#eddswhirl au
larkermarker · 1 year
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Tod had grasss
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larkermarker · 1 year
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Matt could be talking about all the ways he wants to kill Edd and Tom wouldn’t hear a thing with what’s going on in his mind.
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larkermarker · 2 years
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You know what?
Eddwhirls your Saloonitics while falling down a flight of stairs
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larkermarker · 2 years
This goes out to all my big Edd truthers.
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larkermarker · 2 years
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Affectionate biting
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larkermarker · 2 years
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Pov: you tell him he’s cringe
Just trying out expressions and trying to wrap my head around how shading works.
Scraped rough sketch I was thinking of using instead.
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larkermarker · 2 years
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Goofy aaa doodles
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larkermarker · 2 years
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Finally got around to making a super simple ref sheet for my ew redesigns. These have been floating around in my head for around a year.
These are also the designs for my eddswhirl au. To keep it short, eddswhirl is just my spin on the main series. An au where I can shove my headcanons and interpretations that might not be canon compliant. Also timeline and story changes that I want to make.
Some additional design notes below
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Tom possession timeline thing I made this quickly agahag
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Details for each stage
4 to 7
Not possessed yet
Just a normal kid with big pupils
8 to 12
Got possessed by a wrath demon a few years ago (thanks to dad)
The demon is affecting Toms body physically
Eyes fully black now
Doesn’t like that kids point that out all the time
A little self conscious about his eyes
13 to 17
Teeth are growing in unnaturally sharp
Braces are barely helping
Anger management issues
Shifts a little under extreme stress or anger but can’t change into a full monster yet
Thinks his black eyes make him look cool and edgy (just like all those ocs he saw online that use black eyes when they turn evil)
18 to 36
Not experiencing any new major changes to his regular form
Alcohol helps keep him emotionally numb (the demon can affect his emotions even when not under stress)
Can shift into full monster form now (he can't really control it)
37 to 38
Demon is taking over more of Toms body
More features from his monster form or bleeding into his normal form
It is exhausting Tom physically and mentally trying to keep it down
Lashes out more
38 to 39
Finally gets a successful exorcism preformed (parents tried in the past but it didn't work)
He is a lot happier and expressive with that thing gone
Eyes turn back to normal (cursed) but still has sharp teeth
Over all he is feeling good
40 to (when he dies?)
Oops! Tom developed eye cancer after some time
The demon was the only thing preventing that from happening (it wanted to keep its host alive so it protected, or lessened, most inner and outer damage that came to Tom)
His eyes are completely white
Got a visor (thanks Tord) to help him see again
And some Tord rambles (he is all i have the most thought out rn)
Tord is not totally evil in this au
He does initially plan on taking over the world, but chickens out of going through it
His dad sucks (also one of the motivations for Tord wanting to take over) and he doesn't like to think of him
His mother and him have a strained and distant relationship
They do bond more as Tord gets older
Tords family moved to the UK when he was a teen
No one knows he is trans until after a few year living with the other 3 boys (he told them)
Likes to joke that he is the straightest in the house
Still likes his anime, guns, and robots
Dated Matt for a few months before he left
He left for around 6-8 years to join the army and to go to uni
He knew Paul for a few years before join the army
Tord was planning on going to uni to improve his engineering
Was also going to go back to the house to improve his giant robot prototype, he knew it was far from being battle ready
Skip to a few years in uni and now Tord was having second thoughts on the whole red army thing
He tried to get in contact with Paul but he couldn't reach him
The contact info must have been changed on Pauls end
There has been someone continuing Tords plan behind his back, a left over Tord clone from "Spares" (im going to call clone Tord, Red)
Red had made it look like Tord changed his mind on going to uni, coming up with a different plan that could still achieve their goals
Red had a more talkative, confident, and charismatic personality than the other Tord clones
Great at controlling an army, and pretty decent with machines
But Red wasn't doing this for himself, he was doing this for Tord
He had an obsession with living up to Tords goal
Also a big Tord simp
Planning on the two of them leading the army together after Tord returned (he would even let Tord rule solo if he wanted)
After the events of "The End", it just left Red with a ruined plan, friendships broken, and Tords work and public image in shambles
In the future, Tord teams up with the boys to take Red down
Tord is the one to finish Red off
I have it so the au can go down two routes
Tord can either pretend to be Red so he can dismantle the army, or pick up where Red left off (pissing off his friends who he just got to trust him, especially after he told them that what Red was doing is what he was planing to do years ago)
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larkermarker · 2 years
Job headcanons and stuff. Is canon to my AU but could work for canon eddsworld.
Edd does art and animation commissions. Also basically the landlord of the house, making others pay rent. Although he will be understanding if they can’t fork up the money sometimes. He may be a bit of a jerk, but not that much.
Tom works part time at a music store. His work outfit consists of a nice short sleeve shirt, dark slacks, and of course a checkered tie. He steals the guitar picks from the store all the time. He also will lose them all the time. Tom also has a YouTube channel where he posts commentary styled videos (think like 2017-2019 pyrocynical) and music covers.
Matt doesn’t technically need a job. His mom sends him money for rent and other purchases. His mom loves to spoil him and make sure he doesn’t have to worry about a thing. He is a freelance photographer however, just make sure you remind him to take photos of you and not himself. He’ll even try to squirm his way into your wedding photos. But he is very good at his job and can produce beautiful results. He has an eye for this thing.
Tord is a mess when it comes to jobs. He can barely keep one down for a while. Switching all the time. He can tolerate work that lets him use his hands. Do not make him a cashier, he always fumbles it up. His current job is at an auto repair shop. His longest lasting one so far.
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larkermarker · 2 years
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A spooked tordle requested by a friend on discord.
