#easy nft guide
shishir05 · 2 years
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affilatebloger · 1 year
UNIQUE NFT Collection
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pepperquinnartz · 4 months
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I posted this on twitter a few days ago, and I wanted to spread the word on Tumblr as well! I'm drawing art for anyone who donates an E-sim at Gazaesims.com or donates ANY amount to the following:
Care for Gaza
Palestine Children's relief fund
Women for Women
What do I do after I donate?
Its easy! Just DM me a screenshot of your successful donation either on here or on my Twitter (@Peppermint_Quin) and let me know what you'd like! I'll draw OCs, Fanart, your pets, an apple if you'd like, etc.!!! Just please keep it within reason, and do not use my work for commercial use, profit, AI, NFTS, or merch! It is only to be used for personal use! Also note all of the drawings for this will be colored sketches! The bigger the donation the more polished it'll be!
I Donated an E-Sim! How do I activate it?
Here are a few tutorials on how to donate E-Sims!
Sofidilla's twitter thread on how to donate an E-sim to someone in Gaza
Shentel's instagram post (with graphics) on how to buy E-sims
Another helpful guide by ayayaja28 on twitter!
Check out blackpearlblast's tumblr post here with more places you can buy E-sims from
As of right now, there is no time on limit on this because I just want to help out as much as I can! Thank you so much for reading! 🍉 ❤️ 🖤🤍💚
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hoodssery · 10 months
Recommending Video Essays #2
Still feel bad, here’s another one.
Recommendation: In Search of a Flat Earth by Folding Ideas (https://youtu.be/JTfhYyTuT44)
If you spend much time on the internet at all, Dan Olson's work on his channel Folding Ideas is required reading. The obvious recommendation from his channel is Line Goes Up – The Problem With NFTs. I would argue that this single video alone did more damage to the reputation of NFTs and the crypto-sphere than any thing else in recent memory, and most likely completely destroyed NFTs as an emerging institution at the peak of it's popularity. This is a truly remarkable feat, and speaks volumes to the quality and power of Dan's writing. Despite the insane impact of Line Goes Up, my choice for recommendation is still In Search of a Flat Earth.
In Search of a Flat Earth would be my recommendation if the video was only the first half of the video. But the video pushes itself even higher by drawing a very real link what used to be the Flat-Earthers of Facebook, and now rising right-wing hardcore accelerationist movements, like Q-Anon and it’s descendants, that are gaining traction not just in the US but all around the world now, making the video more relevant now than it was in 2020. The video also gains bonus points for having the hardest final line of a video essay ever.
Folding Ideas is a very easy channel to recommend as a whole. More required reading recommendations are:
-Line Goes Up – The Problem With NFTs, which I already explained well enough I feel (https://youtu.be/YQ_xWvX1n9g)
-The Future is a Dead Mall – Decentraland and the Metaverse, a very interesting critique and first hand account of the already failed future the Web 3.0 has provided, and the failures of corporatization of the digital space. (https://youtu.be/EiZhdpLXZ8Q)
-Annihilation and Decoding Metaphor, is a critique of “Ending Explained” content on Youtube, a beginner's guide to decoding metaphor, and a breakdown of Annihilation. (https://youtu.be/URo66iLNEZw)
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gricean-sphinx · 3 months
A Guide to Abbreviations and Terminology on Chicken Smoothie
Ah, yes! CS abbreviations. There are so many, lol, especially trading lingo. Let's see...
Pets' Growth Stages
OK, to start off there are a handful of easy abbreviations that refer to pets' growth stages:
PPS / EPPS / and kinda, sorta GUPPS
PPS stands for Peter Pan Syndrome and refers to a pet that will never grow to an adult stage. It's usually an "outcome" in a litter that is a little special like that c: Most (but not all) PPS pets will have that abbreviation on the pet image, and the pet info page will say: "PPS This pet has "PPS". What's that? Here's a PPS pet from February:
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EPPS is a term that means "early" or "extreme" PPS and is used to refer to PPS pets that never grew from their newborn/first stage. Here's an EPPS pet from February:
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Finally, GUPPS stands for "grown up" PPS. This one's a bit weirder because it refers almost exclusively to pets that are released during the advent calendar, when artists of a PPS pet released earlier in the year choose to create an adult version of it. For example, this puppy was originally released in Oct. 2023, then the artist made a "grown up" version for the Advent Calendar in December. The grown up version is a GUPPS:
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The shorthand "WL" stands for "Wish List." The acronym "FTT" stands for Fair-Trade Thread, which is a very popular and useful thread on the forum where you can post a link to a trade you sent or received, and other users will give their opinion on whether it seems fair or not. Some users refer to duplicate pets of the same outcome as "dupes."
Trading Status There are also some shorthand terms users will write into their pet names or pet group names that give you an idea of their trading status, like:
HTTF - "hard to trade for"
VHTTF - "very hard to trade for"
NFT - "not for trade"
UFT - "up for trade"
UFA - "up for auction," or sometimes, in the free adoptions forum board "up for adoption"
Pets' Rarities There are a handful of very easy-to-learn abbreviations that refer to pets' rarities:
OMGSC - OMG So Common
EC/XC - Extremely Common
VC - Very Common
C - Common
UC - Uncommon
VUC - Very Uncommon
EU/EUC/XUC - Extremely Uncommon
R - Rare
VR- Very Rare
ER - Extremely Rare
High Value Trades This is where things start to get complex. I'll explain some abbreviations that are common when trading high value pets, but if you start getting confused about what even is happening at this stage, don't stress about it: we can go over how high value trades work and whatnot in the future, if you like c:
High Value Pets Usually, the user base will agree on names for certain pet litters and outcomes to make trading and talking about pets easier. So if someone says "White February," I know they're talking about this white wolf that was originally released in 2009.There are certain high-value pets that come up so often in discussion that users have shorthanded their names into acronyms. Here are some popular examples I can think of:
BA - Black advent
BMD - Bernese mountain dog
TWA - Timberwolf advent
RBM - Rainbow mane
GWJ - Growing white July
BEG - Black-eyed galaxy
CEG - Clear-eyed galaxy
GSD - German Shepherd Dog
WWA - Winged wood angel
(Tangent: if you know the year and month a pet was released but not their (un)official name, there's a really cool archive run by CS users called Chicken Smoothie Transpets that basically functions like the archive, but it lists the widely agreed-upon names of relevant pets, including the acronyms!).
