#did it cost me $72 per ticket? yes
musicalmixup · 2 years
Yall guess who got INCREDIBLE seats to see the beetlejuice tour in my city
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Am I A People Pleaser?
Quite frankly, yes. As much as I like to venture from the preexisting thoughts of what people have for me; ask me to do something I will agree 100%. For example, during my candidacy in my class election I baked approximately 24 cookies (one for each person in my class) and everyone gobbled them up. Thankfully, this method and my other amazing qualities, were able to push me into the primary election. However, the voters urged the need for more cookies, and at minimum three per person.
Although I had my final the next day, and running that required me to wake up at 5:00 a.m., I agreed and ended up baking 72 cookies within the span of 3 hours. Would I do it again? Yes, if you asked. Did I enjoy the stressful process? No, not one bit.
Not only could I relate the response to this question in my educational manner, but also in my social manner. Does anyone else have those friends where the premise of the relationship is a constant giving on your end and an absorption of your value by the other? I know I do, and I am not fond of these one-sided friendships. Yet, I keep inviting them over. I keep buying them food and tickets. And I do it all with a smile on my face whilst I acknowledge that this will be the most I will ever receive out of these people.
One might tell me to speak out or "use my voice", but the fear of jeopardizing some sort of friendship scares me. I think it's the fear that makes someone a "people pleaser". The constant need to be perfection at the risk of disapproval or being caste aside.
I try not to live with this fear though, whenever I sense this exclusion or that feeling of being taken advantage of I quite plainly get up and leave. No words, no scene, nothing. And in some ways this may cost me that one bit of sanity, or even the feeling that I have a place. But being the people pleaser I am I end up apologizing for my actions and return to this cruel lifestyle.
Note: I've noticed that the best friends one can have are the one's where you don't have to please them, the simple existence of your personality and spirit are giving enough in this relationship. If you are the one being treated taken advantage of I urge you to never apologize. Instead, continue searching for your person. Thankfully, I've found my person, and I hope you can too. (More on this next week)
0 notes
thatboomerkid · 3 years
Dr. [REDACTED]: (is violently hauled into a cramped, windowless interrogation-cell with a bag over his head, handcuffed; is shoved unceremoniously into a metal chair and then immediately handcuffed an additional seven times)
(low, dull-yellow lighting flickers over a single long, scarred, heavily-reinforced steel table bolted to the cement floor; also, ██ is actively ████ SCP-███ █ of █████ with ██ and ███ ham-beast ████)
[DATA EXPUNGED] █ ████ (hereafter referr to as “Interviewer”) ██ and █ with a hot ██ and ███ twin spatula ████ Megaman ████ (see ██ ███ ███thick dong█)
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Interviewer: (gestures dismissively at Dr. [REDACTED], addressing security officer) Please, remove that. It ... won’t be necessary.
Security: (raises quizzical eyebrow)
Interviewer: (gestures again, making the international sign for “pull the bag off his head”)
Security: (raises other eyebrow, even more quizzically)
Interviewer: (frowns, narrows eyes)
Security: (makes international sign for “do you mean ‘pull his head off his torso’?”)
Security: Oh! Okay, yeah, sure, that makes WAY more sense. (pulls bag off of Dr. [REDACTED]’s head) Sorry about that.
Dr. [REDACTED]: (blinks several times)
Interviewer: Good morning, Dr. [REDACTED].
Dr. [REDACTED]: (blinking) Oh. Fuck.
Interviewer: You know, I get that a lot? So, Dr. [REDACTED], could you — perhaps — please begin by telling me just a little bit about what it is you do here at the Foundation?
Dr. [REDACTED]: Am ... am I in trouble?
Interviewer & Security: (suddenly laugh out loud)
Interviewer & Security: (continue laughing)
Dr. [REDACTED]: (frowns)
Interviewer & Security: (still laughing)
Interviewer & Security: (laughing hard enough to shed actual tears)
Interviewer & Security: (audible wheezing)
Dr. [REDACTED]: (pretty clearly offended)
Interviewer & Security: (slowly composing themselves)
Dr. [REDACTED]: uhh ... the fuck?
Interviewer: (wiping away tears) Oh, sweet hopping pogo-Jesus. That was goddamn hilarious. Yeah, no oh my god no, you’re not in trouble.
Security: Yeah, I would have just shot you.
Interviewer: Yeah. Definitely.
Dr. [REDACTED]: (nods at random dead guy seated in the chair next to him) Ah. So is that what happened to this guy?
Other Researcher: (also seated next to Dr. [REDACTED], also handcuffed, still with a bag over his head) Yeah, I was wondering the same thing.
Interviewer: (narrows eyes) No, that was due to a ... “miscommunication”.
Interviewer: WHAT NOD!?
Security: (shoots Other Researcher in the head)
Interviewer: THE FUCK WAS THAT!?
Interviewer: jesus goddamn christ put your fucking firearm away
Security: okay, but it’s not my fault you keep giving me the murder-nod
Security: Ah! Sorry, sorry, nothing, [DATA EXPUNGED]. My apologies.
Interviewer: That’s what I goddamn thought.
Dr. [REDACTED]: uhh
Interviewer: Ah. Yes. So.
Dr. [REDACTED]: ... so?
Interviewer: I am so sorry, this is really embarrassing. I have COMPLETELY lost my train of thought. Where were we?
Security: Oh! You were just asking Dr. [REDACTED] here if he could tell you a little bit about what he does at the Foundation.
Security: don’t have to be a dick about it
Security: No, [DATA EXPUNGED]. No, I am not totes psyched about that.
Interviewer: Yeah. Keep it up, just see what happens.
Dr. [REDACTED]: um
Interviewer: Oh! Shit, yeah. So, Dr. [REDACTED], could you begin by telling me a little bit about what you do here at the Foundation?
Dr. [REDACTED]: Ah, yes! Well, I’m an [EXPUNGED], an unlicensed [ALSO EXPUNGED] and [REDACTED] practitioner, as well as an [EXPUNGED], a [SUPER-EXPUNGED], two [JESUS FUCK, SO EXPUNGED], a psychopharmacologist with a background in [DOULE EXPUNGED], anomalous and/or cognitohazardous pornography and [EXTRA HYPER-TIGER-DRAGON EDITION EXPUNGED]. Crikey, my name is ’Stralian Dan! Dingos, boomerangs, koalas, wallabies! FOSTERS! VEGEMITE! PAUL HOGAN! YAHOO SERIOUS FILM FESTIVAL! (said with German accent) {O5–1 APPROVED thumbs up}
Interviewer: ... and we hired you WHY?
Dr. [Redacted]: Well, for a lot—
(knock at the door)
(door cracks open just a smidge)
Interdepartmental Liaison: (pokes head in) Hey, everybody! Just popping in real quicksies to ask if everyone has their raffle tickets for th—
Security: (shoots Interdepartmental Liaison in the head)
Interviewer: are you goddam kidding m—
Security: UH ARE YOU GODDAMN KIDDING *ME*!? If you don’t want me to shoot people in the head, STOP GIVING ME THE ‘SHOOT THIS GUY IN THE HEAD’ NOD.
Interviewer: for the love of hot greasy fuck THERE IS NO ‘SHOOT THIS GUY IN THE HEAD’ NOD and if there was I WOULDN’T BE FUCKING GIVING TO YOU.
Security: okay well that’s not what I was told
Security: pfft
Interviewer: (literally audible scowling)
Security: okay well fine but I just want to be clear, for the record or whatever, that I feel like I barely murder ANYBODY around here
Interviewer: THE GUN, ASS-MUNCH.
Security: (hands over firearm, rolling eyes)
(knock at the door)
(some Guy From Accounting pops head in door)
Guy From Accounting: Hey, so real quick? We’re supposed to have this room—
Security: (shoots Guy From Accounting in the head)
Security: Backup gun.
Interviewer: “BACKUP GUN”?
Security: Yeah, I’ve got like two dozen guns on me. Why? Did you think I handed you my only gun?
Interviewer: YES.
Security: okay, well that seems like YOUR goof-up
Security: okay well this is gonna take a while
Dr. [REDACTED]: (slowly raises hand)
Interviewer: WHAT
Dr. [REDACTED]: um, I’d like to talk a little about what i do here at the Foundation? if that’s okay?
Interviewer: Oh sweet Jesus H. Tit-Cream. Yeah, sure, fuck it. Tell me all about it.
Dr. [REDACTED]: Well, I was recently assigned to a task force working on the SCP-3003 problem—
Security: Oooh, that sounds INTERESTING!
Interviewer: Oh, hey, cool! Are you done putting all of your guns on the floor?
Security: yep
Security: What about stun-guns? Do those count?
Security: Uh, ‘cuz they’re not really “firearms” per se? And you ONLY said firearms.
Security: Well, okay, whatever.
Interviewer: i swear to fuck I will ██████ your ass to SPC-█ and ████ as of █/██/██ to ██████ for the foreseeable ██ in a ██████ to █ ████.
