#do not tag as anything related to w-nd-gos. ty
deadboystims · 1 month
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specimen 8 stimboard rq’d by my partner!!
ᯓ★ x x x , x x x , x x x
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rainingpouringetc · 3 years
So up until a few days ago, the number of blogs I followed was 176. This figure hadn’t changed for some time, and I always kept tabs on this - for no particular reason - I just liked to be organised with the running of my blog. Now the day came when I noticed the number being reduced to 175, which is strange because I hadn’t unfollowed anyone recently. I didn’t think too much on it, assuming the person (whoever it was), deactivated.
But just today, I was searching for CC’s blog, to access an ask she had regarding the Jordelia whispering room scene. There was this one particular ask where she revealed she might write it from James’s perspective. And I wanted to go through the reblogs to understanding nd who was for/against it, to determine where majority of the tumblr fandom stood on the subject - given a few of my mutuals/ people I follow, already expressed their displeasure after it was released last Thursday. But I suddenly realised that she blocked me.
It was then I put the pieces together. Yes, I enjoyed some books from TSC in the past. But I’d been critical about TLH (in terms of poc rep), within the past few months - even being vocal about my inability to finish CHOI because the storyline might’ve been interesting - but I hadn’t been able to connect with TLH gang (in terms of their characterisation and arcs - this is mostly in relation to Alastair, Anna and Kamala btw).
Bare in mind that in all my criticisms, I’ve been careful not to tag her, her book titles or her characters. Most of the time, I hadn’t tagged anything at all. The only people who would’ve accessed my commentary were my mutuals and followers. And I made it pretty clear from the get-go last year, that my opinions on CC and her books were nuanced. So unless you followed me, or followed someone who reblogged my posts, you’d have to actively seek out my blog to see these critiques. I didn’t think a lot of people had time to pay attention to mine, that is. But I guess that’s how CC’s rolling these days.
Not once had I said anything derogatory about her - just that her rep (or the lack of accuracy in it), was poor. Believe me, the last thing I EVER want to do is vilianise one of the few Jewish writers in YA lit. But those who hold a large audience and platform, hold huge responsibilities as well. I wasn’t shouting into the void or anything, because a lot of my fellow poc, agreed with me. Nor was I making open-ended statements because, not only did I say that her rep was bad, I suggested ways it could’ve improved. But if blocking is CC’s only strategy to avoid critiques (a VERY clear distinction from ‘hate’), it seems like a cowardice move on her part.
that is a LOT to unpack wow ok
that’s... very messed up. i keep coming back to all the times cc has claimed to try to represent people w her books that don’t normally get representation. but it seems like every time we try to tell her ‘hey here’s a better way u could represent us’ or ‘actually this representation isn’t actually good for us like u think’ she turns around and tells us that it’s HER books and she can decide what she writes
it just seems very hypocritical of her
and don’t get me wrong, i fully believe that for most people blocking ppl you don’t want to interact with or see on your dash is healthy and creates the best possible tumblr experience, but i also think it’s different when you’re a fandom blog spending lots and lots of time on tumblr every day and creating friendships and making content etc vs if you’re an author just using the site to promote your books. there’s a different level of responsibility that you’re held to, whether it’s fair or not to her.
there’s a quote that comes to mind: “you can please some of the people all of the time, you can please all of the people some of the time, but you can’t please all of the people all of the time”. there are ALWAYS going to be ppl who don’t agree with the books or downright dislike them. blocking ppl who disagree w those books tho is definitely from my view just what you said above: a cowardice move. and yeah. that sounds kinda harsh. but how long have we been screaming about our representation? how long will we have to continue screaming about it? it’s getting really old, trying to hold authors accountable for their works. it’d be nice if just one of them would listen.
ty for bringing this to my attention babe
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