#digital's adventure rewrite bs
digitaldreams0801 · 4 years
Potential Adventure Rewrite Idea Dump
I am hereby asserting myself as the CEO of Bad Ideas. I’ve been doing a lot of thinking lately about how interesting it would be to do a potential Digimon Adventure series rewrite (Adventure, 02, Tri, and their related animated media; haven’t seen Kizuna so I’m not sure if I’ll include that or not).
Of course, this would be a pretty long ways off given that I’m already doing a rewrite of Frontier, but I think that’s alright, in all honesty. This project would take a really long time to plan and a lot of research. This post is just for me to get my preliminary thoughts out of the way before I dive any deeper. Also, keep in mind that I’m a stupid American with no way to watch the Japanese version of the first two season legally (I would if I could), so this is all dub-centric stuff. One of these days, I’ll figure something out to watch the Japanese version since I feel like research there will be important for something like this. 
Against my better judgement, I’ve also got a small discord server for this. I want to talk to like-minded individuals and all that about this sort of project and hopefully make some friends along the way, so here’s that if you find yourself interested in something like that: https://discord.gg/zFvTx5h
It’s pretty barebones right now, but hopefully it will develop more in the future. 
Adventure is mostly fine as it is when it comes to plot in my opinion. The character development is amazing and doesn’t require much in the way of reworking. Only a few small things would be changed for the original Adventure for the sake of foreshadowing future events, and they wouldn’t really have an express impact on the story itself. 
Adventure Movie
Again, this doesn’t really merit much in the way of changing. It’s a simple story, but I feel like it works pretty well. No need to change it. 
Our War Game
For a third time in a row, this is perfectly fine and doesn’t really need to be reworked. Go War Game. 
Adventure 02
Alright, this is where I actually have some ideas to dump. Strap yourselves in, kiddos, because there’s quite a bit I’ve been throwing at the wall. None of this is set in stone yet; it’s just me saying what random shit has been coming to my mind. 
- New arc about the Dark Ocean. I’m not quite sure where this would go, but I want to work out the Dark Ocean fully and explore everything that has to do with it. 
- Shortening first arc. The Emperor/Kaiser arc at the start of 02 would need to be cut down in order to make space for the Dark Ocean plot I already mentioned. The major plot beats would remain the same while filler is removed or reworked to have a key purpose. 
- New character arcs. This is mostly applicable to the 02 kids, but I want to give them more defined arcs a la Adventure. They’re fine as they are, but Yolei/Miyako in particular really gets the short end of the stick here, and I would love to flesh her and the others out further. 
- Destiny Stones. I don’t know if I want to keep these or cut them, but if I do, I’m going to change things so it’s less of a fail arc on top of adding detail to their history. 
- Give new kids Crests. All three of the characters who don’t have Crests/only inherited Crests are getting their own ones, which brings me to the next point... 
- Give 02 cast their own Ultimate/Mega partners. DNA evolution is going to be reworked for this, and the 02 kids are going to get their own partners to go up to Ultimate/Mega prior to this. 
- DNA evolution deserves its own point since it’s probably going to function more like Omnimon does: Digimon reach Mega first and then use DNA evolution. As for if all of this will happen during 02 or not, we’ll have to see, but it will happen. 
Hurricane Landing
This one only has one notable change, but it’s a pretty big one. 
- Make it canon. This will require a bit of work, but it is possible to make this movie fit in with the canon timeline. That’s the primary problem I have with it. Also, I have seen the Japanese version of this movie, and this rewrite would be following the plot of the Japanese version. Why? Because this is quite possibly the worst adaptation between languages when it comes to the English version, and this movie deserves better. 
Revenge of Diaboromon
We’re back to the stories that seem fine as they are for the most part, but there is one thing that could be done in this movie. 
- I mentioned how DNA evolution was going to function differently, right? Well, I don’t know how it’s going to fit into the timeline since having Armor, Champion, Ultimate, Mega, and DNA forms would be a bit cramped as far as pacing goes for just 02, so this could be a good chance to introduce one of the DNA evolutions after 02. 
Oh boy. This one is by far the one that will require the most changes, but I have the fewest ideas for it, as much as I hate to say it. I think the plot of the original Tri. is fine, but if I was the one writing the story, it would be pretty different. In fact, most aspects would probably wind up completely upended in favor of something new. This season in particular would require help developing. 
