#don’t know why the quality is so dogshit 😭
derogatorydennis · 4 months
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coredrill · 1 month
i think it’s hilarious they just. had lulu talk about future superbia and then had a conversation abt it outloud. LIKE 😭 poor isami’s gotta be sitting there listening to lulu’s explanation like “yeah why not this might as well happen too” LMFAO
i’m so curious. Does Isami Know. cause he sure was talking at the end like he Knew!! even as bravern put his mask back on!!! baby rice cracker just how perceptive ARE u……………..
this show is so good cause i still cannot tell which direction they are going for with the End State of smith/bravern(/isami)(/lulu?)(/superbia???). but in the sense that Any state could work. Like. the thing abt this show is that when they put green smith on screen i have assumed that it’s metaphorical BUT it could also NOT be and his body still exists which is why bravern can bleed. like that one fucking unit13 concept. or maybe they gotta harvest bravern’s legally distinct LCL and ungoopify him or smth. and they’ve Also given him very distinct purposes for which to live and exist After The World Is Saved in both mecha form (be superbia’s rival and apply the “you are gonna fucking live” message to a LITERAL deathdrive) and also human form (eat food and drink beer (and also frot? like that seemed like isami was gonna get pancakeified if lulu did not interrupt LMFAO)). however most of the human form could Also manifest in the sense that like. he gets a New Bravern (3dprinted??) Body with taste buds and/or superbiaesque orifices!!! and i’m soooooooooooo excited to see which route they take!!! :3
there is Potentially something there regarding like. maybe bravern needs a new digestive system + lulu needed to develop her digestive system + there is still a device in her hand that i don’t think has been explained? or it could also be coincidence between them just wanting to set up the food theme early and using lulu as a means to that, and also the device being just a hint that she was Not A Normal Human. idk!!!! either way it’s nice to bring that bit abt smith helping lulu eat and then lulu being concerned for bravern full circle
sorry this screenshot quality is ass and also for drowning it, my friend sent to me but i had to share it here too cause like 😭 lewis smith i’m so sorry for ever doubting you on this blog, you DO pass the Kaworu Nagisa Threshold Of Dogshit Takes And Willfully Misinterpreting The Source Material 😭😭😭 and the show isn’t even over yet!!!!! get behind me white boy!!!!
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