#draw galaxia in your style
mochibuni · 5 months
Watching the Cosmos films, my thoughts under the cut.
It's a lot of all caps. And lack of grammar because I gave up at some point.
some important things: wedding scene is after the end credits, so don't miss it!
the cgi is a little egregious in a distracting way
i'm only seven minutes in and i can't handle how cute their every day lives are someone help me
i like the little pink gradient they added to usagi's eyes
I prefer Usagi's original engagement ring. These new sailor crystals look great though.
and chibs is just gone bye
OMG MOUSE UHM that was fast. poor girl i wanted to see her do a little bit more, she really is just the cutest
"why haven't you sent me any letters? i'm going to be angry!" YEAH MAMORU, WHY HAVE YOU LET DEATH STOP YOU.
interesting that they used "sailor soldiers" instead of "sailor guardians."
...mina is so great with children looooooooooooooooooool
"it's my business or not if i have ugly handwriting"
michiru is truly a blessing in this high school setting
i really love everything about this galaxia, her voice is really great. also i just love the aesthetic naoko gave her, in general i love the aesthetic in the manga but oh my god is it so hard to draw.
bahahah rei mad about mina talking about getting a boyfriend JUST DATE ALREADY
oh my god that mid scream cut off of mina and rei was so good and awful
"i only trust girls" yup
seeing hotaru get into her little bubble to go to her moms and i know she isn't going to make it choked me up a bit
so far the stars arc works pretty well for a film, not at the half point yet though
"trash can't become a star" I LOVE HER
outer castle bus tour
chibs has a really cute new transformation I'M NOT BITTER HOTARU'S STILL SUCKS
i really felt a big pang when the starlights died, i'm not sure if that's nostalgia talking or not
it was so nice seeing chibs and the quartet in action
FUCKING PUT THE CATS BACK i swear to god if they stay dead in crystal
"i can tell she's not my daughter, she has too much bullshit power like my mom"
oh they were cowards about kakyuu's death GIVE US THE ACTUAL STAB THROUGH THE BACK
getting to the evil sailors part and i think this really solidifies how much this art style doesn't suit the aesthetic of this arc at all. it was pretty apparent with a lot of the shadow galactica villains, but zero sagitarius is such an elegant and foreboding place and this anime shoujo style doesn't translate it well at all. i know i've complained about the art change in crystal a lot, and i do think the movies are miles above the 3rd season and sometimes cosmos looks really fantastic, but yeah i'll stop here before i get way too negative
part of galaxia's backstory here reminds me of the rose bride witch, at least visually with the sword piercings.
"neither of us can keep fighting, all the sailor guardians have disappeared" GEE I WONDER WHY THEY DID, GALAXIA.
just knowing it's keiko's voice teared me up a little
usagi flying with all the sailor crystals begging for help really spoke to me, it's really so perfect
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yolkcheeks · 1 year
Sailor Stars Classic Thoughts I been having
Firstly I read someone else’s theory that Galaxia never intended for the Animamates to succeed, just to draw out the sol senshi by making problems, which explains why they were even trying to find true star seeds in random people rather than, you know, the sailor senshi that keep showing up. When in the anime they are supposed to be the original senshi of Chuu/Mau/etc, corrupted/brainwashed by the bracelets. Like, aside from it being incredibly poor management to train your staff so poorly that their knowledge base of “what is a true starseed and where are they found?” is
Sparkly crystal which stays sparkly
No, Reiko, you can’t eat it
They are inside people, maybe the talented ones? Unclear.
But also like. If they are all senshi. Who willingly took the bracelets and had their starseeds ripped out. Then they very much know what they are and where to find them??? Their own starseeds are ABSOLUTELY part of the Calder knockoff Galaxia keeps above her throne come on the intimidation! The drama! Totally her style.
Yet the animamates, even Suzu, only connect that SM has The Good One when they have help or foreknowledge. So either Galaxia mind wiped them or they never knew, both of which don’t work well for their own reasons I am choosing to ignore, because the text makes it evident: they don’t know.
And then there the foolishness of killing off your lieutenants. Unless these aren’t her elite team. These are who is left after she’s razed the galaxy. If her statement to HaruMichi is true- nobody has tried to use her own power against her*- then she can’t have kept anyone strong around for long. I can’t imagine that truly zero people tried to fight back, so I assume that she maintained a real revolving door office culture, keeping new hires for exactly long enough to take out their comrades and train their replacements. And these four poor schmos are the last ones standing.
*I also find this statement dubious on account of A) unreliable narrator who B) enjoys lying, arson, and jaywalking
So 🐭🧜‍♀️🐦🐈‍⬛ (in the anime at least) are who’s left, but as in they’ve been there a while and survived, or as in their own planets were some of the most recent? I could work with either, frankly, but slightly prefer the former because then I can handwave some of the ignorance despite being canonically actual senshi not fakes who stole a real sailor crystal from their local godqueen as being due to spending X amount of time in the back rooms of this soul sucking corporation, day in and day out the same until memories of anything else melt away.
Naturally in the manga it’s fine because some of them don’t have that first hand exposure and the other just could have had a big gulp prepared by Sailor Lethe yum yum. Also less of the “big bad kills middle management for the hero”
Also my spouse kept calling Aluminum Siren “aluminum siding” and I love this. She’s noshing all the time not just because she’s a stress eater but because she was hungry when she died so now she’s always hungry. Because that’s what the bracelets do. They keep you from atomizing away without your soul gem, but as soon as they are removed, poof (or slow fade while you sadly share some jokes you’d jotted down in notepad for just such and occasion) so you’re already dead. You’re just on pause.
