#either way arakawa and jo's 'tenderness' with masato definitely had a factor in him growing up. Like That
yeah Mr Arakawa would kick Sohei’s ass. Seriously HOW is that man Daigo’s father and how did that boy grow up to be better than Masato
there aint ever One Precise Reason as to why a kid'll turn out a certain way: despite the odds daigo grew up a generally-respectable adult while masato grew up to be a spoiled brat.
but regardless we should all say Lmao
#snap chats#My Big Theory as to why daigo's. Amiable is that kiryu was there and im 100% with that#from what there is to gather about daigo's childhood his parents were generally negligent in that they entrusted others to watch daigo#in that daigo wasnt really able to form solid bonds with his parents which. No Shit can really do a number on a kid's psyche#HOWEVER kiryu was there. even if daigo wasn't able to be close with his parents he at least had One positive adult role model#not to mention kiryu was hard on daigo whenever it was necessary. he's what helped ensure daigo /wouldnt/ grow up entitled#masato's case is a little more complicated than daigos though#of course masato had positive parental figures in his life but i dont think masato's self hatred should be underestimated#not to mention masato might harbor a grudge towards arakawa since he might blame him for the reason why he had health conditions#this isn't to say jo nor arakawa were bad parents- i think it'd be insane to try to assert that#we can bully jo about putting a baby in a locker though. we have to do that. butterfly-effect-ass behavior#either way arakawa and jo's 'tenderness' with masato definitely had a factor in him growing up. Like That#at the very least arakawa /might/ have tried to be firm with masato while he was growing up but would inevitably give in to his tantrums#and i dont have to talk about jo. i think we know his business. i'll at least mention it just in case He's Too Ashamed To Be Too Hard On Hi#but this is all speculation though now innit. im just rambling down here Childhood Psychology Is My Forte after all
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