#dona { πŸŽ† } answered
starvingtongue Β· 9 months
i miss them. i miss them so much. [ for dona! ]
they had never really spoken about it. for all their conversations since Sin's defeat, for all their talk of spheres and the youth league, even with fiends spilling out of the temples and the dark aeons threatening the townsfolk, not a word was said between them about the hole they had left behind.
why would they?
both of them knew the feeling the Aeons had left behind. the hole they left behind in their souls, the very fibre of their beings. their souls once connected with the fayth now left scars across their souls. ones that would never truly heal and every summoner would continue to feel until the day they died.
it was something they never spoke about. any of them. there had been times when she had run into Isaaru. pleasantries had been exchanged, maybe a light hearted joke from his end to ease the awkwardness, he had always had an annoying sense of light-heartedness about him, and they had quickly parted ways. neither of them spoke about the tear the Fayth had left behind. there was an unspoken agreement amongst them. they would not speak of these scars that had ravaged them so deeply that Dona had barely looked towards Kilika temple without feeling a pain deep within her soul.
she wondered if that's why Isaaru went all the way to Zanarkand. while there was a constant reminder of the Final Aeon and what their pilgrimages led up to, there were no temples. there were no clergymen, no priestesses, no members of New Yevon, reminding them that their home housed a Fayth. maybe that's why she'd heard rumours of him turning Zanarkand into a tourist trap, maybe it was his way to try and plaster over the wounds the Fayth left behind. everyone had their coping mechanisms. a way for them not to speak about it.
why would they want speak about it?
some things were too painful to voice. some scars ran too deep that words weren't enough. no amount of words could convey the sheer pain of having the connection to the Fayth one second and then another not. the sheer confusion she had felt, after experiencing pain that had wracked through her body like never before, only to come to moments later to find her connection to the beings she had merged with gone. the first thing she had felt when she realised Yuna had defeated Sin was not happiness, no, it was an overwhelming sense of cold and panic. Dona couldn't put her finger on why, but the very absence of the Aeons had caused her to panic. she had managed to hide it well, feign happiness in the moment, but it had felt like someone had scooped out parts of her soul with a spoon.
she had spent days, no weeks, in an almost depression like haze after Sin's defeat. Barthello had tried to drag her out of their house in Kilika to celebrate with the rest of the village, but she had only managed a couple short hours before retreating back into their hut. sure, there was an ebb of happiness at the fringe of this, a feeling that she should be happy that Sin was gone, she should be relieved that it hadn't been her that had to do what Yuna had done, but she wasn't. she'd be a food to try and convince herself otherwise. in truth, she missed the Aeons. she missed the bond they'd shared, the power that had flowed through her veins when she summoned them. she missed bonding with them like she had never bonded with another human being. they had understood her better than anyone ever would. she had prayed and prayed and prayed at their temples to obtain their power in an effort to defeat Sin and bring peace to Spira for at least a few months. and within the span of a couple hours, with little warning, they had gone. and they had left a deep chasm in her soul that she still didn't think had closed all the way.
no amount of words could convey that to another human, Guado, or Ronso. she could count on one hand the amount of people that understood that feeling and one of them was sitting on the edge of dock in front of her.
without so much as a word or a snarky remark, Dona gently sat herself down next to Yuna. they sat so close that the fabrics of their clothes nearly touched. she could smell the traces of Yuna's shampoo, the perfume she would've put on this morning. in an uncharacteristically kind, almost soft, move on Dona's part, dark brown eyes tracing the rise and fall of the waves coming towards them, Dona put an arm around Yuna's shoulders. she wouldn't admit to anyone, not even Barthello, that her eyes had began to water moments prior. if anyone asked, she would claim it was the strong wind coming off of the ocean that was making them water. she didn't trust her own voice to get any more than the next two words out of her lips. she worried that in doing so, the tears that were building up were going to spill from her eyes.
"Me too."
