crazyfitnessguy · 6 years
How To Own Healthy Teenage Lifestyle Tips For Free
Teenagers Can Be Picky About Eating Healthy
Remember when were teenagers giving our parents a difficult time about eating healthy?  I know that I do.  Teenagers come up with lame excuses to not eat healthily. Here are some examples: too expensive can't eat healthy in school my friends won't like me if I don't eat junk food Today's post is about healthy teenage lifestyle tips.  Teenagers these days need to learn how to have a balanced diet because the food that they eat now is filled with way too many preservatives, which are bad for you and your body.
My Bad Eating Habits When I Was A Teenager
Believe it or not, I use to eat quite a lot of junk food for lunch at school when I was a teenager.  I use to drink all the soda in the world and all of the junk food that everyone loves.  Here are some examples of the types of food that I ate for lunch at school.  Pizza, nachos with cheese sauce, Pop Tarts, Tasty Cakes, french fries, fried chicken, and those awful school sandwiches that you hope that it wasn't roadkill on a bun.  What did I use to drink?  I use to drink all kinds of soda and Snapple.
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How I Avoided Eating Healthy Disclaimer: if you are about to eat lunch please do not read this part of this post until you are done.  You may lose your appetite.  When my parents packed me a bagged lunch in school I usually just threw these lunches in my locker.  So I bought my lunch instead.  That's when I start buying all of those unhealthy lunches like pizza etc.  By the end of the school year, those lunches were found in my locker with bugs and flies and rotten food.  Here are the first healthy teenage lifestyle tips, don't end up doing what I did.
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"How To Get A Teenager To Eat Healthy (From An Actual Teenager)" By Sadie Radinsky
Sadi Radinsky is a writer at MindBodyGreen.  She wrote an article about how to get a teenager to eat healthy from an actual teenager.  I decided I wanted to share with you because it was very interesting. Myth: My friends will only accept me if I eat "normally." If you have really good friends like my friend Alex and Adam, you don't have anything to worry about.  I don't eat junk food anymore, I never drink alcohol.  They are still my friends and they are supportive of my decisions.  If they want to eat dessert or eat junk food that's their choice.  When they first asked me why I no longer eat junk food I tell that I must eat like a personal trainer since that's what I am hoping to be one day.  Occasionally I have a cookie or have some ice cream, but that's once in a blue moon.  I have been friends with Adam and Alex for over 15 years, sure they might kid around with me about eating healthy, but they never ever try to persuade me to eat junk food.
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Myth: It's impossible to stay healthy at school Another healthy teenage lifestyle tips are it's not impossible to stay healthy at school.  If you are in high school or middle school, bring a packed lunch from home.  Just don't stuff it in a locker like I did.  It was basically a stink bomb in the hallway, eww.  Just get up a little earlier and make your lunch for school.  If your Mom or Dad stays at home then politely ask them to pack a lunch for you, while you get ready for school.  Bringing your own lunch to school is healthier than school lunches.  However, when you are in college you can get a wide variety of food on campus and off campus.  You can always try some sushi for your lunch.  
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Myth: Healthy food is too expensive. Another great healthy teenage lifestyle tips are healthy food does not have to be too expensive.  Here is what I like to snack on when I am hungry.  Trader Joes handful of almonds, Quaker Oats rice cakes. Not too expensive right?  If you need more snack suggestions check out this post here.  Useful Tips From Experts In Healthy Snacks
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Myth: I just can't give up sweets. The next healthy teenage lifestyle tips are that you don't have to give up sweets.  If you can't give up sweets, then limit your sweets to special occasions like I do or you can substitute sugar sweets with healthier versions.  Here are some examples that I like to eat if I am looking for something sweet.  Quest Protein bars, Quest Protein cookies.  These sweet treats will satisfy your cravings.  Myth: I won't be able to hang with my friends if I can't eat normal food. Another great tip about healthy teenage lifestyle tips is that you don't have to eat what your friends are eating.  Have you ever been asked to go to a restaurant with your friend that they like, but there is absolutely nothing on the menu that you can eat?  Wel, I know that I have many times.  Either with my parents, brother or friends.  If there is nothing on the menu that I like I make sure I eat ahead of time.  I love having my Shakeology shakes.  Nice meal replacement drink full of the daily nutrients that you need.  Find out more about Shakeology here.  What Is Shakeology? Myth: If I start eating healthy, I'll never be able to eat unhealthy again. Lastly, another healthy teenage lifestyle tips are you can always eat unhealthy again.  However, why would you?  If you have eaten unhealthy the day before then you might want to check out our last post about how to get back on track after overeating.  You can check it out by visiting this post here.  How To Recover From Over Eating. Original Article You can find the original article by Sadie Radinsky at MindBodyGreen.com.
I Hope That You Like This Post About How To Own Healthy Teenage Lifestyle Tips For Free
I hope that you like today's post about healthy teenage lifestyle tips.  It would be such a great help if you can share this post about healthy teenage lifestyle tips with your teenage sons/daughters.  If you also have a few more mins to kill please consider sharing this post on social media to help get the word out about us.         Read the full article
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