#elysiumhero ❖ jane shepard﹙ they said that life’s a bitch ⋄ well i’ve got a bone to pick. ﹚
solheimisms · 11 months
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   ⬐ @elysiumhero ⬎
❛❛ I can’t sleep, not now, I refuse. They’ll grab me from my fluttering eyelashes. ❜❜
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The last few weeks had been… rough. Making it back from the Omega-4 Relay was something none of them had expected. Truthfully, they’d all believed it would be a one-way trip. And that was the reality of the situation: no one had travelled through it and lived to tell the tale. They were the first. Throw in the fact that they’d just stopped an assault on another human colony at the hands of the Reapers—controlling a group of humans in batarian space, no less—and she could see why Jane was… struggling.
“No one is going to come for you. Of that, I can assure you.” The corner of her lips twitched into a brief smile. “I’m fairly certain EDI would have half a mind to lock down the ship if they tried.” And Miranda would happily stand in their way. She may have been wanted by Cerberus now, having painted a target on her back now that she’d turned on the Illusive Man and his radicalism, but she was safe enough on the Normandy. He wouldn’t be so foolish as to come after either of them while they were still on the ship.
Glancing at the readhead, Miranda’s face creased into a gentle frown. “Jane… What happened down there? What really happened?” She was more than a little worried. Yes, Jane had blown up the relay, and it had resulted in a catastrophic loss of life. But little more was known beyond that; the Commander hadn’t talked about it in the slightest since returning to the ship.
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