- I’m still going to have the kids who don’t yet have Mega forms by this point reach that level here. On the subject of DNA evolution, that will most certainly happen here near the end of Tri. with Sora/Mimi and Izzy/Joe pairing up for it. 
- This is a more general change, but making things a bit more compliant with canon character arcs from Adventure/02 is a big thing. 
- Yes, the 02 kids will be included this time around. I think they had a lot of potential that simply wasn’t followed up on during Tri., and I’m going to do it, god damn it. 
- Meicoomon isn’t going to be the villain. Yeah. I told you that this was going to require a lot of changes. I’m not quite sure on the details yet, but Meicoomon is not going to be responsible for the events of Tri. in this rewrite. Instead, she and Meiko are going to be regular members of the team, but they will act as a thirteenth team member outside of the DNA pairs. 
- Instead of Meicoomon, I’m thinking of having Yggdrasil/King Drasil be the villain behind Tri., something that I feel would fit thematically given that he’s going to be defined as the creator of Apocalymon and the Dark Masters as well as responsible for other important events during 02 (I still need to iron out these details). 
- Meiko is going to bear the Crest of Darkness. I know this is an odd trait for a Crest to be, but I want you to hear me out on this one. Meiko doesn’t have a DNA partner and seems different from the rest because she wasn’t chosen by Homeostasis. Instead, she was chosen by Yggdrasil without knowing it, and she and Meicoomon were going to be pawns in Yggdrasil’s plot at first without realizing such. Of course, this is still just me bouncing ideas around, so there’s no way to say for sure that this will be the case. 
- I’m not sure if the reboot is going to be happening, but if it does, then I’ll probably dedicate some time to the aftermath of such with the resurrection of the previous villains from the first two seasons. This is very up in the air along with the Destiny Stones, but I’m putting it here for the sake of reference. 
- Tri. is going to be the regular length of a Digimon season, so it’ll be twice as long as it is in canon. Something with 26 episodes shouldn’t have filler with the grand story it’s trying to tell, and that’s one thing that bothered me about the original. One thing about Adventure (and to a slightly lesser extent, 02) is that the filler pushed character arcs forward, but that’s not exactly the case with, say, the hot springs episode of Tri., and that bothers me personally. Doubling the story’s length will give everything more time to develop, including the characters, and that’s pretty mcfrickin important. 
So those are all my thoughts for the time being. There’s quite a few of them, and nothing is finalized yet, but I wanted to at least get that stuff out there. If you read this far, thank you and congratulations. Have a nice day, y’all. 
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digitaldreams0801 · 4 years
Adventure Rewrite Idea Dump (Again)
Listen I want to talk about my OCs but I don’t have the energy to actually write right now since I feel like literal ass so it’s random fact time! Warning: random mashing of English and Japanese names for Digimon ahead. 
First off, I’m planning on giving one Armor evolution to all of the kids. Regardless of Adventure or 02 affiliation, all of them are getting one Armor evolution. Only Pegasmon and Nefertimon are staying the same while all the others get reworked/redesigned or new stuff entirely. The 02 kids get Armors first while the Adventure kids are later on. 
Also, there aren’t going to be any D3′s needed to open the gate between the worlds. All of the kids are going to have the same original model Digivice from Adventure. For colors at higher levels of evolution on the others it’ll go as follows: Daisuke - Gold, Miyako - Turquoise, Iori - White, Ken - Black, Meiko - Magenta.
Everyone is going to get to have a Jogress partner, but not in the same way that 02 used them. Instead, it’ll be more like Omnimon: an evolution that takes place after the highest level is obtained. Pairs will go as follows: Taichi/Yamato, Sora/Mimi, Koshiro/Jou, Daisuke/Ken, Miyako/Hikari, Iori/Takeru.
As of now, my plan for evolution is going to have Agumon and Gabumon go Mega in the original Adventure while Omnimon shows up during Our War Game. Veemon and Wormmon will go Mega in 02 and Jogress during Revenge of Diaboromon. All other Megas will appear during the first half Tri (which will be rewritten entirely to include the 02 kids) while the second half has the remaining four Jogress pairs. 