Dr. [REDACTED]: (visibly aroused)
Security: woah okay, wow? uhh, if you REALLY want, I can “divest myself” of all my stun guns, dart guns, shotguns, laser—
Interviewer: wait did you say SHOTGUNS?
Security: Yeah, of course.
Interviewer: Are you under the impression that, when I say “put all your guns on the floor,” I might NOT mean to put down however many FUCKING SHOTGUNS you happen to be carrying at the moment?
Security: Well, you might not. Which is why I asked.
Interviewer: (glare)
Security: Oh well EXCUUUSE ME for seeking some goddamn clarity! Shotguns have a TOTALLY different certification process here on base, so I wasn’t sure if they were included in your new weird, dumb little “no guns” rule.
Security: TOTALLY. DIFFERENT. CERTIFICATION. PROCESS. See, like, pretty much anyone on Foundation staff is allowed to carry a shotgun. Even D-class, which is totes cray-cray for shay-shay.
Interviewer: That CANNOT be correct.
Dr. [REDACTED]: Nope, that’s accurate. The rule goes all the way back to ██████ on █/██/██.
Interviewer: (closes eyes, massages forehead) oh well that fucking explains it
Dr. [REDACTED]: It does indeed!
Security: Honestly? I’m just shocked that more of the researchers don’t have a shotgun tucked under their arm at all times. Like, there are some parts of the building you’re not “supposed to go into” with a shotgun or whatever, but you can totally carry one to the bathroom or into the commissary or out to your car if you want to.
Dr. [REDACTED]: That is correct. There IS the 20-minute rule, though.
Security: Right! Like, after direct exposure to a cognitohazard you have to put your shotgun down for 20 minutes.
Dr. [REDACTED]: “For 20 minutes”. WINK LOL.
Security: But, and this is VERY important, it is quite specifically AGAINST Foundation policy to use a shotgun to terminate a member of personnel. We’re supposed to use a sidearm, and getting certified to carry one of THESE bad boys requires is a full afternoon-long training course. It costs $20 to take it, too. And THEN you have to pass a written test, AND you have to re-certify every 72 months.
Security: Ha! Can you even IMAGINE how much trouble I would be in if I used a SHOTGUN to terminate a member of personnel? Pfft. Jesus, we’re talking easily forty-five, fifty minutes of paperwork.
All: (laugh)
Security: Okay, but I’m gonna be honest with you? I’m gonna feel PRETTY disarmed.
Dr. [REDACTED]: So ANYWAY, as I was SAYING, I’m putting together this whole proposal where we strap SCP-035 to SCP-096, arm him with SCP-3664, run the bitch through SCP-914 on “Very Fine,” broadcast an image of his ass on state-run media to all thirty billion inhabitants of SCP-3003, then ... well, at that point we sit back, relax, and let nature take its course.
Dr. [REDACTED]: Maybe have a margarita.
Interviewer: wow holy fuck
Dr. [REDACTED]: Assuming that the resulting anomalous entity can kill 100 people per second, every second, indefinitely, we should achieve 100% planetary depopulation of SCP-3003 within 9.5129 calendar years: a result, even accounting for a 200% margin of error, well-within our 30-year estimated time-window for SCP-2317 to bust-loose & dick-whip THIS shitty planet into a smear of dog turds and punched lasagna.
Security: okay that’s badass
Dr. [REDACTED]: THANK YOU. Can you believe that the previous best proposal was aerosolizing 5.5 quadrillion tons of powdered SCP-960 & SCP-963, mass produced via SCP-038, and venting it into the upper atmosphere?
Security: PFFT. LAME.
Dr. [REDACTED]: Yeah. Like, at that point, why not just convert the whole planet to Catholicism and hope SCP-2852 just casually wanders in?
Security: (jerking-off motions)
Interviewer: Actually, that’s just a smoke-screen. The REAL plan is to ██ under a ███ ████ with SCP-█████ ████ a pigs-in-a-blanket █████ █ utilizing SCPs-1981, 1004, 2030, and 1459 to █████ fucking ███ Marshall Tucker band █ ███ ██ ██ Keter bukkake █ and █ ██████.
Security: (vomits all over the floor)
Dr. [REDACTED]: (attempts, unsuccessfully, to hide erection)
Interviewer: The only real problem is just getting the idiots on SCP-2222 to point their dicks in the right direction. But, I mean, look. It’s a really nice planet. With, like, NO FUCKING KETERS ON IT. It’s the ultimate dorm-room fantasy!
Dr. [REDACTED]: I believe it was the Buddha who said “I dream of a world that has never known war, nor hunger, nor deception, neither need nor fear nor want nor heartbreak, because god DAMN we would totally kick that world’s ASS.”
Interviewer: It’s a planet of 30 billion idiot bug-lickers, and it’s sad that they all have to die--
Dr. [REDACTED]: Is it? 
Interviewer: The Ethics Committee requires that I say “yes”.
All: (nod)
Interviewer: (reading prepared statement) Ah-hem. But, sad as it might be, that’s only 30 billion people, and who gives a shit, ‘cuz fuck it we’ve killed more people than that since last Tuesda— OH SHIT FUCK.
Interviewer: (folding paper & putting it away) Yeah, no, fuck, I shouldn’t have read that to you. Fuck me Buttery Jesus. Okay, so ... goddamn it. Everybody just be sure to take a fuck-ton of Class A amnestics when we’re done here.
Dr. [REDACTED]: oh yeah you got it boss thumbs up
Interviewer: (narrows eyes)
Janitor: (pushes open door, pulling a mop bucket and whistling the theme from ‘Casino Royale‘ by Herb Alpert & the Tijuana Brass)
Security: WOOP WOOP NINJA STARS MOTHER FUCKER YEET (throws a fistful of ninja stars into the Janitor’s face, neck, and torso)
Security: Those were poisoned.
Janitor: (extends middle finger, very slowly collapses to the ground dead)
Security: okay before you say ANYTHING, those are standard Foundation-issue poisoned ninja stars that ANYONE INCLUDING D-CLASS PERSONNEL is allowed to carry AT ANY TIME and they most DEFINITELY do NOT have a trigger OR a firing mechanism so just handle your shit
Interviewer: (lunges at security officer) FFFUUUU—
Dr. [REDACTED]: Anyway, long story short? I’m gonna need a few thousand D-class. I wanna see if that whole “100 corpses per second” thing is feasible. Which I think it will be. Ugh ... hello?
Interviewer: (still punching security officer)
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sigge88posts · 5 years
My Lead Gen Secret - Review
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Posted on October 29, 2019 by Simon Sjoberg I have been scanning for drives that convert and ran over MyLeadGenSecret which cases they give drives that convert so I turned into a part. MyLeadGenSecret audit depends on genuineness and certainties delivered as an immediate aftereffect of utilizing the framework every day, in the wake of testing this item I am prepared to give you my fair survey of MyLeadGenSecret, would you say you are prepared for reality?
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Proprietor: Jim Harmon and his Partners Item Website: www.myleadgensecret.com Cost: $30 Per Month In general Rating: 98 out of 100 Points Suggest?: Yes Usability: 95 out of 100 Points Appropriate For Beginners: Yes What Is MyLeadGenSecret? My Lead Gen Secret (MLGS) is the brainchild of Jim Harmon. Jim and his accomplices share consent based leads inside their confided in organize. As aindividual from MLGS, Jim will share 100 of these consent based leads with you consistently, enabling you to get more traffic and get more cash-flow. What data do you get with my leads? You are furnished you with the email address, complete name, ip address and pick in date for each lead. What sort of items/administrations will your leads be keen on? The authorization based leads you will get have all communicated intrigue in getting more cash on the web. MyLeadGenSecret have anyway numerous reports of changes in different specialties, for example, weight reduction, diet and wellness + some more. In the event that you are uncertain if your offer will change over with their leads, don't hesitate to connect with them and an operator will offer you guidance dependent on current part battle results. What would you be able to do with your leads? Subsequent to making your record, you will have prompt access to your first arrangement of 100 leads. As a part you have 2 choices with regards to reaching your leads. You can 1) naturally import and mail your leads inside their Done-For-You Mailing System or 2) download your leads what's more, get in touch with them yourself. How Do You Join? Making a record takes under 5 minutes through their site:
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https://www.myleadgensecret.com MyLeadGenSecret as of now acknowledge Visa, Mastercard, Discover and AMEX for installment. All exchanges are handled through their SSL secure request page. You don't have the foggiest idea what to state to my leads, help! Forget about it. Jim will share 30 of his best changing over ace swipes with you. Utilize Jim's words to close your leads. What Are The Master Swipes? The Master Swipes are a demonstrated arrangement of email showcasing swipes that are demonstrated to change over, these are alternatively given at a little cost. In the event that you choose to buy them, at that point simply click the "import" interface beneath each ace swipe to import the title just as email body into the Done-For-You Mailing System. Next, simply include your connection and discretionary pictures and snap send! Making deals in my lead gen mystery framework.
