#drunk andy definitely uses MAH WIIIFE
Andrew to Sam: "I'm coming for you bi wife energy."
Sam while sipping her tea: "'bout time someone put a ring on it."
Also, side note, Sam does not give me bi wife energy but let me explain why. She gives the energy of being that character that everyone falls in love with during a summer fling because of the way she sees life and you just can't help but be in awe of her. A Donna from Mama Mia if you will.
anon, why would you say something so controversial yet so brave?
lol no, im just kidding, but omg!!! that is the greatest comparison i have ever heard!! i imagined the same vibe but i never made the donna connection so i could never explain it properly!! but yes, like young donna, she just leaves you in utter awe and you know right away you are not worthy, every piece of attention you receive from her is an Honour.
and coming back around to the bi wife energy thing, i imagine it very much as "Sam, i heard two students refer to me as 'having bi wife energy' pls help i have no idea what these youngins are talking about, pls i dont wanna feel like a grandpa"
"Andy, it's just another way the universe telling you you hit a homerun in the romance department, dont worry about it, can we have cottage pie for dinner?"
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