bjjandbj · 4 months
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thegoofyfanaticus · 5 months
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(( Commission from the incredibly talented ArtReplicant )) Shawn let Marc's hands drop from around his face and fall to the mat. He let his elbow then dig into Marc's pecs as he grinned and slowly got him self up to his knees. Marc groaned in pain as Shawn's elbow pressed into his very tender pecs. Shawn then rolled Marc over to his stomach and sat on the small of Marc's back. Marc was in too much pain to resist. Shawn then leaned forward and grabbed Marc by the air and pulled him back enough to be able to grab his jawline. Marc's back radiated pain as it was bent backwards while Shawn was sitting on top of him. Marc groaned in agony as the back started to bend. Before Marc could support himself with his hands, Shawn locked Marc's arms next to his body with a body scissors. Shawn squeezed tightly using his legs as vise grips to crush the sides of Marc. Marc's groans turned to cries of pain as the back and sides were being assaulted. "The pain has only begun, asshole. You refused to admit I owned your ass, so now I will make it so unbearable you will be begging me to release you. You will wish you submitted earlier." Shawn continued to pull on the jawline of Marc increasing the pressure on his back. Marc tried his best not to cry out more, but could not contain his pain. "Yes! Cry you little bastard! Cry like the cub you are!" Shawn smile widely as he bent Marc back slowly and methodically. He knew the pain would rise and fall as the positions held and changed. He chuckled as Marc cried out in agony. "We're just getting started..." Shawn had Marc all the way back to his chest. Shawn looked down at Marc and smiled, "Enjoy your demise..." Shawn used his left arm to force Marc under his armpit and locked in a modified dragon sleeper cranking Marc's neck back on top of the back. Marc was smothered in Shawn's hairy pit. His nose and mouth were directly in the center as Shawn's bicep flexed and pushed on the side of Marc's head. Subjected to the mixed smell of sweat, testosterone, and natural odor, Marc started to gag. Shawn's pit hair was dripping sweat into his nose and mouth. The body heat from a long match radiated over his head. Shawn's sweat the side of his pecs rubbed onto Marc's face. After locking in the modified dragon sleeper, Shawn now locked down everything in the hold. The body scissors crushed Marc's sides of his torso and arms. The sleeper pulled his back far beyond normal means and Marc's neck was cranked far back. Pain soared through Marc's body. His cries of agony became screams of sheer pain that were muffled by the smothering pit. Shawn Sat back and flexed his right bicep smiling smugly with his eyes closed as he tortured Marc. "FFFUUAAAAAACCCCKKKKK!!!!! I SUBMIT!" Marc finally cried out in agony and pain while being smothered by Shawn's pit. Shawn looked down and demanded, "Say it!" "FUCK! SHAWN. YOU. OWN. ME! FFUUUUAAAAAACCCCCKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!"
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choke2sleep · 1 year
Sleep buddy……sleeeep. Dragon sleeper.
Wrestlers unknown
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avirael · 2 months
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soulshards-ooc · 2 years
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Final Fantasy XIV • Location #15 Dragonsleep, Brayflox's Longstop
Deep within the quiet jungles of Raincatcher Gully something sinister has made the lush forest its home. Dragonsleep is the claimed lair of the giant green dragon, Aiatar.