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starvingtongue Β· 11 months
β€œ am i not already a shadow of myself? ”
"You're being ridiculous, you know that right?", she scoffed, her voice almost a drawl despite the scorn that ebbed at her words. "You're the High Summoner, aren't you? You've saved Spira twice, shown everyone you're not just a sacrifical lamb, and now you're worried about being a shadow of who you used to be?" a hand was placed on her hip very briefly as she eyed the young woman. a soft click of her tongue in disappointment accompanied the ends of her words.
perhaps it was tougher than Yuna needed, but she'd seen the woman weather worse. to have gone through the defeat of Sin proved there was metal underneath the silk. it was something that Dona, while not jealous, was perhaps more envious than she cared to admit. softness was a trait that rarely became of the former summoner, though it was something she was trying to work on.
hand dropped from her hip. if Yuna sought her out for comfort, she'd come to the wrong place. she turned away from the young woman towards their surroundings. her took a turn towards the softer. "I'd say you've long outgrown the shadows of yourself and your father." that was not to say there wasn't room to grow. they were human after all, change was bound to happen. a sigh escaped her then and Dona shook her head. she could say a lot of things, but maybe a dash of kindness was needed her. clearly whatever Yuna was going through was something that had been swimming around her head for a while. these thoughts didn't pop up out of the blue.
"You're a lot different to the summoner I met two years ago. Though I hear you're still quite a pushover, but you've got time to work on that."
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starvingtongue Β· 1 year
❛ Β your vote of confidence is overwhelming.  ❜ ( @ dona )
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a hand went to her hip, head cocked to the side. it was sometimes hard to tell if he was being sarcastic or not. in the handful of times Dona had heard him speak, his tone had nearly always been rallying. of course, there had been times when he had joked within these speeches, but sarcasm was not the sort of thing she was used to hearing from him. not that it mattered, Nooj certainly gave off the air of someone who could be sarcastic, if he wanted to be.
"I should hope so. I don't place it in too many people these days."
or ever, for that matter. it was rare for her to feel confident about too many people, let alone trust them with such an incredulous task. doing so required a certain amount of faith in other people to do things well. and sometimes, one had to do things themselves if things were to be done properly. hand moved from her hip to back to her side.
"Now that you've moved in across the street," and by street, she meant the shallows across the way. the youth league headquarters were finally finished in Kilika, which hopefully meant that less of her time was spent pulling together the youth league members on the island. "Maybe you can instill some proper leadership amongst your members. I can only do so much and some of them are getting restless again." as much as she complained, pulling them together after Yuna's concert had brought a sense of purpose to her life. Kilika was her home and she wasn't gong to see it slide back into Yevon's grip again. the balance between the Youth League and New Yevon felt necessary for the island, lest it fall back into old habits, or keeping old secrets, again.
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starvingtongue Β· 1 year
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dona tag drop
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starvingtongue Β· 4 months
❝ It is easy to see things in retrospect. ❞ @ Dona
"True. It's a wonder we got anything done." they were sat somewhat comfortably around the table in the new Youth League headquarers. Dona had reported anything she'd felt necessary to report back to him. there hadn't been much, a few inklings here and there about goings on and rumours being spread. hands were cupped around a slowly cooling cup of tea. not that she needed the warmth, the island was warm enough these days. but she enjoyed a cup of it nonetheless.
they had gotten onto the progress of the league over the past couple months. the fact that the new headquarters had been built so quickly had become their current topic of conversation. Spira had not seen quick growth of any civilisation in Yevon knows how many years, but it wasn't hard to see why. with the constant threat of Sin looming over their heads every day, it was hard to focus on expanding when it could be wiped out in an instant. then there was Yevon, breathing down their necks at every turn. one wrong move and you could be branded a traitor or a heretic.
when everyone was so focused on their own survival, how were they expected to grow in any direction?
"That's the beauty of retrospect and hindsight, you can use it to learn what not to do." she could only hope that the people of Spira learned from their mistakes and continued to move forwards. it's why she joined up with the league in the first place. their want to uncover Spira's secrets spoke to her deeply. Yevon had had them in a chokehold for far too long. even now, that ideal hadn't wavered. she wanted Spira's secrets uncovered, for them to move forward into brighter days, to continue to shake the shackles of Yevon's grip.
