#elias and martin's characthers date and it messes up with jon so much he confesses his feelings for martin over it
just-an-enby-lemon · 2 months
*Workplace Comedy No One Dies Au*
Sasha: I was reviewing your guys characthers sheets and I think there was some mistakes?
Tim: Was there?
Sasha: No worries, Timan yours are perfect. So. The problems. Firstly Melanie.
Melanie: Hey, Sasha is perfectly alright.
Sasha: Yeah. But like her name is Sasha and I'm Sasha so like one of us would have to be Not Sasha and it's just confusing.
Melanie: I'm not changing her name.
Tim: *annoyed* Really? Is not that hard of a change. C'mmon.
Melanie: I do have a replacement characther tho. Let me just send Sasha their details.
Sasha: Okay. It works. As long as they're not another Sasha. Well next up is Jon and Basira. Look I love that the two of you did combo characthers but I think we will have to twitch the imortal space pirates a bit to make it work.
Basira: Can Ashes still commit arson and be involved in puppet goverments?
Sasha: Sure?
Basira: I'll live then.
Sasha: And you Jon? Anything Jonny has to have?
Jon: *in a very concerning tone* Violence. Just loads of violent desire and pent up rage.
Sasha: I'm totally not unpacking that but sure.
Jon: *back to normal* Thank you, Sasha.
Sasha: And Martin. I think you sent me the wrong file.
Martin: Oh, did I? I'm so sorry, I was sure I sent the right one.
Sasha: Nope. Your file was literally named Oscar Wilde, I know how you are with your poetry collections so I didn't even opened it.
Martin: Oh. No, no, that's the right file, hehe, I'm playing Oscar Wilde.
Sasha: Oooh your characther is named Oscar Wilde, gotcha.
Martin: He isn't named Oscar Wilde, he IS Oscar Wilde. Just an alternative version
Sasha: What?
Martin: Yeah. He is magical Oscar Wilde. Is that all?
Sasha: *still confused but deciding not to ask* Well Douchard also send me a characther sheet? And his cleric of poseidon is actually really interesting?
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