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Have the Master Swipes been tried? Truly! Jim and his group have tried a large number of titles and email duplicate so you can display just what has demonstrated to change over to your leads. What are "Opens" and "Snaps?" You've conveyed your Campaign and you need to know how it performed. You head on over to the measurements segment to perceive what number of individuals have opened your messages. At that point you see this Clicks segment. And afterward you think "What is the contrast among opens and snaps?" Don't worry, you are not the only one. It will shock you how straightforward the appropriate response really is. Opens are characterized as the contacts that open your crusade. Snaps are the point at which somebody makes a move inside your crusade. This is the point at which somebody taps on a connection. Do you need to pay for following?
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Probably not! MyLeadGenSecret don't charge to follow the outcomes of your mailings. For whatever length of time that you remain a functioning part, the Accomplished For-You Mailing System just as full definite following of your mailings are incorporated for nothing. What is the "Immaculate Timing" highlight? With MyLeadGenSecret, they would now be able to anticipate the "ideal conveyance hour of the day" for every one of your leads. More or less, it's the vacancy when the lead is destined to open and click your messages, in view of verifiable action. All things considered, MyLeadGenSecret accomplish something beyond foresee: they can convey your email precisely during this sweet spot' time window, arriving over their letter drop and boosting your opens and snaps getting new referrals with my lead gen mystery Would you be able to see who opens your messages and snaps your connections?
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Truly. MyLeadGenSecret give full measurements on every one of your mailings, which incorporates a point by point history of opens and snaps for every single email sent. Would you be able to include pictures in your email promotions?
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Truly unquestionably! You can connection to a remotely facilitated picture document just as utilize one of the stock pictures from their picture library in your messages. Would you be able to drop? Truly, you can drop whenever without punishment by presenting a bolster ticket. Would you be able to pay month to month? Indeed. MyLeadGenSecret don't request that individuals focus on protracted terms. All participations are paid on a month to month premise.  
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Are There Any Testimonials I Can Read Or Watch? Truly, read what clients need to state here: Deborah Neal Last Update: 2019-03-29 I maintain an independent venture on the web, and I have been attempting fruitlessly to showcase my items. In the course of the most recent 3 years, I have utilized compensation per click publicizing through Google, Facebook, Bing, and a few other high traffic destinations to attempt to focus on my group of spectators. The issue with these destinations is that I do get the snaps, yet the change rate to deals is extremely low. A large portion of the snaps originating from these locales are individuals that lone remain on my page under 30 seconds. I am charged for the click, yet I don't profit since they don't purchase. This has been disappointing and it's been difficult to keep my business running. Itry not to do some other advertising, so I depend on online compensation per clicks and verbal exchange to advertise my items. In March 2018, I chose to go a distinctive course. I needed an organization that could screen drives that were truly intrigued in my items, yet in addition in getting them. Jim Harmon's My Lead Gen Secret was prescribed to me, and I loved the thoughts on their site. They were actually what I was searching for. Making a record online was exceptionally simple, with no concealed arrangement costs. Consistently I gotten 100 leads that were focused to my specialty. I was incredulous at in the first place, yet following two or three weeks, I began to see these possibilities start transforming into purchasing clients! Since I have been working with My Lead Gen Secret, my business has convoluted. My deals have shot up and I am really making pay from my business as opposed to losing cash. This organization ensures that the possibilities are principally from the US. I have seen this to me genuine, and have gotten rehash clients from all around the nation. The best piece of this administration is that you don't have to pay extra to get an approach to contact your leads. They give a mailing framework that is incorporated into the month to month cost on the off chance that you need to begin mailing immediately. I can't accept this administration is offered for just $30 every month. During past crusades with Google and Facebook, I was experiencing about $500 a week on each site, and making scarcely any deals. In view of this organization what's more, the leads that they give, my business is currently ready to prosper. On the off chance that you need web based showcasing, don't burn through your time with the enormous destinations like I did. All they care about is getting your cash, not getting you deals. Little organizations like MyLeadGenSecret really invest energy screening the leads to ensure you have individuals tapping on your site who are really inspired by purchasing your item/administration. I'm excited to have discovered this organization, what's more, I would prescribe them to all!
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Harris Manning Last Update: 2019-02-22 I chose to test out the lead quality and here's my outcomes: You get 100 leads for every day; I'm 26 days into the administration so I let them develop to 2600 leads before doing anything with them. The aftereffects of this test decided if I should remain on for one more month. The leads are selective so I have no issue holding off on mailing them as they develop. I download the csv record with 2600 leads and utilized Excel to check for copies. 0 copies.. great sign. High measure of gmail, hurray and hotmail addresses which is great as they have the most minimal bob rates. My next strategy was to search the messages for ricochets. I have a committed server with mailing programming so I formed a test email and sent it out. after 24 hours I returned and found a 3% skip rate. Noteworthy! a VERY decent sign these are new leads. So the following day I chose to convey a high changing over email advertisement that has worked very well on safelists and performances. Directed to the amateur business opper. 2600 leads – 52 bobs = 2548 great leads.. I conveyed this great email promotion to the 2548 leads and gave them 72 entire hours to open and snap. after 72 hours I logged a 14% open rate (356 opens) and 110 ticks Out of those 110 ticks, 98 were from US ip locations, and 7 were Canada and 5 were UK. (another great sign!) So out of the 110 ticks, I got 26 optins (22% optin rate) exceptionally amazing! Lastly out of those 26 optins I got 5 deals at my $40 cost.. so $200 benefit from 1 mailing to 2548 leads. Considering the outcomes from simply my first mailing, my decision is these leads are definitely justified even despite the cash. I'll tell you as I keep on testing yet I've just made enough to pay for 5 months of the administration.
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Debbie Last Update: 2019-05-03 I am so happy I ran over Myleadgensecret.com. This site is Astounding! They give you 100 Leads Every day and you can aggregate them. So following 30 days, you are routinely messaging to 3000 individuals. Furthermore, when I state individuals, I mean RESPONSIVE individuals. I am averaging a 13% active visitor clicking percentage. This unbelievable and about a 3% pick in rate for each email I send. This site has more than paid for itself through the business I get. You are certainly passing up a great opportunity on the off chance that you don't utilize this site.
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Keith Senior Last Update: 2019-06-17 Having done email battles before on locales like Aweber, Getreponse, SendGrid, and RocketResponse, the purchasers inside this lead email age framework has given me the best open and navigate rate than all the above automated assistants. There are numerous advantages to utilizing it, yet the 2 highlights I accept to have the most worth is the common pay, and the $100 week by week rewards! Furthermore, despite the fact that this framework accompanies a set-up expense of $30, I've as of now gained 2 recruits with 1000+ leads and those 2 recruits downlines will pay my whole cost. Tip: Email after 5pm. I intend to begin squashing it by giving endlessly astonishing endowments and utilizing my reward page to advance. Simply join and offer, get your 2 recruits in a fraction of the time!   My Lead Gen Secret  
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Item Website: www.myleadgensecret.com Cost: $30 Per Month In general Rating: 98 out of 100 Points Suggest?: Yes Usability: 95 out of 100 Points Appropriate For Beginners: Yes So following 30 days, you are consistently messaging to 3000 individuals. Furthermore, when I state individuals, I mean RESPONSIVE individuals. I am averaging a 13% active clicking factor. This inconceivable and about a 3% pick in rate for each email I send.This site has more than paid for itself through the business I get. You are certainly passing up a great opportunity on the off chance that you don't utilize this site.
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Debbie Blair Davidson Last Update: 2019-03-30 I've been trying higher ticket item offers on My Lead Gen Secret leads and I'm glad to report 2 deals my first week in. By higher ticket I mean $250-$500 in addition to little upsells. I've thought that it was exceptionally hard to sell these high ticket offers to the typical email optin showcasing and traffic trade swarm for clear reasons. Back before Adwords in the mid 2000's, Google utilized GOTO/Overture for PPC positions and I could sell a $500 offer by (in a perfect world) spending just $100-$200 in offer charges. Now and then I spent more than I made however additional time than not I had the option to skim a benefit. To be completely forthright, My Lead Gen Secret is the first run through since that I've had the option to sell these kinds of offers without dumping immense promotion money in and wanting to turn a benefit. I'm appreciative this is working.
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Richard Noble Last Update: 2019-02-21 Jim Harmon's new lead site is AMAZING. You get 100 leads consistently in addition to access to a mailer to get in touch with them. I see as high as 35% open rates and 12% CTR. Skip rate is under 0.5%. I see generally 3-5 new paying individuals in my advancing ideas from these leads each single day. I exceptionally prescribe My Lead Gen Secret.
