#dragons who roar and snarl and then turn around and bake a cake while discussing philosophy
Hey I’m pretty sure I saw you post something about liking when dragons acted like people instead of big scary animals? I totally agree! I love WoF but I was wondering if you’d ever read the Eragon series? The dragons in those books are on a whole different level! They’re like 100 times smarter than people and I love it! Anyways, absolutely love your art and stories! Your style reminds me of a fruit smoothie, it’s looks edible if that makes sense and it scratches my brain in the right places🤣 have a good dayyyy!!!💕 -🪼
i've read the first book, but its been so long that i barely remember it! i mean to re-read it and Finish the series after i re-read/finish the Joust books. but i do Love the Eragon portrayal of dragons! they're so neat!
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