#e: niniplant fest
acatwhowritesthings · 9 months
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Chanyeol wanders to the water and watches the moon slide across the surface. Crows cackle in the trees, upset into flight by a brisk wind that bends the branches and sends leaves wheeling into the air. They rise high and whirl back around, in a loop, dashing across the water right at Chanyeol.
He turns his back to the onslaught.
A tenseness in his shoulders betrays his anxiety. He feels as though he’s being watched. The subsequent stillness is unexpected and almost unsettling. Nothing makes any noise; the crows are silent or gone. Even the whirling lightning bugs are absent.
When he lowers his arm, he sees Jongin. The moonlight softens him, removing the tension of his endless daily tasks. Wordlessly, he steps into Chanyeol’s space and raises his arms to lie over Chanyeol’s shoulders. Fingers card through his hair, and he leans with the gentle guidance.
Their kiss is scorching, turning the moon red with lust. Chanyeol draws Jongin to him, leaving open-mouthed kisses on any exposed flesh. He could write poetry, sonnets, essays, odes, and songs about Jongin, but art is meant to be shared.
And Chanyeol’s feeling very selfish.
continue reading Deep Waters Don't Run Still on AO3, AFF
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