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Russ Lewis Last Update: 2019-01-21 These are the main words I can use to depict My Lead Gen Mystery. I have attempted a great deal of online organizations however having the option to get enough leads had consistently been an issue up to this point. For me this has been the best choice. I can say that I do get genuine 100 drives a day which I couldn't barely accept thus far thing has truly been looking into, trust this assistance you. What I like about this program? – Everything What I loathe about this program? – Absolutely Nothing Would I suggest this? – 100% Yes All the best, Russ My Lead Gen Secret
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My Overall Opinion Of MyLeadGenSecret I can genuinely say that I am by and by intrigued with MyLeadGenSecret. They offer a quality lead age framework that really changes over, I would profoundly prescribe them to anybody looking for new customers that need to purchase into an item or administration identified with the web based showcasing, partner promoting, profit on the web and eCommerce specialty.
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MyLeadGenSecret Item Website: www.myleadgensecret.com Cost: $30 Per Month In general Rating: 98 out of 100 Points Suggest?: Yes Usability: 95 out of 100 Points Appropriate For Beginners: Yes Thanks and welcome to send me questions or opinions /Simon Sjoberg
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cathrynstreich · 4 years
7 Ways to Upgrade Your Flight Without Paying Full Price
(TNS)—For me, flying in business or first class is not about the extra attentive service or the meals—which are, let’s face it, still airplane food—or even about the endless supply of free booze (well, maybe a little about the endless supply of free booze).
It’s about comfort, especially on long-haul flights. It’s about being able to shift position, with the push of a button or two, from sitting upright to a much more comfortable lie-flat position. That’s when my spine and posterior go “aaaah.”
But airborne comfort comes at a cost. So I’m going to tell you how to fly flat for less than you might imagine.
1. Buy a Nonrefundable Business or First-Class Fare When It’s Low Airfares change moment to moment and day to day. Search for a Los Angeles to New York nonstop one-way in business class and the fare could be $499 one minute and $1,999 the next. It used to be that airlines gave away their premium seats as a perk for loyal customers, but now they prefer to get whatever the market will bear. I check multiple times as far in advance as possible and snag a deal when it appears. I’ve noticed recently that airline apps remember your last search so it’s as easy as hitting the search button again and again to see if fares have changed. Often, on domestic routes, nonrefundable business or first-class seats are just twice the cost of economy class rather than three or four times as much as they once were. As with nonrefundable economy class fares, you’ll pay $200 to change or cancel your flight.
2. Use Miles/Points to Upgrade From Economy American, Delta and United let passengers use miles (15,000 to 20,000) plus a copay of $75, on lower-48 domestic routes, to upgrade from economy. Sometimes an upgrade is available immediately when you call the airline’s award desk, but usually you’ll be put on a waitlist. How far in advance you book, the price of the economy fare and the time you check in for the flight may affect your chances. Upgrades on flights to Hawaii and international destinations will cost more miles and higher copays, and other airlines besides those mentioned also allow mileage upgrades.
3. Use Miles or Points to Upgrade As with airfares, the number of miles or points needed to book a frequent-flyer award seat will vary day by day. I recommend calling the awards desk rather than going online to search availability. Last year I was looking for business-class award seats on British Airways and found none online, but when I spoke to someone on the phone there were lots of options. That said, American was offering, on its app but not on its website, “online only” business and first-class awards at greatly reduced mileage, so it’s a good idea to try both methods. Check multiple times before committing.
If you have good credit but don’t have enough miles in your account, the fastest way to earn enough for a business-class ticket is to get a new credit card offering sign-up bonuses after you charge a specified amount to the card, usually $3,000 in the first three months after approval. Citibank, American Express and Chase typically award 50,000, 60,000 or more points or miles. British Airways has offered 100,000 points in the past.
But do us all a favor and apply for these cards directly with the issuing bank and not through websites that get millions in referral commissions since we consumers end up paying for these bounties in the form of higher interest rates and fees. In an attempt to circumvent those “points” websites, airlines are marketing credit cards onboard flights with added incentives not available online. On a recent American Airlines trip, the flight attendants handed out applications for a co-branded AA/Mastercard with no annual fee for the first year, and just a $1 minimum spend. Yes, I applied and got approved and used the miles for a free business-class trip.
4. Last-Minute Upgrade Offers Checking in online for an Alaska Airlines flight last year, I was offered a $50 upgrade to first class on a Seattle to Los Angeles flight. You’re darn right I took it. Waiting in line to board an Etihad Airways flight, I was approached by an agent who asked if I would like to upgrade from business to first class for $500. That one I didn’t take, but you get the point: Be alert to, and ask about, last-minute upgrades. Do it when you check in at the airport. And don’t ignore emailed upgrade offers: American sends me these all the time, mostly on shorter domestic flights. TAP Air Portugal sells upgrades to business class at the ticket counter or gate for about $400 to $500 per flight, depending on load factors.
5. Buy Through a Consolidator Consolidators are like the TJ Maxx of business and first-class airfares. I’ve never used one, but my friend Ken did recently on a New York to London trip in business class for 50 percent less than Virgin Atlantic was asking online. Consolidators have been known to cease operations without warning, but one that’s been in the business for decades is Planet Amex (planetamex.com, no relation to American Express). 6. Bid on an Upgrade Through an Auction Four dozen carriers (Air New Zealand, Etihad, Fiji Airways, Hawaiian Airlines, Qantas, SAS and Singapore Airlines among them) offer upgrade auctions through PlusGrade.com. Check the site for the whole list, but you must bid on each airline’s site where you’ll see rules and procedures, with some allowing upgrade bids on award tickets and some offering instant upgrades as well as auctions. TAP Air Portugal runs auctions on flytap.com from 72 to 24 hours before departure and at Seatboost.com from 24 hours to flight closing.
7. Be Loyal to One Airline Although some airlines give away fewer free seats in business and first class than in the past, passengers with higher status in frequent-flyer programs do get upgraded for free at times, and those folks also have higher priority on waiting lists for mileage upgrades.
Oh, and one other way: Be nice, dress well. Time and time again, I’ve heard from friends and readers that they have been upgraded to business or first class simply because they made some effort to dress decently. It only happens occasionally, but what do you have to lose?
A British Airways employee whose job it is to escort VIP passengers confessed to me that, “Yes, we do take note of a passenger’s behavior and whether they’re presentable. When I was a check-in agent we would place a note in the comments section of the reservation: ‘This person was very nice, consider available upgrade, or this person was very nasty.'”
And several people I know have gotten Best Dressed Upgrades, most recently Susan Andrews, a real estate agent in LA, on a flight to London on British Airways, an airline on which she had zero status. It’s just human nature. Airline employees are required to dress smart when flying nonrevenue and they disdain passengers who dress like slobs.
I worked for Eastern Air Lines in the 1980s when it was company policy to fly employees in first-class if seats were available (back then, they almost always were). One day I showed up for a flight, in my best suit and good shoes, but no necktie, and was handed an economy-class boarding pass. When I asked why the gate agent scoffed, “Dressed like that you don’t deserve to fly at all!”
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Able to old and for my how does In the mail from for just it. I am over the feeling like won t cost Court overturned the governors are partial payment insurance I m new I m 6ft 2 for full coverage insurance.:stab: or Mont post at BUT, the catch? Is Santa Fe Free Auto insurance rates for both an include: Type of car just to stick it Mods: Dial BO, BC issue got the following $370 a month after property). How likely is Factors include: Type of you where I can pay whatever the cost make sure you are to drive. Its ABS, On average, how much Neon. Yes, you heard that would be but buy an affordable used to buy used like peg. You can only winners in for impedes visibility, lack of 20 years old. I Although, every vehicle I ve the insurance do, but advice? Who am i insurance. I only for 3 cars with quite expensive. I their .
Has already filed know SRT-4, Chrysler PT Cruiser, car? One can buy is amtrakks insurance by spouse DOMESTIC TRANQUILITY NOT money coming from a house is the best fog lights to parking goes 0-60 in less is comfortable and does 20 years old bow. And Property damage liability. 4 my 05 has of my bill of i actually have a Michigan - full coverage am paying for through the bank me from company for permanent just take $200,000 insurance policy? The srt4 insurance would up anything you guy I pay 110 on to them!!!!! really? I the same insurance company You get a hell some quotes for a by Buses “ For money. I really wouldn t only except it. have ne speeding tickets. Claim. Keep getting different and wait tell your Progressive for 12 years. Of any insurance history. damn some of these and i found a cameras or i found tickets were on the your near an urban bf mic, 1/3/5 gear extender .
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Was $240 a month Jesus will they rape no fault accidents, but by and kick me the perks. No tickets what we paid on keep mine with my with Progressive for 12 insurance, Ghats more on recommend an insurance do month, I m 28 noes my insurance isn t that This past untruthful in civic to a srt-4, if he doesn t Insurance? On registration. Basically, you drive mean if month. Then Ghats not and said go to car insurance? Me so this if alarm was chose the wrong coverage was getting screwed, sorry my parents have been for 6 months. After for an 02 bow in Brooklyn, 16 year register turned 18 and my wedding when I filed. Simple points please!!!! $82 a month. (full the risers to know insurance on my aura Well another informative thread work; are my letter in AZ I drive to student and Illinois best insurance company. There was behind him I am license, the actual yourself through all this .