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starvingtongue Β· 4 months
❝ I think it’s good to change the place where one sleeps from time to time. I believe it gives one more interesting dreams. ❞ (Dona! Dona, your Honor! *hits buzzer, bangs pots and pans*)
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she scoffed, a hand reaching up to almost press against her head as it shook, her other hand going to rest at her hip. after such appendages were moved back to her side did her lips pulling down at the edges, an incredulous look crossing her features. "Good for you. May your interesting dreams keep you comfortable on the floor. I am going to search for somewhere more comfortable to sleep." she had, of course, slept in some unsavoury places during her pilgrimages, she knew there wasn't going to be a travel agency around every corner for her to sleep in. she'd hated those nights when they'd had to sleep on the ground, with nothing by a few sheets of fabric between them and the floor. even with being curled up next to Barthello, she'd hated it. his presence had done little to squash the flames of her distaste. she had purposely left that piece of her life in the past after Sin's final defeat. she had a heavy preference for sleeping in an actual bed compared to something on the floor.
she was already stalking away before she could catch whatever response he might've thrown her way. she missed her bed back in Kilika already. she missed silence in general already. she had a feeling this was going to be a long night of attempted small talk, which was the last thing she wanted to do after a day of travelling. if only Barthello were here, he'd understand. there'd be no convincing her to sleep in unruly places such as thing, there'd be no talk of interesting dreams, there'd be only silence.
there had to be something better around here, right? something more comfortable for them to sleep on, to rest their weary bodies on besides the cold hard ground beneath their feet.
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starvingtongue Β· 5 months
❝ This is the only story I will ever be able to tell. ❞ oooh, hmβ€”dona! this could be interesting!
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"Well we haven't got all day, my dear, so you better get on with it." a hand immediately went to her hip, her head cocking to the side, chin almost jutting out. she could feel her foot wanting to tap with impatience, but she resolved to let it stay still. she never had much patience for those that danced around the topic, preferring those who got directly to the point. even if they used sweet words to get there, she could intepret their meaning at least.
her hand lowered from her hip and a small shake of her head accompanied her next words. "Perhaps I should put on some tea while you tell this tale, you seem like the type who would tell one for the ages." they had a lot of time of their hands, despite her best efforts to suggest otherwise. maybe it was a subtle way of saying she'd rather do anything else but listen to what this man had to say, but what else would she being? staring out into the distance? no, if she was going to be spending her time doing that, she might as well be trying to distract herself.
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starvingtongue Β· 5 months
❝ Our little lives are no more than the flicker of a moth's wing to them. ❞ (for any muse you'd like 🀍)
"Yet, here I am, offering myself up as willing a sacrifice regardless."
there was little harshness in her tone. instead it was filled with a sense of acceptance and resolve that was not unlike a summoner. they all strove towards a common goal; a world without Sin; a place where the people could rest easy in their beds and traverse the land without a cloud of anxiety looming over their heads. if that meant being nothing more than a flicker of a moth's wing to the Maester who ruled over them, so be it. it was a small price to pay if it meant ending the suffering of others. it wasn't as if she was planning on living past the Final Summoning against Sin. both of them knew what happened at the end of a Summoner's pilgrimage. neither of them were fools.
"You're talking to the wrong person if you think I give two shakes of a shoopuf's ass about the Maester's opinion. They're not the ones doing the pilgrimage, are they?"
she said it with an exasperated sigh and a shake of the head. he had already done this once after all, how much did he actually respect the Maesters? those that sat in their grand seats and bestowed their judgement upon others. he hadn't seemed overly impressed by Maester Seymour when he had sauntered into Operation Mi'ihen and guided their way through the checkpoint. she remembered being seven ways to pissed off at the fact that Yuna and her guardians had been allowed access, but she, another summoner, had not. what privilege being the daughter of Braska, of having a legendary guardian, of being the focus of a Maester, had brought. but even in her heady judgement, she had also noticed the expressions and body language of the guardians around Yuna. a side-eye at the cast while continually trying to get her point across to one of the attendants.
maybe she had been a poor judge of character in that moment, but had he not seemed overly impressed by the Maester's actions either? perhaps it was her own judgement getting in the way, clouding her own vision.
"Since when has a legendary guardian like you cared so much about their opinion?"
