#don't let the clownery around an s2 get to you—either ignore it or embrace it. whatever makes you feel good. ♥️
thereigning-lorelai · 1 month
I love your blog so much!! I am brand new to JATP, deeply in love, and completely heartbroken it was canceled. I need everyone to stop teasing us about s2. But I also can’t help but think of the beautiful parallels with the story if it is renewed — coming back to life, getting a second act, etc. Art mimicking life etc etc. 💚
hi there and welcome to the fandom!!! ♥️ i'm so happy you find this little gem of a show. believe me, you have so much wonderful content to dig into if you want to.
also, i can totally empathize with the feeling of being heartbroken. i still remember how i felt when we finally were told the show got cancelled. i hadn't been in an active fandom for a still running show for so long, i forgot how awful cancellation news can feel. and even with all my other fandoms i've been in before, they'd mostly run longer than was good for them, so cancellation usually felt more like a relief. so, not getting a season 2 really felt like the worst thing when it happened. there was so much potential, so much wonderful music we could have gotten, so many great stories and character moments i was looking forward to. i just really wanted these kids to get their happy ending, you know?
i made my peace with not getting more of jatp. i love the little revival of the fandom we are seeing right now—with "old" fans coming back and new people discovering the show—but i think we all have to be honest with ourselves that it's highly unlikely we'll ever get another season or a movie or a tour. (doesn't mean we all can't have a little fun—i think this fandom's rather notorious for seeing signs everywhere. mostly, i just see it as gallows humour. we've all just been through a lot. 😶)
anyway, yes, a second season would've been great for all the little things they've already put into the first season. the foreshadowing would've been amazing. and like i said, the boys would've deserved to come back to life and finally get everything they ever wanted (love, family, fame, closure etc.). either way, it is what it is.
but as long as we're all still here watching the show, talking about it, creating things around it, is it ever really dead? ♥️
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