Anyhow she and Lead Crow are in love obviously and have the same ultimate sideboob style to their uniforms- I think they are from the same system; one fell and the other followed. Maybe even begged Galaxia “I have one condition” and she starts to ohohoho you’re in no position to be making demands but they make eye contact “my rival, I am only this strong from needing to be better than her. Save her too.” Or maybe it was “you can’t have her, I’m coming with” whatever it was it hurt thank you
Nezu having the super cute uniform and dressing like a 1930s gangster for work is everything and I love her.
Kakyuu’s incense pokeball! What’s it like on the inside? How’s she able to communicate with CC while she’s in it? I want a Polly Pocket of Princess Kakyuu’s fragrant vacation home.
Am I not good enough? Ouch oof bye goodnight
Suzu X Diana purely for the sake of making a black & white thinking vs shades of grey joke.
Usagi please go to therapy.
If CC is ***’s starseed, and yet has her own body and form, then the silhouette wouldn’t be cosmos, but a grown incarnation of the good parts of the artist formerly known as the light of hope. I would love a design that’s evocative of a sunrise, taking her hot pink into reds, golds, even lilac.
Also *** totally flew off, then CC, once again corporeal, follows a few minutes later. Does that mean *** is flying around with her star seed outside her body without stabilizing bracelets? Did she regen a new one when SM hugged her? IS CC’S STARSEED NOW ITS OWN THING LIKE THE PINK CRYSTAL FOR CHIBS? So now she’s her own person who *** needs to babysit as she travels the universe?? Many questions.
If leaving earth means leaving their boyband pseuds behind does that mean they have other, truer, civilian names? Or did they just take their real names, add a matching surname and suits and that’s that?
Seiya is gender-fluid, Taiki is agender, Yaten is too tired for gender. If they had dic names: Stevie, Taylor, and Francis, who the fans call Frankie and ze doesn’t care for it. Princess Olivia.
Suzu Nyanko = Kitty Clarion
Akane & Reiko = (something that means red- Ruby maybe?) Carrion (for rhymes) & (something long, like Elizabeth) Fisk
Nezu I want to do a really funny one for but I’m tired so maybe later.
Usagi and Kakyuu keep in touch via incensegram or whatever and there is like, immediately, a need for her to visit Kinmouku or for a diplomat to be sent to the sol system oh noooo now you’ll have to kiss…
I wonder if Cosmos will give us a slightly longer glance at Kakyuu’s dead girlfriend?
I want so badly to do rediculous critter versions of the senshi. Like, we know it’s just their usual deal with bracelets on top (give or take some bonus black for evil) but there’s a reason so many people have come up with Selenium Rabbit independently.
I want a workplace slice of life/comedy comic of shadow galactica.
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the-badger-mole · 1 year
for your year of content!🎉
gonna switch it up a lil and give you a sailor moon themed ask:
favorite sailor senshi? least favorite senshi? when did you first get into sailor moon? favorite ships (i know you like usagi/mamoru but do you have others you enjoy)? what's your preferred way to enjoy the story? manga, 90s anime, live action pretty guardian show, crystal/eternal? favorite arcs? favorite villains?? (lol sorry if this is a lot but i always get hyped whenever i find a favorite fic author is also into/has written for another favorite fandom of mine 😅)
I got into Sailor Moon when I was in 4th grade. It was my first anime that I knew was anime (Speed Racer was technically my first anime, but I didn't know what anime was at that point). I really love that manga and the 90s cartoon. I never saw the live action show. I tried to get into Crystal, because I know they were trying to stick closer to the manga, but I'm one of those annoying people who have strong opinions about animation and art style, and I just couldn't get past the weirdly elongated character designs. I'll probably come back to it at some point, tho. Out of curiosity if nothing else.
Favorite Senshi: Minako/Venus. She's hilarious and also I'd be happy to follow her into battle.
Favorite Ships: Usagi/Mamoru are the ones I was most invested in, but I liked Haruka/Michiru (once I found out they weren't cousins, LOL!), and I think Umino/Naru were cute. I also like the Senshi/Shitennou pairings. I didn't know that was a thing until I got into fanfics and also saw the drawing. I was confused, but it only took one or two really good stories to get me onboard. Galaxia/Pluto also grew on me thanks to a fic.
Favorite Arc: Probably the Dead Moon Circus arc. Second place is Stars (honestly, that season was hit or miss for me, but the hits hit hard)
Favorite Villain: Galaxia
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kforimagination · 3 years
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I've reached +300 followers on Instagram and I decided to do a #DTIYS contest with Galaxia also on Tumblr! Sooo...I'll choose 3 different artworks and they will be printed and added in my new work station and soon at the end of chapter 1 of Galaxia's comic. 🏆 BUT there are also prizes for the winners: 🥇 1st: Fullbody FULL COLOR commission 🥈 2nd: Half-body FLAT COLOR commission 🥉 3rd: Half-body LINEART commission
🚨 RULES: 🌸 Like and save this post 🌸 If you have some friends who would be interested... TAG THEM! 🌸 You can do this with any techniques (traditional, digital, 3D, ect.) 🌸 You can personalize the character, change the pose or add some details... but let him be recognizable! 🌸 IMPORTANT! Use hashtag #DrawGalaxiaInYourStyle and tag me ON THE PHOTO, so I can find your work~ 🌸 Put this drawing as second slide of your post 🌸 DEADLINE: August 31!I hope you'll like my OC! 🪐
I can't wait to see Galaxia in your style~ I hope you will partecipate! HAVE FUN! 