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larkermarker · 2 years
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Happy birthday to my Tord
You little creature
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larkermarker · 2 years
Trying to make Mark a character I can be the slightest bit more interested in.
Mark doesn’t like rabbits. What if Mark have connection to magic? What if magic show traumatic event involving a rabbit in a hat? What if Mark stage magician? What if visits magic store for new tricks. Finds real magic. Wants more real magic. Finds Necronomicon. Gets interested in demonic related magic? Wants to resurrect Jon so Eduardo will stop big sad? Accidentally raises zombie army? Parallel to Matt having to be a zombie to lead an army but Mark just needs cool book? “You become the undead, I raise it.” - mark eddsworld. Necromancer Mark?
Idk I’m trying man
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larkermarker · 2 years
Follow up idea to that Mark post
What if Marks delve into necromancy began shortly after fun dead? In the background of the episode you can see Mark just standing there with a shocked look on his face.
Maybe this is his first time dealing with the seemingly semi-frequent zombie apocalypses the area has. After all the neighbors only moved in after the events of the zombeh quadrilogy.
After the events of The End. He tries desperately to bring Jon back. Not just for Eduardo’s sake but also to see if he can do it. He gets his hands on the Necronomicon and it does work in bringing Jon back. But oops zombie outbreak. And Mark may or may not be getting obsessive over the book and it’s power.
But just a thought
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larkermarker · 2 years
Info dumping about my Eddswhirl AU Matt
This is kind of a mess so apologies if this is confusing to read. Not complete but this is what I have so far. Also things might be weirdly worded agdhsgs.
Goes by he/she/they pronouns
No memory gun shenanigans
They are a very touchy person
He will poke your face
He’ll walk up to you and latch on to your arm and there is nothing you can do about it
Enjoys cuddling and will do it with almost anyone. Even if the other person doesn’t want to.
Has no concept of others personal space
He doesn’t like it when people touch him unannounced (hypocrite)
He makes it clear if you are in his space
Talks with his hands a lot
Kisses the homies goodnight
Went to university (that his mum paid for in full) but does not do anything with her degree
His mum sends him money every month to pay for rent plus extra for spending
She does not want her child to worry about a thing
Outfits do not have a gender. If they look good in it, they look look good in it.
Loves to wear heels
Mostly because of the clacking of the heels when they walk
And the extra height
Is a little insecure that she is shorter than Edd
Spikes hair up to also compensate
Likes outfits that go spinny
Prefers food with lots of different flavors
Used to be a picky eater
Is a wonderful baker but can’t cook for shit
Hates cold foods
Usually refers to their friends with nicknames
Fidgets with anything anything they can get their hands on
Basically always moving around
Can solve a Rubik’s cube quickly
Good at chess
Can play the piano very well
His mum forced him into piano lessons, staring when he was a child. She can’t find the passion to play much anymore from the burnout.
When they are in the mood to play, she’ll drag Tom into joining so the two can play music together
Don’t ask her to help clean around the house, they’ll never do it
Their room is an organized mess, more mess than organized
She will complain about the state of the house and how the other boys live
Never had to clean his room as a kid, the staff in the house did that (yup he grew up a privileged rich kid)
Petty bitch
Holds grudges for a long time
Gets jealous easily
He won't show it because "jealousy is an ugly emotion"
He'll get back at you if you have crossed him, eventually
The intensity of her revenge depends on what you did
Seeks attention and affirmation from the people around him
Whether that be from forcing themselves into a leadership role or bugging his friends
Also seeks to be high status
They have done a lot of repressing to not act on this urge (Wants to be a king but also wants his friends to some what like him. Which is hard to do when they are forced to do whatever you say)
Will manipulate, mansplain, and manslaughter to get what he wants
His desire to be noticed can change drastically
Blame his father for this (they go daddy issues)
Their dad is in jail currently
His dad was involved in the murder of Toms dad
The dad was just a rich asshole involved in some demonic shit
As much as he loves himself, he sometimes tries to get others to see the value in themselves
Well, only people he cares about
When Edd is not around she will try to take the role of leader
The most social out of the 4
Not very good at it though
Sometimes Matt will just hang around someone in silence while they do whatever
He likes the presence of other people when the mood is quiet
Uses a lot of big words to sound smart
Not that he is dumb, he just acts mostly on impulse
But when he does use his head, run
Keeps notes of the important people in his lives
It seems like he only pays attention to himself but he focuses on figuring out how the people around him tick (mostly for manipulative purposes)
They do get satisfaction from helping others or comforting someone, but only from others gratitude towards him.
He holds the romantic relationship him and Tord had very dearly. It ended on good terms but she still craves that relationship again. It hurt when Tord left but he buried those thoughts to focus on himself and Tom.
Got to know Tom more after Tord left. Matt didn't really pay him any mind before that. Even if Tom doesn't like the sudden attention he is getting from Matt.
If he had to rank his house mates it would go Tord (but his current feeling are complicated) Tom, and then Edd
He doesn't hate Edd, just doesn't like how Edd makes fun of him. When he makes fun of Matt, its only to get a rise out of the ginger. At least when Tom insults him, it comes from a genuine place of annoyance.
And how Edd is the one who always gets to play leader.
In the future she marries Tom
Thats all I have for now. There are other parts of Matts personality that I haven't mentioned as I'm either trying to figure out how to word it or still coming up with it. I’m not sure if I translated well what he is like into text.
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larkermarker · 1 year
Making aus only reinforced the fact that I cannot keep details about them consistent. Or characterization. Things be changing every other day. Any post I make info dumping about them do not expect to be accurate. I’m a clown trying their best to write.
eddswhirl and pond child second chances I am so sorry
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