#emelyn the alchemist
hyperfixationposting · 2 months
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anotherrrr, this time its emelyn!!
#11 letsgo
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calekinnieplus · 10 months
Heyo. Today, I've read 5 ½ hours. I've also reached chapter 408, breaching the chapters numbered in 400. It seems that with the schedule I have right now, I can read around 100 chapters every 2 days. Lovely
So what happened now? Derrick gave me anxiety with the return of the exploration team and the small amount of exposure the Fool got through him, which as consequence had the... honorary name? Leak to the outside world.
Like, "The Fool that doesn't belong to this era,
You are the mysterious ruler above the gray fog,
You are the King of Yellow and Black who wields good luck"
Yeah that. Moving on!
Klein is close to advancing, he's slowly gathering the ingredients he needs and I'm happy for him.
Aaron's deal with the Snake of Mercury child is definitely gonna come back to Klein in some way, even if Klein doesn't want anything to do with that.
I don't wanna write a lot this time, since I'm sleepy, but long story short...
Fors => found Abraham Family.
Emelyn White => hilarious, should've been a comedian.
Leonard => is in the Red Gloves.
Audrey => getting close to Psychology Alchemists.
Derrick => dealing with a lot of bullshit.
The Hero Dark Emperor, aka Klien vs Capim and his Beyonder guards => epic. Loved it. He was badass.
Klein Moretti => the bullshit he has to deal with seems to be accumulating. Hoping for the best, but preparing for the worst.
That's all, thanks.
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