High Value Worth Shorthands Because trading high-value pets on CS can be a bit complex (since we don't know exactly how much rarer certain pets are compared to others; we only know estimates according to their rarity labels), there have been user researched and made guides to trading OMGSR and ER pets taking into account their demand and estimating how many are found up for trade. The current such guide that seems to be popular right now is Horror's [🐝] Guide to Trading Every Pet on CS. In order to trade certain high-value pets for others at the more or less agreed upon values, most of the userbase use certain labels to describe a pet's worth:
OR - Stands for Old Rares and refers to rare pets from 2010-2011
MA - Is equal in worth to 10 ORs. It stands for "Mid Advent," mostly as a leftover term from an older guide. It's not really important to know exactly why this term is used, and I feel like I am already giving you too much info, so maybe I can tell you the story another time XD. MAs are used to measure the more valuable pets on the site.
Non - Is equal in worth to 10 MAs (or 100 ORs). The term comes from the unofficial names of some of the earliest dogs to be released on CS.
True Date, Un-Released and Re-Released Pets Lore - December 18th is a really exciting day for the whole CS userbase. It is the day. The only day when all users have a chance to adopt pets that were released on previous years and are no longer available though the Adopt page. It is the only day you can adopt a very rare or more valuable pet reliably on the site—I hope you're around for that!
RR - Pets from previous years that are adopted on Dec. 18th are called Re-released pets, or RRs.
TD - In contrast, pets that were adopted in the month and year when they were originally released are called True Date pets, or TDs.
UR - Finally, Un-released pets, or URs are also adopted only on December 18th, but unlike every other pet given out on that day, UR pets have never been released normally before. They are always extremely rare and valuable. You can find the UR pets released each year under the "Special Releases" tab of the archive.
COPPA Sorry for the info-dump. Take a breath, we're back in easy territory c: You may see users mention COPPA users in their tarde rules and such. The acronym stands for "Children's Online Privacy Protection Act." To comply with this act, CS allows kids under 13 years old in the US to make an account and collect pets, but not to participate in the forums or write trade messages.
And, well, that's probably too much information already! But I hope you find it helpful. And if you have any questions about any abbreviation or terminology being used around the site, don't hesitate to ask. I promise to return a shorter answer next time! Let me know what else I can help out with or if you want to dig deeper into any of the subjects I mentioned above. c:
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dtoken · 1 year
How to create an NFT for free
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So, you want to know how to create an NFT for free? This tutorial will show you how. It’s way simpler to create, or ‘mint’ an NFT than you’d imagine — and doing it for free is just as easy. In this tutorial, I will create a single NFT artwork, and not delve into minting generative NFTs or an NFT collection.
But, what are NFTs? I hear you ask. Well, these non-fungible tokens are everywhere but they’re not actually as complex as they first seem. Basically, NFTs are a way of registering a digital file on a cryptocurrency blockchain, to make sure it’s a unique item and demonstrate ownership. Need more? See our guide to how to make and sell an NFT, but here I’ll show you how to specifically create an NFT for free.
You might assume you’ll need a computer or laptop to create an NFT. While that’s obviously possible, you can also do it on your mobile device. The best NFT apps for iPhone allow you to create an NFT on the go, and check out how your collection is doing. Plus, you can track NFTs on different blockchains. With that in mind, some of the steps below for creating an NFT for free are applicable, but I’m using a desktop browser and Wacom Studio tablet.
Once you have your NFT you’ll want to show it off in style, so consider buying one of the best NFT displays. For more on the top end of digital art frames read my feature ‘Why Tokenframe is one of the best NFT frames for digital art’.
How to create an NFT for free: the steps
01. Creating a crypto wallet account
You’re going to need a cryptocurrency wallet to set up an account on any NFT marketplace in order to create your NFT. We’re choosing Metamask as it’s one of the most widely used and accessible. There are alternatives, such as Coinbase wallet.
When you create your wallet account you’ll be given a 12 word ‘seed phrase’, this is your unique password. Keep it safe and don’t share it anywhere, the seed phrase acts as your security code (handy if you forget your password).
02. Making an account on an NFT marketplace
For this tutorial I’m creating an account on Rarible, but the same approach applies to any NFT marketplace. Read my guide to the best NFT marketplaces to find the right one for you.
Once you set up our account (adding a user name, photo, bio, etc.) link your Metamask account to your Rarible account by following the instructions. Linking your two accounts ensures your NFTs will appear in your wallet and all transactions can be easily completed (you’ll need to go into Metamask’s settings to automatically bring in your NFTs). My Metamask account also acts as my Rarible login.
Spend some time personalising your NFT marketplace account, adding a banner image, and linking in your social media accounts. The more time spent ensuring your socials are connected the better; you’ll find your art is more visible the more time you take to add detail into your page.
03. Painting some art
For this guide to how to create an NFT for free I quickly create a new piece of art. I google some random photo references and create a sketch using the painting app Rebelle 5; it’s quick and I’m not focusing on detail but a general sense of the face and proportions. (Read my Rebelle 5 review to find out more about this excellent digital art software.)
An NFT can be any digital file so create the art you enjoy making, but here I’m choosing a digital painting. I save the new painting as a jpeg and prepare to upload it to my new NFT marketplace account and mint it as an NFT.
04. Uploading your art
It’s time to upload my art and begin creating an NFT for free. These NFT marketplace sites like Rarible have very user-friendly guides to uploading your art and the process is generally the same (some select NFT marketplaces may want verify you, and this can take a few days). Click the Create tab in the top right of your account and continue.
You’ll now need to choose a blockchain. On Rarible there are four choices, including the new low-carbon cryptos Flow, Tezos and Polygon. (We have a must-read guide to the most popular NFT crypto to decide which is best for you.) To create an NFT for free I choose Ethereum.
