#dont forget about my favorite can of condensed milk
gallifreyanhotfive · 5 months
Ok but they can't do this
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Without me thinking about THIS
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Please tell me I'm not the only one seeing parallels here.
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jardingelique · 6 years
idk if these are actually 85
(thank you for the tag @mariyagabriyella​)
1. How old are you? 17
2. Favorite scent? orangessss
3. Sun, moon or stars? the moon
4. The book or the movie? book AND THEN movie
5. What’s your zodiac sign? Capricorn
6. How big is your heart? I don’t know, really
7. How old were you when you had your first kiss? I HAVENT HAD IT OMG
8. Tattoos or piercings? tats!!!!!
9. Favorite flower? peonies
10. Favorite animal? dogs 4 lyf esp gr’s
11. Are you happy? I can be when I want to be
12. Favorite song at the moment? Best Friend - Rex Orange County
13. Last movie you watched? Thor: The Dark World ahaha
14. What are you reading right now? angst on angst on angst
15. How old were you when you had your first heartbreak? 17 
16. Something that you love? My art supplies even though it’s been so long since I touched them
16. Something that you hate? That I’m not on a plane to anywhere rn
17. Favorite color? Blue
18. Favorite season? We don’t have it but I like fall
19. Coffee or tea? coffee
20. Favorite food? EOMUK!!!!
21. Something you can’t live without? My books
22. What is it that you are but wish you weren’t? Tired
23. What is it that you are NOT but wish you were? Competitive
24. Do you have a crush at the moment? no ig not
25. Three things you are scared of? butterflies, dying old, not being able to get a job
26. Dream destination? idk... just anywhere my brother wants to go, even if it’s not copenhagen
27. Chocolate or vanilla? choklit mah dude
28. First thing you notice in a person when you see them? their eyes
29. Favorite book/TV series ships? WILL AND JEM LMAO AHAHHA those parababitches
30. What were you doing before this? sleeping
31. Something you’re interested in? the.. idk, nothing right now
32. Do you smoke? used to (on/off tbh)
33. Can you play any instruments? the uke
34. Any talents? nothing other people can do better
35. Have you ever selfharmed? Why? yes, and I only admit it because I don’t want the experience to control me yet I will not say more about it
36. Playing any sports? badminton dati
37. Favorite thing to do in your free time? being torn between being on my laptop and playing w my dog (the latter always wins)
38. What’s your sexual orientation? B I S E X U A L represent
39. What do you prefer: to go to a party or to stay at home? throw the party and not join tbh heh i like being responsible for the entertainment but i dont want to be a part of it, weird innit
40. Are you a pervert? is the sky blue? jk nO IM NOT 
41. Are you optimistic​, pessimistic​ or a realistic​? realist
42. Do you love yourself? so much that I wish I could date myself (bc no one else wants to HAHHAHA)
43. Are you religious? to some extent
44. Do you have a good relationship with your parents? with my dad, the most
45. Favorite fruits? oranges and mangoes
46. What color do you wear the most? I’ve been told I wear a lot of gray
47. Describe your style. weeeeeeeell, I don’t have one, I wear my PJs to any event if I think I can get away w it
48. Favorite desserts? funnily enough, it’s those chinese things.. the bread you dip in condensed milk? i forgot what those are called but those are surreal
49. What was your first job? dont have one Y E T
50. How tall are you? 5'5.5″
51. What motivates you? the hundreds of ways that I can make my family comfortable in life
52. Dogs or cats? idk.. sometimes i want a cat? but I know I’d always get a dog
53. Lipstick or chapstick? i dont.... ._.
54. Favorite Disney princess? i can’t say that i have one? they’re all hella strange
55. Do you have any siblings? yeah 4 of them
56. Favorite holiday? Christmas
57. Are you a more quiet person or do you talk a lot? quier
58. You can undo something from your past, what is it? wala! keep moving forward lang hahaha don’t look back
59. Least favorite food? calamares tf
60. Lucky number? none
61. Favorite mythical creature? the... you know what idk. i kinda like sciron’s turtle (read about it, it’s a greek myth)
62. Which color suits you best? idk but i hate yellow
63. Do you believe in love at first sight? weeeeeeell
64. Eye color? Brown if u really look hard enough
65. How long is your hair? What color is it? short and black 
66. Have you ever tried drugs? hell nah
67. Favorite hair color? his (even though he was a dick, he had good hair)
68. Favorite eye color? still his
69. Are you superstitious? HHAHAHAHAAHAH on some occasions when I wanna freak someone out or some shit
70. What’s your relationship status? single and waiting for the avengers: infinity war
71. Do you believe in soulmates? yeah, mine’s sleeping rn 
72. What does your name mean? oh i know veronica means something in bullfighting, but platon means “broad-shouldered” bc shoutout to plato my great great great great (...) granddaddy
73. Is cheating ever okay? tf u think
74. Do you believe everything happens for a reason? it sometimes sounds like bs but it can be really reasonable
75. Are you mean? yes
76. What’s easier to forgive or to forget? forget, sometimes I just stop caring about it even though it still gets to me... that’s just when I know I haven’t forgiven
77. Do you miss anyone from your past? i dont
78. How are you feeling at the moment? hungry! i wanted to get these q’s all answered before i leave my room and have bfast
79. Are you a romantic person? hopelessly! 
80. Sea or mountain? i dont like the sea but i cant have the mountain w/o throwing in the sea
81. Ever got in trouble with the police? no HAHAHAHA but I’ve been held at gunpoint
82. Can you cook? hella but my friends dk about it
83. Are you allergic to something? bullshit jk
84. Something that surprises you? when someone remembers
TAG AS MANY PPL AS YOU WANT! Enjoy answering :)
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