Since Jogress is being handled differently, the 02 partners get to go all the way to Mega on their own. The evolution lines are below: Veemon - ExVeemon - Paildramon - Magnamon Hawkmon - Aquilamon - Silphymon - Valkyrimon Armadillomon - Ankylomon - ??? - ??? Wormmon - Stingmon - JewelBeemon - GrandisKuwagamon
The only Jogress evolution that will remain from canon is Imperialdramon. The others will be redesigned entirely due to either not fitting as much (Shakkoumon) or being used already (Silphymon). As for Armadillomon’s evolutions, I’m going to have to design those myself. No matter how much I search, there’s never anything that properly fits in with the theme of Ankylomon, so I’ll just make up mons myself. Fight me on it. 
For the 02 kids, they have the Crests of Loyalty, Passion, Integrity, and Kindness for Daisuke, Miyako, Iori, and Ken respectively. Meiko will also get a Crest, though Meicoomon is special in the way that she has no Jogress partner and will act on her own. In fact, Meicoomon is being handled completely differently than in canon and is not used as a villain because I said so. Tri is being handled completely differently, so nearly everything about the plot is different now. Again, fight me. 
Hurricane Landing is going to be reworked so that it fits into canon. In it, Willis is not going to be designated specifically as a Chosen Child. Instead, he found Gummymon and Kokomon by pure accident, and they bonded to him on their own. Humans naturally have the power to make Digimon evolve at an advanced speed; a Digivice simply refines that power and makes it less unpredictable. Willis is partnered to them in a unique way since has no Digivice but is still able to make them evolve pretty reliably. 
On a similar note, I’m not using the international Chosen. I was never the biggest fan of them, so I’m just cutting them out. I’ll handle things differently during the World Tour segment (assuming it even remains in the final draft) to compensate. 
Mimi won’t be moving away to America either. I feel like it would be best for the sake of the plot if I kept her in Japan, so she’s sticking around there with the rest of the squad. 
I mentioned before that Tri is getting a complete overhaul, right? The first step is axing King Drasil. Yeah. Oops. Instead, I’m going to create a much more direct rival to Homeostasis. For now, let’s call them Havoc (which is a placeholder in case I wind up coming up with something better).
Havoc existed in the times before Homeostasis was created. In between the birth of the Digital World and the arrival of the Harmonious Ones, Havoc seemed to rule over the Digital World from afar. They created Apocalymon as a way of manifesting their chaotic whims, causing a reign of terror over the Digital World. In an unprecedented course of events, Apocalymon caused a severe distortion in the Digital World that caused time to flow faster than on Earth. Apocalymon’s existence caused a rift between the Digital World and Earth as well, and that portal pulled in the original group of six kids in 1980 (Daigo, Maki, Hiroaki, Haruhiko, Kaya, and Chisane). Their partners eventually evolved to become the Harmonious Ones, and they sealed away Apocalymon in the process, though time remained sped up. Homeostasis was born as a result of the Harmonious Ones coming to existence. 
Havoc was mostly left to linger in the shadows, forced back by the arrival of Homeostasis. The Order led by Homeostasis developed Digivices and Crests for twelve children based on manifestations from the original six. Another distortion caused by an escape attempt from Apocalymon opened a gate to Earth where the Greymon and Parrotmon fight took place in 1995. That selected eight of the twelve children, and when disaster struck and the Order was destroyed, the eight were called upon, prompting the events of Adventure to play out. 
During the attack by Myotismon in 1999, Daisuke, Iori, and Ken all witnessed events related to the Digital World. While they were not the only witnesses of these events, they caught Homeostasis’ eye for fitting three of the four traits. This left only Passion lacking in a host, though it found one when Miyako watched the fight between Omnimon and Diaboromon the following year, making her the final child of the group to be Chosen. 
Meiko was not a Chosen under Homeostasis. Instead, Havoc was the one who selected her. After the fall of Apocalymon, Havoc tried to concoct a further plan to usurp Homeostasis and take over the Digital World, and they created Meicoomon. By imitating the power of the Digivices seen up to that point (which was only known to evolve Digimon up to Mega), Havoc created another Digivice, the one that would later come to be used by Meiko. Since Armor and Jogress capabilities hadn’t been seen yet, her echo of a Digivice lacked both of those powers. She was given the Crest of Darkness, and Havoc planned for Meicoomon to evolve into another world-breaking monster on par with Apocalymon. During the events of this AU’s version of Tri, Meiko purifies the Crest into the Crest of Balance, and Meicoomon doesn’t slip into her destructive ways, instead finding a place as Rasielmon. 