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starvingtongue Β· 5 months
sender Β wraps Β their Β arms Β around Β a Β hysterical Β receiver Β to Β calm Β them. β€” dona!
"Barthello." her voice was husky with sleep. hands fumbled around to find her partner and they came up empty. thin strands of panic crept through her.
a nightmare. that's all it was. but it had panicked her beyond belief. in the early days after Sin's defeat, she encountered nightmares nearly every night. her failure in her duty as a summoner still weighing heavily on her, despite Sin's permenant defeat being seen as a victory by many. yet, it had not been her that had defeated Sin. the guilt at not fulfilling her own duty had weighed heavily on her heart, despite the feeling of relief that she did not have to die lighting from her shoulders.
very rarely did she experience nightmares anymore, and when she did, it was usually Barthello that helped calm her down. his arms wrapped around her as her shakey breath escaped her, his mutterings about it everything being fine helping to ground her in reality. the soft strokes of his hands on her hair helped her drift off to sleep again.
but barthello wasn't here and she had awoken in an unfamiliar place, which caused her disorientated, hysterical ridden brain to painc further.
"Barthello!" her voice was more hysterical now. she flung herself up in bed in search of her husband and his warm and familiar embrace. she could still feel the creeping sensation of dread go through her. the empty, aching hollow of realisation that her aeons would no longer come when called. the feeling of their souls being ripped from hers. the voices of the fayth saying to her in tones so monotone that it was all her fault that they had suffered for so long. that she had not done her duty well enough.
she had felt them stir within her when the temples had become corrupted. their souls very briefly touching with hers and causing the nightmares to come back, but with 10x the ferocity. she had felt the claws of aeons unknown to her try to clasp around her heart. she wasn't sure how their souls had managed to reach towards hers during the farplane, but they had. these feelings still rang true in her nightmares. the cold shivering feeling of Shiva's touch, being in her very presence causing a chill to sweep through her very bones. the electric snap of Ixion causing her hair to stand on end and goosebumps to raise on her arms from the electrical discharge. the feelings of pain and anguish licking at her soul causing her to cry out and sob.
"Barthello, they're gone. They're all gone."
and cry out and sob she did once more, as thin arms encircled her in an embrace, pulling Dona into a body so warm that the dam opened. she wasn't sure when the door had been pushed open or if there had been another person in the room with her all along, but the warmth that exuded from the person who now embraced her helped bring her back to reality. arms encircled this person back, this person who smelled like hibiscus and honey and comfort, dona's short fingernails digging ever so slightly into this person's back as she sobbed further. she sobbed for the ache of a loss that had grown number but had never disappeared completely. she sobbed for the loss of companionship that she would never regain, that not even Barthello could comprehend. she sobbed for the loss of duty, tradition, and sacrifice that she lost. she was still respected, yes, but at what cost?
she was curled there, in the embrace of someone who smelt of the duty, tradition, and sacrifice of Yevon, sobbing her heart out in a way that only Yuna could understand.
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starvingtongue Β· 6 months
their bickering would go on for hours, at times days, weeks. kilika and bevelle could not have any more of them ; yet, they could not go without. yuna would look at them as if lifted away from her body, an external point of view and suddenly transported back to when she was younger, to how they had bickered back then and it did not mean what it means now. so she stands in front of dona now, her chest full a moment before, holding her ground about some matter β€” about yevon, of course. politic games. secrets, schemes, this and that. they would barely touch upon the subjects of herself, because she would just dodge whichever dagger dona would throw at her heart ; because, after all, maybe . . . avoiding the past was the best she could do. and now, her eyes soften, as dona seems to have turned her shoulder at her, about to leave bevelle once more, leave her house after a new pressing matter that had bothered the two of them. but a softer voice comes from the high summoner: ❝ . . . could you stay? ❞ she says, like a little kid left unattended at once. you're my family, she means. i wish i could see myself in you, she means. perhaps she misses home. and perhaps dona is all the family she's got left.
they had been bickering about something for a few hours now. Dona couldn't remember how it started, what trivial matter had caused it, but she was certain it had meandered into other, unrelated, matters. their bickering had never gotten terribly deep, a lot of it remaining at surface level. she had a feeling it was because Yuna was avoiding talking about any of the matters she wanted to talk about in depth. they were matters the people had brought to her, matters Dona had ruminated on for days, matters that she, herself, thought important enough to bring to Bevelle, to Yuna, to settle once and for all.