Ps: I'll share every entry on my stories and create a highlight story only for them! 🌟 Pps: Yes, he's a BOY.
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The first to react was Kine.
“Hey~! Water! It’s the sound of water!”
“Where’s the sound coming from?!”
Kirby and co. surveyed the area.
“The tree’s roots!” Kine shouted. “The water's coming out of the tree’s roots!”
From the roots of the Dreamstalk, in the lake, clean water gushed out. Not only the water, but the Dreamstalk itself was changing. The trunk and leaves were dull colors, but, in the blink of an eye, it became a bright green.
“Look!” Kirby yelled. “The Dreamstalk’s all better now!”
“Because Pirka’s heart has been cleared,” Coo said, “the spell’s effects have disappeared. Which means…”
Coo got cut off by a sudden voice.
“Huh? Where am I? Why am I here?...”
It was King Dedede.
Looking as if he had just woken up from sleep, he looked around. Meta Knight was also returning to normal.
“What happened? Why is water flowing out of the roots of-”
Meta Knight looked at the group one by one, and, in the end, stopped on Pirka. He seemed to have pieced together what had happened. He sighed, and picked up his treasured sword Galaxia again.
“It seems that King Dedede and I, possibly, were being controlled. Sorry.”
“What? I don’t remember anything about being controlled!!” King Dedede insisted.
“Don’t you remember?” Rick asked. “You sent me flying with your hammer!!”
“Wait, what?”
King Dedede shifted his focus. His sharp gaze caught Pirka.
“You did this, didn’t you!?!”
“Wait, Dedede!"
Kirby stood in front of the great king and spread his arms out to block him.
“It’s over already! Pirka’s our friend now!”
“What do you mean she’s our friend now!? What an insult to someone as great as myself!!”
“I told you it’s over!!”
“Out of my way, Kirby!!”
King Dedede, looking absolutely furious, swung his hammer. Kirby nimbly dodged.
“Hey, that’s it,” he said, “let’s play tag!”
“King Dedede’s it! Everyone, run!”
Kirby started running. Rick, Gooey, and Pirka ran in different directions.
“Heyyy! This isn’t a game of taaag! I’m getting really mad right now!!”
King Dedede, absolutely furious, chased after Pirka. Pirka was fast, but she was no match for the king, who was making a serious effort. In the blink of an eye, he caught her.
“Get ready, you pesky pixie!”
He was about to squeeze her, but Kirby tackled him.
“That’s enough! Pirka’s it next!”
“Yeah, I know!”
“RUN AWAAAY!” Pirka screamed.
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Kirby started running. Even King Dedede got caught up in the fun and ran.
“Why am I…?” he said. “I shouldn’t be playing stupid games like tag. I’m really mad right now, so-”
As he said that, when Pirka started drawing near, the great king picked up in speed.
“Who would get caught by a loser like you!? Not me!!”
As Pirka chased after the king and Rick, before they knew it, a loud laugh filled the air. Before everyone ran around, the lake had been filling up with more and more water.
“Clean water~!” Kine said. “Listen, Coo, do you think this water’s fine to swim in?”
“Perhaps,” Coo said, “with the shadow cast over Pirka’s heart gone, the Dreamstalk has regained its original power. This water should be pure and unpolluted.”
“Is this the same water that Kirby sucked up~? Are Kirby’s stomach and the Dreamstalk connected? Umm… umm…?”
No matter much he thought about it, it was impossible to understand. Kirby’s stomach was full of mysteries. So, Kine stopped thinking about it and jumped into the lake. As he swiftly swam around, he called out:
“Feels great~! This lakewater is super clean!”
“It appears the situation has been resolved,” Meta Knight said, “I was far from able to help. I was holding everyone back…”
“No,” Coo said, “if you two hadn’t fallen under her control, we would’ve caught Pirka much sooner. If that had happened, Pirka wouldn’t have been able to have a change of heart. In the end, we were very lucky to have struggled.”
“...though I’m hesitant to admit it, that is correct.”
Meta Knight nodded his head, then raised his voice:
“Come, let’s return to land soon.”
Kirby and the others, who heard this, stopped playing tag and gathered.
“Pirka, let’s go together!” Kirby said to Pirka.
“Huh? No, I...”
Pirka shook her head.
“Don’t worry,” Rick said, “of course we’re not gonna spill all the details to everyone. We’ll just tell them that we worked together with you to solve the problem up here.”
“Thanks, but I’m going to return to the village I came from, not Dream Land.”
Pirka looked at everyone.
“I haven’t gone back since I was exiled, but I still want to see everyone there. I must apologize to the children I had controlled. I don’t know if I could ever accept forgiveness, but… this time, I will try to become their friend.”
Pirka’s eyes were brightly sparkling.
“Is that so?”
Kirby nodded his head.
“Well then, farewell, Pirka! But, since we’re your friends, remember to come visit us here in Dream Land sometimes!”
“Thanks. I am truly grateful, Kirby.”
Pirka tightly held Kirby’s hand.
“Goodbye, everyone!”
“Goodbye, Pirka. See you later!”
