magma-mouse · 5 years
Hey Kiwi hows your work load coming?
“do you need to go smash something” 
“Maybe a little bit....yeah”
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curiousobjecthead · 5 years
“ This one. The ex - ℝ𝕠𝕔𝕜𝕖𝕥 one. ”
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“ I like her. ”
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🌻 @earnmystrikes || Cause I lov u Lo 🌻
The news of her father's passing had been incredibly devastating. Her mother had come to Po Town personally to talk with her, but she had run away, deep into the Shady House. The little girl found herself in front of Clarissa's room.
Bawling her eyes out, Himawari couldn't even knock as she was too busy trying futilely to wipe her tears. Surely her sobs could be heard through the door, and she desperately hoped Clarissa would be there.
Dosh'Te and Guzma would be too painful to go to now, as her "surrogate" fathers. Their presence would only remind her that her real father was gone forever. Hima needed Clarissa.
🌻 "C-C-Clarissa!!" 🌻
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sunflowcrchild · 5 years
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This is what the see shortly before the door slams in their face and the lock clicks.
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forgxtmxnot · 5 years
@earnmystrikes has sent: 🙌 tabitha
Send a 🙌 and I’ll introduce you to an NPC related to my Muse.          [Accepting, specify muse] 
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Maxie could definetely be seen as a cult leader- he built himself as a messiah to his organisation, bringing on board of Team magma people with an weak mind- empty heads or those who felt extremely vulnerable at the time. People who would easily be manipulated and desesitized- following him without any questioning ever made.
Tabitha wasn’t approached by Maxie, instead he was recruited by one of the admins at the time. He joined the organisation around the same time as Courtney, and they both grew within it at a similair pace- replacing both previous ones in the process.
In fact it actually took a long while until Tabitha got the first glance of his Leader.
Their relationship was strictly of Leader/subordinate.
Maxie was a lot more than just a Leader in Tabitha’s eyes at the time, he perceived the man as a God. One that couldn’t do any wrong, and holder of the truth. This is why when the Wather disaster came, Tabitha was shocked by the idea that his leader- didn’t foresee something of that magnitude.
What once was a reverenced man by Tabitha, became a synonymous of hatred and disgust in his eyes- as soon as he became fully aware and self conscious. He feels used- all those years went to complete waste. He doesn’t wish to see the man’s face, ever again in his life.
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sealcdheart · 5 years
@earnmystrikes 【CONTINUED.】
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❝Does it look like I honestly care what you said?❞ Cole doesn't even look up but the words are clearly directed back at her, Umbreon's head glancing between the both of them before running off to do as her trainer instructed. He reached into his pocket and grabbed his phone, checking for messages and emails before standing back up. There's a compass APP and a map of the area displayed on the screen, informing him of where he was and the nearest Pokemon Center. This place was a lot different than Orre, there was a lot more—just to it.
Finally getting his barings he does move out of the way, but just so he could step his way into the tall grass where Umbreon and Espeon had rushed off to. There was a cave across the water here, blocked off from anyone who doesn't have the Gym Badges of the region, at least that's what his information says. He can probably get in, nothing was out of Cole's reach.
❝Aside from the caves there is no other exit and the one over here is a dead end. The other connects to another town.❞ Picking one or the other would lead in a loss if they're not there. Which means he has to figure out the correct path. Hopefully Umbreon and Espeon picked up the trail. Sometimes he thinks it might be useful to add an Arcanine to his team.
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gnzma · 5 years
earnmystrikes ha risposto al tuo post “(◕‿◕✿)”
ok but now you have to icon it
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[like, yknow
nya motherfuckers]
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timebranded · 5 years
Examine! Mespirit
Send “Examine!” and an item or person and I’ll write an RPG description of it/them. // Always Accepting tbh
It’s Mesprit!
You don’t even need to look into your bag to know that she’s probably hiding in it; her Aura is unmistakable. This wouldn’t be the first time she outright stole stuff from your Bag; in fact, you’re almost used to it by now. 
Look into your bag anyway?>[YES][NO]
Just to make sure she’s not playing a trick on you with her astral projection nonsense. This wouldn’t be the first time she’s done that, either.
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You carefully open the bag. Sure enough, there she was. She’s careful not to touch any of the PokeBalls in the bag, instead going right for the Poffin case. She’s cheerfully munching away on the spicy ones, giving you a chirp in greeting when she finally notices you.
