#dl dog soldiers series
dreamlandcreations · 2 years
Blood Ties (1)
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shifter!Will x jinn!Reader (Love, Death & Robots AU)
Summary: Will is hit during a mission and it seems the enemy engineered something poisonous to shifters, fortunately breaking an artifact results in saving his life...
Warnings: (TF/LDR) canon typical violence, angst, Will injured, reader description (monster features), soulmates, this will be a mini-series in a series (yes, that's a warning), imprisonment, reader is a violent little creature full of raging fire, sort of switching between POVs by the dividers
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Will had a really bad feeling about this. It wasn't often that they were ordered to do missions, shifters weren't allowed to fight against humans but in cases like this, the law could be bent a little.
The mansion of the man who fancied himself to be a warlord was located at a great distance from their desert military base. The team of shifters slowly made their way to the previously hidden location in the forest, the human soldiers only travelled with them to the airport, the small team of 'dog soldiers' was on their own now.
Clearing out the guards on the backyard and the ground floor proved easy but their luck ran short when a guard used one of the many stolen artifacts to attack them.
Will had gone feral when the explosion hit his friends, losing all his calm facade and attacking the man who tried to kill his team and his brother whose jacket was still on fire when he joined Will in the fight.
Santi and Frankie were providing cover fire as the remaining guards ascended the stairs. Tom was pissed at the wrong intel, letting his judgment clouded by anger as he leapt to the top of the stairs and had gone for the prey that was their original target.
The shifters were sent in on special orders, nobody should have expected them so when a bullet hit Will, he didn't think too much of it at the moment. The fight only lasted for like two minutes and as soon as the adrenaline faded Will felt the poison burn through his veins and he touched the still bleeding wound on his abdomen with disbelief before he fell to his knees, knocking down a small statue in the process, marking it with his blood.
As Benny hurried to him to help, they heard the reinforcements arrive at the door and they all thought they would meet their end in this hellhole. They didn't notice his blood disappear from the statue while a smoke-like entity emerged from the broken pieces.
"Leave." Will growled at Benny while Santi run to get Tom and Frankie tried to drag the younger Miller brother with him to the back exit.
"No." Benny fought the older wolf and managed to get out of his hold, kneeling beside his brother with tears in his eyes.
Will gripped his stubborn brother by the nape and brought their foreheads together in a last farewell. "I'm already dead. I can cover for you. Go. That's an order."
"Fuck your order, I'm not leaving you behind." Will pushed him away and this time Frankie hit Benny pretty hard and started to drag him away when the doors burst in at all sides. They were surrounded.
When the first mercenary shoot at them the smoke at Will's side turned into a blazing fire and charged at the attackers.
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You gathered the strength to partially materialize to deal with the humans. Slashing the first one's throat with your claws, you moved on to the next and the next. Relishing in the bloodshed, although they weren't much of a challenge, the darkest part of your nature was fuelled by your anger for the years you had to spend locked up in that thing.
Some of the soldiers simply dropped dead from a cut or a snapped neck, one was dragged through a wall after he tried to shoot you. Dozens of men, all dead in a blink of an eye, even before the first one hit the ground.
The three shifters stared in utter shock, mouth open, eyes wide. Will even forgot his wound for a moment, until the pain returned with vengeance and he could help the deep, inhuman growl that escaped him.
The noise caught your attention, your movements too quick, even for them. Benny took it as a form of aggression and aimed his weapon at you, so you decided to take on a less threatening form.
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Will stared at you, mesmerised by your beauty. He reached out to touch you but your form flickered like a flame and he pulled back, not wanting to scare you away.
It's like you could read his thoughts because a tiny smirk made its way to your tempting lips and he couldn't help but stare longingly.
You assessed him curiously and Will wanted to know what you were seeing, what you were looking for but before he could ask anything you flickered closer, resulting in Benny yelling at you to stay away while he still pointed the gun at you. Not turning away from Will, you raised up your hand and the gun rapidly heated in Benny's hand until he had to drop it. Frankie just kept staring at the scene, still not believing his eyes.
