#eg: i don’t like short sirius. instead of hassling people who do i’ll just make 15 posts about it of my own. write it into all my fics.
padfootastic · 2 years
like, this might be controversial idk but sometimes you can not like what someone else said but also not confront them about it, ykno?
especially with fandom stuff where everyone has different (often differing) headcanons and opinions and ways of interpreting one scene. someone saying something you don’t believe in isn’t necessarily a challenge to prove them wrong.
it’s one thing to bitch about it in closed circles/on ur blog but if u don’t agree with the poster, there’s no need to go guns blazing into their inbox with anonymous asks about how they’re so wrong, actually, and dont u know xyz. that’s not helpful at all. i know the urge is strong, especially when it’s something u care about, but it doesn’t serve any purpose at all. i promise.
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