As for the original Chosen, they split up after their original adventure. Hiroaki and Haruhiko grew distant from the rest of the group while Daigo and Maki went on to attend school together. Kaya and Chisane (both of whom are my OCs; fight me if that’s a problem okay) became romantic partners. All of them went on to live regular lives, most of them in the Odaiba area. Kaya and Chisane moved out to Tottori while the others stayed in Odaiba. When Digimon started to rise to prominence after the 1999 war with Myotismon, Daigo, Maki, and Haruhiko came to work together as Digimon researchers. Hiroaki remained on his own since he had other work at the TV station. 
As for Kaya and Chisane, they established a small restaurant in Tottori. They left Odaiba without a word once they were old enough, tying the knot and living alone while owning and running their cafe. Chisane couldn’t stand the city life due to the noise and crowds, and Kaya wanted to follow her. They avoided much of busy life, staying away from any incidents involving Digimon despite wishing to see their partners once again. 
All Crest bearers are sensitive to influence from Homeostasis, but their connection is on the lower side. Hope and Light are easily most connected due to their angelic links, though Light’s link is the strongest. Keepers of the Crest of Light can communicate with Homeostasis easily while bearers of Hope can still do it but are harder to contact. All of them are also sensitive to the balance of other worlds, but again, Hope and Light are most affected. 
Since Chisane was the original bearer of Hope and Light (all the original six kids had two Crests), her connection is so heavy that it borders on being dangerous. Being near so many Digital Gates in Odaiba can cause sickness for her at times since she has a lacking constitution and immune system. When the worlds are unbalanced, it has a horrible impact on her. To avoid any unnecessary sickness, Kaya moved with her out to Tottori where there were fewer gates. They moved not long after the Parrotmon/Greymon duel in 1995 since the sudden outburst by Apocalymon’s escape attempt sickened Chisane immediately. The destabilization of the worlds always harmed her, but that was the most prominent example of imbalance at the time, causing terrible harm. 
While the two mostly kept to themselves, Chisane was still vulnerable to being contacted by Homeostasis. She seems to speak to herself somewhat often, though this is more often than not Homeostasis asking for permission to borrow her body and mind. It was through her that Homeostasis learned more about how things were on Earth from the Digital World. 
When the Mochizuki family moved in near them, Chisane and Kaya took to avoiding them. Chisane was fine with Meiko at first, but when Havoc placed the Crest of Darkness inside her, being around Meiko for too long began to make her feel nauseous after prolonged contact. Kaya grows incredibly protective of Chisane when Meiko is nearby, coming off as hostile due to her blunt nature. 
The Digital World was created as a mix of three things: digital networks on Earth, the world of dreams shown at the end of 02 (one where everything is possible), and the Dark Ocean. The second of these two worlds is called the Dream Light. When all three of these lands came together, they spawned the Digital World. From there, lifeforms from all three lands were combined to create Digimon. Havoc emerged naturally, starting off as a virus program from Earth before mutating into something much larger and worse. 
Okay. I think I’m done. Also, I have a tag for my bullshit ranting now! You can find my AU junk under ‘Digital’s Adventure Rewrite BS’. It matches my Frontier tag, in other words. Now, I’m going to bed. It’s 3 AM, and I need to sleep. I hope you enjoyed tonight’s Tumblr tangent from Digital!
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digitaldreams0801 · 4 years
More Original Chosen Ideas
Yeah, I’m back with more on this. Woo. This is another dump for my future Adventure rewrite/novelization project that might be ages off but I want to think about it anyways so leave me alone. Warning: OCs ahead if that’s a turn-off or whatever.
There are six children, each of whom is partnered to an important Digimon within the Digital World. These six are also all paired with two of the divine traits that would later come to be associated with Crests even if they were not known as such at the time. 
In the year 1980, six thirteen-year-olds were swept into the Digital World. They formed partnerships with Digimon in the first incident of Digimon and human contact, and the children all had the ability to make the Digimon evolve at a rapid pace unheard of at the time in the Digital World. Later, the six creatures reaching their highest forms would cause the birth of Homeostasis and the evolution of the Digital World into what it is known as in Adventure. Four of the Digimon became the Harmonious Ones (Azulongmon, Ebonwumon, Zhuqiaomon, and Baihumon) while another acted as their leader (Huanglongmon) and the final became the Digital World’s first angel (Varodurumon). 