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fey-t-ff · 11 months
FF14地名:2.X ID
自分用、新生ID地名の日本語版・英語版まとめ。SSへの文字入れなどにご利用ください。ただし記事の丸々転載はご遠慮下さいませ。間違いなどあればtwitterの方に指摘もらえれば直しておきます。 2023.6.2更新。  
  ●天然要害 サスタシャ浸食洞 Sastasha 叫びの池 Wauling Pond 行き止り Empty Room 浸食洞 Sastasha Seagrot クァールのねぐら The Cattery 第一舷梯門 The First Rambade 霧髭のアジト Dead Man's Drink 甲板員室 Deckhands' Quarters 懲罰房 The Hole 漕ぎ手室 Rowers' Quarters 航海士室 Navigator's Quarters 船長室 Captain's Quarters 海人門 Waverider Gate 第二舷梯門 The Second Rambade 霧髭入江 Mistbeard Cove 隠れ桟橋 The Sultana's Lap     ●地下霊殿 タムタラの墓所 The Tam-Tara Deepcroft イニク家の墓 The Ak-Inik Tomb 若木の祭壇 Greenwood Altar 絶対王ガルヴァンスの墓 Tomb of King Galvanth the Dominator 壺室 Interring Chamber 大木の祭壇 Hardwood Altar メナ家の墓 The Ak-Mena Tomb 古木の祭壇 Wormwood Altar 石橋 Stone Bridge 幽寂の円環 Eternal Calm     ●封鎖坑道 カッパーベル銅山 Copperbell Mines 1F Ground Level  A1坑道 Shaft A1   B1F First Drop  B1坑道 Shaft B1  人喰いの淵 Maneater Rip  B4坑道 Shaft B4  喚きの立坑 The Screaming Dark   B2F B2  再開発区E1坑道 Shaft E1  嘆きの立坑 The Crying Dark  再開発区E2坑道 Shaft E2  巌窟王の玉座 The Cold Throne     ●魔獣領域 ハラタリ修練所 Halatali 拳闘の間 Hall of the Cesti 剣闘の間 Hall of the Secutores 獣闘の間 Hall of the Bestiarii     ●監獄廃墟 トトラクの千獄 The Thousand Maws of Toto-Rak ◇被疑者の間 Accusation Chamber 懺悔の回廊 The Way of Penance 裸者の広間 Comfession Chamber 愚者の広間 The Fool's Rest ◇鈍物ベルガンドの独房 Bergand the Broken's Cell 潮騒のオシュフォーンの独房 Ser Aucheforne of the High Tide's Cell 寛容の回廊 The Torn's Rest ◇沼人ユーキルの独房 Joukil Halfmoor's Cell 拷問の間 Abacinaton Chamber ※◇はパッチ6.1のリニューアルでなくなった地名。     ●名門屋敷 ハウケタ御用邸 Haukke Manor 1F Ground Floor  エントランス Foyer  紅薔薇の間 Red Hall  宿り木の扉 Ivy Door   B1F Cellarage  ワイン蔵 Bottlery  黄撫子の間 Yellow Hall   2F Second Floor  白百合の間 White Hall     ●奪還支援 ブレイフロクスの野営地 Brayflox's Longstop 未開の茂み Thicktwine ブレイフロクスの監視小屋 Brayflox's Watchbox 避難地の前庭 Runstop Frontblock ブレイフロクスの避難地 Brayflox's Runstop 避難地の裏庭 Runstop Backblock 泥濘の水源地 Mudstop Watergush 野営地の前庭 Longstop Frontblock 野営地の内門 Longstop Gutgate ブレイフロクスの野営地 Brayflox's Longstop 竜のねぐら Dragonsleep     ●遺跡探索 カルン埋没寺院 The Sunken Temple of Qarn 遺跡入口 Sanctum Entrance  太陽のテラス The Sun Terrace   埋没遺跡 Inner Sanctum  タタメフII世の祈祷所 The Oratory of Tatamefu II  ララフトI世の中庭 The Rosarium of Lalafuto I  武力の間 The Vault of Steel  巨富の間 The Vault of Wealth  ララフトIII世の中庭 The Rosarium of Lalafuto III  魔力の間 The Vault of Aether  知恵の間 The Vault of Secrets  審理の間 The Inquisitor's Measure  メメト女王の祈祷所 The Oratory of Memeto the Meek  太陽神アーゼマの間 The Cameral Chamber   地下遺跡 Lower Sanctum  ララフトIV世の地下神殿 The Adytum of Lalafuto IV     ●流砂迷宮 カッターズクライ Cutter's Cry 渇水の層 The Dry Sands  飽食の前室 Feeding Pit  沈殿せし中室 Sunken Antechamber   湧水の層 The Wet Sands   青燐水の層 The Blue Sands  大喰王の玄室 Craver's Den     ●城塞攻略 ストーンヴィジル Stone Vigil 騎兵詰所 The Barracks バービガン The Barbican 左翼ブレテーシュ The Left Brattice 右翼ブレテーシュ The Right Brattice 防衛指揮室 Security Command 補助格納庫 The Strongroom     ●掃討作戦 ゼーメル要塞 Dzemael Darkhold 要塞外郭 Outer Hold  門兵詰所 Guardhouse  チョコボ房 Chocobo Stables  虎口 The Gullet  大広間 Grand Hall   要塞主郭 Inner Hold  龍息の瀧 