#donnie saints row
lelelego · 11 months
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c'mon, donnie
originals below the cut if you're interested :^)
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iiilovebeam · 11 months
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I wanted to redraw this and make them more expressive
Da og pic
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coloring practice and lazy sr doodling
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whoredmode · 1 year
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oook here’s some more official stuff for my sriv rewrite. i’ll link a general plot overview here, but i’ll touch on some stuff as i explain these lol
so part of the story involves the revival of three major gangs from previous games: the rollerz, the emperors, and los carnales. these three are “back” in both stilwater and coming into steelport. i put “back” in quotes because technically none of these gangs ever left; the underlying themes of my rewrite is the larger criminal underworld, and while they may have lost some footing in stilwater, they still operated just fine outside of the city. 
so we’ll start with the rollerz. it would perhaps be more fitting to say they’re technically the ronin, with their more direct yakuza connections, but their new leader, jamie, uses the rollerz name as a tribute to her brother, joseph price. jamie and joseph were twins, and while jamie herself was initially not interested in dealing with the shadier parts of the family trade (instead she opted for working on her own jewelry business), she ended up being roped into it later on after the death of her brother and uncle. she also was able to get donnie to return to his roots and rejoin the rollerz, despite his hesitations. 
if you don’t feel like clicking on that link about jewelry, i’ll just say now that in sr1 there is a jewelry store called jamie price jewelry, and with that surname being so important, it seems like more than just a coincidence imo, so i’ve made her into an actual character. she’s out for revenge. their specific ventures are things like money laundering, drug and parts smuggling, and protection rackets. 
next is lady ranja and her lieutenant king, in charge of the emperors. lady ranja is based on the character of the same name from undercover, as well as partially influenced by another cancelled game character. lady ranja has roots in stilwater, having been a part of the VK back in the 70s alongside ben and jules. things ended terribly between them all, especially with the death of angela, so ranja left stilwater and didn’t return for years.
however during the 70s she ended up getting involved w the sons of samedi and their drug racket, and it’s how that gang ended up being able to get such a strong foothold in stilwater during sr2. ranja is a capable fighter, but her silver tongue is perhaps her strongest weapon of all. she has connections all over, and grudges spanning decades, so she and the emperors are not to be taken lightly. kings only rule a kingdom, emperors rule an empire.
finally there’s the carnales. they never actually went away, as they have a large presence out of state.
so while i don’t rewrite the first two games like i do srtt and sriv, i still have some adjustments to their stories because it like it better and it flows much nicer into my rewrites. specifically, i don’t think manuel ditched luz. i think the two are actually married, but luz is stuck in stilwater to manage the drug trade through there while manuel is in colombia. luz is fine with it, but she gets lonely—thankfully she and anteros have become pretty decent friends over the years. as such, as the carnales presence steadily grows in stilwater again, they and the saints don’t really have as many problems because their leaders are on good terms. however, during my sriv rewrite, luz goes missing along with a string of other disappearances. in the meantime, one of her lieutenants, torque (another character from total control lol) is the interim leader. he’s a longtime carnales member turned brotherhood then back to carnales. he works as a bouncer in his spare time (based on the cooler, another cancelled sr project), and he wants to find luz but isn’t so trusting of the saints, suspecting they may have a hand in whatever happened to her. thus, this ends up turning the carnales fully against the saints once again. 
anyway it’s almost 2:00 in the morning. i have many more thoughts but i need to sleep. i’m sorry ahead of time if there’s one billion grammatical errors in this😭😭
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shelovestobite · 6 months
rowvember week 4 promts + home stretch
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crimescrimson · 5 months
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The Brutal Rampage of The Boss in Saints Row 2: The Proportionate Response to Carlos' Death [The Brotherhood]
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dxwnfxll · 4 months
HIII it me again(I’ve been really hyper fixated on saints row and them being dads😭)I was wondering if you could do a platonic relationship with Troy Shogo Maero Johnny with a child!reader that’s like a totally a daddy’s girl just looks up to them so much and and follow them everywhere and how would they feel about it 🥹🫶(you don’t have to get it done right way take your time and take care of you self❤️❤️and get more sleep!!)