05. Choosing free minting
The next options help your decide the value and type of NFT you’re creating, for example choose Single to create a one-off unique NFT or Multiple to mint a series of NFTs to create a collection. (Take a look at my NFT trends feature for inspiration.) Set the price, add a name and description, and make sure you switch Free Minting to ‘On’.
Free minting, or lazy minting, enables you to put the fees for minting onto the buyer so you won’t be charged. Usually you’re charged ‘gas fees’ — the cost of transacting on the blockchain — to mint an NFT. The unit of gas is called a ‘Gwei’. Depending on the traffic on the blockchain as you’re minting the fee can increase or decrease; the greater the traffic the higher the cost. Often it can be cheaper in the late evening or early morning.
But… I’m not being charged if I choose Free Minting. The downside to pushing the gas fees onto the buyer is you may need to lower your asking price to anticipate the later cost, or mint your NFT as an auction and let the buyer decide.
06. The NFT is minted
On Rarible, when the NFT is minted you get a lovely explosion of digital confetti. Now the real work begins. It’s best to social and post about your new NFT as soon as possible. You can link the new NFT directly to Twitter, Facebook, and other social media channels from within the NFT marketplace.
You see, minting an NFT for free is easy but there are some things you need to know; the advantage of free minting enables you to quickly create an NFT for free but it can have some drawbacks as NFT marketplaces tend to make ‘normal’ NFTs more visible. Because of this you’ll need to make more of your own social channels for promotion. You can find this NFT on Rarible(opens in new tab) to see how it looks in the wild.
How to create an NFT for free: frequent questions
What’s a blockchain?
This is a database that is shared amongst the nodes of a computer network. Each block in the chain contains data and constantly check and update the data. This makes any assets on the blockchain immutable, which ensures the data is extremely hard to change or delete. These are decentralised networks, meaning there is no third-party involved and all data is freely available for view and tracking.
What gives an NFT value?
Rarity and / or status help an NFT achieve value. So, for example, an NFT created by established artists such as Beeple, Damien Hirst, and Takashi Murakami will be worth a lot. But NFTs are breaking the rules. New artists are finding new ways to ensure NFTs differ from traditional art valuations. Community and utility is a major factor. Think of an NFT such as a Bored Ape Yacht Club as a ticket to a club, and that club will have exclusive events, chat groups and projects to be involved with; these community driven NFTs have great value.
Why is an NFT jpeg worth so much?
An NFT jpeg is worth so much because it’s not the jpeg that is being bought, but the hash token on the blockchain. The Crypto Punk art is the visual ‘thing’ we can find easy to understand, but the true value of the NFT is its token and the benefits it can bring by being on a blockchain. This can include being invited to exclusive in real life events.
How much does it cost to make an NFT?
It can be free, if you use lazy minting. Standard NFTs can vary wildly in the cost of gas fees to generate and register on a blockchain, and the costs rises and falls as the blockchain is being used. A typical NFT can cost anywhere from $10 / £7 to ¢$200 / £170. We have known of fees to reach $2,000 / £1,700.
What kinds of NFTs sell the best?
NFTs that have utility will always sell well as they embrace the full functionality of the blockchain. This is why you will find the below NFTs are some of the most popular.
1. Bored Ape Yacht Club 2. CryptoPunks 3. The Sandbox 4. Art Blocks 5. Doodles 6. Cool Cats 7. Decentraland 8. World of Women
Can I avoid gas fees without using lazy minting?
Yes, to a degree. Newer NFT crypto blockchains such as Wax enable you to set the gas fee limit you’re will to pay to mint an NFT. It will be processed and minted at a time when the gas fee matches your set level. Also, consider avoiding minting an NFT on Tuesdays and Thursdays as these are historically the busiest days and so the costliest.
Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in the article are for general informational purposes only and are not intended to provide specific financial or investment advice or recommendations for any individual for any investment product. The article is only intended to provide general information and opinions about NFTs. The views reflected in this article are subject to change at any time without notice.
Read more:
NFT drops: Everything you need to know
Discover the best NFT displays
NFT gaming: 10 things you need to know
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boaza · 1 year
Best Play-to-Earn Games with NFTs or Crypto
Best Play-to-Earn Games with NFTs or Crypto Play-to-earn games (P2E) do what traditional video games don’t — reward players for their time and effort spent in the game. After all, the players do create game content simply by participating and providing interactions for other players. And while many games have switched to the phrase ‘play and earn’, or the term ‘web3’, the idea remains the same — the ability to own game items as NFTs, and the ability to earn while playing in some manner. Sometimes those two things are the same. Sometimes not. But what is the same, is that each P2E game offers a way for players to be rewarded for their in-game activity. Some P2E games will require an initial investment, while others are free to play. But whatever your interest, there is something in the world of blockchain gaming to cover it. And though many games are still in development, they range from simple web games, to mobile, to FPS, to galaxy-spanning strategy games, to MMOs, and more! Keeping track of all of them can be a tough job, and so we’re here to help! Below are a few recommendation as well as our (ever growing, and ever updated) list of web3 enabled games with same basic info as well as links to our articles and game guides! About The Sandbox The Sandbox is an interconnected world of unique game experiences. With land plots of varying sizes, each land owner can build their own creations using a visual game builder. The Sandbox is still in alpha testing, but if you’re interested in play-to-earn games, this should definitely be on your radar. Check out our full The Sandbox review to learn how to get started.
About Axie Infinity Axie Infinity is the most important game developed on a blockchain thus far. The game focuses on breeding, collecting, and battling creatures named Axies and using them to explore the World of Lunacia. At its peak, the marketplace was making millions in sales every day, and Axies were selling for thousands of dollars each.
About Gods Unchained Gods Unchained is a collectible, fantasy, and trading card game built on the Ethereum network. It’s free to play, easy to get started, and offers play-to-earn opportunities right out of the gate.
