#does make the utter LACK of reaction to Qin Su’s death all the more apparent
poorlittleyaoyao · 1 year
Similarily CQL takes some of JGY's attention from LXC to Jin Ling in the temple. That "he wouldn't even let me hold you" line isn't in the book because its show only, but also because he's mostly talking to Xichen in the book, whereas in the show he's also trying to explain himself to Jin Ling. I love xiyao but I'm entirely on board with this change, it's not ALL about you er-ge!! Xiao-shushu rights!(This is part of why despite its flaws I defend cql with my life)
That line is one of the few moments from the temple that consistently has me like 😭 and it’s suchhhh a good addition. We see it happen in real time, so we know it for sure happened, and it stuck with JGY so acutely that he’s listing it right alongside the stairs and the disrespect of MS and the fucked-up marriage situation as a reason JGS was the worst. It makes it all the more painful when JGY nonetheless takes Jin Ling hostage a moment later. JGY never caring about his nephew at all? Boooooring. JGY caring deeply but nonetheless choosing his own self-preservation when the chips are down? Now that’s the good shit.
And Jin Ling’s response to it all! He looks so distressed when he hears that Xiao-shushu wasn’t allowed to hold him! And even after JGY harms him (and, in CQL canon, after learning that JGY arranged his JZX’s murder), Jin Ling still yells for him to watch out once Baxia/Corpsejue shows up, thereby drawing their attention and endangering himself! And then his “fuck you!! I’ll grieve if I want!!” bit in the novel... I just! He is such a good boy and he loves both his uncles even when that’s hard to do. 🥺
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