#disturbance and get myself noticed and taken back home but nothing toooo big :)' and then has an extremely interesting time <3
acanvasofabillionsuns ยท 1 year
you ever look back on your day and you go whoa that was a rollercoaster but at the time it was just whatever? yeah.
wore my fedora and i didn't get called out for it once!!!
also some kitty cat earrings and a dress bc i wanted to :D
relearned how to do the star stitch in crochet!
finished 2 crochet projects, one of which i started earlier this evening
got to avoid being shoved in the gym for over an hour and i got candy out of it ๐Ÿ˜Ž
let's call the whole thing off by ella fitzgerald and louis armstrong my beloved <3
also the savoy ballroom google doodle my not quite beloved bc bei mir bist du schon (ik i didn't spell that right and i'm so sorry) is HARD yo
watched a couple of theamandafiles arceus playthrough vids (one of them a rewatch alksjfs) and that was quite nice :]]
i also finished an rtgames vid i started a couple days ago!! super fun :D
got a date for starting a dnd campaign!!!!
also been thinking about my character for another dnd campaign and i looked over some spells and stuff and i'm just! real excited :)
okay also shout out to annapantsu's cover of gimme gimme gimme it slaps so hard
i have been chilling with martin in vc for a few hours and tbh i'm p sure he fell asleep like 15 minutes in but it's still been nice <333
martin if you see this i love you ( ห˜ ยณห˜)โ™ฅ
finished an INCREDIBLE fic and may i just say. aHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
my sisters were in a call with their friends and they told me like three times how their friends think i'm cool, that was quite nice :D
oh i also read a chapter of another amazing fic and it was so good ๐Ÿ‘€ this one i've been chipping away at more slowly both bc i've been following along since near the beginning and bc the chapters are chonky and since i read it on my phone and switch over to notes so i can compose comments then it takes a bit
i had! four whole packages come in!! they were all gifts that i'd ordered around the same time but i did Not expect them to all come today so that was a fun little surprise :]
mmmm that's it! goodnight for me and good morning when this is posted <3
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