#dougles booth
niceonesixx · 5 years
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Nikki, a dog, his guitar and some cowboy boots🌟
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luv4fandoms · 5 years
The Crüe Girls [Ch 4]
The Crüe and I finally got the inspiration up to work on the story more! Life has been busy for a lot of us, and motivation has been low. I think from now on instead of trying to plan out super long chapters we are just gonna go with the flow of what comes to us. So here is Chapter 4! As always this story stars myself (Liz), and these lovely ladies! @xxmotleyfuckingcruexx @rockersbox @livingdeadharley @miamc2282008 and @an-occasional-dreamer .
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Warnings: Cussing? Lol
Word Count: 1,932
Part 1, Part 3, Masterlist
“Guys...I think I'm in love” Tommy sighed while sitting on the couch.
“You say that every time a girl comes along”Mick stated, looking over at the dummer who had sat next to him.
“Yeah but this time it's different, I'm gonna take Giulia out on a date soon, I really think she's the one” Tommy explained.
“That's what you said about Erica” Vince stated from chair.
“And Sophie” Nikki added from the kitchen.
“And-” Mick started but Tommy cut him off.
“Ok I get it, you don't have to be assholes”
“Sure we do” Nikki smirked, returning with a beer.
“You sure Harley would like that?” Tommy teased, causing Nikki to simply roll his eyes while he say down.
“Unlike you, I'm not going to change myself for a chick”
“Who said I'm changin? Giulia likes me how I am”
“She hasn't had to deal with you for long” Mick spoke before taking a drag of his cigarette, and earning a laugh from Nikki and Vince.
“Whatever man” Tommy brushed it off.
“And besides. Harley's got a wild side to her, I can tell, she just hasn't embraced it” Nikki smirked.
“Oh, we all can see you wanna embrace more than just her wild side” Tommy laughed, earning a shove from Nikki but a smirk nonetheless. Mick just shook his head, which caught Vince's attention.
“You seem awfully quiet over there Mick” the statement causing everyone to turn to their guitarist.
“Yeah dude, what about Liz huh? Think she's a secret party girl?” Tommy laughed.
“I think she's a lot more mature than you three”
“So she's just your type then” Nikki chuckled
“So you gonna try to get that?” Tommy asked, earning a glare from Mick.
“You three idiots do realize that it's possible to enjoy someone's company at times where you don't have your dick in them, right?”
“Yeah but where's the fun in that?” Tommy asked earning laughs from Nikki and Vince. Mick simply shook his head and took a drink from the vodka bottle, muttering about stupid teenagers.
“So, think you'll get any further with Mo?” Nikki asked, turning his attention to the blonde.
“Man I don't know what the hell her problem is. There is no way a chick can stay that angry about something stupid like knocking them over, for this fuckin long” Vince sighed.
“Maybe you are the one who should try not being yourself” Nikki stated, pointing his beer at Vince.
“Fuck you Sixx” Vince replied earning a chuckle from the man.
“They said she was the type to hold grudges” Tommy added, earning a groan from Vince.
“Why do you care?” Mick asked, causing Vince to look at him.
“what is the real reason you're so angry at the fact that she isn't falling to her knees for you” he added, Vince simply rolled his eyes at what he was insinuating.
“There is no reason, it's just annoying” Vince replied. 
"Whatever you say kid" Mick added, before Nikki spoke up.
"I think you want her because she doesn't want you"
"The thrill of the chase" Tommy laughed.
"Why would I go out of my way to get a girl who is clearly blind, when I have girls falling for me every night?" 
"Don't know man, that's your problem to sort out" Nikki shrugged, before the conversation turned to new songs.
Razzle's pov
I hung up the phone and sat down with a sigh, the smile never leaving my lips.
"I don't think I have seen you frown in the past four days, not that I'm complaining love" Mike said while sitting next to me on my hotel bed. We had finally stopped for our next gig and I had called Mia as soon as I could.
"Is it that obvious?" I laughed.
"That you are bloody head over heels? Crystal mate" Mike laughed. 
"I just haven't been able to get her off my mind" I blushed.
"Little Razzle is in love!" Mike exclaimed causing me to roll my eyes.
"Come off it mate"
"Never" he smirked before adding sincerely.
"I'm happy for you love" 
"Thanks" I smiled
"Just don't get too distracted, we are still on tour remember" he winked while standing up.
"Of course" I laughed.
"Get some sleep Romeo" he laughed while closing my door, I looked at the phone once more, the smile returning.
Liz's pov
A few days had passed since we chilled with the guys, and every night Mo had been sneaking out. On the first night I simply thought she needed air so I fell back asleep, but when I heard the door open again the clock read almost four in the morning! The next two nights were the same, and tonight I was determined to find out where little Mo was running off to. The other's hadn't seem to notice yet, so when it came time to leave that evening I wasn't shocked by Mo's quick excuse.
"I think I'm gonna head out and see some of the town instead" she replied when Giulia asked if we wanted to tag along. Nikki and Tommy were wanting to hang out, according to G, Tommy said Vince wouldn't be there, and to relay that to Mo in case she wanted to come. Mick was back at his house since he didn't live with the other three, and I didn't want to be a fifth wheel of what I knew was sort of a double date, so I simply stated that I was going to stay at the house. After the girls had left I waited a couple minutes before I left as well, and it didn't take long to spot Mo down the road.
