a sudden death knell. Volition the studio is no more, its staff laid off without warning or fanfare. And it's just so unfair to everyone who'd worked on the games, and I hate that it's yet more proof (as if we didn't have enough already) that the current system of giant game publisher oligopolies gobbling up everyone they can get their hands on and then taking them behind the shed to be shot when they don't immediately return a double of their investment just shouldn't. fucking. exist.
It sucks. I don't have much more to say except that I hope the now ex-Volition game developers all end up finding new and maybe even better employers soon. And just maybe there'll be some new studio rising from the core of the Volition creative team. We'll see.
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