#dw milo is not going anywhere
indorak · 14 days
He is a grey fox based on pink honey!!
art by @/nikodart (1st and last) @/BleatBrew and @/foxynalie !!
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dwampyverseawards · 3 months
Hello all!! As previously noted, this is going to be an awards poll/ceremony for the dwampyverse fandom!
All types of creators and interesting people will be spotlighted here, and I've decided that everyone submitted and ok with being included will get an award of some kind!
There will be three categories of awards: General(Favorite Writer or Funniest Fic), Fandom Specific(Most Milo Murphy's Law Art or Most Phineas and Ferb Trivia), and Specific Ones That Don't Fit Anywhere Else For Specific People Because This Isn't Just For Big Names In The Fandom(Will be simplified to just One-Off)(Most Interesting Self-Made Merch or Silliest Impression)
In addition, those categories will be split into two sections: People(talented or underrated people in the fandom) and Works(fanworks on their own, separate from the creator, and hopefully a lot of classics or big projects)
These are all examples, with the only currently set awards basically being the big ones: Favorite Writer, Favorite Artist, and Most Influential Work. There will be a number of smaller ones, along w the more specific ones for individuals! Please feel free to suggest any awards you would like to see/get, as the low number is simply because we don't know how many people will sign up/be submitted.
Keep in mind that while you can nominate anyone, there are inevitably people in this fandom that have my main blocked, and unless they specifically ask to be entered, they will not be nominated out of respect for their boundaries. In addition, as stated multiple times, if anyone who has themselves/their works submitted does not want to be in these polls, they can drop out at any time!
Submissions end in 30 days, on Feburary 25th, or 2/25/24! If we get a massive amount of submissions, this might end early.
I will stay unbiased on my own blog and this one, even if I myself am submitted, dw.
Tags for reach, pls tell me if u dont wanna be tagged n ill remove it @danvillecheese @adhdoofenshmirtz @ferbracket
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