#doesn't feel like a overglorification of the genre
Reviews While I Watch UniteUp!: Episode 1
I’m behind on anime and I’m trying to catch up hundreds of hours of streamvods. This is going excellently. 
UniteUp! looks like a idol anime and honestly there’s some good ones so hopefully this one also does well. Note that someone who doesn’t remember names well, this is going to be fun with so many characters. Why is one of the tags on this Baseball??
Obligatory screaming of fans in a huge arena just before a band performs to let us know they’re hella popular. I can’t go to big concerts like this due to the noise and my noise sensitivity. 
I’m glad cgi anime is getting better. It really creeped me out In Wave when their faces and stuff we’re just static. Watching anime like this had now made me extremely hyperaware of cgi in animation which I never used to be. it’s kind of funny.
That is the best description of pineapple I’ve ever seen. “Sweet yellow furball.”
So the kid is definitely a fan of this one group. Potentially a group that has disbanded which is why you can’t get some merch anymore. 
The limited details on the faces when further away is great. The eyes are just two little dots. Don’t know if I’ve seen it like that before on a distance that still required facial movement.
Looks like theres actually only three people in the band. Wonder why the art shows so many then. 
Baseball tag just came up. 
And the friend recorded him singing without consent. Bad. Especially bad to post without consent. Don’t do this. 
We know of atleast 4 bands already. UniteUp for the main, LEGIT, the two from the opening, and now EVAN. How many are there going to be in one anime? I know IDOLiSH7 got up to there but only after three seasons, they gradually introduced them all.
He has been uploading his singing for ages?? 
Make that five bands. 
Does anyone else hate the sound of their own voice? Like I love singing and video recording but can’t do anything with it because I know I would have to listen to my own voice. I’m hoping I’m not the only one who feels like this.
The mother in this is crazy. 
----after thoguhts----
I really like the set up of this. It feels like a much more genuine take on the trope. I’m looking forward to seeing how they introduce the others and how they interact with one another. If this continues with the style it has it will likely be my favourite idol anime. 
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