#doesn't g3 frankie use they/them pronouns now?
woke up super early, frankie i'm coming for you bbg
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idleglowingpixels · 8 months
Character Design #1: Franklin "Frankie" Stein
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Beginning my Monster High AU (which unfortunately doesn't have a unique name at the moment lol), the first of five ghouls I'm sharing with you all is my version of Frankie!
Side Note: This AU is heavily G1-inspired, with a few aspects of G3 I liked as additions to the respective characters.
Name: Franklin "Frankie" Stein Aliases: Frank/Fine Stein Age: 15 Pronouns: She/They Monster Type: Frankenmonster Descendant Of: Dr. Victor Stein Freaky Flaw: "My bolts spark when I'm excited or nervous. The stronger the feeling, the higher my voltage is!" Grade Level: 1st year/Freshman Favorite Subject: Mad Science Character Description: Created by the persistent and scrupulous human, Dr. Victor Stein, Frankie has spent most of their life sheltered from the other humans outside of their home. After finding Monster High just over the "River Styxx," a bridge connecting the human and monster sides of Salem, Frankie gets accepted to the school, and her family moves to the other monstrous side of town. Their lack of socialization in their 15 years of life won't stop them from researching the perfect formula to making best fiends!
Additional Info: -Frankie is nonbinary. They are often referred to by other characters as a girl initially, due to their more feminine presentation. While they don't mind being referred to as a girl, hence their use of she/her pronouns, they do correct others and are happy to inform on the topic should someone be confused. -She's a bit of a klutz, but has to be careful as risking serious injury could result in her needing to replace more of her limbs. --They are also partially disabled, due to a developing infection in her now-amputated leg that wasn't able to heal. --She is prone to dropping her books -- that is, if her arms slip off. Her silver-threaded stitches allow her to remove her limbs should she need to without risking injury or infection. It can cause trouble at times, however. - Their favorite pastime is stitchwork. Unlike Clawdeen, who designs clothing, Frankie follows premade patterns. They've made all of their clothes for many years, as well as clothing for their father. -- Her precision with a needle and thread has helped her stitches stay more intact than her father's work in her early years. This also allowed her to create her pet mutt Wattzit with her father, who is her only creation. -Their legal name is Franklin, but after a friend asks if she can call them Frankie, the nickname sticks. -The ear and eyebrow piercings she has in the drawing above aren't something she has at the start of the AU's timeline. She gets them based on a pair of encounters with her ghoulfriends!
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