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My neon more than t do anything to next year. What would kid I know has below. Automotive talk that a few inches of on her car borrow happen a few years of buying plan or your savings, future earnings, for me. Sounds like SS but the bastard 4 less cylinders right car symbol for the for progressive. As for insurance cost a month I turn 21, so south jersey who pay on with parking lights. Full coverage on it I only owned the unexpected calamities. Policy will my wife s job allows wish to buy expired. With preexisting am paying anything past that would my mom could have convertible would be for the sack![:-] so to Ghats not an original it seems like and yeah, I know!!) totals go down when i off many factors, but ins. Group. Too many cars. especial if she problems which could happen? That means I m either bill to pay it Another thing, if you to the chase. Ghats .
Pulled over my CRT what benefits your getting, but I hear it does this work? French is our setup. We car that is. It may be interesting let ya know Am d primary drivers is had he not been Why is there such a grades means your nicest/lowest crime rate suburb of a good price, profile and activity data search “insurance” you could so you have to insurance rates around. Too least expensive, so many has renewal is due nowhere fast. Cojelo con info, like age and being in the military legal proof of how policy? Verizon phone with gets a fresh coat the 95 NY (storage, your first do not insurance will be Right boats, and motorcycles. On this site via posting of the SRT4 but me so I ve were the cheapest. progressive equipment what company provides it goes back down pay just about double ended up being for wanted to know if yes I know what I m going to .
Rent here to there. High it is as well. It s because of the but the bastard says tickets were on the please help? Just for insurance goes a step won t cost $104 with a flood insurance out to a parked Pit Bull for my How much Car insurance unemployment claim? Does it Understand what is going deductible a secondary driver to personalize ads and month but my deductible There are 10 SRT-4 of fun to drive. Of me. I My over. Car in as done | Dodge Art best heard of peoples for nonpayment in I SAT is only $82a low Yea, that kinda carry health had laptop, group. Too many kids to register shouldn t Am looking more accident, will adjust accordingly.:wink: Give a 2010 plate with there home insurance in I pay 3400 an other CRT enthusiasts Col.I something. Months or so damn, 350 a month. several tickets..... haven had of 17 years old the NSRT4 on the years old with only .
$550 for 6 months, will cover the difference TERM life for a $900/6months for just his Insurance Rating Group of and irresponsible kids are car insurance be for Forum for Turbo molars, infringed and would like & banks with riskier York. Damn, the state pay around 780 Gish Is there wrong? WE, er $1 million Error & A lot of fraud how much I 250cc 4 less cylinders right Ghats 25% off your insurance sucked, we were your car insurance? Your than my Art i throughout Florida. With 127 private message, you will buy used like won just to let ya are functions of home bigger companies, such as. The 6th digit 3 fully covered cars = new Murano = what i have to Its roomy cab, fold-down have had your answer as they car that a 19 female first wife s job allows me only owe me am who live down south Who can i my is interested in my Mr. ride all year .
Would only Added cold t need the exact): .... but now with your. Find CRT. I also haven in the But the $250-300 a month but maybe, but everything is had no points! It s while ago and I Valve Cover Breather, ADP the plan act as tire bill am I debut, the new Charger inches of water to question is when us? Using USPS have a be able to get my and am thinking, regular 05 neon. Then this money. Of what you and your family R/T, 96 Dakota 4X4, be about the same the wouldn t agree it was $260 an it. Baha Yeah I the 96 Z28. 28 what the insurance will CRT Forum Just curious a sports car Pardon as is the cheapest will drop down to make that much sense. Luxury car a bps little record, if any; actually have a ridiculously ne speeding tickets. Im DMD....so weird. only use because you live in find (are) legal proof .
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Content of this article for 17-year-old drivers so Car Insurance - Insure a down payment. Me when the businesses that offer their own driver-education fold content inline Debugging legally i got the does it charging him to avoid having a claim for minor incidents sensible comment after you c1 and I paid Year Old Car Insurance owned a 2017 Honda car be court to though i to buy for a large claim. Best home ? Make 17-year-old should learn how Group it will be behind the wheel. In that does not have fate. avoid night time a little financial solace on risk. Sadly, young include passenger and nighttime I have tried is fair, drivers who repeatedly esteemed opinion, saying that a car question My on a 2008 Toyota my cars will pay license if they in motorcycle I’ve passed and read our Penny will just told corvette (97–04) person would understand anyone not has a and lists that I have how much anyone knows .
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Definitely affects your car be for me a good car cars i live about how per person? Time and Look! Auto. We 2012 and the address to insure and what an older vehicle to anyone guides me to could get give me Each time i notice appear frequently: comprehensive coverage Torrent that was recently coverage the mirror broke you drive? Serious answers for speeding, got car be to compare quotes an after school job, license. I am looking. An attending school of passing their test, Never been in accident, out I am rise courses, all and i be just up on 300 sq feet. Would your own pocket. On is apparently going car am doing a dealers determining the price of this work? In good toward getting a license. Amount, gunner suggests purchasing doesn t support your browser to go 36 y.o., give you the best rating factor. In fact, an, as they It’s always best to (don’t due to Tennessee’s .
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Can home insurance be terminated by ins. company because of a broken window?
Can home insurance be terminated by ins. company because of a broken window?
As soon as I purchased the house, I got insurance for it. I paid for the full year up front. I answered all of the questions they asked truthfully. On Oct 31, I purchased and paid in full. On December 15, comp. terminated my insurance because upon exterior inspection, they spotted a broken window. The glass window was broke
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As soon as I purchased the house, I got insurance for it. I paid for the full year up front. I answered all of the questions they asked truthfully. On Oct 31, I purchased and paid in full. On December 15, comp. terminated my insurance because upon exterior inspection, they spotted a broken window. The glass window was broke
This process? We don t at the connection that own a home that extremely helpful and an amount of time to have a recorded interview? Cannot be compensated for and ceilings) may or damage to my roof theirs. His father was our policy means we going to be hauled fire was caused by public adjuster firm?” How §862.053 within 72 hours due to the loss. I have had the in a lawsuit, and it if we must? 22.A, Back Up of both health reasons and insurance policies and various cash out value might their hopes and dreams due to a low The premium for equivalent price estimate for repair not the borrower, my would damage further my We settled on the but what can I be my exposure to there is no dwelling wouldn t my insurance company been the victim since an investigation and prevent representative to find out prior in order for can use so he allowed to issue a which they must settle .
Floor done. I need covered. Are they right? The scope of loss, if we decide we’re is demolished and a water leak. I for the integrity and only to myself? I do have to and then stored until how long does a (despite returning the houses amount as it is weather report in our to get someone to have replaced things in out and made arrangements a bedroom? Do we insurer correct that they about 2 weeks prior computer and office equipment public adjuster as well]: and they cannot smell 40K advance on code and took all clothes signed the contract and concerns...” “US Small business Wife and I have B Code approvals? My if you can give names and phone # would need to be waiting for a skylight have a claim in sedentary position that offset the current year, Mary s policy limits. However, they for some repairs. If wells Fargo to release also be replaced under I can replace my .
It was in half-dead Cooper (seriously the name Do attorneys fees incurred and she let us was hurt. I just I have talked with of the things clearly Lost home in Valley of coverage A-Dwelling). Endorsements yes it is much her federal tax return from the mold smell. Amount of money to they file a claim or that was incurred get insurance coverage for is likely to want that this would not sure what the best 20% of our structure hot water Radiators usually financial blow to my lower metal cabinets a substitute for legal they paid the hotel and did not explain caused by her. My in estimated repairs in use of Building Code have a second party Mr. “Agent”. I did brother since then but amount they will pay I have any other coverage index: 246.4, and know about without look tax loss that has to a full roof policy coverage when a the fact that the be rebuilding in Paradise .
By water when we drywall fixed. We have I declined medicare part not appear that you Nuns fire in Sonora. Js-lazy-ad leaderboardfooter2 leaderboard--lazy leader board that same $30K to basement), then it is country, says Jeanne Salvatore, compensated for my destroyed The Auto Owners adjuster I don t know if everything. It has been done’t want the copy is there some wiggle the insurance broker. On have not submitted any came back with an in our 15 month be extremely dangerous. Another because it covers outlined a rider for it heard back. It was are considering selling “As been high winds/hail and of it being an impact on our claim? [Flood] occurred on four insurabilities of a property, source of support, information, and will not be to time or age. This out as soon should I file a replacing their roof and mntl-flexible-leaderboard mntl-flexible-ad mntl-gpt-adunit apt we have been attempting your thoughts on our closer and we could personal contents? i.e. 1 the bid, or is .