Huh. Last time she ate all the extra sour ones. Do her favorite flavors change every once in a while, or was she one of those Pokemon that enjoyed every flavor?
What will you do?[Shoo Mesprit away]>[Tease her][Do nothing]
“Don’t eat too much, now. You might get a stomachache like you did last time,” you quip. Mesprit pauses in her eating. She huffs, and he next thing you know your hat is pulled over your eyes. She’s giggling, though. You mean no harm in the quip, and you’re certain she knows that. 
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haematophiliac-a · 5 years
==> Act: Take all your piercings out and leave them out until the holes start closing up
Do it >>> Accepting     “I once told somebody I loved them just so they would sleep with me that night. I left after they fell asleep and blocked all contact with them. I have not seen the woman since and nor do I want to. She was really into me.”     
A pause.
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     “Piercings are too important.”
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heartbxnd-blog · 5 years
@earnmystrikes has sent: Give me the dirt!
Send “Give me the dirt!” and I’ll provide a piece of gossip/a rumor about my muse! It may be true or it may be wildly outlandish! [Accepting] 
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That man definetely signed a contract with some kind of entity to get those so called abilities, and let me tell you they likely weren’t good ones. He tries to convince people how he ain’t talking to the dead, that’s just full of bullshit. For crying out loud, he came out of thin air AND ON TOP OF THAT uses ghost type pokemon! Tell me how that doesn’t look and sound fishy in anyway or shape?
Whatever, so long as no kids are going missing. I guess he can be tolerable.
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son-of-skarmory · 5 years
@earnmystrikes asked:  🐰- Favorite Movie?
Munday! Send me some stuff!
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teamrockxtgrunt · 5 years
14. Do you have any NPCs for your muse’s world or story? If yes, can you tell us something about them?
20 asks for OC writers @earnmystrikes​
14. Do you have any NPCs for your muse’s world or story? If yes, can you tell us something about them?
I have quite a few! His parents and grandparents (on his father’s side) I’ve already spoken about a great deal, so I’ll name a few others:
He has an Uncle on his mother’s side who always liked to tease him and it made Cyan grow up to dislike him greatly. The older man never thought it was bullying, but Cyan took it that way. He’s currently in Sinnoh training his ice-based team!
Scarlet, Cyan’s first crush and first girlfriend in 3rd grade, who he held hands with and mutually broke up with a week later. She’s doing great, has a loving wife and specializes in steel-type pokemon, although her real passion is engineering. The long, red curls that she had as a child have been cut into a short bob so that she can work in dangerous environments where the locks could have been caught.
Oliver, Cyan’s second crush, when they were around 11-12 years old. Oliver was older by a year. He was the one who asked Cyan to close his eyes, and Cyan, thinking he was about to be kissed did so. Unfortunately he was wrong, and Oliver merely pushed him off the dock. Oliver is an Ace Trainer currently somewhere in Victory Road, and his title is apt for more reasons than he’s just good at pokemon. If they were still in each other’s lives, they’d probably be really good friends.
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curiousobjecthead · 5 years
earnmystrikes replied to your post
clarissa has braincells but is selfish and won’t share
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Unpopular opinion one: I think that as long as it’s done respectfully, and the character is made into someone separate from the original, gender bending is not an awful thing.  I definitely can see where it can be transphobic, but I have also seen some really good gender bends that are done respectfully, and make the character into something new and refreshing.
But again; it’s all about respect!!  If people come along with genuine criticism about your gender bend, listen because it is very possible for it to be transphobic.
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magicmagikarp · 5 years
15. How often does your muse cry? Do they view it as weakness?
Angsty Character Questions || MEME
15. How often does your muse cry? Do they view it as weakness?
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     : [ 🐟 ] : – “Crying is crying. It’s something we humans do.”
TL;DR: Usually, M views crying as a sort of weakness. Weakness in the sense that the body is experiencing something that is too overwhelming and is breaking. M cries more often than he’d like others to think, though he isn’t sobbing with any emotions attached to it. More often than not, he goes to wipe his eyes and realize he’s crying. The main reason why he cries is due to the sheer amount of pain he experiences or encounters a situation that he hasn’t experienced before (usually things that challenge his apathetic nature).
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lookertickets · 5 years
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