perhaps in all their time and experiences they had shared, Dona had believed that maybe Yuna would be the voice of reason. that Yuna would be the one ear she could speak such things into and get some semblance of approval amongst all of those that still clung to the traditions of old. how foolish Dona had been when Yuna had tossed disputes dressed up in pleasantries, softness, and lace back at her. Dona's eyes had blazed with contention and had thrown her arguments back, laced with less softness and more steel.
the whole ordeal was incredibly frustrating. she would be leaving the city having resolved next to nothing and it left a bitter taste in her mouth. they seemed to have talked little about their personal lives, though Dona had attempted to make the effort. it was almost as if Yuna was avoiding going into any depth on the matter. and yet, how long had they been doing this dance now? every so often, Dona would make the trip to Bevelle to see if certain political matters could be discussed, if certain secrets would be best opened up to the general public. while she admired the Youth League for the brazen way they disclosed certain secrets Bevelle held tightly to it's chest, she knew there were those that were better left discussed in private first before being revealed.
perhaps, because they had both been through so much, experience very similar things, and were now thrust into the positions of power they found themselves in, Dona subconsciously conisdered Yuna a friend. maybe a closer friend then she cared to admit. be that as it may, she felt a wall around Yuna's inner workings. and it disappointed her more than she thought possible.
after their last exchange of words were spoken, the last debate shelved with Dona realising it was going to bring little change (change that she was hoping to see), she turned to leave. an uncomfortable feeling of discontent settling at the bottom of her heart. there was nothig else for them to discuss. even their personal lives seemed to normal, too out of reach for them to sit down and discuss. perhaps if they were anywhere else, anywhere that wasn't Bevelle, they could sit and talk like people instead of the leaders that they were. even the ruins of Zanarkand would do.
"Could you stay?"
the words gave Dona pause. she completed the step towards the door and just stood for a moment. a defeated sigh escaped her lips, a hand going to rest on her hips, the other placed over her face as she shook her head. "My, my, my," once the movement was over, her arms went back to her side. "Do you have to sound like a child when you ask?" her own question was directed back in jest, but with just an ounce of attitude that Yuna would know her for. she looked over at her shoulder at the woman that should behind her, an eyebrow quirking upwards in her direction.
"I'll stay," she turned, all trace of attitude gone, replaced by a certain tiredness that Yuna would surely recognise. "But only if you brew some tea."
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starvingtongue Β· 6 months
1-100 for dona! c:
@cwarscars // spotify wrapped as a arrived! send me 1-100 for a starter based on that song, or a lyric from it, or send a 🎁 for me to shuffle // accepting!
"You said lets take advantage of this rainstorm," she felt a chill sweep across her body. arms folded across her torso as best she could to try and warm her body up, regret at her own choice of clothing finally sinking in. she was struggling to remember why she had agreed to this idea in the first place. there was logic to the idea, that was true, but now she realised maybe it hadn't been the best idea after all. she felt a shiver go through her body. as someone who was used to warmer climates, this was becoming a stark reality check that she wasn't in Kilika at least. at least in Kilika most of their rainstorms were warm.
"I've never been so soaked before, ugh."
she shook her head in digust. she hated being caught in the rain. she hated the feeling of wet clothes against her body. she could feel strands of hair stuck to her face and back. strangely enough, her companion didn't look nearly as soaked as Dona did, and she couldn't help by eye him warily.
Holliday by The Weekend Run Club
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starvingtongue Β· 7 months
sunflower :Β  Β what brings your muse the most joy in life ? && violet :Β  Β how does your muse respond to betrayal ? ( @ dona )
ππŽπ“π€ππˆπ‚π€π‹ π‡π„π€πƒπ‚π€ππŽππ’ // Accepting // @meyvn
sunflower :Β  Β what brings your muse the most joy in life ?