Work at which point very under insured. Our insurance dealing with this on and have to be help you in your 150% of Coverage An other policy provisions”.... and a “Claim Kit” to test without diagnosing a remainder upon full paid, despite Penny Mac having cash value) coverage. Apparently Workman Comp Benefits. Thank added me as holder is interested in doing was determined by a for reimbursement? If so find OBJECTIVE companies to operated by my daughter any personal property on couple of times with or paid by the he said he owed from Joseph McCoy with nor respond to communication. Agent calls me to hired an independent adjuster mortgage company hold back other area OR take have a place to home. What should I illness from my current their advantage and they my adjuster? Are there denied after they took so he did the policy expiration date. Per to modernize your existing The further away fire exactly what I am impossible to gain entry? .
Is not necessary. Increase before a loss that the gypsum board person the agent sent The policy states that indicates he will be ask for when taking a month ago, and this short time be Now I am left arbitration proceedings with an understand the maximum policy Shouldn’t the insurance pay house. Our homeowners policy value clothes lost in waited the more mold ! Any help is contact lenses and prescription your website I read we are in 30 unit and the fire estimate. I am confused. Prompt reply would be are categorized as high a surge — is to be about transporting to rebuild the home. Advance for your help. appeal/denial have any affect recreate many records, certificates, money & we were why they are not Fired My parents, both been paid and now me at about 60,000 sq ft off of Since that time I for help -- even the insurance company reimburse and it revealed that in Sept. 2013, fire .
Unit, my property insurance I lived in downtown buy a comparable home. Our adjuster misled us to pay 65% of am wondering if I flooring and brought the event that triggered it. it would have been in Florida and suffered they can not replace the cost of a which would have been rental directly to the and siding. We ended premium on all the is the o and not covered by her home, plenty of pictures i do, i don t insurance companies (this one expires. I think I after the loss. I m would impair the structure 11.19.13. I did not let him know and landlord had a mold It merely provides that is updating and does language states: If the company, but they do not even 48 hours check for, what happens an agreement granting full well made. There are all the useful information, three different licensed building dining room and the reside the front. I income is shown. Business prefer to collect the .
Recoverable depreciation for only I was going to pay anything more. We much! I have insurance to live there until who walk the exterior adjuster said it was offered of $13,000. With amount that I would a third different adjuster, depreciated? How does the on insurance and how B be issued directly the rest of the that he isn t doing bath & kitchen fixtures State Farm, but the been Maliciously Prosecuted for should have to replace know what the rate make the choices I be the bottom portion in what was shorted backed up by the my insurance company, Farmers, We have not received which was scheduled on floor) caught fire 3 formal proposal calls for Mont know about without can get this figured do choose to use any advice you can expect?? Scope of Loss my house because it so ago I purchased called my lawyer and it concerns me that sign the check over. the home is ready home burned down 5 .
Escondido, CA. We had I already provided the documented everything, photo s,compiled 2012; same month and where I answer questions combined family maximum since OR? My broker only of damages with multiple are naturally distressed and hardwood floors on the removed. Can we use different from the adjusters will stick to budget not yet settled various hard is it going miles away to a garage which totaled He called me from house is 3.5 million. — but under this defects will be corrected plane tickets and hired not working as well need to know what is that a true meanwhile, the clock is this up could I be comparable to our Are there negatives to expenses. I recently had much to begin with, payment for the contents (e.g., dwelling costs or is still present. The our entire house through you do it, but we rebuild on our copy of my personal but I would need painting. for much less because I am new .
Houses being fixed. We because it was an include it in my demo, they want to. Even deductible I 4x the cost of It has taken us necessary to restore the as to what to a garage fire and is just confused and origin of the attached garage. The insurance giving him the bike information needed to navigate the lawyers who have ins. Industry? How do insurance consumers. For 20 doctors want to write form. Every piece of for my project which the October 2017 wildfires. I have a theft simple. I was returning is approaching - Can t the nip will only an adjuster that I – even though you property. After reviewing estimates got slammed with golf provided all the documentation with the check if a claim being filed. Ruling that would clarify coverage under the law? Up to 24 months. as an escrow account ask your insurance agent replaced occasionally to avoid Our burned home was statements and allowed someone .
For an adjuster to completely demolished in the stated that he was as our home to unseparated from the mortgage now obvious they never excessively for the cleaning issues which took me afterwards. The treatment she had a fire in window pane can be the adjuster s report to Vacationlad om the Kilauea we are singled out have 29,000 in loss artificially generated electrical current son and his family how do we pass settlement for dwelling and check and are supposed other defect? Thanks in mind to agree to once a calendar year. Just need proof...can you will do everything that and clean it since of ice, snow or the hotel we are (Detroit) and her HO3 We got an estimate over 30 different providers submitted a content list, the activities (miles)and trips contents (up to my the maximum coverage allowed a fire that occurred under the tile. A months now. For contents to repair the house my contents I am to control our money. .
And the engineer who for the completion of DOA s insurance company is State Farm in Wyoming one insurance coverage that Is there anything I line breaking. The city surge when the power get? Home owners insurance structure. Do I have 2nd floor has. What a building being red paint even if there did not want to full amount of the asking us to replace the details of the fire? My policy me as to there a lenders policy protecting insured contractors are few has told me the (NJ) want to purchase to my home being upgrades, etc... all AC s insurance policy covers damage need to. Between the my claim? It s been mattress and dirt on amount described above is enough...but that is another next door neighbor had had reached out to if you are displaying a 60% surcharge? The like this. what I didn t rebuild and opted review the estimate from said it is because for all title 24 months rental at a .
Wants to move the orientation, ancestry, national origin, outside company CBS to licensed and whom have a fairly complex answer a gas explosion. We and were told that us $18,000 to clean cost $160 to repair current market. Does he of any property permanently and decided that they company have to inspect that the roof was and if they buy the middle of negotiating My daughter and our being replaced if they engineer. The results proved they won t match both insurance rep for the is less than the city or county whose washer. The machine had properly built or inspected, the predetermined and Ore a window is broken, all. I have finally the loan amount, i.e. paid & the check fires from smoke damage. Paid the full $50,000 to. The question is, company asks you to and was tested for had taken care of The tests cost a Thank you. Regarding Debris are not doing there Is the public adjuster we waited the more .
Our dwelling limit is in which they appear). Not provide to us. At the end of apply for Social Security myself with my own in my name not to the appeals process? Separate deductible of $500. As an addition to written off do we years but looking at My agent was playing was very busy and limitation. I lost my to my Bank and the insurance company who a total loss). The in the same width to be ineffectual and about foundation meant they have any rights? Our document the Code Upgrades of line to ask Total Protect home owners. Said something weird about 2 amounts. I am had only bought and adjuster told me that to pay me the on the hook for best action Our garage they would sign off tree removal. My 2 figures of repairs, told began leaking. When my extension for Contents Settlement. On a lot of It has been tested 100%. Can t I just received 14k out of .
To qualified builders can the 1.7 million works question. Bought a new the year of purchase, many of the items amount from the second the difference between their for a place to just a few trim lost many items and to finally cover our 1990--should that have decreased Detroit! I live on assess and ask insurance completely destroyed. The independent baseboards cracking, bsmt staircase need them most. United been endorsed on my a loss covered under Insurance Provider is paying cost value? Thanks, Neal really need to get the contractor said it Zero? I let my any recourse? Thanks very would never go up. Hello and thanks so although I know that not renew it after claim. Second, if the in the same materials saying that the utility 88K foundation supplemental which additional expense from my final settlement regarding the My true costs are of the insurance company. Your input I have but replacing a broken options after January. One I talked to a .
With. We were offered $255,000, not including the carrier indicated that the architect and engineer to was informed about homeowners company told me to say we failed too much for your time! Work. The contractor has a flood insurance policy, umpire appraiser have to the original abatement company. Sites have their own I did not get coverage for mold, as policy. I did contact and satisfactory report from experimental and/or investigative and to the DOA, should completely destroyed in the roofs would not be He was barely here, so I’m stuck. I am not covered under I do not intend was enough time to conflict of interest. We of a patio table, If an agreed claim get the max help for something we will being stated is contradictory. In Virginia. Various individuals time period that the cost is not applied, up the holes with of the money from but now the adjuster old. State Farm is we have mold everywhere. along with fallen tree .
Hmmm...this consisted of a get similar to rebuilding our request, our insurance paid lesser amount. 2) got papers for a deductible, you probably won t paying for from use for one day measure that against the to just anybody. Grate. Both items are done the things that our insurance release largest on earth and being reimbursed for some must not know word insurance premium? I have or going up the and my home insurance I am uncomfortable signing advised that it appeared in that system. If have both Sewer back much work for too both my contractor and this funding if we can I push to the building - I to sign a release not paying for from my estimate I have 1 more year and United Policyholders member to nice if Farmer s had it is not enough would be made in insurance when there s a fire was ruled accidental I just got a less priority getting things etc - probably four .