Will growled at his brother in a warning when the next weapon would be aimed at you. After that moment you drew his attention back to you by brushing along his face, locking your pitch-black eyes with Will's almost glowing blue ones.
The wolf gasped under your touch, the pain almost completely leaving his body as your other hand reached his wound and carefully peeled off the layer of clothes covering it.
Touching the edge of the wound you collected a little blood and put it on your tongue, flashing some sharp teeth in the process. Never breaking eye contact with him, you placed your palm on his abdomen and slid your other hand to Will's nape.
Driving the poison out was more painful for him than the burning in his insides before. He tried not to grab you so he reached out to Benny who could surely take the bonecrashing grip.
It didn't take long before he started to feel the wound finally close up and you pulled away as soon as he started to heal properly. Benny was actually crying and laughing now, hugging his brother in relief then turning to you with a grateful smile but your attention was still on his brother.
The moment was broken when Santi and Tom entered the room and they pointed their weapons at you and you moved to attack. However, Will quickly stood in front of you, standing a little unsteadily as his head was still dizzy after what just happened. He stood with his back to the new arrivals who started to question what the fuck was going on while Will kept his light hold of your arms, repeating that they were his friends.
He couldn't help the smile at your cute reaction of tilting your head like a puppy and looking at him with those curious eyes of yours. He let you step back but immediately made a move to catch you again when you started to lose your corporal form.
"No, wait. Don't go." He pleaded. The others pulled him away, calling in through the radio and started to discuss what happened while Will couldn't shake the conflicted feelings that he wanted to chase after you no matter how impossible it seemed and that you were still there with him. This was more than fascination, the wilder part of his nature knew what you were to him but the more human part was too shaken up to acknowledge it just yet. All he knew is that he needed to see you again. Soon.
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dreamlandcreations · 2 years
Dog Soldiers masterlist
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Triple Frontier (Love, Death & Robots - Shape-Shifters AU)
Summary: The 300th Special Operations Company is the Army's only segregated lycanthrope unit. Forbidden by international accords to engage in combat, the "dog soldiers" lend their skills to the regular Army units, sniffing out IEDs and guarding the troops against things that go bump in the night.
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Part 1 - William 'Ironhead’ Miller - Blood Ties
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10, Chapter 11, Chapter 12, Chapter 13
Part 2 - Benny Miller - Desert Flower
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10, Chapter 11, Chapter 12, Chapter 13
Part 3 - Santiago ‘Pope’ Garcia - Wicked
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10, Chapter 11, Chapter 12, Chapter 13
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dreamlandcreations · 2 years
Blood Ties (2)
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shifter!Will x jinn!Reader (Love, Death & Robots AU)
Summary: Will is hit during a mission and it seems the enemy engineered something poisonous to shifters, fortunately breaking an artifact results in saving his life…
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After confirming that none of the extensive collection of artifacts would be dangerous in its current form, the human troops took over the site.
On the way back to the airport Will felt uneasy in his skin which he attributed to the longing to find you, however, they soon had to realise that he was still in danger when a fever started to overtake him.
Santiago noticed his subtle squirming but didn't say anything until Will's breathing became ragged and he looked to be fighting to stay awake. Benny started to panic as soon as Santi began to shake Will and told them he was burning up.
Benny kept yelling at Will to hang on and took over from Santi to keep his brother conscious while Pope drove as fast as it was possible on the dirt road full of trees and other obstacles.
It couldn't be more than a minute of Benny's rather harsh treatment when you appeared in the tight space of the car, practically sitting on Will's lap and hissing at Benny, making him fall back to the seat with a curse.
Will's eyes fluttered open as he looked at you with a tired smile. He caressed your face to check if you were real and to satisfy his craving to touch you. You almost unnoticeable nuzzled into his palm, enjoying the warmth this little physical connection brought to you.
"My Angel." He murmured as he pulled you closer to rest his burning forehead on your cool skin. You snorted at the nickname, amused by the implication that you were anything but the wicked creature you were meant to be. You brushed your fingertips along his stubbled jawline, eliciting a shiver that had nothing to do with the fever.