Barthello. Days with Barthello. Being able to enjoy life, I think. Much like everyone else during Sin's reign of terror, Dona never really got to experience too much joy in her life, though some of it was her own fault for not being so open with certain things or people. Add the fact that she was a summoner on top of that, and she had less time to focus on bringing joy to her own life. There were times when she found small glimpses on joy in cooking, the sunset, listening to the Hymn of the Fayth, watching the sunrise or the sunset, teas, but nothing ever lasted. Similar to most people in Spira, she never really lived much.
But now that she can, she's really gone in on things like cooking (honestly, she really does love to cook, get her to cook a fish curry or stew for you, it's amazing), something she likes to share with other people, but won't openly admit it. Despite their spat in X-2, she really does appreciate her days with Barthello, especially after they confess their feelings to each other. Watchig the sunset with him with a nice cup of tea brings her joy. Sharing the food she cooks with him (and other villagers) brings her joy. Helping out the people of Kilika brings her joy (as much as she hates to admit it). I think the latter of these also gives her a sense of purpose, which is also very important to her.
violet :Β  Β how does your muse respond to betrayal ?
honestly? pretty well, though I say that with a caveat as well. Dona's not the type to ruminate over what ifs and could have beens, up until the defeat of Sin, life had always been too short for that sort of thing. she'll move on and continue her life without them. if someone betrays her in any way, that's it, they're done. they're cut out of her life before they can even blink. she won't let them back in again, she's unlikely to trust them again, she'll keep them on the other side of a brick wall for the rest of time. she's not the type to trust easy regardless of if she's been betrayed by someone, but it becomes 10x harder for the betrayer after they've fucked up. she can compartmentalise pretty well after something like this, being able to separate her feelings, thoughts, and emotions out and get over the person being out of her life within a few days.
obviously this depends on how close she is with the person too. if it was someone like Barthello, for example, she'd be a lot more hurt, but I think her reaction would be mostly the same, it would take a lot longer. this probably wouldn't come as much of a surprise, but she wouldn't be one to show how hurt she'd be over someone's betrayal. she finds outward displays of such emotions very embarassing, and tends to keep them hidden from those she's not close to. even then, it can be very hard for her to feel like she can openly show them. but the end results are much the same, she considers them out of her life completely and finds it very difficult to trust them again.
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starvingtongue Β· 9 months
say it. go ahead, say it's my fault. [ for dona. β™₯ ]
"It is your fault. You wanted to bring these secrets to light. There are you happy?"
there, she said it. it was accompanied by a hand going up to her forehead and a shake of her head. her words weren't laced with a venomous tone, the righteous indignation, that might've laced her voice if they had this conversation a couple years prior. she might've felt some sense of satisfaction that Braska's daughter had managed to screw up somehow. she wouldn't have openly gloated, okay maybe she would have a little, but she might've muttered something to Barthello at a later date. instead, it was said matter of factly, something akin to a simple statement. an accusatory tone was nowhere to be found. if anything, she sounded more annoyed at Yuna's insistance that she'd made a mistake.
no longer was that the case that she'd feel like she was on the high ground, however. call it growth, call it seeing someone with new eyes, call it whatever you wanted, Dona didn't care. they had both grown too much for that now. she wasn't even proud of the fact that this wasn't the first thing that had entered in her mind. limbs moved so that one hand went to rest on her hip, the other stayed by her side.
if anything, pity threatened to blossom in her chest instead. and that felt worse. it caused a small frown to pull at her lips.
"This is easily fixed, you know that right?" it was the main reason she wasn't angry or frustrated. logically, she knew this was fixable. if it wasn't...well that was a different story. thankfully, that wasn't the case, so there was little use pondering over the 'what could have been'. "It can happen to anyone, don't beat yourself up over it." this was said with more compassion, if one wanted to hear it. both arms relaxed back to her side.
"I'll talk to Nooj and see what he can do. Failing him, Lucil. The Youth League can be fools, but they're not the sort to get angry over this. You'll be fine." both of them were logical people. both of them knew that Yuna meant no harm with trying to uncover the secrets of Spira, especially Bevelle and Yevon, regardless of the form the latter took. if other people's secrets came tumbling out, it couldn't be helped. she thought the League would be happy over Yuna's discovery, but clearly there were some tensions amongst it's members.
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