About fairy cat Fairy Cat gamefi fairycat .net is a virtual pet blockchain game Play to earn. The Fairy Cat Blockchain Game offers players and investors a very unique opportunity to collect, trade, battle and earn rare assets that greatly increase their income. Fairy Cats and all other in-game items will be stored as NFTs with a 1:1 equivalent of USDT in the player's wallet and thus can be sold for profit and freely traded.
About Iluvium Illuvium is actually a suite of games set in the same universe. Illuvium Arena is a PvE, auto-battler, survival contest with leaderboards, Illuvium Zero features base building and NFT crafting for Illuvium Zero, the main game. In Illuvium Zero players wander the land in search of Illuvials to capture. All three games are currently in alpha testing.
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thebuzzedartist · 2 years
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moscheamara · 2 years
Top 5 Benefits of NFT Real Estate Marketplace Development
A Non-Fungible Token is a digital asset based on a cryptocurrency. Every NFT is unique and temporary, which results in its high market value due to an inevitable rise in demand.
Several industries have already ventured into the world of NFTs, leveraging the concept to trade in digital assets of all kinds. Real Estate is no exception.
NFTs are becoming popular in real estate for multiple reasons. Among these are the various ways it differs from traditional real estate operations.
This blog will look at five of the most significant ways NFT marketplace development services will benefit your real estate venture.
5 Advantages of NFT Marketplace Development Services In Real Estate
Since NFTs are based on cryptocurrencies, they come with all the advantages of using blockchain. These include:
High Security
Blockchains are based on decentralization and, as such, aren’t in control of a single entity. It makes them impervious to most attacks. 
In short, an NFT platform powered by Blockchain is resistant to hacking and data manipulation, making it an ideal platform for online trading properties. Transparency is further enhanced by allowing traders access to transactional data.
This secures the NFT real estate marketplace. Consequently, users do not have to worry about being scammed or defrauded when performing transactions.
2.Convenient Transfers
Transferring digital assets like NFTs is a breeze. It gives them a significant advantage over conventional real estate paperwork and transfer methods. Several NFT marketplaces are available and succeed because they simplify users' transfer of assets to other users.
Fast and efficient transfer processes significantly increase the likelihood of the user coming back for more. You may want to consult this NFT real estate marketplace guide to know more about the transfer process.
3.No Unnecessary Charges
Wouldn't it be nice if you could exchange real estate properties without going through any middlemen? NFT-based real estate networks don't have intermediaries. Users can breathe easy as they only have to pay a minimal transaction fee.
Furthermore, it is possible for marketplace owners to make their platform exclusive. This results in decreased traffic and lower transaction costs in exclusive marketplaces.
4.Fractional Possession
NFTs, or fractions, are ways for property owners to divide their property. Also, they can sell the NFTs that represent ownership of the property.
Fractional NFTs are an excellent alternative for buyers who do not have the means to purchase full NFTs. The same asset can thus be partially owned by multiple investors, which is also valid for real-world properties.
Owners can split their asset (property) into a specific number of shares set to be sold at a special price. There is no change in the original value of the NFT as a whole, even when these shares are bought and sold on secondary markets.
5.Effective Ownership Validation
Every detail related to the piece of real estate is recorded in a smart contract. This information includes its location, ownership, and construction-related details, which are easily accessible for validation.
Start Searching For The Best NFT Development Company
These benefits have led to rising demand in the digital real estate sector, where prices may be similar to or higher than actual houses.
Now that you have made it this far, you may have decided to enter this market with an NFT marketplace of your own. In that case, hire a reliable company for NFT marketplace development services you can trust.
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jackfarris1 · 6 days
White Label NFT Marketplace: A Comprehensive Guide
The world of NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) has rapidly evolved, becoming a cornerstone of the digital economy. For businesses and individuals looking to enter this lucrative space, white label NFT marketplaces offer a seamless and customizable solution. This guide delves deep into what a white label NFT marketplace is, its benefits, and how you can leverage it to thrive in the NFT ecosystem.
What is a White Label NFT Marketplace?
A white label NFT marketplace is a pre-built platform that allows businesses to launch their own branded marketplace without developing one from scratch. These platforms come with all the necessary features and functionalities, enabling a quicker and more cost-effective entry into the NFT market. The term "white label" indicates that the platform can be rebranded with your logo, design, and customizations to reflect your unique brand identity.
Key Features of a White Label NFT Marketplace
1. Customizable User Interface
A standout feature of white label solutions is their highly customizable user interface. This allows you to create a marketplace that aligns with your brand’s aesthetics and user experience preferences. Customization can include branding, layout changes, and integration of specific features that cater to your audience.
2. Robust Security Measures
Security is paramount in the NFT space. White label NFT marketplaces come equipped with advanced security protocols to protect against fraud, hacking, and other malicious activities. Features like end-to-end encryption, two-factor authentication, and secure smart contracts ensure the safety of transactions and user data.
3. Scalability
These platforms are built to scale with your business. As your marketplace grows, the infrastructure can handle increased traffic and transaction volumes without compromising performance. This scalability is crucial for businesses looking to expand their reach in the NFT market.
4. Integrated Wallets and Payment Gateways
A critical component of any NFT marketplace is the ability to handle transactions seamlessly. White label solutions come with integrated wallets and support multiple payment gateways, facilitating easy buying, selling, and trading of NFTs. This integration simplifies the user experience and increases the platform’s accessibility.
5. Multi-Chain Support
To appeal to a broader audience, many white label NFT marketplaces offer multi-chain support. This means that the platform can operate on various blockchain networks like Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, and others, giving users more options for creating and trading NFTs.
Benefits of Using a White Label NFT Marketplace
1. Cost-Effective Solution
Building a marketplace from scratch requires significant time, money, and technical expertise. A white label solution dramatically reduces these costs, providing a ready-made platform that can be customized to your needs. This allows you to enter the market more quickly and efficiently.
2. Time Efficiency
Developing a custom NFT marketplace can take months or even years. White label solutions expedite this process, enabling you to launch your marketplace in a matter of weeks. This speed to market is a crucial advantage in the fast-paced world of NFTs.