Omgg super sorry I never got to this but yeah!!
These will all probably be that child!reader is related to them just fyi!
••Saints row dad's••
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It had always been just you and your dad since you could remember, he was a police officer and as you heard many of his colleagues say 'a damn good one'
You always looked up to him wanting to walk in his very footsteps, but..
Troy wasn't so keen on that idea, the cop had seen how evil Stillwater could be. He'd watch many of his own men die and even criminals he had gotten attached to.
He put his foot down a lot on you being a cop but you always persisted, he couldn't get mad at you wanting to be like him though.
You were his little girl always right at his hip and making a fuss when you couldn't be there.
He'd always read you to bed and ruffle your hair, he enjoyed taking you to school before he had to go back to the Saints.
He framed your drawings, let you do makeup on him and he cried once he finally saw you grew up
Once he sat in a crowd watching as you graduated police academy, even though you wore the uniform you always still looked like the little girl with messy pigtails and skinned knees to him.
He'll always be proud of you
You were conceived from one of his ex's, the only reason at the time he kept you was because of his father.
'Take some responsibility!' His father would yell while he bounced you, at that moment he thought he'd hate this and hate you eventually
But one day he saw you take your first steps towards him and he was so..proud.
Ever since then you were a spoiled princess, anything you wanted you got!
He has his own parental issues and tries his hardest to not be like his own father but sometimes it happens
Even then though you still love him and still looked up to him with those big [e/c] eyes of yours
He'd always be doing 'work' while you sat in the same room either playing with blocks or your other various toys
He couldn't ever go anywhere without you, not cause he couldn't stand it but because you'd attach yourself to his leg and beg to come with
You never did find out where he went
You were such a small thing compared to him, this tough ass dude was scared to hold you for the first time.
He had you with a ex he's still friends with, the two of them sharing custody. But you always seemed to like him more
Your first word was 'dada', your first steps were at his place and you always bugged him whenever you could
He was extremely protective of you, if someone even made you cry that person would never be seen again (unless you count the news)
He wasn't the best dad though, he did a lot of messed up shit and he didn't even try to hide it from you.
Always stating it was some 'family business' type thing, that one day you'd be just like him
Also y'know that meme with Peter holding a shot gun going 'i'm just gonna talk to him' yeah that's him if you ever even get a crush on another person
Yeah he's one of those dads def sorry LOL
He's almost always carrying you around too and if anyone looks at him funny he sends a nasty glare
He cares a lot about you, you were the last thought in his head after he died
Johnny is honestly probably the second best dad in the list (not including extra), he did his research before you came in the world
Obviously you're his and Aishas lil girl, and Aisha almost had to get up and fight him to finally hold you. He just didn't wanna let you go
It was sad that he got locked up soon after your third birthday, but he always wrote you letters and coloring pages he colored sometimes drawings
Once he got out you were the first person he hugged, you were playing in the yard when he pulled up
He calls you various nicknames Tater tot, Baby doll, trouble maker, thing one, and cheeseball
He takes you with him (much to Aisha's disapproval), don't worry though he only takes you on safe jobs
You'll be in your car seat as the boss jumps in 'hey johnny the fu-' instant head smack 'hey there's a damn kid in the back seat'
He's got the spirit at least
You follow him around everywhere even once you get older and your dad is famous
And of course Johnny would burn the world to protect you especially after what happened to Aisha
Of course once Carlos joined the Saints you also technically joined
He'd call you 'lil Duck' because you'd always be following him around like one
He'd mess your hair up or put his beenie on you, and laugh as the beenie was too big and would fall over your eyes
He was a great dad, he tried his best to shield you away from all the bad stuff but he was a single father and there was little he could do
He'd be one of those dads that would let you sleep in his bed if you had a nightmare
And he'd always hold your hand whenever y'all were in public
Of course you looked up to your dad while having little knowledge in what he actually did
You still wear his beenie even as an adult
Donnie was a scared for life dad, instant panic as soon as you were placed in his arms
He thought he'd be an awful dad and that you'd hate him but the complete opposite happened
Sure he made a few mistakes here and there but you never hated him, you always followed him around and stayed in his shop when you weren't at school
Hell you even tried to go against the damn boss of the saints themselves after they busted into his mechanic shop and started wailing on the poor guy
To which Donnie immediately spilled everything fearing they'd hurt you (they wouldn't)
You'd always beg him to play princess with you or to do his makeup
He isn't that terrifying or strong as Johnny or Maero but he'd do everything in his power to protect you
You're his only hope in life at the moment < 3
Sorry if these seemed rushed or not what you requested i'll be happy to redo them and i'll try to get any other requests done
Hope you enjoyed!
