#dndads Barry oak
mintythyme · 11 months
I think the Oaks should be inhuman. I want some eldritch fucking hippies.
I want to see Normal keep practicing his cheers a little too long, stamina still up in the sky when everyone around him is exhausted, not even sweating, when he’s been going for hours without a break. I want to see Hero be shown to not blink, or to not breathe like humans should. I want to see Lark have such mastery over his weapons that they seem to be a part of him, and when you look too close, it doesn’t just seem like his weapons are a part of him. I want to see Sparrow be a little too still at times, when listening to something, or when paying attention, not making even the slightest of sounds, not even a heartbeat. I wanted to see Henry smell, not just badly, but like a burning pain that shouldn’t be familiar but is. I wanted to see Barry twist and move in ways he shouldn’t, cracking and popping a few too many times, comfortable in positions he shouldn’t even be able to achieve.
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biscuitfacegrey · 2 months
Barry eating a Mcrib
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… yea
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macksartblock · 6 months
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So I actually forgot to draw anything yesterday for my birthday bc I rewatched Catching Fire so uhhh
Unfinished small dads and fathers I wish to shove off a building
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autoraton · 11 months
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as the tree, so the fruit
commissions are open!
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dndadsepisodecovers · 4 months
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Ep.38.01- Clone Tree Hill
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manitapaleta · 6 months
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It’s been forever but I made another sketch page for this weeks episode tag ur fav moment mine was the shade witch LOL
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wishfulsketching · 1 year
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I drew the Oak boys
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nesperus · 1 year
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the 100th episode came out today!!! big old piece to celebrate
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7cfc00 · 10 months
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purple robes 1/3
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alien-bluez · 7 months
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fuck these guys in particular
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apollo-sol-pawpaw · 2 years
I have to say, it's fucking raw how Anthony is hammering in the theme of generational trauma; Bearry not teaching Hen to handle his anger, Hen not teaching the twins how to handle their anger, Sparrow not teaching Normal how to handle his anger. Frank making Darryl kill the turkey, Darryl making Grant kill the quimera, Grant making Lincoln kill the tree. Bill was an absent father to Glenn, Glenn was an absent father to Nicky, Nicky is an absent father to Taylor.
4 generations and it all repeats.
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mintythyme · 9 months
The Oaks Are Alone
Hildy- Literally in a different fuckijg world
Barry- half-elf, moms from a literal different fucking world, contains a eldritch god giving him a god complex
Henry- least chill person in entire community, then become the guy with amnesia who had no nostalgia for anything in a time when that shit was everywhere, then become the dads who’s kids fucking ended the world, and then the dad left alone just because he was too scared of his own father and kids but mostly himself
Sparrow and Lark- I know what you’re saying. “Minty, how are they alone, that’s have each other” BULLSHIT. You can be alone with other people it’s a plaguing state of mind. These codependent fuckos have been isolated just from day one. Twins, so they’re one unit, and then the doodler thing, and then the prophecy, on top of all the being cravers of violence and life and excitement that everyone else seems to find draining and painful
Hero- you’re gonna tell me that being a magically destined child, ‘sent to save the world’ isn’t a lot for a kid? Isn’t enough to make forming new relationships with people who do. Or even don’t know that? You’re gonna tell me that she has a healthy social life being the chosen one who had to murder a deer at 5am last night in the woods and taste it’s blood so she could track it made her good at making friends with the new kid?
Normal- somehow the odd one out in a group of three, four, and especially in five. The fucking teens have three odd ones out and two of them don’t like this (and now unfortunately don’t like each other or themselves) but can’t change it. Isolated for being a mascot, a figure that stands alone, there’s only one mascot. Isolated for being too loud, for being too blunt, for being too stupid. Isolated for being stupid enough to be himself. That’s always their first mistake. Sometimes the last, too.
These fuckers never feel like anyone can relate to them properly even if somebody can *cough cough* the twins *cough cough*
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just-an-enby-lemon · 1 year
D&Dads Season 1:
The Daddies
Henry Oak: It's ok to ask for help.
Darryl Wilson: You're not a burden
Gleen Close: Murder is okay
Ron Stampler: Your feelings matter.
The Sons/Dads
Lark Oak-Garcia: Murder is okay.
Sparrow Oak-Garcia: Murder is okay.
Nick Close/Foster: Murder is okay.
Grant Wilson: Murder is reaally okay.
Terry Jr. Stampler: Your feelings matter also murder is okay.
D&Dads S2
The Teens
Normal Oak: You're not a burden.
Lincoln Li Wilson: Is okay to ask for help.
Taylor Swift: Murder is okay.
Scary Marlowe: Eh... whatever... Murder is okay, I don't care.
The Omega Daddies + Frank
Barry Oak: Is okay to ask for help not everyone is a natural like me. And murder is okay.
Bill Close: Your feelings don't matter. And murder is okay.
Willy Stampler: You ARE a burden. And murder is okay.
Frank Wilson: Murder is okay but also what the fuck, guys?
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macksartblock · 2 months
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weird timing but s1 dads and their bastard fathers (and frank)
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y2ksnowglobe · 5 months
Dndads Dad characters and what I consider to be their most notable parenting crime
The amount of seriousness for any of these is highly variable
Barry: Using a giant hamster water bottle type thing to hydrate the soulless bodies of your grandkids. Bill: Not letting his son murder him. Cern: Getting your kids involved in the doomsday cult you're a member of. Darryl: Honestly? Being a slightly more boring version of my own dad. Frank: Not super canon, but like...he'd give the "Eat some peanut butter to stop being depressed" advice. Gartok: Enslaved his kids. Glenn: Pretended to not like minions with an intensity that it made him look really bad in court. Grant: Probably should have taken Lincoln to a therapist right after the cat incident. Henry: Seems to have forgotten he has a daughter. Jodie: Gave his child a flashbang. Lark(?): Didn't tell Normal about the bulletproofing in the mascot outfit. Poor kid was probably wondering why all the cheerleading moves were harder now. Marco: So unsure of himself that he's able to be convinced he signed a permission slip for his son to go to Seattle. Nicky: Suggests friend murder way too easily as a problem solving method. Ron: "Who's your daddy now?" Scam: Hermie is a teenager because that's the funniest age for him to be. Sparrow: Did not stop Normal from being Vinny the Vulture during a heatwave. Terry Jr.: Offered Scary some kale chips that one time. Willy: Honestly? It's the I have two fish and two plates...lemme just stack these plates together and eat both of the fish moment. That's just such an inexplicable, what the fuck? moment for me.
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dndadsepisodecovers · 3 months
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i can’t believe i’m almost done with s1
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