Pirka spread her transparent wings and took off over the lake.
“Now then,” Meta Knight said, “let us return to the small boat.”
“Okie dokie!”
“Back to the painfully cramped boat again, huh?” King Dedede said as they walked to the small boat. “Great… hmm?”
Noticing Gooey unsteadily walking beside him, Dedede groaned.
“Why are you coming with us? Gooey!”
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Gooey looked at the king in surprise.
“Because I wanna go home.”
“Didn’t you fly your way here?! You can go back by yourself!”
“Nah. I’m tired after all that fighting.”
“There’s no room for you!”
“There is~!”
“If I say there isn’t, then there isn’t!”
...somehow or other, all seven of them boarded the small boat, getting jam-packed in.
The small boat landed on the shore of the Rainbow Islands. Everyone who had been eagerly waiting for the return of Kirby and the others gathered at once. Captain Vul and the Meta-Knights greet Meta Knight, the first to get down, with cheers of joy.
“Lord Meta Knight! You’re safe!”
“Indeed. The operation was a success,” Meta Knight plainly informed. The Rainbow Islands’ inhabitants, surrounding the small boat, resounded.
“Just as one would expect from Lord Meta Knight!” Captain Vul shouted excitedly. “With Lord Meta Knight’s power, the Rainbow Islands were saved! Everyone should be grateful!”
“No, Captain Vul. It wasn’t my power.”
Meta Knight didn’t seem to want to be thanked, but Captain Vul didn’t understand.
“Oh! Someone as heroic as Lord Meta Knight would never show off his own accomplishments! What modesty! Everyone should follow his example!”
The Meta-Knights were in high spirits.
“I knew I could count on Lord Meta Knight!”
“I’m so sorry I couldn’t accompany you!”
“I wish I could’ve seen Lord Meta Knight’s efforts!”
“Please let us hear the whole story later!”
Meta Knight became more silent than usual. After King Dedede got down from the small boat, all the Waddle Dees simultaneously sprung up in celebration.
“Hurraaaay, hurraaay!”
“Hurray for His Majesty!”
Just like Meta Knight, the king had been under Pirka’s control. However, he held no shame about it.
“Of course,” he said, proudly puffing up his chest with pride, “prepare for a barbeque on the beach! Grill the meat and vegetables! Don’t forget the marshmallows! Set up my parasol and beach chair!”
“Yes, Great King!”
Bandana Waddle Dee handed the king his life preserver and sunglasses. The king was in the mood for a vacation.
“Let’s get this party started! A beach party, Dedede-style!” the great king shouted in high spirits, when, suddenly, the area became dark, and then raindrops started falling.
“Wow, rain!” the islanders shouted with joy.
“Hurray! It’s been forever since we’ve gotten rain here!”
Their faces lit up, as they merrily frolicked around in the rain. Kirby, Rick, Kine, Coo, and Gooey got down from the small boat. Pick dashed up to Rick and embraced him.
“Welcome home, Rick! You really did it! It’s raining again!”
“Thanks to your lucky charm!”
Mine, seeming happy, cuddled up to Kine.
“Kine, did you get hurt?”
“I’m A-OK! I did my best for you~!”
“I know. I knew that if anyone could make it rain again, it’d be you!”
Pick and Mine, along with a large number of islanders, crowded around the group.
“Thanks, Kirby,” Pick said, “you saved the Rainbow Islands.”
“Gooey saved your island. We just helped him!” Kirby said. As he did, the islanders started clapping loudly.
“Thanks, Gooey!” they shouted.
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Gooey, who was not very good at being all sunny and radiant, waved his tongue shyly. The rain steadily evolved into a downpour, dampening the dry ground. The once dried-up lakes and rivers filled up with water again. The fish jumped in with great energy. Of course, the only one on the joyous island who had become sulky at this sight was King Dedede.
His plans of vacation had been ruined.
“Who had to make it rain!?” he yelled with a bitter-sounding voice.
“Um… you did, Your Majesty…”
“Wait, you’re right! Ughhhhhhh… I HATE THE RAAAAAAAIN!!”
The violent sound of rain drowned out the king’s laments.
The rain continued for the whole day, moistening the dried-up Rainbow Islands.
The next morning…
As the rain stopped, the morning sun shone down on the Rainbow Islands. Kirby and Bandana Waddle Dee, who had woken up early, walked to the sandy beach.
“I knew you could do it, Kirby,” Bandana Waddle Dee yelled, “the withered flowers are all better now!”
“We all worked together to get the job done!”
“I wish I could’ve gone with you too…”
“You could’ve gone with us if Meta Knight’s small boat was just a bit bigger.”
Kirby and Bandana Waddle Dee agilely jumped over a puddle of water.
“Tell me about what kind of adventure it was! What was above the clouds?”
At Bandana Dee’s question, Kirby sweetly smiled.
“It’s a secret!” he said.
“Huh? Why?”
“No matter what!”
“Oh, tell me, Kirby!”
It was a secret that he couldn’t even tell a close friend like Bandana Dee. Bandana Dee seemed disappointed, but then, suddenly, he noticed something and yelled:
“Kirby, look! The Rainbow Bridge!”
From island to island, pretty Rainbow Bridges connected. Due to the lack of rain, the bridges had begun to fade away into nothing. Thanks to the rain returning after so long, the seven bright colors sparkled.
“How nice!”