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masschase · 11 months
Remember my hc I posted way back about exactly why Zinyak's simulations ended up so flawed?
There is a potential event somewhere between 2020-2023 in my hc where an alien enemy of the Saints who may or may not be a Zin and a co-operating human who may or may not be Donnie work together to build the most hellish new simulations imaginable for all of the Saints.
Just mentioning that in case I get into it later. :)
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jerdynnn · 2 years
donnie if he joined the saints
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megafreeman · 7 months
Saints Row pairings that are canon but Steve Jaros was too homophobic to make it happen
Ben King x Julius
Tanya x Luz
Donnie x Joseph Price
Donnie x Matt
Maero x Jessica x Matt
Killbane x Angel
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iiilovebeam · 8 months
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Im going crazy cause why does he kinda look good….
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Finished piece of Vicky and Lin.
Now for some lore.
Lin didn't care much for Vicky when she first joined the Saints, thinking she wasn't as good as Julius believed. But, eventually, the two become friends, and Lin even develops a little bit of a crush on Vick. Vicky is quite obviously straight, so it's for sure one sided. She's also completely oblivious to Lin's feelings.
Regardless, Vicky is quite close to Lin, and her death, while it isn't the straw that broke the camel's back, is partly the cause for her emotional shift later on. She heavily blames Donnie for Lin drowning, and takes it out on him in Saints Row 2, even though deep down she knows it was her fault.
Vick is a very different person in the first game compared to the last one, and not just appearance wise.
Lin is the one who introduced Vicky to cars, and made her the motor head she is today.
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whoredmode · 1 year
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my morning run was super atmospheric, all foggy and chilly surrounded by woods, and it got me thinking about typical zombie horror stuff, so consider it a continuation(?) of these posts?
i imagine the plot starts similar to the twd series because i realized they both have a good coma-induced starting point. basically anteros gets shot, goes comatose for a few weeks, and wakes up to the world in shambles etc etc. i think lin and donnie (lin was still undercover at the time) are the first familiar faces he finds. just imagine the time period is like. a vague mix of sr1 and sr2. i have a few more ideas but i might save them for later lol
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shelovestobite · 1 year
idk what to add else i never drew so many donnie ever🫠
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crimescrimson · 5 months
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Red's Favourite Game NPCs Of All Time [8/?]: Donnie from Saints Row (Various)
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dxwnfxll · 6 months
Hiii I just read ‘saints row 2 as dads’ and I a sucker for platonic stuff I was wondering if you could write dad!johnny Maero Benjamin King w a rebellious teen? (Ex smokin weed  sneaking out partying joining gangs?)
Super sorry for taking so long i just got out of writers block but yah!!
This maybe a little ooc as i haven't played SR in a while so i apologize for that in advance LOL and sorry if these are short i'm running on water and 3 hours of sleep
•• Johnny ••
(Warning you'll be his and Eesh's kid so yah)
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- You're a 'bad' kid as some would call it, you smoked, you drank, you followed your dads footsteps. And as many would think Johnny would be proud, they were wrong.