Dragonbreath Falls  練兵広場 Training Hall  衛兵食房 Feasting Hall  衛兵宿房 Knights' Quarters  聖ダナフェン礼拝堂 Altar to Saint Daniffen     ●霧中行軍 オーラムヴェイル Aurum Vale 守衛の罠 The Trap 金地金の沼 Golden Pools 守衛の詰所 The Lock 金庫の扉 The Banded Lid 無銭の洞窟 The Empty Pocket 徴税人の金庫 Coincounter's Chest 黄水湖 Bile Lake 守銭奴の住処 The Miser's Hold 守銭奴の蔵 The Miser's Take     ●旅神聖域 ワンダラーパレス The Wanderer's Palace 旅人の桟橋 Point of Peregrination サイレントガーデン The Silent Garden 水上庭園 Still Waters 無限回廊 The Endless Rise 旅人の安息所 The Final Ease ロングホール The Long Hall ワンダラーチャントリー The Chantry     ●外郭攻略 カストルム・メリディアヌム Castrum Meridianum ヴィア・プリンシパリス Via Principalis 廃棄物処分場 Waste Disposal 第V封鎖区 Area V 中央交差路 Central Crossing ヴィア・プラエトリア Via Praetoria 閲兵場 Parade Ground 魔導城プラエトリウム The Praetorium     ●最終決戦 魔導城プラエトリウム The Praetorium 最上層 Sky Level  飛空艇プラットフォーム Airship Platform   管理層 Castrum Control  対空防御区 Anti-aircraft Station   防御層 Castrum Defense  魔導アーマー駐機庫 Magitek Armor Bay   主要層 Main Level  外縁通路 Outer Walk  軍団長室 Command Chamber   工房層 Research Level  工房リフト Magitek Lift  魔導工房区 Magitek Research  スカエウァ研究室 Laboratorium Primum  斜行リフト The Echelon  ポルタ・デクマーナ Porta Decumana   斜行リフト The Echelon     ●邪教排撃 古城アムダプール Amdapor Keep 1F Ground Floor  悲憤の前庭 The Forecourt  不浄の大広間 The Gier Hall   2F Second Floor  惨劇の翼廊 The Bloody Transept   3F Third Floor  裏切りの謁見室 The Presence Chamber     ●怪鳥巨塔 シリウス大灯台 Pharos Sirius B1F Flood Cellar  エーテルポンプ室 Aether Pump   1F Ground Floor  第二塔基部 Second Spire  第三塔基部 Third Spire  第四塔基部 Fourth Spire   2F Second Floor   3F Third Floor  エーテル貯蔵室 Fuel Chamber   4F Fourth Floor  エーテル圧縮室 Aether Compressor   5F Fifth Floor  シリウスの灯室 Beacon Chamber     ●騒乱坑道  カッパーベル銅山(Hard) Copperbell Mines (Hard) 1F Ground Level  A1坑道 Shaft A1   B1F First Drop  B1坑道 Shaft B1  B4坑道 Shaft B4  喚きの立坑 The Screaming Dark   B2F B2  再開発区E1坑道 Shaft E1  嘆きの立坑 The Crying Dark  再開発区E2坑道 Shaft E2  巌窟王の玉座 The Cold Throne     ●妖異屋敷 ハウケタ御用邸(Hard) Haukke Manor (Hard) 1F Ground Floor  エントランス Foyer  紅薔薇の間 Red Hall   2F Second Floor  白百合の間 White Hall   B1F Cellarage  黄撫子の間 Yellow Hall     ●腐敗遺跡 古アムダプール市街 The Lost City of Amdapor 腐敗した市街地 Central Amdapor  腐敗の大路 The Agora  平和の残滓 Halcyon Court  白魔道士の塔 Tower of White   封魔洞 Sanctum of Dreams  封魔洞 The Arrested Darkness  悪夢の舞踏場 The Waking Nightmare     ●剣闘領域 ハラタリ修練所(Hard) Halatali (Hard) 剣闘士のホール Hall of the Crupellarii 蛮闘の間 Hall of the Provocatores 獣闘の間 Hall of the Bestiarii 剣闘の間 Hall of the Secutores     ●盟友支援 ブレイフロクスの野営地(Hard) Brayflox's Longstop (Hard) 水源地の抜道 Watergush Sneakway 野営地の前庭 Longstop Frontblock 泥濘の水源地 Mudstop Watergush 侵入者の仮設橋 Unguest's Watercross 未開の茂み Thicktwine 避難地の前庭 Runstop Frontblock ブレイフロクスの避難地 Brayflox's Runstop ブレイフロクスの芥場 Brayflox's Drossdump ブレイフロクスの野営地 Brayflox's Longstop 侵入者の野営陣 Unguest's Breachhold     ●財宝伝説 ハルブレイカー・アイル Hullbreaker Isle 生存者の海岸 Survivor Spit 霧髭一味のアジト Runner's Reel 霧髭の宝物庫 Hidden Cache 旗艦「ハール号」 The Haar     ●惨劇霊殿 タムタラの墓所(Hard) The Tam-Tara Deepcroft (Hard) 若木の祭壇 Greenwood Altar 大木の祭壇 Hardwood Altar 壺室 Interring Chamber 絶対王ガルヴァンスの墓 Tomb