As the light of the morning sun intensified, the Rainbow Bridges’ colors grew prettier and prettier. As they basked in the refreshing breeze, the two would forever admire the Rainbow Bridges.
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killfaeh · 6 years
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[English] Feedback about Japan Expo 2018
Hello, everybody! After a little rest well deserved, it is time to make a feedback about Japan Expo 2018 !
There are many things to tell, I don't really know where to start. If you follow me on the social networks, you may have seen me grumbling before and during the convention. Indeed, this year has been a difficult one. But in the end, the result is positive. :D I was stressed a lot before the JE because I had trouble finishing new content for the event (not finished new comics, not sure to receive the new posters and new postcards in time and the holographic paper to make my little holocards that arrived only Friday night, at the half of the JE). So I started the expo tired from day one. ^^' Friday was the most difficult day. Because of the very bad revenue (buddies didn't understand at all), the holographic paper that arrives late, the printer that has no ink left and one of the only cards I can make ruined, I started to doubt that I would be able to reimburse my expenses. ^^' It was much better the other days and it's also largely thanks to the buddies who came to help me in one way or another. I owe you a big favor and I am truly touched by your solidarity. Thank you friends! =D In the end, after doing the books, I realize that I did not do so badly and that I managed to reimburse all my expenses this year. It is the first JE during which I success to do it. I'm happy. x) Making Japan Expo profitable is quite hard, so we don't really know if we'll have a stand next year, and if so, it will probably be in the passion section.
It is not easy to get people's attention in the amateur section. There is a lot of competition and we play Tetris to showcase our work on very small stands. And Steven is posing like a bad guy. x)
All difficulties and my mood which moved on a roller coaster put aside, Japan Expo remains a nice moment because we find there a whole bunch of friends that we do not have (or not often) the opportunity to see otherwise (Ouv, Maina, Jérôme, Benjamin, Hakim, Olivia...), without forgetting all the friends of Drink'N'Draw. It is also always an opportunity to meet and get to know new people, especially those we already knew online and that we can recognize by their nickname or their art x) (Laora and Josette) and our stand neighbours, Ange N' Ko who were very good company. :D And let's not forget the little Saturday dinner with friends (Steven, Therry, Ouv, Jérôme, Benjamin) which was a welcome break and a pleasure. :)
About Customs
For several years now, customs have been raiding Japan Expo to track down counterfeiting on the stands, and this year it made a lot of noise. What happend? Customs did its job, but applied the law more strictly than usual at the request of the licenses owners. Then rumours swelled and distorted the facts, you know the principle of the chinese whispers. We have heard that they only attack amateurs cowardly and stories about organized theft disguised as fake customs. As you can imagine, there are fakes in there. The facts. Not only amateur stands were affected. Customs seized counterfeit goods in dubious import shops. But because it is a usual fact we don't talk about it, we only mention the spectacular ones. The amateur stands were right next to the shop stands, amateur goodies were also seized and destroyed. These are fanarts, including Pokémon (badges, stickers, keychains). But according to the customs photos, these fan products are close enough to the original to be confused by the uninitiated with official products and my sources indicates that the targeted stands had already been spotted selling their products online before JE. I was exhibiting myself on the amateur section and I didn't see customs in our alley. Customs also intervened on the side of passion stands. I know many witnesses. No less than 6 stands of this sector were owned by friends or at least people I know. Who was targeted? In the passion section, some stands doing mainly fanarts were touched but not all. The stands that were affected were stands which offered exclusively fanarts and work copied or even traced from official visuals. It is called plagiarism. The fanart stands that were spared, on the other hand, offered works that were strongly reinterpreted with a personal style and new compositions and could not be confused with official products or visuals. If the law is strictly applied, they can be prosecuted too. But licenses owners are more tolerant about artists who take the trouble to learn to draw and offer a new and personnal vision of their licences. It's still dangerous because they can change their minds overnight and decide to prosecute any form of fanart at any time. It depends on their goodwill. So, the facts have been exagerated, people have got carried away imagining the poor little artist cowardly attacked when in fact, it is really counterfeits, plagiarists and goodies of fans marketed in a little too professionnal way that have been targeted. Things that cannot be defended. The raiding was legitimate and dotted the i's and crossed the t's of pseudo artists who practiced unfair competition towards those who take the trouble to master their art and develop a style and a personal universe. I hope that what has happened this year will discourage copycats and plagiarists from strutting around in this kind of event and leave more place for authentic creative people who take the trouble to bring something new. :D
I think I said everything about the Japan Expo. As usual, it's physically very difficult, I collapsed on my bed again to take a looooonnnnnnng nap yesterday afternoon. Now it's time to get back to good habits and a normal pace of life. I go back working on the Space Wizard McKcarell and Dragon Cat's Galaxia 1/2 pages and I'll give you a report about the progress of this very, very soon. :) Have a good day and see you soon ! :D Suisei - Killfaeh
Source : http://suiseipark.com/News/Entry/id/147/language/english/
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docholligay · 7 years
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Well Touga, its your turn, i guess. 