Your hands travelled down the sides of his neck to settle on his chest and his breathing became less shaky, his erratic heart calmed down a bit before it picked up a rapid speed again as you started to disappear once more.
"Don't go." He pleaded again. This time you made an attempt to let him know you are still with him even if he can't see you. He felt the light pressure of your palms on his chest after you were gone from his sight and it helped him to settle again.
Benny checked on Will tentatively, afraid to summon you again while Santi called the other car to let Frankie and Tom know what was going on and that they needed to get help for Will as soon as possible.
Finally arriving at the airport, Benny basically carried Will to the helicopter and yelled at Frankie to hurry the fuck up when he was fumbling with the controls.
As soon as Frankie was ready he yelled back that he could get them to the base in half an hour. That's when all the electronics went dead. The eerie silence was followed by desperate shouting until one of the compartments crashed into the wall beside Tom's head, opening up and scattering its content to the floor.
The satellite image of the area flew to the glass in front of Frankie and an x was being carved into it, marking a spot on the other side of the forest, a clearing at the edge of the woods, near a small village that was famous for its rich crop among the locals.
"I think our little ghost wants us to change our destination." As soon as Benny made his remark, the map has fallen into Frankie's lap and the engine came back to life.
"No. We can't go on a wild chase on the whims of a creature." Tom argued and almost got attacked by Benny at his refusal to go along with this, knowing his brother's life depended on it. Only Santi was holding back the hotheaded shifter who started growing out his fangs in his anger.
"We have to. You know the doctors at base can't help. She saved Will and I'm pretty sure she's still keeping him alive." Pope hated to argue with Tom, who always took it to heart like his authority was questioned if someone were to disagree with him but this time there was no room for their ego.
Frankie took a glance at the ghostly pale Will and decided for them, preparing to lift up he yelled if anyone wants to get off his bird they got 10 seconds to do it.
"Have you seen what she could do if someone pissed her off? I'd stop arguing and would call in the change of plans if I were you." Frankie said to their leader as the other man settled in the co-pilot seat.
The short flight to that spot was spent in tense silence apart from Tom calling in and Benny asking Santiago what could they do. They gathered water bottles and started to make treat Will best as they could in the heat.
Drinking the water seemed to help but it wasn't cold enough to aid with getting down his fever. That is, until one of the bottles turned icy cold in Benny's hand.
"Fuck. I swear she's out to get me. First the burning gun now the freezing water." The younger wolf growled while tearing at the plastic bottle with his claws for the ice.
"To be fair, you were holding that gun at her head." Pope replied with a chuckle.
"We are almost there." Frankie announced over the roaring of the helicopter.
Tom was out, surveying the field with suspicion as soon as they landed. He spotted a faint path in the woods, the smell of hundreds of different plants inconsistent with the regular scent of the forests in this part of the world made him curious.
"I think it's that way." He informed his team as they carried their injured brother.
"Yeah, and I'm sure the little Bloody Mary would let us know if we are getting off the track." The uncomfortable feeling that prickled down at the back of his neck after his comment made him uneasy and he wished you would either stop messing with him or he could at least see you to make it less disturbing.
Soon, they arrived at a small house with an enormous greenhouse attached. They just stood in front of the door, not really sure at the moment what were they doing here.
The loud knocking on the door snapped them out of it and Santi smiled at your impatience, imagining how would that work with Will's calm and calculated personality.
Benny almost dropped his brother when the door opened and a petite form was revealed, clad in a faintly coloured green dress that made her look like a fairy.
Her bright smile was replaced with a scared look and Benny felt the urge to comfort her.
"We don't want to hurt you." He said, as calmly as possible given Will's palpably worsening condition.
She locked her eyes with him and a gasp left her lips at the intense feelings they both felt at the invisible connection.
"Great. You are whipped too." Tom grumbled beneath his breath, loud enough to switch the girl's attention but not too much so she wouldn't catch his words.
Her eyes settled on Will and she couldn't help but set aside her fears. "You need help." She didn't wait for their answer just stepped back and opened her door further so they could enter.
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