- Johnny hated seeing his kid go down the same path as him, especially after what happened to Aisha. All he could think of was 'what if what happened to Eesh happens to them?' 'What if some bitch gets the upper hand on my kid?'
- He also doesn't like the smoking much, he promised Aisha he wouldn't let you go down the same path as him.
- the two of you get into constant arguments and sometimes they get bad, he never means for them to go so far but he's a gangster not a parent.
- He knows he can't convince you through words so he ends up taking you on some missions, let you see what you'd be getting into if you really wanna be in a gang.
- If he convinces you he's happy and he tries his best to communicate with you about the smoking and drinking, if he doesn't he at least tries to convince you to stay in the saints. At least then you'll be safe in his mind.
- He's just super worried something is gonna happen to you while you're being a Shaundi 2.0 over here, He's still haunted by what happened to Aisha it'd kill him if something happened to you too.
•• Maero ••
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- Maero doesn't really give a shit not so surprisingly, the smoking he's fine with as long as you don't leave cigs and ash everywhere.
- He's fine with the drinking but as long as you drink with him, he doesn't want you to embarrass yourself or get hurt around all the equipment around.
- BUT he's not fine with you joining over gangs, when you tried to join the saints he literally drove up and grabbed you right in front of their 'base' before yelling at Donnie to 'FUCKING DRIVE'
- Similar to Johnny you two get into arguments constantly, he misses when you were a little kid and not some rebellious teen wanting to side with a traitor.
- He doesn't do anything to try and convince you to not be in a gang or not, he literally has his guys watch you whenever he can't so now you're stuck inside 24/7.
- you can't even sneak out without hearing his trucks horn and hearing it roll up next to you.
- He doesn't care about the weed or the smoking hell not even the drinking, just don't join any gangs.
- he doesn't even want you in any gang business, you're his only kid with a past ex. He raised you and he knows how gangs can be, he doesn't want what happened to the Ronins leader happen to you.
•• Ben King ••
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- Ben is the only one here that would put his foot down, very big dad energy and very responsible LOL.
- You are NOT smoking, you are NOT drinking, and you sure as hell are NOT joining a gang his or not. No kid of his is gonna throw away their life to play with guns.
- He wants you to go to college, get an education and get the hell out Stillwater. Become something big like maybe an author or a politician (just don't go corrupt).
- when he catches you smoking he deep searches your room for anymore and gets rid of any drugs or cigs you had, and if someone gave them to you consider them demoted.
- if he catches you drinking, a smack upside the head with a "the hell is wrong with you?!" And you'll be watching as he pours out each damn drink you have.
- Anytime you sneak out you're met with him turning the light on in your room with a 'where have you been.?'
- Now if he catches you trying to join a gang??? He's dragging you back home by the ear and be glad that's all he does, He's very pissed.
- he talks to you though and tells you over and over "i don't want you to be like me, to be like Jules. I want you to be better than me, don't ruin your damn life just because you wanna be like your old man."
- He loves you and wants what's best for you, nothing you do will make him hate you but he's disappointed
•• Troy ••
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- So we all know about Troy, He's not actually a gangster. Just a cop in dress up.
- When he catches you smoking it's kind of expected and he doesn't deal with it well, he was the type to just make you smoke a whole pack to teach you a lesson.
- When you're sneaking out to parties he doesn't care until you get back, he shows he was worried and of course y'all get into a small spat that leads to you locking yourself in your room.
- When you try to join a gang that's it, Troy won't let you and he'll make sure you never join one. He ends up telling you some stories that he backs up with files he shouldn't even be showing you.
- 'you wanna join a gang? There was a kid I knew once who wanted to join one, they did and boom two years later they were blown up on a boat and now they're in a coma. Is that what you want?'
- He's very strict, he doesn't care what job you pursue in the future but you're not gonna become someone he may need to arrest in the future.
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