eaudeeuphoria · 2 years
thinking about adamil and honestly i just love them so much!! it really bothers me when people hate on that ship. i can understand some of the reasoning why people would feel uncomfortable with it, but i also definitely think people fail to consider everything about it, and i personally have a few reasons for why i ship it.
they met before emil's hospitalization. according to emil's wiki and ada's deductions, ada saw emil while he was panhandling and noticed that he was starving, so she bought him a loaf of bread. this is one of the reasons he was so comfortable being treated by her; he remembered her kindness.
ada treats him like an equal. emil was literally treated like an animal during his time at the dog fighting pit, and when he first arrived at white sand street asylum, he was traumatized and his violent responses caused the staff to lock him in a cage and subject him to electroshock therapy and constant sedation. his entire life, he has been treated as subhuman. however, when ada meets him, she treats him with kindness and administers treatment gently. she sees through his current state and recognizes his humanity. she also tries to lower his dosage of sedatives, so that he can be conscious and think for himself. he is more than just a test subject to her. she sees him as a person.
ada asked for emil's consent. she realized her hypnotherapy was an effective way to help emil heal and recover, and she was excited to test her theories, but she asked emil whether he wanted to continue using the sedatives or work with her. emil chose to work with ada, and chose to leave the asylum with her.
ada resigns from her position as a psychologist. while she does still use hypnotherapy to help emil, she no longer works for the asylum. even though she still performs treatment on him, there isn't the same power imbalance that he would have with a staff member at the asylum.
the relationship itself is healthy. ada encourages emil to think independently, socialize with others, write in a diary, and participate in other healthy coping mechanisms. ada does have to take care of him a lot of the time because of his severe trauma, but she isn't possessive or controlling and her main goal is for him to recover.
also, identity v is a horror game so it would make sense for them to have some darker and sadder themes!! in most situations, real or fictional, i would never condone a doctor/patient relationship, but adamil is obviously a very special case. everything in this post is probably common knowledge by now but i just love them and wanted to infodump!! that's all have a wonderful day and if ive converted you to adamil let me know lmfao
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gummywourms · 1 year
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Commission from twitter!!
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douyinvids · 2 years
by 阿雪🌨 @ Axue_snowflake
For your last lesson, Emile... learn to live on your own.
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the-chosen-system · 2 years
“don’t tag as ship” and it’s two characters that are married
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multydoodles · 3 hours
As much as I used to get triggered by Edamil, I'm happy to say I've gotten a bit over it
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adaitia · 2 years
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hi sorry for being dead. love the new skins tho
dont tag as kin ty
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catboy-komaeda · 3 years
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identity v more like identity dating sim
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idvcomplainer · 2 years
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no energy to make smth that actually looks good but if i dont draw them my head will explode 
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jaxsterrapp · 3 years
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if ada and emile were a 2-in-1 survivor 😋
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kyodelika · 3 years
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i like my edamile a little dark
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survivorsguilt · 2 years
because i haven't been able to do any actual art and i'm struggling , im gonna post sketch/doodle dumps of old stuff i just.. have sitting around!!!!
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ask-missmargiezelle · 3 years
people might ship edamile is because they arent used to the guys being the abuse victims :\
//THIS. This is a huge part of why people romanticizing this relationship is even more disappointing.
TW for discussion of domestic abuse going forward! Please read with care. 💕
//Abuse victims as a whole are usually blamed and disbelieved — but it happens in different ways for men who are survivors. A lot of people have this weird belief that men can’t be abused, because men are “too strong” to be abused, especially by women. This is not true at all! They get told “they must enjoy it” or that “they would leave if it was actually bad” and so many other terrible things.
//A lot of the time, women who are abusers play into toxic femininity as well — they are seen as “just wanting to help” or “not knowing any better”. They can lean into the stereotype of women being pure and innocent in order to gaslight their victims and deceive outsiders. Does this remind you of how Eda behaves? It should. And to see so many people going along with these flimsy excuses despite Eda’s actions being objectively abusive… it’s really, genuinely disappointing to me that so many people are so uneducated and so unwilling to listen to all the survivors who have spoken out.
//Emile’s responses to Eda — being anxious to the point of physical debilitation around other women, feeling he has to “prove” his love through perfect obedience and submission, etc. — are all TEXTBOOK trauma responses. Saying things like “it’s for your own good”, “I’m the only person who can help you”, and so on are all EXTREMELY manipulative tactics that abusers use to isolate their victims and make them feel they deserve the terrible treatment. And that’s not even touching on the ableism of it all too.
//TL;DR: Eda and Emile’s relationship is abusive, and plays specifically into common patterns present when men are victims of abusive women. Survivors who are men are uniquely dismissed in different ways than women are, it may explain — not justify — why so many fans are willing to overlook and defend the abuse Emile suffers from Eda.
//Stay safe, everyone. Don’t be afraid to take a break from social media if you need to for your health! This blog will always be a safe plays for abuse survivors. Take good care 💕
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deadhearts02 · 3 years
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cannot wait for them
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manors-couple · 3 years
//Because I’ve seen a lot of blogs with conflicting posts interacting with us, I want to make it clear: this blog actively ships Ada and Emil, and does not view or interpret the ship as toxic, just as it was canonically stated it is not intended to be. Their design notes specifically state “We hope this is a weird, touching love, neither Nightingale effect nor Stockholm,” and I’m tired of seeing so many fans demonizing Ada and their relationship. I am not making this post to start fights or discussions, but because it unfortunately needs to be said; if you believe the ship is unhealthy and disapprove of it, please DO NOT interact with this blog. Ada and Emil canonically love each other and I don’t know what else to tell you guys.//
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electroratio · 3 years
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eda and emile my beloveds!!!
feathered cloak come home. pls pls pls pls pls
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adaitia · 2 years
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im your deadly nightshade, im your cherry tree
you're my one true love; im your destiny
dont tag as kin/me
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