3. Proven Technology
White label NFT marketplaces are built on proven technology stacks that have been tested and optimized. This reliability ensures that your marketplace runs smoothly and provides a high-quality user experience.
4. Focus on Branding and Marketing
With the technical aspects taken care of, you can focus on what you do best: branding and marketing your marketplace. This focus can help you attract and retain users, setting your platform apart from the competition.
How to Choose the Right White Label NFT Marketplace Provider
1. Assess Your Needs
Before selecting a provider, assess your specific needs. Consider factors like the types of NFTs you want to support, your target audience, and any unique features you require. This assessment will help you narrow down providers that can meet your needs.
2. Evaluate the Technology Stack
Look for providers that use robust and scalable technology stacks. Ensure that their platform supports the blockchain networks you’re interested in and offers the security features you need.
3. Customization Options
Check the level of customization offered. The more customizable the platform, the better you can tailor it to your brand’s identity. Ask about design options, feature integrations, and any limitations on customization.
4. Support and Maintenance
Consider the level of support and maintenance provided. A good provider should offer ongoing support to help you manage and troubleshoot your marketplace. This support can be crucial in ensuring your marketplace runs smoothly over time.
5. Pricing and Licensing
Understand the pricing structure and licensing terms. Some providers may charge a one-time fee, while others may offer subscription-based models. Choose a provider whose pricing aligns with your budget and business model.
What is the difference between a white label NFT marketplace and a custom-built marketplace?
A white label NFT marketplace is a pre-built platform that can be customized and branded, allowing for a quicker and more cost-effective launch. In contrast, a custom-built marketplace is developed from scratch, offering complete control over features and design but requiring more time and resources.
Can I integrate my existing blockchain wallet with a white label NFT marketplace?
Yes, most white label NFT marketplaces support the integration of existing blockchain wallet. This feature allows users to connect their preferred wallets, enhancing the convenience and user experience.
Blockchain wallet are digital tools that allow users to store, manage, and transact cryptocurrencies securely. They provide access to various blockchain networks, facilitating the seamless exchange of digital assets while ensuring robust security measures to protect against fraud and unauthorized access. Start using a blockchain wallet today to safeguard your digital assets. If you want to learn more about blockchain wallet visit our website.
How secure are white label NFT marketplaces?
White label NFT marketplaces prioritize security, implementing features like end-to-end encryption, two-factor authentication, and secure smart contracts. These measures protect against fraud and ensure the safety of transactions and user data.
Is it possible to switch providers after launching my white label NFT marketplace?
Switching providers can be challenging but not impossible. It depends on the provider’s terms and the level of customization and data migration involved. It’s essential to choose a reliable provider from the start to avoid complications later.
How do white label NFT marketplaces handle transaction fees?
Transaction fees are typically set by the marketplace owner. Some white label solutions may offer flexible fee structures, allowing you to determine how much to charge for transactions, which can include listing fees, sales commissions, and withdrawal fees.
Can I scale my white label NFT marketplace as my business grows?
Yes, scalability is a core feature of white label NFT marketplaces. They are designed to handle increased traffic and transaction volumes, ensuring that your marketplace can grow with your business.
A white label NFT marketplace presents a powerful and efficient way to enter the NFT space. With its customizable features, robust security, and scalability, it offers a comprehensive solution for businesses looking to capitalize on the growing NFT market. You can create a successful and thriving NFT marketplace by choosing the right provider and focusing on branding and user experience.
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jackjones9354 · 7 days
Crafting Your Vision: Exploring Custom NFT Marketplaces
In the ever-expanding realm of digital collectibles, customization reigns supreme. From personalized artwork to bespoke virtual experiences, the demand for tailored treasures has never been higher. Enter the world of custom NFT marketplaces, where artists and collectors come together to create and curate unique digital assets unlike any other.
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Crafting Custom Creations: Navigating Custom NFT Marketplaces
Custom NFT marketplaces offer a one-of-a-kind experience for both creators and collectors. These platforms provide a space where artists can unleash their creativity and offer personalized pieces that speak to individual tastes and preferences. Whether you're looking for a commissioned artwork or a customized digital collectible, custom NFT marketplaces cater to discerning collectors who crave unique treasures.
Bermuda Unicorn: Setting the Standard for Custom NFT Marketplaces
Among the myriad of custom NFT marketplaces, Bermuda Unicorn stands out as a pioneer in the field of digital customization. With its innovative platform and commitment to excellence, Bermuda Unicorn offers a curated space where artists can thrive and collectors can discover bespoke treasures tailored to their specifications. Powered by cutting-edge technology and guided by a passion for creativity, Bermuda Unicorn sets the standard for custom NFT marketplaces.
Embracing Personalization: Thriving in the World of Custom NFT Marketplaces
For artists, custom NFT marketplaces provide an opportunity to showcase their talent and offer personalized creations that resonate with collectors on a deeper level. Whether it's a portrait, a digital avatar, or a virtual experience, artists can leverage custom NFT marketplaces to connect with clients who seek unique and meaningful treasures. With its user-friendly interface and robust features, Bermuda Unicorn empowers artists to bring their creative visions to life and offer bespoke creations that stand the test of time.
Tailored Treasures: Choosing the Perfect Piece
In the world of custom NFT marketplaces, collectors have the opportunity to curate a collection that reflects their individuality and taste. Whether you're a seasoned collector or a newcomer to the world of digital assets, Bermuda Unicorn offers a curated selection of bespoke treasures waiting to be discovered. With its intuitive search filters and personalized recommendations, Bermuda Unicorn makes it easy for collectors to find the perfect piece that speaks to their unique style and sensibilities.
In the world of digital collectibles, custom NFT marketplaces offer a unique and exciting opportunity for artists and collectors alike. With Bermuda Unicorn leading the way as a pioneer in the field, creators can unleash their creativity and offer bespoke treasures that captivate audiences around the world. Whether you're seeking a personalized masterpiece or a unique addition to your collection, Bermuda Unicorn provides a curated space where tailored treasures await. Join us on this journey of discovery and personalization as we explore the art of custom NFT marketplaces with Bermuda Unicorn at the helm.