Now, let’s go over the kids individually:
Daigo Nishijima
Daigo possesses the traits of Courage and Loyalty (Daisuke’s Crest). He acts as the leader of the group, laidback while still knowing how to motivate his companions. Daigo is far from being openly stubborn or brash, instead preferring to simply go with the flow with a smile on his face. He can be too passive at times, not acting when he truly needs to, and is prone to being clumsy once in a while. His partner evolves into Baihumon. 
Maki Himekawa
Maki has the traits of Passion (Miyako) and Integrity (Iori). She is somewhat cold and a bit of a lone wolf, though she possesses no downright malice for her fellow children. While she isolates herself often, she does so due to her struggles with opening up to others. Maki tends to bottle her emotions to an unhealthy degree, hiding everything being a solemn mask until it makes her snap. Her partner becomes Huanglongmon. 
Hiroaki Ishida
Hiroaki is the keeper of Friendship and Reliability. He is rather stoic and distant on top of being goal-oriented, often hiding his emotions behind his work and actions. When this layer is peeled away, he proves to be rather caring and generous, putting his comrades above all else. Hiroaki is still rather stubborn when it comes to speaking with himself, but he is slowly getting better thanks to the others. His partner is Azulongmon.
Haruhiko Takenouchi
Haruhiko is the Chosen Child of Love and Knowledge. He is incredibly curious about the world around him, tending to get wrapped up in his research at times. His endless inquisition show him to be rather intelligent. Haruhiko is open with the rest of the group, doing what he can to aid them with the pure kindness he seems to radiate, though he can be single-minded when he focuses on something he cares for. He is partnered with Zhuqiaomon. 
Kaya Fujimori
Kaya possesses the traits of Sincerity and Kindness. Despite coming off as rough around the edges and blunt at times, she hides a sweet heart and has undying determination. She is vulgar and distrustful of others due to her issues with self-esteem and inferiority, but when she truly opens up to others, Kaya is limitlessly caring and will go to any lengths to ensure that her friends are taken care of. She is paired with Ebonwumon. 
Chisane Matsumiya
Chisane has dominion over Hope and Light. She is detached from others, struggling to open up due to trust issues and anxiety, but she is caring as can be under this. She buries her emotions until it causes her to break down much like Maki. Chisane cares for others immensely and will go out of her way to care for the people around her, making her a shoulder to cry on among the first group of children. Her partner is Varodurumon. Since she has the trait of Light, she is vulnerable to the whispers of Homeostasis, and it isn’t uncommon to see her seemingly talking to herself when Homeostasis wishes to make contact with her. 
Where are they now?
In the years since their adventures, the group has mostly drifted apart. None of them were particularly close before they were pulled into the Digital World, and for the most part, they went their separate ways. Daigo became a teacher at a high school in Odaiba. Maki found a job at a private investigation firm as a detective. Hiroaki became the leader of the Fuji TV station. Haruhiko continued studying and became a college professor, researching supernatural activity related to Digimon on the side. Kaya went into business and opened a restaurant that she and Chisane run together. Chisane is a novelist on the side when not managing the restaurant. Daigo, Maki, and Hiroaki remained in the Odaiba area while Haruhiko moved to Kyoto due to work. Kaya and Chisane moved to the countryside in Tottori soon after they wed. 
Hiroaki had two sons (Yamato and Takeru) with his wife, Natsuko, prior to their divorce. Haruhiko fathered a daughter (Sora) as well. 
When Digimon become a subject of interest once again, Daigo and Maki shifted gears to work with the government branches looking into the monsters, hiding their identities as two of the original Chosen. 
Since the creation of Homeostasis, Chisane has come to hear their voice rather often. Homeostasis knows of the children through their partners, and when they come together as a group, it is often due to Homeostasis. Chisane being so vulnerable to the whispers of Homeostasis motivated her move with Kaya away from the city due to how overwhelming it could get for her. After moving, they came to be neighbors with the Mochizuki family, though the couple rarely interacted with them. Chisane always got a strange feeling from Meiko, and while they were able to behave kindly enough during their occasional meetings, prolonged contact made Chisane feel nauseous. 
I’m planning on having all six of the previous Chosen kids appear in the rewrite timeline at some point or another. They’re also going to be given the chance to reunite with their partners in the Digital World after years of not being able to go back there. Their partners do still remember them after all this time, so their reunion is bound to be touching. 