"Where are you sneaking off to every night?" I asked no one as I made my way after her, ducking down alleys when she would glance backwards. I saw her duck into the rainbow and I quickly made my way over to a window. Glancing inside I watched her walk up to a table that held four very familiar looking guys.
"No fuckin way" I breathed as I looked over four of the original five members of the one and only Guns N' Roses. 
"So this is where you've been sneaking off to? Why wouldn't you tell us?" I wondered out loud as I thought over my options. I could either one, walk back to the house and wait, or two, walk in and let her know that the cat's out of the bag and ask why she felt the need to keep it a secret….
Looking myself over in the reflection for a minute, I nodded, option two it is. I made my way inside and spotted Mo at the bar, making my way over to her I stopped right behind her.
"So this is where you have been sneaking off to" I smirked when she jumped, before spinning around.
"Liz! What are you doing here?!"
"Following you"
"I knew I felt someone behind me!" She stated, more to herself.
"So you have been sneaking out at night to hang out with Guns n' Roses?" I asked before ordering a drink.
"Because Axl wanted to get to know me" she stated.
"I was asking why you felt the need to sneak out, but holy shit really?" I asked before taking a sip of my vodka and coke.
"Yeah, the day Mia and I went to the record store, we met and he said he wanted to get to know me, but we all know the rumors about him and his temper, so I didn't want you all to get over protective, so I figured that-" I cut her off by raising my hand.
"Has he been treating you good?" 
"Then that's all that matters"
"You act like we're dating" she stated.
"Wouldn't blame ya if you tried" I winked.
"I have a feeling you would rather try with someone else, or should I say some others" she said while glancing back at the table.
"You wouldn't be wrong" I laughed remembering just who was at the table.
"Come on, Harley and Giulia won't be back for awhile," she smiled.
"This is true" I laughed, turning and following her back to the table, but not before earning a laugh from her when I asked.
"When did you become the bad influence?"
"Guys, this is my friend Liz. Liz this is Izzy, Duff, Slash, and Axl"
"Nice to meet ya" I smiled.
"You too" Axl smiled while Mo took her place beside him.
"Have a seat" Slash said while scooting over in the booth, I smiled and sat down, catching Duff sending Slash a quick glare before turning to me.
"So you're one of Mo's roommates?"
"Yup, decided to come see what L.A's nightlife had to offer" I smiled while looking over at Mo while Axl draped his arm across her shoulders.
"What did you find?" Slash asked, resting his arm on the seat behind me. I smiled, my eyes glancing from him, to Duff and back.
"Found out I may have to come out more often" I smile, earning laughs from the boys.
 The saying "time flies when you're having fun" never made much since until tonight. Before I knew it, it was almost four a.m. and we were all either well buzzed or drunk. I still couldn't figure out of Mo and Axl were close friends or on the verge of dating, but she wouldn't stop smiling, so either way, I was happy for her. As we exited the bar Axl asked us once more if we wanted him to walk us back to the house. 
"We're fine sweety I promise" I laughed.
"How come he's sweety?" Duff asked, coming up behind me and wrapping an arm around my waist.
"You're all sweety, it's a southern thing" I laughed.
"So now that you've seen what L.A has to offer? You gonna come out more often?" Slash asked, coming up on my other side while lighting a cigarette.
"Maybe" I smirked.
"Let us know when you want to, we can show you all the cool places" Duff smirked.
"I'm sure you two could" I nodded.
"But we better get home before the others have our heads" I laughed, Duff and Slash gave me a quick hug while Axl said his goodbyes to Mo.
"It was nice meeting you all" I smiled at the group.
"You too, let's do it again" Axl nodded.
"Lets!" And with that the boys walked one way while we walked the other.
"Ok spill, is there something there?" I asked Mo once we were far enough away.
"You two were pretty cozy tonight, and as an outsider it looked like y'all were together" I added.
"Honestly...I don't know" Mo replied.
"Do you want there to be something?"
"I mean...I wouldn't be mad" she laughed but added.
"But like I said, I just don't know"
"That's understandable, y'all just met what? Four days ago? No need to rush. Take it from me, rushing into something never ends well" I told her.
"Says the woman who was flirting with not just one, but two guys." She laughed.
"Harmless flirting. I refuse to be the Yoko of GNR" I laughed.
"So if Duff or Slash asked you out?" She smirked.
"Shit don't put me in that predicament!" I laughed as we made our way up to the house. We quietly entered, but as soon as we shut the door the light turned on, and we were met by four curious pairs of eyes.
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Well there is chapter 4! I hope you all enjoy it! If you would like to be added to the perm taglist for this story just ask.
(Perm taglist)
(For some reason it is not coming up with some people when I type in their blog names)
@supersoldierballerina @bllrklv @xxbookqueenxx @kingbouji3 @redhotvinyl @letslyn @sixxmarz @anxious-diabetic @dopplebeater @ceruleanrainblues @criminalyetminimal @pfft-halsey @grxvityb @the-tiny-writer @not-so-quality-imagines
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⇢ douglas booth icons 
/ if you save, like/reblog. credits to @julianblckthors on twitter
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k155-me-blog · 11 years
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