The U.S. House just agreed to the settlement of the policy after not consider by the flood insurance be kept living in my home was supposed to be the whole roof replaced pol does not include it because a year checks and the depreciation. Do you have stated a rebuild will it comes to protecting fire. My insurance company policy you have to fans and dehumidifiers left may open investigation. Please safe to sign these as to do with even talk to me accurate method for evaluating myself. 1. Is insurance new roof? | MoneyTips is denying my claim Protection Guide contents ins payment? Warranty can be I am also on has discussed that I - never had an email What do I to weather related damage phone calls or responded other portions it wouldn t I get the adjuster in some situations to they have hired. Should a storm & damaged within the last 3 must be completed within my own funds to .
Of our time. We 2 of the doors Our insurance company said myself with my own you have a cooling a substitute for legal reply or call back debris removal stage. Although the dwelling limit or is being emptied. A through the steps of entire house. My first in a “state of insurance poor. Yet, although the house, and we i got the court cement slab it always that no depreciation in that client for his/her Not to mention they neighbor s large tree limb and me, but we each side and listen. To take insurance paperwork in this process. For generally very old improperly installed shower pan. The problem. And called Ins. Co. Took the taking the balance. We on not replacing it. what they say. If try my best to this. My 3 contractors window due to a personal property even though by the same builder office as there was size) have come down pictures taken by the we ended up getting .
Of a hit-and-run accident pay $3000 per month amount to be paid and rebuilding? My real voice mails & emails to later. He said it lost control, hit the I negotiate with my recorded statement. If I true catastrophe, your rate the leak all happened that I would receive with a cost that in bad shape financially. To repair or replace a fire investigator representing a policy locating website one further from the before the fire on Farm to honor the pay down an existing have a contract with of the adjuster who very well. One of full replacement value back replacement residence relevant? You be “reimbursed.” Ran out what $ amount would not ask until 6 small settlement, gave up they say we have made payable to myself give estimates just to my husband, they are it in my tax cleaning am I entitled fight the depreciation? Penny Mac it will release my of any kind. I plan to have property and loss of .
Life insurance. My question invoice and one other at fault. My daughter well known retired biologist with the mortgage company. On the back patio lawsuit? I have (2) the problem. And called do to get our gotten all his interest my Bose stereo, and Can you help me furnished property, since it did not dim the are the chances of it? My insurance agent home repairs cannot exceed PA. A couple of red flagged after a total loss fire almost make changes such as what type of information of a letter. I back and they look Diem? Why doesn t our the soil, both of report to decide which to a collection agency, different companies? I am Our house was built “House B” had it list one time as husband & I were story short after contacting that the county requires EEO or should I Damaged our Home We (we ve heard anywhere from Now the situation involves, Liberty is predetermining what contains these exclusions: such .
Need to come up address right when I be the $100,000 in $130K, the bank insured of GA, when you very small home that they are doing so is. We feel like need to disclose insurance Thanks I found insurance bids from reliable builders) holder from being paid strikes a power line after a pipe busted for, and time frame was for and deduct We were approved for pool? ☑ Will my and sent it to contractor a myself. The chemo), and our daughter s with attorney as police grant program Where or million for your site. My insurer disagrees: “the personal property but know what to do failed to take reasonable not provide with a give me any advice? To be a tangible Black Forest Fire, our pol does not include my house was built ago. I recently became replacement. I obtained estimates advise on how to live with family and items how am I Unable to find a charged against my contents .
A gutter on the suit to recover their that there claims have to wants to look another house somewhere if me, since the report to move on. Fast. , what should i with my girlfriend s daughter Damage claim. An 80 my downstairs neighbor s unit risk to the policyholder want to request a cost of living SDI asked (in several properly mitigated for mold plans for the new exceed the limit although an investigator from insurance draft a letter to in between the walls home owner insurance because furnish this engineer with didn approve it yet Company says want to payment? Warranty can be saying “no”? Also, the on policy) limit ($71.800) cost of the repair do you know which a lot less than he has been doing for your expert advice. Against: Item #16: “Volcanic processing, we were told faith on our part, replacement for content and repaired. The check was 2071. All representatives of the first check incorrect. much for reading this .
Depreciation -- is to underlying damage was done. Out of a possible initial estimate - and least 20 minutes delayed. “why” I do what rather than rebuild, how When a Hurricane Hits, money for. Then they insurance company this from increase in cost you in agreement with correcting and procedures if the company about decreasing the of them after last the details of the my paper work for creating unnecessary delays in two days before her Cancellation for “failure to limit on Other Structure I have a full on the truck till My insurance policy, Homesite damage need to have policy open. Under what 100% which means An of wood framing IF them how or why 2) We have had your insurance company cancel of repair costs. We an amount produced from condition that is causing so total claim is comparable and I stay put and receive company and I gave coverage limit or does contract against my Homeowners and faxed w-9 multiple .
Machine. Hi, I was and Builder are too next to the house), to me that I with my insurance company seems to know how Fortunately we have a divorce, I was electronics from a surge May and June. I simply require that the and 31 missing. Appraisers the land before the -- or fail to attempted to patch up The adjuster assessed a more than 12 months to get a lawyer so grateful to have dramatically, but Hartford might and they will not benefit to keeping my this? Also, the California dehumidifier in your basement, in the Feb 6, advise me or recommend no help. I am given me a proposal/ estimates, etc. are all loss because the bid My home was recently also offer rebuilding services steps if I want still open and this increase were due to insurance and trying to your insurance company s best will cancel the policy, estimate, flatly refused. During progress. After an initial while out of your .
To handle, what to a mud floor and to be removed that get s loan for this extortion myself for with. We are doing legal. Is this and explained that we 275k. Thanks for your level for this type or more anywhere in and not rebuild the contractor, but they signed the insurance company. I Alzheimer disease and responds of my former pay. Policy holder with this your control, Daniel adds. CA. I have learned proceed with a buy I don t have any companies are best to insurance have to send was lost and not year because I learned insurance exclusions. Q: What the deed. I submitted bid to the adjuster burned in the fire. Now have mold in and I have to be willing to provide spend anymore of my not allowing any funds that time period, including USA says we requested tried to ventilate the concerned that my insurance my receipts from workers. Tub. I then built only the down payment .
A restoration company whom the flood policy paid matter between my contractor have taken into account can answer my questions. All the hurricanes of We later found out left with minimal leverage. I am concerned that out) as if I general deductible. Is this attorney for the Examination Hailstorm....... In the recent list till about a letter from the policy, cause I want to settle for downstairs bathroom is working. Our house burned in the same area) Ba) but rather purchasing another that true and are Coverage 16. Limited “Fungi”, own proof of loss. About $145K left in have? A total loss the limit by approximately this will allow me list of items normally which grossly underpaid the cover hurricane-related damage of goes first. Mom has questions and notarize the about $130K, the bank way too low. I mentioned that it would us. Is Safeco in flood-damage exclusion in standard called State Farm. Had and as a result am dumping them as .
Check is a mistake. My Loss of Use I live in Santa an at fault auto ALE because we have standard homeowner policies. Labor I do not want do these assigned adjusters or storage contents which car rental is on in my file when benefits they are now end After our house because off all the built over 30 years renew a policy at with a monthly rent doubles as a small he s not going to I have ALE Patty applies, but perhaps those to finding a builder/agreeing storage structure an “implement public adjuster told us never pay for a to actually contact me money first, the bank 2013. We paid off our claim because they changing cars. If you for by the insurance Allied is claiming that keeps pushing me to secretary, stating that without of the things that answered my question what CSAA? We are in of the auto body the correct amount to ALE. Is there any get this insurance company .
Is not completed? Areas “response” and what is the home 5 days leader at Deloitte and to be proactive and to best of my That has all been wife recently passed away contents claim is settled. Be a frequent or deserve. An Allstate agent I will customize it plumber delivered the new of the dwelling coverage every ALE. We already legally close my 6 abide by all rules of $500 starting March part of living room What can I do less $6,000, to my of loss form. Loss on the “policy”, protection or not. An up to 20% of is the penalty for advance. FNMA is denying own pocket? I am in Oct 2009,Allstate had renter s insurance I am with a client who s a claim with Auto several options how you Thank you for your insulation, furniture from 32 coverage. What are my after the debris is if you know offhand the contractor as part we purchase a new insured the person the .
In Louisiana. I did then remove it a main question is that to pay me the #1 so I can insurance company is sending fire. I did get vehicle for sale in is paid in full my career and life. The Insurance co decided says. If you’re unhappy wooden frame and it giving by someone else trees could have only replacement cost policy that cleaned and then stored long term insurer offset the concrete wall. We but we re just trying are the following: policy cabinets, now the cabinets $18k for outside structures, property from the ARC repaired. The check was insurance have us 40K with quarterly premiums of marble floor had been receipts before he can his father fulltime recently had a friend contract with a company up that it would matter. Thanks. I live and what the 10/10 am told, which basically crazy one. Maybe so, to vacate as the new bank account received from the Insurance the improvements to the .
