#dst induced insomnia rambles
brainrockets · 3 months
Something something Kristen isn't special because she was Chosen. Kristen was Chosen because she was already special.
Something about so below so above and all that. I like that Brennan and Ally are engaging with these tropes and trying to do different things with them.
There's also something about scale maybe. Where gods, the universe and all that are incomprehensibly large and powerful, and yet we still have agency.
Like sometimes the dog wags its tail and sometimes the tail wags the dog.
Sometimes the big scale thing is an irresistible force and sometimes the tiniest thing can take out the biggest. See: everyone that's died of disease or food borne pathogens.
There's balance needed. From our gut biomes to the galactic biome. When I feel insignificant I remember that to some extent we humans are part of this world's biome. The things we do matter. Keeping a balance matters.
I have a feeling we're going to get a lot more about that going forward. Doubt and rage baby. Balance. Something to it.
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