#discovered this info when I was rambling about the mechs to my family and described the black box
hydrophilicdaisy ยท 2 years
So, about the black box in The Bifrost Incident
I keep reading fic that includes the black box and describes it as like. a literal black box. which. is fine, and honestly I can't say much, since until a couple weeks ago I also pictured it like that, but now I know, so: fun fact! there's an actual thing in planes called a black box that records flight data.
there are usually two in a plane, one in the front that records cockpit audio and radio signals and one in the back that records things about the actual flight (airspeed, altitude, heading, etc). they're used to investigate plane crashes and other incidents
now do I think all descriptions/renditions of the blackbox should make it look like this?
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yes, actually. get to it /j
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