I know that technically due to narrative convenience,you can’t really do this, but why hasn’t anyone drawn a sword from Utena? If people draw the swords from their source of misery, SHE HAS CAUSED PLENTY. (although we never saw Kanae’s, and maybe she drew hers from Anthy, but there is Some Weird Shit going on with Anthy so she may be able to run around without a soul sword, Galaxia-style, and maybe we’ll learn that) 
I realize we’re just working our way through the student council, so I have to believe that we’re...basically done with the arc after this? Which has had some fucking great episodes and some fucking clunkers like the one we are currently watching, which is frustrating the hell out of me
Please note I haven’t seen anything past this and am watching spoiler free! Please don’t confirm, deny, or explain anything to me! Even if I should be able to figure it out based on past episodes! Even if it’s cultural! Even if there is no answer! It ruins it for everyone when I get spoiled!
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intergalacticxthief · 6 years
Vi este ask por ahí y como no tengo mucho que hacer (En realidad si, debo acabar tareas, pero shh) decidí el responder todo, así me conocen más (?). Sí alguien desea contestar todo, esta en libertad de hacerlo, pero dudo que tengan tanto ocio como yo en este momento.
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Spotify, SoundCloud, or Pandora?  Ninguno, spotify se me hace un servicio muy caro para lo que ofrece, soundcloud no me gusta mucho y jamás he probado pandora. Soy viejito y me gusta guardar mi música en mp3 o llegar a abrirla en youtube. 
is your room messy or clean? Usualmente limpio, cuando no esta limpio, por lo menos me gusta tenerlo ordenado.
what color are your eyes? Cafés
do you like your name? why? Por un momento llegaron a desagradarme, pero con el paso del tiempo les encontré gusto, creo que desde que entré a la universidad fue que les empecé a tener mucho agrado. 
what is your relationship status? Soltero
describe your personality in 3 words or less: Creativo, Leal, Sarcástico 
what color hair do you have? Negro
what kind of car do you drive? color? Ninguno (?)
where do you shop? ¿Comprar que? Pues comida, en la tienda que esta a una cuadra de mi casa (?)
how would you describe your style? Bastante sencillo, nada fuera de lo común
favorite social media account: Instagram
what size bed do you have?: Matrimonial
any siblings? Una hermana mayor que yo
if you can live anywhere in the world where would it be? why? Me gustaría vivir en Australia, es un lugar sumamente hermoso y puede ser que todo en ese lugar este dispuesto a matarte, pero seguro que uno se acostumbra.
favorite snapchat filter? No uso esa cosa.
favorite makeup brand(s) ...Se nota que esto se ha hecho bajo la idea de que principalmente mujeres ocupan tumblr.
how many times a week do you shower? Todos los días, solo no lo hago cuando estoy muy perezoso, pero al final me arrepiento porque me siento sucio.
favorite tv show? FRIENDS, aunque he visto Brooklyn 99 y me encanta, es el tipo de humor que alguien como yo disfruta (?).
shoe size? 9 y medio.
how tall are you? 1,89
sandals or sneakers? Sneakers, odio las sandalias.
do you go to the gym? Debería, debería
describe your dream date Creo que no tengo una en especial, mientras sea un día donde puedas disfrutar la compañia de la otra persona estoy más que contento.
how much money do you have in your wallet at the moment? Absolutamente nada :’D
what color socks are you wearing? Grises
how many pillows do you sleep with? Dos, pero uso 2 en cada funda, así que técnicamente son 4.
do you have a job? what do you do? Hago algunos trabajos en freelance de diseño y web design
how many friends do you have? Antes era bastante cerrado en este aspecto, pero últimamente he sido más abierto a esta cuestión, no es que tenga cientos, pero si son bastantes y siento que quizá no les pueda hacer justicia
whats the worst thing you have ever done? H - I - M - I - T - S - U
whats your favorite candle scent? Canela
3 favorite boy names Javier, Gabriel, Alejandro
3 favorite girl names Jessica, Samantha, Stephanie
favorite actor? Leonardo DiCaprio
favorite actress? Anne Hathaway
who is your celebrity crush? Karen Gillan
favorite movie? Evil Dead
do you read a lot? whats your favorite book? Me gustaría leer más, sin duda alguna. Ready Player One de Ernest Cline
money or brains? Ambos, me gusta tratar con gente con cerebro, pero no lo oculto, soy alguien a quien le gusta la buena vida y me es incómodo tener que limitarme por alguien.
do you have a nickname? what is it? Mis amigos de más tiempo me llaman Kaze, mis amigos de la universidad van de Ed, Edu, Lalo
how many times have you been to the hospital? De visita, como 6 o 7 veces, no me gustan las hospitales, de ser paciente, hasta ahora no me ha tocado.
top 10 favorite songs, Everlong - Foo Fighters, Black Betty - Ram Jam, Days - FLOW, X - X Japan, Want You - Savage Garden, Numb - Linkin Park, 2112: Overture - RUSH, Vital Signs - RUSH, Come and Get Your Love - Redbone, Iteza Gogo Kuji - May’n, Unlimited Sky - Tommy Heavenly6
do you take any medications daily? Nope
what is your skin type? (oily, dry, etc) Muy MUY MUY aceitosa
what is your biggest fear? Soledad
how many kids do you want? Dos, el sexo es lo de menos, pero soy más de la idea de que sería mejor tener hijas
whats your go to hair style? La calvicie no te deja muchas cosas a elegir, pero usualmente lo uso a rape.
what type of house do you live in? (big, small, etc) Una casa grande, aunque a futuro quiero vivir en algo más pequeño
who is your role model? Guillermo del Toro, amo el hecho de que sea alguien que sea tan fiel a si mismo, a lo que le gusta, al punto de que ha hecho que las grandes productoras de Hollywood lo acepten, esa fidelidad a si mismo es algo que tomo como algo que debo mantener en mi vida. 
