#dude went through major new character arc recently due to that LMAO (and slight redesign too)
ninjakarkki ยท 5 months
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I was gonna say we starting this year with a bang but I already posted stuff earlier this month, ANYWAY fankids. That's the whole post. Why I didn't include their names in the pics, man if only I knew ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
We have: The KuruKage kid, Geruru (name still pending). He's the least fleshed out of this trio but that just means I gotta draw him more <3 The GiroDoro kid, Diroro, my most precious one. He's just a little guy who goofs around a lot and get's up to no good, but at a heart he is a very good kid! And last but not least, the GaruZoru kid, Goruru. Definitely the most mature one out of this trio. He's a bit more reserved to those he doesn't know, a silent type if you will. Him and Diroro are very close because they spend tons of their childhood together. I need to flesh these guys out more but they're my lil babies <3 They were suppose to stay as babies but then i designed their adult versions and got attached
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