of King Galvanth the Dominator 古木の祭壇 Wormwood Altar 石橋 Stone Bridge 幽寂の円環 Eternal Calm     ●城塞奪回 ストーンヴィジル(Hard) The Stone Vigil (Hard) バービガン The Barbican 小ホール Minor Hall 補助格納庫 The Strongroom 主格納庫 Main Storage Vault     ●氷結潜窟 スノークローク大氷壁 Snowcloak 異端の隧道 Corruption 静かなる氷洞 Silence 風雪の断崖 Conviction 異端の潜窟 Contempt 氷柱の円庭 Oblivion     ●逆襲要害 サスタシャ浸食洞(Hard) Sastasha (Hard) 叫びの池 Wauling Pond 浸食洞 Sastasha Seagrot 呻きの池 Greeting Pond 潮の抜け道 The Pull 漕ぎ手室 Rowers' Quarters 占拠されたアジト Dead Man's Drink 霧髭のアジト Dead Man's Drink 海人門 Waverider Gate 第二舷梯門 The Second Rambade 霧髭入江 Mistbeard Cove 隠れ桟橋 The Sultana's Lap     ●遺跡救援 カルン埋没寺院(Hard) The Sunken Temple of Qarn (Hard) 埋没遺跡 Inner Sanctum  太陽のテラス The Sun Terrace  タタメフII世の祈祷所 The Oratory of Tatamefu II  太陽神アーゼマの間 The Cameral Chamber  審理の間 The Inquisitor's Measure  メメト女王の祈祷所 The Oratory of Memeto the Meek  ララフトI世の中庭 The Rosarium of Lalafuto I  武力の間 The Vault of Steel  巨富の間 The Vault of Wealth  ララフトIII世の中庭 The Rosarium of Lalafuto III   地下遺跡 Lower Sanctum  ララフトIV世の地下庭園 The Adytum of Lalafuto IV  ララフトIV世の地下神殿 The Ambulatorium of Lalafuto IV     ●幻龍残骸 黙約の塔 The Keeper of the Lake 低層 Forecastle  崩れた構造体 Agrius Hull   中層 Quarterdeck  帝国軍仮設作業場 Provisional Research Champ  浮行ガス充填区 Ceruleum Spill   高層 Stern  幻龍の背 The Keeper's Spine  黙約の広間 The Forsworn Promise     ●武装聖域 ワンダラーパレス(Hard) The Wanderer's Palace (Hard) 旅人の桟橋 Point of Peregrination サイレントガーデン The Silent Garden 水上庭園 Still Waters 無限回廊 The Endless Rise 旅人の安息所 The Final Ease 仮設牢獄 Asylum 排水管理室 The Bellows ロングホール The Long Hall ワンダラーチャントリー The Chantry     ●邪念排撃 古城アムダプール(Hard) Amdapor Keep (Hard) 1F Ground Floor  悲憤の前庭 Garden of Sorrow   3F Third Floor  裏切りの謁見室 The Presence Chamber  苦渋の広間 The Moot Hall   B1F Cellar  厄災の十字廊 The Twain  流血の演舞場 Scarlet Ballroom
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allaboutchokes · 3 years
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Observe and enjoy the technique 👊
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headsqueeze · 4 years
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Your next
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wrsscreencaps · 4 years
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bjjandbj · 15 days
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thegoofyfanaticus · 30 days
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(( Art is commissioned from the incredibly talented ArtReplicant. Original story by me. )) Wyatt felt Ethan's back give a little more under his weight and pressure. Wyatt knew Ethan was hurting but refused to give him any more than a groan when Wyatt repositioned himself or sat deeper into Ethan's back. With Ethan's back a tad softer, Wyatt decided it was time to soften the front of Ethan as well. By turning his torso and timing it just right, Wyatt was able to drop Ethan's legs to the mat and stay on Ethan grabbing him by the neck. From there, it was sheer strength combined with power to force Ethan up into a sitting position where Wyatt then forced Ethan's head back into a dragon sleeper. Wyatt chose to put Ethan's face square into his armpit instead of locking it in at the neck. He knew this show of force would mark a strong display of dominance that, with the dragon sleeper focused on Ethan's face, would add a high degree of humiliation to The Alpha at this juncture of the fight.  