#dnd campaign; aelwynne academy
derelict-heirs · 3 years
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did this super quick but i have been thinking so much about aeca + his heritage + the potential of using disguise self in future 
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in-maidjan · 4 years
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when you have a two hour long conversation with ur dm about various campaign lore and vibes and you get some Fat Lore Confirmations
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aceofwonders · 3 years
still absolutely losing it over how Cinematic that fight was! well of course the raging thunder storm and city being attacked in the distance sets the mood BUT!!
Emma absolutely destroying the skeletons with erupting earth, them re-animating and Aeca hitting them with call lightning AND Iris blasting them with fireball (3 out of the 4 elements, we can count the rain as the fourth lol)
Emrys using spirit guardians for the first time and unleashing dope shadar-kai spirits to help out :’)
Bryn pretty much by herself fighting off so many undead surrounding her like a fucking champ!
Admiral Castile jumping out of her window in her night gown ready to fuck up undead but stopping short seeing her long dead husband, Ferdinand! 
Ferdinand refusing to attack her and taking a shit ton of psychic damage because of his mind control! 
Emma as a giant elk blocking Ferdinand's way and him politely asking her to get out of his way before getting her down to 5 hp with hefty divine smite 
Aeca shouting at Ferdinand in Primordial (in the vulkan accent) to leave his friend alone before blasting him with call lighting 
Emma’s fucking exchange with Ferdinand after that! “Any chance we can talk about this?” “I can’t resist his commands. Please, get out of my way.” :((((((((
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mcousland · 3 years
oh no i'm sleepy and drowning in merigold family feelings..
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derelict-heirs · 3 years
tagged by: wifey (@mcousland​) did in spirit 😊 tagging: go wild loveys im here for laughs
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&. basics
↳ name: “aeca” // aitiaeca isaios (eskandari) ↳ age: 19 ↳ race: air gensai ↳ gender: male ↳ pronouns: he/they ↳ home: zephyra // omaire ↳ sexuality: gay ↳ special abilities: pact magic; eldritch powers; weavers, jewellers, glassblowers, and thieves tools
&. associations
↳ color(s): hues of blue and purple, white, gold ↳ animal(s): doves and other birds ↳ themes / words: family, loyalty, worth, peace ↳ season: spring
&. background + family ↳ birthplace: hothrian keep ↳ titles and jobs: lost prince of zephyra ↳ family: cirros (father), zareena eskandari (mother), leyla eskandari (grandmother), hasan eskandari (first cousin, once removed), insiya eskandari (grand-aunt), daara eskandari (grand-uncle), parvati (first cousin, once removed), siôr (brother by bond)
&. personality + morals
↳ personality traits: sincere, respectful, soft-hearted, affectionate, loyal // self-conscious, naïve, envious, greedy, temperamental ↳ fears: claustrophobia, lack of agency and security, abandonment, isolation, being unworthy, easily cast aside ↳ liked traits in others: loyalty, respect, level-headedness, forgiveness, creativity ↳ disliked traits in others: aggression, disrespect, disloyal, callous, arrogance
&. interest + favourites
↳ favourite foods: fresh fruits and berries, particularly blueberries and olives; fish, clams, oysters, and other seafoods; soups ↳ favourite weather: rain and thunderstorms, cloudy days ↳ favourite animals: birds, particularly doves, budgies, finches ↳ hobbies / interests: singing, playing the lyre, and composing music; painting and drawing; weaving and knitting; jewelling; trade and merchant crafts; gardening with emma
&. other relationships ↳ current romantic partner(s): none, finnegan ↳ closest friends: siôr, emma, lucien, emrys, taureb, janna, artem
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derelict-heirs · 3 years
liza, session 4/5: my MOM’s a ROGUE?!
me, session 10: my DAD’s a WAR CRIMINAL?!
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derelict-heirs · 3 years
aeca: could a person with shit insight do this *hires a bounty hunter that was sent to abduct him*
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derelict-heirs · 3 years
how to cope with your party member getting insta-killed by an angel: steal five pouches of gemstones worth over 1k and plan to make out with some cute ranger who also had a rough day
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derelict-heirs · 3 years
mys’ara when aeca mouthed off to duchess merrigold about putting work before her distressed children:
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derelict-heirs · 3 years
aeca, who doesn’t like fighting, whipping out the javelin of lightning that was a gift from his father, who he just learned is basically a war criminal, and getting a nat20 to hit and getting a killing blow on a fae enemy with 50 points of damage at level 5.........
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derelict-heirs · 3 years
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derelict-heirs · 3 years
a bitch cannot stop thinking about how the last aelwynne session played out
the night starting So Well with team hydra showing up in the cute handmade gowns/suits and capes that aeca made, because he loves his new friends and his team, and then aeca bouncing from conflict to conflict trying to do damage control because this is supposed to be a Fun Night only to end up waiting for one friend to come back, ending up at a different fight, and then waiting again for another friend who never came back to the party only to realise the entire night fell apart and the only one remaining is bryn, who was being fought over by two chaotic neutral lesbian wizards, and Still Doesn’t Get That.
so a boy decides okay bryn, lets go back, this evening was a shitshow, and he goes to get himself two drinks to Cope™ when surprise surprise, the bounty hunter he learned had been sent after him a week ago shows up, drops his real fucking name when no one was around to hear it, and asked to talk.
and aeca at this point is notorious for shit insight, so of course, he agrees. he’s horrified because there’s only one person he knows that knows his real name that could send a bounty hunter after him, and he voluntarily leads this bounty hunter to a secluded spot and asks if it was leyla, darling grandmama leyla, who sent him, if she was sorry, if she missed him, wanted him back, was worried about him. and feeling so goddamn heartbroken that all this bounty hunter can say is “oh, kid...” because god. what an idiot he feels like to be clinging to the idea still that she Loves him.
and then?? and then?? the bounty hunter tells him that he won’t take aeca back, his grandmother seemed like a piece of work and that all it looks like to him is that aeca ran off to go to school and explains he’ll leave, but he has a debt so now he’s in a tough spot because he won’t get paid for the job. and aeca makes a split second decision to take advantage of that, gives him the gold he needs, and a little extra and a tear-stained letter to give back to his grandmother.
and then aeca proceeds to hire this bounty hunter to go searching for his mother because the guy feels bad enough for him and even drops his real name and im still reeling that aeca went into a situation of potentially getting kidnapped and walking out of it with a bounty hunter ally in his back pocket without a single charisma check and in the next few days he is going to sit down with lucien (and team hydra potentially) and try to explain that a week ago he learned a bounty hunter was after him when a friend visited, the dude showed up at the masquerade because of course he was following that lady, but its okay because he hired him and they’re friends now.
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derelict-heirs · 3 years
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aeca @ malexander: stance tf up bitch i got words for you
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derelict-heirs · 3 years
aeca’s :) real name :) came out in that session :) and no party members were around to hear it :)
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in-maidjan · 4 years
me using cassandra as a ref for rauri’s armour: if she can run around greece in sandals so can rauri
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in-maidjan · 4 years
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Aeca Isaios     » Student of the Aelwynne Academy
open images in new tab to view details at a higher resolution because tumblr thinks its funny to eat image quality
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