Also, it’s important to note that Yamato, Takeru, and Sora didn’t wind up Chosen just because their fathers were. Hiroaki and Haruhiko being Chosen had no influence on their children since all eight of the 1999 children were selected solely because of their witnessing the Parrotmon/Greymon fight in 1995.
Wow. That took me a lot longer than expected to type out, but there it is. Woo. Time for me to sleep. 
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digitaldreams0801 · 4 years
First Chosen Group Idea Dump
I’ve been getting more ideas, and I’m dumping them out again. Nobody is surprised. This time, it’s about the first group of kids. Nothing is final or fully decided on, but these are my thoughts for now. 
The first group of Chosen Children got sucked into the Digital World in the year 1980, nineteen years before the next group would wind up pulled inside. Among them were Daigo Nishijima and Maki Himekawa. The other four (yes, four) have not been decided on yet, but I’m sure I’ll wind up figuring out more about them soon enough. 
This was in the time before the Digivice. The first set of Digivices was engineered by Homeostasis for the 1999 Odaiba group, so they hadn’t been invented yet. In fact, Homeostasis didn’t exist at the time of the first children being sucked in. It was merely a glitch in the Digital World that the group wound up in the Digital World. 
Contrary to other belief, humans inherently have an ability to make Digimon evolve. The Digivices merely harness that power, something that is otherwise unstable, by giving it a conduit that properly controls it. Even without Digivices, the original six children were able to bond with their own partner Digimon and evolve them to fight back against Apocalymon. 
In a final battle for the Digital World, all of their partners hit the Mega level, and Apocalymon was sealed away behind the Wall of Fire. The Digimon that evolved here came to be known as the Harmonious Ones. Four of them were meant to protect different quarters of the Digital World. A fifth acted as their leader. The sixth and final partner became the first angelic Digimon of the Digital World, Varodurumon. 
Among the six children and monsters, twelve traits were distributed. These would come to be known as the Crest traits in later years. The monsters looked over the traits in the Digital World where the humans possessed them. 
When the six partners reached their highest forms, Homeostasis was created. They had no physical form, but the holy powers that rested within the monsters and partners unleashed them. Homeostasis valued stability highly and did everything possible to keep the Digital World peaceful. They created an order of agents that would assist them in defending the Digital World. It was this order that aided the group in creating the Digivices and Crests. The Crests acted as similar yet different echoes to the Digivices. While the power of the given traits was inherent in the person that held it, the Crests refined that ability and made it easier to manipulate. 
From here, events mostly play out as they do in canon. The agents of Homeostasis were attacked while they were preparing the first eight of the new eggs. Years later, the partners of the original children were sealed away, and another set of children was called to shift the tides once again in the favor of Homeostasis and their agents. 
Wow, idea dumps are fun. I’ll probably come back to this idea of the original children later on when I get ideas on who the other four are and what traits each of them possess. I’ve already started to develop one of the others, so we’ll see how that turns out in Digital’s next idea dump. 
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digitaldreams0801 · 2 years
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so i finished the tri rewrite
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digitaldreams0801 · 3 years
The first chapter of the Digimon Adventure Tri rewrite is here! 
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digitaldreams0801 · 3 years
Digimon Tri Echo Chapter Titles
I figured out chapter titles for everything in Echo! Woohoo! I couldn’t get Tumblr to be nice about splitting up everything by arc and still keeping the numbering right, so I’ve got the acts and their chapter numbers at the top with the full list of chapter titles in order after that. Forgive me, but formatting is a bitch. These are all subject to change as usual, but I like the majority of them, so chances are they’ll be sticking around in the final version too!