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visual0046 · 14 days
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Introduction of Renovi
Renovi is a pioneering in-game advertising company which is committed to partnering with brands and game developers to create immersive ad experiences that resonate with players. By using Web3 technologies to reward players with unique in-game assets as NFTs, enhancing engagement and offering real-world value or through smart contracts on the blockchain which will automate fair reward distribution to players, ensuring transparency and trust in the ad engagement process. Renovi is also exploring opportunities to integrate Web3 technologies and interactive ad formats, paving the way for a new era of in-game advertising.
WHAT Renovi Will DO
Seamless Integration Our platform seamlessly integrates advertising into the gaming environment, enhancing immersion and player engagement without disrupting gameplay.
Targeted Campaigns Reach your desired audience with precision through our advanced targeting capabilities. From demographics to in-game behavior, we ensure your message reaches the right players at the right time.
Monetize Your Game If you're a game developer looking to monetize your creation, Renovi provides a hassle-free way to generate revenue while preserving the integrity of your game.
Data-Driven Insights Leverage our comprehensive analytics tools to gain valuable insights into player behavior, campaign performance, and ROI. Make informed decisions to optimize your advertising campaign.
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Renovi Core Values
At Renovi, our core values define who we are, how we operate, and what we strive for...
Innovation Driven We embrace innovation as our guiding principle, continually pushing boundaries and seeking novel solutions to advance the gaming advertising landscape.
Player Centric The player experience is paramount. We prioritize player satisfaction and engagement in all our endeavors, ensuring that our advertising seamlessly integrates into their games.
Continuous Learning We embrace a culture of continuous learning and development. We believe that every challenge is an opportunity to grow and improve.
Adaptive Agility In the ever-evolving world of gaming and advertising, we exhibit adaptive agility. We remain agile, flexible, and ready to pivot to meet new challenges and opportunities head-on.
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Why Choose Renovi as Your In-Game Advertising Partner?
Diversify Your Revenue Stream Secure an additional, incremental revenue stream that seamlessly complements your existing strategies. Renovi safeguards the gaming experience while maximizing your monetization potential.
Access Top-Tier Advertising Partners Strategic partnerships with the world's largest advertising agencies and premium brands. Tap into record-breaking brands in gaming advertising and open the door to this ever-growing spend.
Enhanced Player Satisfaction Our in-game ads are thoughtfully designed to seamlessly integrate into gameplay, enhancing realism and delivering an experience that resonates with gamers. We prioritize your game's design and player immersion, ensuring an authentic, and immersive environment.
Optimized Performance Our SDK is developer-friendly, ensuring easy integration with no compromise on game performance. Our technology is compatible across PC, mobile, and console platforms, accommodating engines like Unity and Unreal.
Maintain Control Monitor real-time performance data, tailor ad formats to your preferences, and manage brand approvals. Our rigorous brand-safety checks and verification ensure the right content is delivered in every in-game environment, safeguarding your intellectual property.
Team & Advisors
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Partners & Backers
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Renovi winning roadmap
The roadmap below outlines the key activities our team plans to execute in the coming months, up until the beginning of summer:
Q1 2024 (January – March):
Finish the First Version of the Platform
Build Unity SDK
On-board First of Many Games
Payment System Integrations
Minor Feature Improvements
Q2 2024 (April – June):
On-board Brands and Advertising Agencies
Continue On-Boarding More Games
Offer More Analytics and Improved Features on the Platform
Build the Team
Marketing and Brand Building
Our journey has just begun, and we are thrilled to have you with us. Thank you for your continued support, and together, we’ll shape the future of in-game advertising
Website: https://renovi.io/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/RenoviHub Telegram: https://t.me/RenoviHUB Medium: https://medium.com/@renovihub Discord: https://discord.gg/SPhuNQ7Zzr
Forum Username: Visual_verification Forum Profile Link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=3458580 Telegram username: @Visual_verification BSC Wallet Address: 0x446dEd42F03500B6C459cD0F1c7295a186Eb7fB4
1 note · View note
devoqdesign · 15 days
The Psychology of User Behavior: How to Design for User Needs
In today's digital landscape, understanding the psychology behind user behavior is crucial for creating successful designs that meet user needs. Designing with user psychology in mind can lead to more intuitive, engaging, and effective user experiences. This article explores the psychology of user behavior and provides insights on how to design for user needs.
Understanding User Psychology
User behavior is influenced by a variety of factors, including cognitive, emotional, and social elements. Cognitive psychology plays a significant role in how users perceive and interact with design elements. Understanding cognitive processes such as attention, memory, and decision-making can help designers create interfaces that are easy to navigate and understand.
Emotional psychology is another important aspect of user behavior. Emotions play a key role in decision-making and can influence how users perceive a product or service. By designing with emotions in mind, designers can create experiences that resonate with users on a deeper level.
Importance of Designing for User Needs
Designing for user needs is essential for creating successful products and services. User-centric design focuses on understanding the goals, motivations, and behaviors of users to create experiences that meet their needs effectively.
By designing with user needs in mind, designers can create experiences that are more intuitive, efficient, and enjoyable for users. This approach can lead to increased user satisfaction, loyalty, and ultimately, business success.
Applying Psychology to Design
When designing with user psychology in mind, there are several key principles to consider. Cognitive load refers to the amount of mental effort required to complete a task. Designers can reduce cognitive load by simplifying interfaces and minimizing distractions, making it easier for users to focus on the task at hand.
Visual hierarchy is another important concept in design psychology. By organizing information in a way that guides the user's eye, designers can help users process information more efficiently and make informed decisions.
Emotional Design and User Engagement
Emotional design focuses on creating experiences that evoke positive emotions in users. By designing for emotional engagement, designers can create experiences that are more memorable and impactful.
Building trust and loyalty are also important aspects of emotional design. By creating experiences that are consistent, reliable, and transparent, designers can build trust with users and encourage repeat interactions.