Ethan tried his best to resist and fight back against Wyatt as Wyatt powered him into the crab and now Wyatt was forcing him back into a dragon sleeper. Unfortunately, Ethan could not beat Wyatt's power and strength. As Ethan saw the underarm of Wyatt he knew immediately what he was in for. Ethan loved doing this to his opponent and Ethan figured it wasn't too awful since he shaved all his hair off except for his head, beard, and pubic hair which he kept trimmed. However, like his twin, Wyatt did not shave his underarm. As Ethan's head got closer he saw the ginger hair dripping with sweat and could start to smell the mixture of blood, sweat, testosterone, and pheromones combined together in that athletic musk of alpha manhood. As Wyatt clamped down on Ethan's head, Ethan jolted as the sweat and hairs smeared over his face. Wyatt had a lot of hair under his arm, even more than Ethan's twin brother. The heat of the underarm was intense as was the sweat. Ethan was thankful for small favors as Wyatt was highly hygienic and as such the musk was not the revolting smell that happened when dried sweat which bred bacteria combined with all the other things to create a vomit-inducing stench. Ethan was trying to think of a way out when suddenly he felt a deep pain bore into his abs. This was quickly followed by another. Ethan flexed as hard as he could as he knew Wyatt's strength and the punches that he felt here were deep and hard. Ethan could feel his abdominal walls stressing under the assault. He willed them to stay hard but could feel them start to soften. He then felt the punches pierce deeply into his pectoral muscles. He felt the muscle in his pecs begins to soften under the relentless assault of Wyatt. Ethan was helpless as his face was stuck under Wyatt's pit leaving his upper body completely vulnerable to assault. After a few more punches made their deep mark, Ethan felt his left pectoral muscle begin to be torn apart as Wyatt dug in a massive pectoral claw. Ethan arched his head which unfortunately for Ethan put it deeper into Wyatt's pit as Wyatt's claw dug deep into his muscle tearing it at the fibers. Ethan gripped Wyatt's hand with both of his and tried to pull the massive hand off of his pec. Ethan also started kicking on the mat as he dealt with the pain. Wyatt grinned. He reveled in the pain he unleashed. In his mind, this pain was nothing compared to the pain Ethan had caused before. With a flash of the memory popping back in Wyatt's mind, Wyatt swore Ethan would know even worse pain than now before he was through with him.