what was the last compliment you received? Es un poco feo, pero no me acuerdo de alguno reciente en este momento, creo que fue cuando Mew dijo que tenía un gusto musical bueno.
what was the last text you sent? Un comentario sobre algo que trabajamos en nuestro último proyecto, de que no debemos olvidar un character trait al momento de perfilar cosas
how old were you when you found out santa wasn’t real? 12 años si mi memoria no falla 
what is your dream car? Mustang Fastback 68
opinion on smoking? Lo hago, solo que me gusta respetar si otras personas no lo aguantan. 
do you go to college? ¿College es universidad, no? Así que si.
what is your dream job? Escritor o publicista
would you rather live in rural areas or the suburbs? Areas rurales, pero claro, sin llegar a algo alejado de la sociedad. 
do you take shampoo and conditioner bottles from hotels? No soy mucho de visitar hoteles, así que no.
do you have freckles? Nope
do you smile for pictures? Lo intento, no tengo la sonrisa más hermosa del mundo, pero tampoco hay razón para verme enojado o algo así en las fotos
how many pictures do you have on your phone? Mías? No muchas, usualmente soy de subir todo lo que tomo a mi instagram y no quedar con cosas en el celular (principalmente porque estoy en un país donde los robos estan a la orden del día y uno nunca sabe para que pueden usar esas fotos e información)
have you ever peed in the woods? Si
do you still watch cartoons? Obvio, ¿algún pedo?
do you prefer chicken nuggets from Wendy’s or McDonalds? Las nuggets de pollo son una aberración a la vida
Favorite dipping sauce? Chipotle/Mayonesa con Chipotlea
what do you wear to bed? Unos pants y una camiseta
have you ever won a spelling bee? Nunca
what are your hobbies? Escribir
can you draw? Nope, igual es algo que quizá pueda recuperar porque lo hacía hace mucho tiempo, solo que siempre que intento llegó a recordar las cosas por los que lo deje y me frustro.
do you play an instrument? No, ninguno
what was the last concert you saw? Creo que fue uno de Kiss.
tea or coffee? Té
Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts? Dunkin Donuts, mil y un veces
do you want to get married? Claro que si, me gustaría mucho eso
what is your crush’s first and last initial? H - I - M - I - T - S - U
are you going to change your last name when you get married? ¿No?
what color looks best on you? Negro y Rojo
do you miss anyone right now? Si, la verdad es que si
do you sleep with your door open or closed? Puertas abiertas
do you believe in ghosts? Si, pienso que es absurdo pensar que somos los únicos seres en este mundo, en esta galaxia y en este plano.
what is your biggest pet peeve? “En base a” 
last person you called` Un amigo de la universidad llamado Fidel
favorite ice cream flavor? Fresa
regular oreos or golden oreos? ¿Qué son golden Oreos? Regulares, obvio
chocolate or rainbow sprinkles? Chocolate
what shirt are you wearing? Una camiseta negra con estampado amarillo de los Steelers de Pittsburg, un equipo de futbol americano.
what is your phone background? Ann Takamaki de Persona 5
are you outgoing or shy? ¿Ambos? A veces soy bastante extrovertido, pero en algunas ocasiones me gana la pena y hace que no pueda hablar con ellos tanto como quisiera.
do you like it when people play with your hair? No hay gente que lo haga (?)
do you like your neighbors? No los conozco, pero si les saludo cuando les veo
do you wash your face? at night? in the morning? Debería hacerlo, supongo que es algo que debo hacer.
have you ever been high? Claro que si
have you ever been drunk? Últimamente lo estoy mucho
last thing you ate? Alambre y arroz
favorite lyrics right now Shape of You de Ed Sheeran
summer or winter? Invierno
day or night? Noche
dark, milk, or white chocolate? Chocolate Blanco
favorite month? Noviembre
what is your zodiac sign Aries
who was the last person you cried in front of? Delante de, creo que nadie, no soy mucho de llorar frente a alguien
0 notes
killfaeh · 4 years
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Tipeee and Patreon pages updated
Hi everybody! Today I'm here to announce that I've finally been able to update my Tipeee and Patreon home pages. :D For those who are discovering, these are patronage platforms where one can support the activity of an artist/author by giving a small obole monthly or punctually. On Tipeee you can even help for free by watching promotional videos.
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The mini comic presentation of the Patreon page. I'm happy with this cute style like comic Artist for Rent. :D
These two pages have been existed for 2 years now and I thank all the patrons who have helped. It doesn't allow me to live from my creations but it give me a boost of self-confidence knowing that there are people who believe in me and my skills. So, thank you all! :) Like many artists, I got a bit fooled by proposing content that required extra work (illustrations, tutorials, graphic resources...) that glanced at my usual activities (i.e. my comics and software development) to try to make these pages attractive. I couldn't do everything when I was unemployed, so now that I've found a full-time job to fill the fridge, it's going to be even more complicated. Plus, this bonus content didn't seem to really inspire much enthusiasm. So I've concocted something simpler for you. Today I'm here to present you the changes I've made to these pages:
What will remain
What will disappear
What will be new?