Best Practices for Designing with User Psychology in Mind
Conduct user research to understand the needs and behaviors of your target audience.
Use personas to create design solutions that are tailored to the needs of specific user groups.
Test designs with real users to gather feedback and identify areas for improvement.
Iterate on designs based on user feedback to create a more user-centric experience.
Designing for user needs requires a deep understanding of user psychology and behavior. By applying principles of cognitive and emotional psychology to design, designers can create experiences that are more intuitive, engaging, and effective. By putting the user at the center of the design process, designers can create experiences that resonate with users and drive business success.
Visit my Upwork profile for — UI/UX design, Web Design, Mobile design &  Web app designer Check out my amazing project catalog — iOS or Android Mobile APP UX/UI Design, Responsive website design & Crypto & NFT Mobile App UI Design
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market-news-24 · 16 days
Welcome to our comprehensive glossary of Bitcoin and cryptocurrency terms that everyone should know. This guide breaks down complex terminology into simple spoken English, making it easier for beginners to navigate the world of digital currencies. From blockchain and wallets to mining and forks, we cover it all. Stay informed and educated in the rapidly evolving cryptocurrency space with our easy-to-understand definitions. Click to Claim Latest Airdrop for FREE Claim in 15 seconds Scroll Down to End of This Post const downloadBtn = document.getElementById('download-btn'); const timerBtn = document.getElementById('timer-btn'); const downloadLinkBtn = document.getElementById('download-link-btn'); downloadBtn.addEventListener('click', () => downloadBtn.style.display = 'none'; timerBtn.style.display = 'block'; let timeLeft = 15; const timerInterval = setInterval(() => if (timeLeft === 0) clearInterval(timerInterval); timerBtn.style.display = 'none'; downloadLinkBtn.style.display = 'inline-block'; // Add your download functionality here console.log('Download started!'); else timerBtn.textContent = `Claim in $timeLeft seconds`; timeLeft--; , 1000); ); Win Up To 93% Of Your Trades With The World's #1 Most Profitable Trading Indicators [ad_1] Tokens, cryptocurrencies, and digital assets are often used interchangeably, but they are actually different from each other. Starting with digital assets - this is a broader term that refers to assets that exist in digital form and can be stored, transferred, and managed electronically. Examples include cryptocurrencies, tokens, and NFTs (non-fungible tokens). Now, let's talk about cryptocurrencies. These are digital assets that rely on cryptography to facilitate secure financial transactions. They are decentralized and operate on a distributed ledger technology called a blockchain. Bitcoin is a well-known example of a cryptocurrency. It's important to note that all cryptocurrencies are digital assets, but not all digital assets are cryptocurrencies. Lastly, we have tokens. These are created on top of an existing blockchain network. For example, Shiba Inu, a popular meme-based coin, was created on the Ethereum blockchain network and does not have its own network. This means that one blockchain network can support multiple tokens. Ethereum, for instance, serves as the foundation for several tokens. Understanding the distinctions between these terms is crucial for navigating the world of digital finance and investments effectively. Win Up To 93% Of Your Trades With The World's #1 Most Profitable Trading Indicators [ad_2] 1. What is Bitcoin? Bitcoin is a type of digital currency that operates independently of a central bank. It can be used for online transactions and as an investment. 2. What is a cryptocurrency? A cryptocurrency is a form of digital currency that uses cryptography for security. Bitcoin is one example of a cryptocurrency. 3. What is a blockchain? A blockchain is a decentralized digital ledger that records transactions across multiple computers. It is the underlying technology behind cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin. 4. What is a wallet? A cryptocurrency wallet is a digital tool that allows you to securely store and manage your cryptocurrencies. It is like a digital bank account for your digital currencies. 5. What is mining? Mining is the process of verifying transactions on a blockchain network. Miners use powerful computers to solve complex mathematical problems, which helps secure the network and earn rewards in the form of new cryptocurrency coins. Win Up To 93% Of Your Trades With The World's #1 Most Profitable Trading Indicators [ad_1] Win Up To 93% Of Your Trades With The World's #1 Most Profitable Trading Indicators Claim Airdrop now Searching FREE Airdrops 20 seconds Sorry There is No FREE Airdrops Available now. Please visit Later
function claimAirdrop() document.getElementById('claim-button').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('timer-container').style.display = 'block'; let countdownTimer = 20; const countdownInterval = setInterval(function() document.getElementById('countdown').textContent = countdownTimer; countdownTimer--; if (countdownTimer < 0) clearInterval(countdownInterval); document.getElementById('timer-container').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('sorry-button').style.display = 'block'; , 1000);
0 notes
solgods11 · 17 days
How to Create a Meme Coin on SolGods: A Step-by-Step Guide
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In the world of cryptocurrency, meme coins have taken the market by storm. These coins, often inspired by internet memes or trends, have gained immense popularity due to their community-driven nature and often whimsical branding. One of the emerging platforms for creating meme coins is SolGods, a Solana-based ecosystem that provides tools for developers to launch their own tokens. In this guide, we'll walk through the process of creating a meme coin on SolGods.
What is SolGods?
SolGods is a decentralized finance (DeFi) platform built on the Solana blockchain. It aims to empower developers to easily create and deploy their own custom tokens, including meme coins. SolGods provides a user-friendly interface and smart contract templates, making it accessible even to those without extensive coding knowledge.
🏆 Task: Earn 250 $CLOT for completing all tasks + chance to win an iPhone, AI watches, and NFTs. 👨‍👩‍👧 Referral: The top 10 referrers will win special prizes like AI watches and NFTs! ➡️ Airdrop Instructions: 1. Join Camelot Telegram group and channel. ()
2. Follow SolGods on Twitter and tweet in favor, tagging @CamelotProtocol. ()
3. Visit SolGodst’s website, link your wallet, and explore the features. ()
4. Follow SolGods on Instagram and engage with their latest posts. ()
5. Subscribe to SolGods Protocol on YouTube for exclusive content. () ✏️ Notes: Airdrop ends on [31/06/2024] .
The total airdrop pool includes XXX $CLOT. The top 10 referrers will receive additional prizes.
