#do you ever just love your own AU so much like ouoough Sovereign Guard my ultimate beloved ]
cold-neon-ocean · 5 months
Rattling my cage and biting the bars I wanna talk about Baatar's spirit energy soldiers from my AU so much, I've only drawn them a handful of times but haven't even scratched the surface there's so much going on with them. I wanna talk about the different variants and how after he created them they started mutating on their own which inspired him to start pursuing building a living machine, how it's slowly revealed they respond to his emotions even when he's not near them, how they only listen to him and he doesn't even have to say anything, how in making them he essentially took his mind to a cheese grater with each of them so they all have a little bit of him in all of them. Oouugghh I wanna talk about it all so bad I weep
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