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choke2sleep · 2 years
Sleep well buddy. Who doesn’t like seeing a man put to sleep in a dragon sleeper?
Wrestlers unknown
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Game map made on the laser cutter/engraver at work.
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ncfan-1 · 4 years
Okay, having finished my playthrough of Cindered Shadows, I stand by my opinion that, for fic- and meta-writing purposes, I am treating it as Three Houses apocrypha. I am even more firm in the opinion that it reminds me of biblical apocrypha (the story of the Four Apostles in particular), and I think the best way for me to regard it is as in-universe apocrypha, i.e. a legend that arose regarding the year 1180 in Garreg Mach long after the events of the game took place and everyone relevant to the story has died.
It’s not that it’s bad. It’s that it breaks canon, to me. It undermines two of the biggest mysteries of the game--a) the identity and true nature of Byleth’s mother, and b) the reason why Byleth has no heartbeat--and I would honestly have much less of a problem with it if the devs had just gone whole-hog and made it a full route instead of a side-story. How they would have done that, I don’t know, but it probably would have made my head heart a little less.
Also, just as a side-note, another reason I am choosing to treat CS as apocrypha is because I would like to maintain some small level of respect for Rhea as a person, and CS is trying to rip that all away. Before CS, I regarded the theory that Rhea murdered her first eleven ‘children’ to harvest the Crest stone once it became clear that they couldn’t become Sothis’s meat puppets as a crack theory with no canon support. If I take CS as canon, that crack theory? Is no longer crack. It is a theory, with no qualifiers, that I have to seriously consider as what may have actually happened, because Byleth’s mother and the other eleven vessel-children are not, as I had originally thought, beings with lifespans comparable to first-generation Crest bearers (beings that would have died naturally on their own without Rhea needing to hasten their deaths), but full-blown Nabateans. Sitri’s body was still perfectly intact twenty-one years after her death; age and decay does not touch her. I cannot help but believe that, had the Crest stone not been removed from her chest, she would have just gone on indefinitely, and that begs the question: what happened to the first eleven?
Rhea stating that, oh, Sitri would have inevitably died soon anyways because she was so frail just doesn’t ring true. Rhea’s a known liar--like, this woman would lie about what day of the week it was, if it suited her purposes to do so--and the regenerative powers of the Crest of Flames enabled Byleth to, after five years in the dragonsleep, survive a fall that should have broken every bone in her body and absolutely wrecked her internal organs. General, vaguely-described ‘frailty’ sounds like the sort of thing the Crest of Flames could have compensated for. And if she faked Sitri’s burial because she regarded Sitri as her child and couldn’t bear the idea of burying her in the earth and wanted to visit her body, why not put Sitri’s body in the Holy Tomb where it would be safe, why not put Sitri’s body in the same place as where she has laid to rest nearly the entirety of her family? Why, if you care so much, would you stow this poor woman’s body in a place you consider fit only for the dregs of society? Why would you dump her body in a place you regard as a human trash heap?
(And saying she regarded Sitri as her own child contradicts the deathbed confession from Silver Snow, where Rhea aggressively emotionally distances herself from her ‘children’ as much as possible--and having had a few months to chew on that scene, I could write a whole essay about why she might be doing that--and only seems to consciously acknowledge them in terms of the fact that they were failed vessels for her mother.)
Basically, when Rhea talks about how much she cared for Sitri, all I can think is: you’re a liar, Rhea. And I came away from CS thinking that Rhea regarded her ‘children’ as being even more disposable than I initially thought she did, and that just doesn’t fit. Rhea’s a pretty messy person, emotionally; I think her feelings regarding her ‘children’ are much more complicated than the coldly cut-and-dry image I took away from Cindered Shadows. And I absolutely do not want to countenance the idea that she killed the first eleven after they proved unable to become empty vessels for Sothis’s soul so yeah, CS is off the table as far as my personal canon goes.
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fulays · 5 years
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奪還支援 ブレイフロクスの野営地 - 竜のねぐら より
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wwe · 7 years
Awaken the DRAGON on this "What a Move!" Wednesday as we ask: Who is the all-time master of the #DragonSleeper? 
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