What will remain
Obviously, the comics will remain since they are the main content and the reason why I opened these pages. ^^ I'm going to stay on the free web comic formula (because you have to publish content on the Internet regularly to attract new readers) with one month advance access and no watermark for patrons for serial projects. I also add Dragon Cat's Galaxia 1/2. Although this comic book features licenced characters, this one remains in the register of parody and humor. I also have non parodic fan comics ideas. Those will obviously not be financed via these platforms. On the other hand, for one-shot projects I'll do the same as for Tarkhan: the first pages published for free to give a preview, but the rest accessible exclusively to patrons and purchasers of the comicbook (because publishing content regularly on the Internet is useless if it's limited in time).
G-rated illustrations
The HD illustrations will remain as well. I have some in stock and I create new ones regularly, so I shouldn't find myself on a tight stream anytime soon.
What will disappear
NSFW illustrations
Exit the NSFW illustrations. I like to draw nudes of beautiful males from time to time, but unlike the other illustrations, I don't have a stock in advance, so I'm on a tight stream. It annoys me to have to force myself to do this kind of illustrations when I don't feel like it and especially when I don't have an interesting idea in mind instead of working on the main content. Moreover, the audience that supports me on Tipeee and Patreon is not the most interested in this kind of content (as far as I know), so if I ever propose this again, it might be elsewhere, on a different account or on another platform. For the moment I put it aside.
No more tutos. It's long to write and format, it's never read, and since there are lots of free tutos on YouTube, nobody wants to pay for it. I'd rather share and answer questions about my tips and tricks in person during meetings or on my live Twitch.
Graphic resources
Exit the graphic resource pack (brushes, patterns, color catalog...). As for NSFW illustrations, I don't necessarily have one every month to offer. It is important to know that I produce these graphic resources according to my needs when I work on my comics, so I don't get them out on a regular basis. Moreover, the resources in question don't necessarily correspond to your needs every month. People interested in my brush and screentone packs to use in their own comics made it clear to me that they preferred to buy them occasionally according to their needs on my own online store even if it meant paying the price and that going through Tipeee and Patreon for that bothered them. They see these platforms as a patronage system but not as buying platforms. So I'm simply going to remove that and I'll modify my online store to add the possibility to buy dematerialized goods.
What will be new?
Well, I'm going to incorporate into the main content my other activity that I had ignored in the rewards even though it occupies a huge part of my work: software development. Obviously all this is related. This activity includes, in addition to the evolution and maintenance of suiseipark.com, the development of the Péguy project, my games projects, as well as a comic platform project.
TGCM Comics (Website - in dev)
TGCM Comics is a web platform project dedicated to web comics and webtoons where budding or experienced authors will be able to publish their stories and exchange directly with their audience without technical knowledge on the web. Here's a mock-up that gives an idea of what it will look like.
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As soon as the main functionalities are ready the site will be made available in beta test for patrons. Why this project? Many other such platforms have emerged in recent years. So I hesitated for a while before launching this project, but seeing that all of them impose trending algorithms that give headaches to many authors of the web, I recently decided to propose a project where this type of algorithm will simply be inexistent. The default display on the home page will be based on the principle of the random playlist guaranteeing an equal rate of visibility for all comics and a real freedom of choice for the readers, allowing authors to create at their own pace without mess up thair health to go up any rankings. This is this fall's priority project. So I will post news regularly and soon to keep you informed of its progress and present you little by little the proposed features. I've opened a development blog (French) for this purpose that I will feed about once a week. It has a suggestion box (French) if you want to ask questions or suggest features.
Péguy (Web application - in dev)
Péguy is a web application that since 2018 allows me to automatically generate certain graphic effects, patterns and scenery elements for my comics. It has brought me a huge gain in productivity.
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As it is beginning to take a form that can be used by laymen in programming and mathematics, I will soon put it online. Initially, this will be an early access reserved for patrons. Then, I will propose a small subscription system for non-patrons with a trial period. Naturally, the patrons will keep their access during this second phase. :D
Wizeknight Brotherhood (Online game - in dev)
Wizeknight Brotherhood is an online RPG project with a slightly unusual format. Basically, take World of Warcraft and put a visual novel interface on it, and you'll get an idea of the final result. In this game you will explore the world of Tellura, a Tolkian fantasy world, and conduct quests that will make you conclude 'we are not alone in the universe'. :p In the spring of 2020 I developed a small prototype called A l’Aventure Compagnons which gives a vague idea of the principle.
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I am tempted to keep this pencil rendering for Wizeknight Brotherhood.
A l’Aventure Compagnons is playable, just download the client from this page. Don't hesitate to come and pull my ears on Discord if you see that I forgot to switch on the server. :p For the moment the engine of Wizeknight Brotherhood is under development and the first test phases will take place in pure text mode.
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This good old scary UNIX console. The MUDs, the ancestors of MMORPGs, looked like this and they still exist with active communities. :D You can find them here.
As for the rewards, here again I decided to simplify things so that I could concentrate on the projects I have just listed. The basic reward will give you access to the content I just mentioned. I'm not going to make different levels of access, otherwise I think that some content will have no audience or too little. The higher counterpart levels will give access to HD scans of my artwork. I'm way behind on the old formula's rewards. I'll try to deliver all the promised content in the coming weeks, except for the NSFW illustrations, I might get stuck doing only that. x) That's all for today! Have a nice week and see you soon! :D Suisei
P.S. If you want miss no news and if you haven't already done so, you can subscribe to the newsletter here : https://www.suiseipark.com/User/SubscribeNewsletter/language/english/
Source : https://www.suiseipark.com/News/Entry/id/294/
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