Act One: Invasion of Chaos (1-15)
Act Two: War of the Worlds (16-30)
Act Three: In Darkest Waters (31-50)
Act Four: From Hellfire (51-70)
Act Five: Child of Darkness (71-80)
Whisper of Freedom
Fated Encounters
Illusions of Security
Growing Connections
Discoveries Anew
Crested Gifts
Passionate Heart
Bound by the Divine
Kindness in Darkness
Unsung Ties
Burning Loyalty
Data and Apex
Space Between
Stab of Betrayal
Integrity and Adversity
Interlude to Chaos
Devolution to Disaster
Crimson Paranoia
Flames of Love
In Sincerest Tears
Continuation of Tension
Fractured Crowns of Innocence
Strange Machinations
Secrets Bleed Silver
Collision of Future and Past
Golden Knowledge
Fostering Bridges
Ruptured Equilibrium
Empty Unfamiliarity
Held by Threads
Bringing the Shadows
Glass Masks
Broken Gold
Heavy is the Crown
Undeserving Kings
Sunless Sky
Kindness Forgotten
Ice Remembered
In Hell or Heaven
Divided by Obsidian
Distortion of Justice
Of Stars and Shadows
Off-Color Courage
Prism of the Past
Irrevocable Evolution
Siren of Silence
Until Day Breaks
Twisted Innocence
Lost in the Waves
Where the Stars Glow
History’s Intermission
Fiery Revival
Cracking Facade
Strings Repaired
In Search of Truth
Suspended in Time
Trust Amid Flames
Whispered Secrets
Coming Apotheosis
Cry Mercy
Requiem of the Hopeful
Eclipsed Gold
To Dream or to Scream
Mysteries Beyond
Chasing the Sun
Star Cage
Reflective Hearts
Centerpoint of Catastrophe
Union of Sky and Earth
End Within Fire
Blood and Silver 
Rise and Revelation 
Echo of the Light 
Point of No Return 
Shared Mirage 
Princess of Infinity 
Weeping Queen 
Broken Sword, Broken Soul 
The Damned's Final Stand 
Crossroads of Fate
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digitaldreams0801 · 3 years
Digimon Tri Rewrite “Echo” Preview
Well, I promised that I’d be offering a preview of the story two weeks out from release, so here we are. Here’s the first few hundred words of “Echo” to tease and lure you guys in before the official story drops on February 12!
The spring sun sat high in the sky, watching down on the citizens of Odaiba with a fond smile in preparation of the day to come. Fresh yet delicate breezes blew in between large metallic buildings, and people buzzed about on the streets as they went about their daily routines. The air held a sense of freedom that everyone seemed to understand but nobody spoke of. It was a whisper in every sense of the word, bringing cheerful grins to the faces of those with the skills to understood it.
For Taichi Yagami, it meant the final day of spring break before the new term began at his school. He stood out on the balcony of his apartment, his brown hair an unbrushed mess atop his head. Taichi took in a slow breath, embracing the last traces of winter chill before they were swallowed away by the soft breeze around him. He opened his eyes a moment later, still leaning against the railing of the balcony as he looked down on the city below.
Spring had come and gone in the blink of an eye as far as Taichi was concerned. One day, he had been enjoying the start of his freedom from the pressures of an academic routine, and the next, it felt like everything had slipped away through his fingers like the finest grains of sand to ever grace the surface of the earth. Days spent at soccer practice had bled away before he knew it, and he would be back to the regular grind again before he knew it. He yearned to embrace the final day of his freedom from schedules and pressure, but he knew that he couldn't simply stand around and enjoy his time on the balcony for the whole day.
The balcony door slid open, and Taichi turned at the sound to see his sister joining him outside of the Yagami family's apartment. Hikari's hair was neatly combed as usual, pinned away from her face by a pair of pink barrettes that made her brownish red eyes seem to glow in the sun's radiance. As usual, she was far more put together than Taichi could ever hope to be, and anyone would have been able to see the difference between the two siblings at simply a first glance.
"You should get going if you don't want to be late for your last soccer practice of the break," Hikari told him as she flashed a smile in her brother's direction. The wind began to play with her short chestnut hair, and Hikari let out a small sigh to herself. "At least the weather is nice."
Taichi pulled himself to his full height before he stretched his arms above his head and releasing a heavy breath of his own. "You can say that again," he told her with a snort. A few days prior, the sky hadn't offered quite as many spring blessings, and the day had been filled with dreary rain. Taichi had complained about the mud of the soccer field as soon as he got home, and Hikari, being his sister, simply had to tease him about it. Taichi and Hikari's dynamic simply came with the territory, and Taichi wouldn't have had it any other way.
He made his way towards the balcony door, and he slid it open before stepping into the house. Taichi shot a quick glance in the direction of the clock mounted against the wall, and he winced when he realized how much he had allowed the time to get away from him. Normally, he was on top of things like this, but it appeared that the last valuable pieces of spring had stolen his attention before he realized what was happening.