Step 1: Understand Your Coin's Purpose Before diving into the technical aspects, it's crucial to define the purpose of your meme coin. What makes it unique? What problem does it solve, or what community does it serve? Whether it's a meme coin based on a popular internet trend, a tribute to a beloved animal, or a token for supporting a cause, clarity on your coin's purpose will guide your decisions throughout the creation process.
Step 2: Set Up Your SolGods Account To get started, you'll need to create an account on the SolGods platform. Head to the SolGods website and sign up for an account. Once you've logged in, you'll have access to the dashboard and tools for creating your token.
Step 3: Design Your Token Now it's time to design your meme coin. In the SolGods dashboard, navigate to the "Token Builder" section. Here, you can customize various aspects of your token, including its name, symbol, total supply, and initial distribution. Consider factors such as tokenomics (supply distribution, inflation rate, etc.) and token features (such as burn mechanisms or rewards) to make your coin appealing to potential users.
Step 4: Deploy Your Token After designing your token, it's time to deploy it on the Solana blockchain. In the SolGods dashboard, navigate to the "Deploy" section. Here, you'll need to specify details such as the token's smart contract address and initial liquidity. SolGods streamlines this process, making it easy to deploy your token with just a few clicks.
Step 5: Market Your Meme Coin Once your meme coin is live, it's essential to market it effectively to attract users and build a strong community. Utilize social media platforms, forums, and crypto communities to spread the word about your coin. Engage with your audience, share updates, and foster a sense of community around your meme coin.
Step 6: Maintain and Grow Your Community Creating a meme coin is just the beginning. To ensure its long-term success, you'll need to actively maintain and grow your community. Listen to feedback from your users, continue to innovate, and adapt to changing market conditions. Regularly communicate with your community to keep them engaged and informed.
Creating a meme coin on SolGods can be an exciting and rewarding experience. By following these steps and leveraging the tools provided by SolGods, you can bring your meme coin idea to life and join the vibrant world of cryptocurrency. Remember, success in the crypto space often hinges on community support, so prioritize building a strong and engaged user base for your meme coin. Happy memeing!
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nijezaljubljen · 19 days
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Renovi is a pioneering in-game advertising company which is committed to partnering with brands and game developers to create immersive ad experiences that resonate with players. By using Web3 technologies to reward players with unique in-game assets as NFTs, enhancing engagement and offering real-world value or through smart contracts on the blockchain which will automate fair reward distribution to players, ensuring transparency and trust in the ad engagement process. Renovi is also exploring opportunities to integrate Web3 technologies and interactive ad formats, paving the way for a new era of in-game advertising.
WHAT Renovi Will DO
Seamless Integration Our platform seamlessly integrates advertising into the gaming environment, enhancing immersion and player engagement without disrupting gameplay.
Targeted Campaigns Reach your desired audience with precision through our advanced targeting capabilities. From demographics to in-game behavior, we ensure your message reaches the right players at the right time.
Monetize Your Game If you're a game developer looking to monetize your creation, Renovi provides a hassle-free way to generate revenue while preserving the integrity of your game.
Data-Driven Insights Leverage our comprehensive analytics tools to gain valuable insights into player behavior, campaign performance, and ROI. Make informed decisions to optimize your advertising campaign.
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Renovi Core Values
At Renovi, our core values define who we are, how we operate, and what we strive for...
Innovation Driven We embrace innovation as our guiding principle, continually pushing boundaries and seeking novel solutions to advance the gaming advertising landscape.
Player Centric The player experience is paramount. We prioritize player satisfaction and engagement in all our endeavors, ensuring that our advertising seamlessly integrates into their games.
Continuous Learning We embrace a culture of continuous learning and development. We believe that every challenge is an opportunity to grow and improve.
Adaptive Agility In the ever-evolving world of gaming and advertising, we exhibit adaptive agility. We remain agile, flexible, and ready to pivot to meet new challenges and opportunities head-on.
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Why Choose Renovi as Your In-Game Advertising Partner?
Diversify Your Revenue Stream Secure an additional, incremental revenue stream that seamlessly complements your existing strategies. Renovi safeguards the gaming experience while maximizing your monetization potential.
Access Top-Tier Advertising Partners Strategic partnerships with the world's largest advertising agencies and premium brands. Tap into record-breaking brands in gaming advertising and open the door to this ever-growing spend.
Enhanced Player Satisfaction Our in-game ads are thoughtfully designed to seamlessly integrate into gameplay, enhancing realism and delivering an experience that resonates with gamers. We prioritize your game's design and player immersion, ensuring an authentic, and immersive environment.
Optimized Performance Our SDK is developer-friendly, ensuring easy integration with no compromise on game performance. Our technology is compatible across PC, mobile, and console platforms, accommodating engines like Unity and Unreal.
Maintain Control Monitor real-time performance data, tailor ad formats to your preferences, and manage brand approvals. Our rigorous brand-safety checks and verification ensure the right content is delivered in every in-game environment, safeguarding your intellectual property.
Team & Advisors
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Partners & Backers
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Renovi winning roadmap
The roadmap below outlines the key activities our team plans to execute in the coming months, up until the beginning of summer:
Q1 2024 (January – March):
Finish the First Version of the Platform
Build Unity SDK
On-board First of Many Games
Payment System Integrations
Minor Feature Improvements
Q2 2024 (April – June):
On-board Brands and Advertising Agencies
Continue On-Boarding More Games
Offer More Analytics and Improved Features on the Platform
Build the Team
Marketing and Brand Building
Our journey has just begun, and we are thrilled to have you with us. Thank you for your continued support, and together, we’ll shape the future of in-game advertising
Website: https://renovi.io/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/RenoviHub Telegram: https://t.me/RenoviHUB Medium: https://medium.com/@renovihub Discord: https://discord.gg/SPhuNQ7Zzr
Forum Username: sahur2022 Forum Profile Link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=3463967 Telegram Username: @sahur20244 BSC Wallet Address: 0x3E7932F987833D8aed4E75D9c639844417ed05A7
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