"See you later!" Hikari called as Taichi dashed towards the door and slipped into his shoes. Taichi threw out a hand to seize the straps on his soccer bag before he slung it over his shoulders, and the contents of the bag began to jostle with the swift motion. Hikari let out a laugh when Taichi gave her a brief wave before running out of their apartment, always one to recognize her brother's charms. He was most certainly having an off day, and she could tell.
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digitaldreams0801 · 4 years
Digimon Fic Progress Report
As I sit here in an online class waiting patiently for the teacher to show up (it’s been forty-five minutes since the class was supposed to start), I’m going to type out a little update on my Digimon fic, because for those who don’t follow me on Twitter (__digitaldreams), you have no idea what you’re in for. 
I do more talking on Twitter than Tumblr since it’s simply easier for me, and it has come to my attention (aka I had a revelation ungodly early in the morning) that I haven’t explained some fun stuff about Frontiers Unexplored and what is to come next, so here we are. If anybody is curious about my long Digimon stories, this is the post for you, because it’s time to explain all that fun stuff. 
So, first and foremost, progress report on Frontiers Unexplored. My rewrite of Digimon Frontier has been in progress since late May, and as of now (October 19), I’m 31 chapters into writing it. I’ve posted the first 21 chapters since I use a weekly update schedule and post new chapters on Sunday. I’ve got 24 chapters left, and I have roughly a four-day turnaround between starting and finishing a chapter. As of now, my estimated finished date for the Frontier rewrite as far as writing process goes is January 22, 2021. I will be posting weekly chapters until the middle of June though (June 13, 2021). I’m still unsure as to if I’ll be writing a sequel for this story or not, but at most, it would be a trilogy. For the time being, I’m only planning on having this be a standalone story, but this is subject to change. 
Next, we get into the announcement that I really wanted to get out here. I have already decided which story will replace Frontiers Unexplored in my posting schedule... Sort of. Since I’m going to be finishing up the book in January, I’m going to be starting the next story in my plan in January. The story will be posted on Fridays, one chapter a week just like with all my other stories, and it will be released on February 21, 2021. I’ve been planning this story for a while now, and it already has more than twenty-five pages of just notes on my computer. Yeah, this is going to be a big one. 
As for what this story is going to be... I already have a title for it. Allow me to introduce Echo. It’s a Digimon Adventure Tri rewrite/alternate universe story written in a similar vein to Frontiers Unexplored. With the Frontier rewrite, I was fully able to say that it was a rewrite above all else since it follows very similar plot beats to the original, but Echo is a bit different than that. Aside from a few minor plot points, Echo is completely different from Tri. It will include all twelve of the kids from Adventure and 02 plus Meiko, each with their own character arcs and new evolutions. When I say that it’s completely different from Tri, I really do mean it; aside from the presence of a small handful of characters (Meiko, Meicoomon, Daigo, and Maki), it’s completely different from Tri. It’s honestly up to you about if you want to consider this more of a rewrite or AU, but the point still stands about this story being next for me. Like with the Frontier rewrite, I’ll be typing pretty far in advance (the first chapter will go up after the first five chapters have been finished). I don’t have a chapter count for Echo since I’m still in the planning phase, and I’m currently working on outlining chapters for the second act out of five. Like I said before, this is going to be a pretty big story of mine, and we’re just going to have to see how it all pans out. 
So, in conclusion, here’s a rough summary of my lengthy explanations: 
Frontiers Unexplored will be finished being written on January 22, 2021, or some date close to that. It will continue to be posted weekly on Sundays until June 13, 2021. 
Echo, my next long-term Digimon fanfiction and a Digimon Adventure Tri rewrite, will be posted first on February 12, 2021, and will be updated weekly on Fridays. This story is completely different from Tri, and its plot is 100% loyal to the original Adventure duology’s canon establishments. 
Well, I’m still sitting in my online lecture, and the teacher hasn’t shown up yet when class ends in five minutes. I guess I woke up early for nothing but to bring this important information to you. All of that aside, I hope you enjoy! I’ll be posting a preview of next week’s Frontiers Unexplored chapter soon since I can finally do that without spoiling anything (I haven’t been able to do this since chapter seventeen. Damn it, Chihiro and Izumi, this is all your fault), but until then, have a nice day, everyone! 
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digitaldreams0801 · 3 years
It's been a while since I've done an update announcement, but here's the new Echo chapter! https://archiveofourown.org/works/29372082/chapters/74273460
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