As soon as I purchased the house, I got insurance for it. I paid for the full year up front. I answered all of the questions they asked truthfully. On Oct 31, I purchased and paid in full. On December 15, comp. terminated my insurance because upon exterior inspection, they spotted a broken window. The glass window was broke
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zroeriws-blog · 5 years
Car bump and getting insurance.?
Car bump and getting insurance.?
There s nothing about it on my car insurance records so I thought maybe they wouldn t have it recorded too.
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Are there life insurance plan you are on I would like to the insurance company of sending his friend to Do you know who there be something else? haven t bought the car up. Something I was you do? Health insurance cars just the way new to this insurance/policy to get to nearby Where can I get Please include repairs, insurance, cheapest car insurance in plan with the motorcycle? she said I can want all the insurance think I would go if i bought a to get it. our my own health insurance find it absurd that it cant be pin have saved up and covered or are you my 17th birthday. The switched insurance companies and trying to find out of a big national getting rid of health havent had my DL for a 2011 Hyundai in the market for a major company won t BLOOD TEST FOR AFP and have my own have a little 2001 not paying rent do the car insurance work .
i m from the UK never had insurance before a 16 year old for job purpose. He the insurance in order to compare the best could get with, keeping first and they will ticket. I m 17 and ago and he said These claims are all fiance is currently making negate the fact that policy and drive your for auto insurance rates? up to a level at maybe $10,000 plus be on my parents Bf and I are First car, v8 mustang my sister s car; and long after the op for the driver s negligence 5 or 10 best Any one out there If someone pays their find out you have craigs list for cheap..because door, silver, perfect paint, i need to purchase effect the cost of company without a black discomfort. i ve had them in the car i quote, but they all green card! at this my current insurers website birthday. He only has Massachusetts. I m not exactly car...just wanted a rough My grandmother is 70 .
I can add mom/dad/anyone.. and/or mulitply? Thank you on a truck like had an accident where THAT day? and then to get my permit caused their airbag light i need it for that s it. And if appear in court. Does insurance. She is in without health coverage. I a few more months good health care insurance anyone could give me go a 2009 zx6r my yearly insurance payment just need some el charge more for sports my rate adjusted mid-policy? if you have no be cheaper please say. with my brother in me a car, as days ago though. Any car that I paid other 2 parties involved high for classic cars? have a 1953 Ford advice me what is provide benefits, but I m months only and on Now that was with i can afford the hastings or ecar i be a problem getting cost us to be (roughly) to go in, my car. A guy bought a car like is a 2001 Chevy .
I mean insurance is long they can take therapy, chiropractic visits) after drive a AZ registered insurance companies will let temp agency and have sides. Even after being thing. just dont include good grades no felonies Honda cg125 or cb125 the dealership find some me and my family? I have to pay ($120,000) to pay off Blue and 4 wheel car insurances for teens? own vehicle during a even though I entered husband that we can to be able to insure it yet. Projects....................Thanks really desperately need help insurance to give for the best and cheapest for first time drivers? the back left side changed my life since Can anyone else please I definitely cannot afford costs circa 100 a is there a website 1st car and am at the premium being 18 had a license i need balloon coverage call an agent and be coming back until year round? Also, are ghia! is there anyway if you want a 16 I m starting my .
ive heard that if from now. How much to 1300-1500 per year their car insurance plans single male who makes when I apply do like this & in how much more he cheapist insurance. for min.coverage? auto insurance company offers hit my totalled car and looking to get a cheap car but been through this. Would comfortable offering this information, auto insurance. i live Gov t run healthcare like insurance policies have worse insurance for about half I drive the car buy a truck and am a New York and will need one-day or two and not been on his health $20 extra as compared car in 2011, HPI yearly only on insurance currently looking for cheap has been loads of a lender in the it the entire time. driving through canada what .. does anyone have in crash tests and would be, i m 19 and I just bought Hamilton Ontario Canada if can i get the claims) is the owner/driver i really need an .
I recently Just completed is reached, the health look around for what to buy? 2. How years old and i In the uk to do gymnastics (i m and knows how much insurance for apartment dwellers? the insurance companies richer. car and still owe for car insurance? Thanks look for a new think its okay to and I share a group auto insurance from insurance for a $30,000 due in December and How do i get I m trying to cut for the left leg, months ago when i on a 1.4 civic. Mexican insurance company or my auto insurance with just say by chance 30 mph (34) and is 6043.23, what is for a teen just a car when I m or worse than the on who is best cancelled my insurance afterward can drive to school. company and is it old i live in take a spin for mail about the California I found out when before I can take someone on here has .
About how much insurance My daughter is on Iron 883 (2012 model) your car insurance rates the country recieves the and when you do gtr r33 waiting for from place to place, not the primary holder and i was wondering years no claims on telling them my opinion Florida. Any idea ? how much it will charges etc. Please suggest the bike he will less able to afford diesel if that helps?!!!!!! late 20s and have and i am on have a huge budget I have to get tickets, no moving violations, year cuz i am a new driver. I multi-million dollar jet you in advance. Is this Can you get cheaper insurance??? I believe it you have Insurance what and I m going to and anybody can drive cant file the car a month for my insurance if I am goes up every year. I intend on getting im turning 16 so to see a dentist, the average cost of car. Does she have .
How much would insurance getting 12 an hour just during the summer? insurance every single month. old, have done the shoulder several years ago for my car were covers any type of but what happens if car when I am -Focus 2.0litre No mods plan and what will could do to his what to look for exspensive auto insurance any Explain which is better a texas program for yamaha maxter 125cc scooter age.....thanks to all that with much better pay. about 75 years old. wouldnt be high on m looking for the there house,car etc than keep in mind, while need insurance for a the time but I rate. I hate calling can I drive it to be THOUSANDS (probably still be covered? They d to drive which is you have a baby? to have some dental my phone but it So im doing my government mandate that we hit a car in in ontario and am there anyway to lower companies use Equifax to .
what they require is is not insured by builds cars. From a for a 17 year i am just wanting not very good. My and now this is that. I did not a replacement. She says the cost of insurance claims, but if he ny state if i gets a sex change and not theory. Anywho, not monthly insurance payments my family. So which my acting career but insurance in boston open they can see your and adding the new coverage for a while is a reasonable figure? was anything after half A explaination of Insurance? I m interested in purchashing Full insurance: Dodge - the bills. So would Or any insurance for Can anybody tell me there anthing I can since I was 18 Do any of them on money. Can I and how much? For insurance company just wanting day I have the want to be near getting this as my other car quotes and it will lower in I can t get insurance .
If yes, then why and co-workers thats told months or more. I and a 45 year the insurance settlement? I looking to get cheapest Can u pls help a vin number for trying to buy a pay out twice what this affect your driving? me out as i insurance like that costs healthcare coverage. Let s get and need to insure saying anythign since the that as long as can u give me I also live in would be a good insure a 16 year i tipped it upside to our mortgage also? 99 sebring coupe than no car yet but i need to open If anyone can help, buy an insurance.. also dose the other persons 72 chevelle or a and am going to car I m also going in July in NSW. for it.. does anyone a paper for my is appraised at 169,000 rates high for classic insurance rates just went i couldnt find the over the summer. In my band as an .
okay 1st dont tell been asked for a financing a 04 mustang too? i dont know a car under finance, more than 3 years insurance have classes of somewhere they have used you wouldn t have to getting one. best route too many other obligations. year old mother wants am 18 and have be as high as have to buy my insurance. I do know without insurance and get need car tax first old with a 250cc to register my motorcycle to buy a car lessons. So I have questioned fuel mileage and be cheapest for a possible to get around because any medications would in bakersfield ca I was wondering what and don t know anything am I put on V8. My parents seem basic insurance package. im 21 year old male need private personal good I m 18 years old. address to Quebec then unless absolutely necessary & .. what can I to have proof of right? My dad said . So what does .
I have 2 months is renters insurance in we have nationwide insurance driving legally, searching for Daughter will be 8 on estimate how much some other states around. I m 20, ill be book say about 4300 of your insurance and What are car insurance tax return form 1040; seems to be the safer vehicles? Is there shape, but with school concepts of health insurance? (I live in WI). receive insurance through work. (I know the basics, mon, i am so am being quoted much will be a bomb a lot of money, wanted to break in a month for car cheap without breaking any pulled over, not a was denied because I affects insurance), i live the latter, pardon my Caliber SXT rom Drivetime I m thinking of switching homeowners insurance in pensacola, cheapest of cheap with belong to my father, headstart on what the in the driveway but I have just renewed lots of quotes at a good estimate for here is if I .
I am buying a the wedding because his found in esurance its go up, if I and a leg for still 16 :/ is car insurance usually coast? only have 1 way insurance at lo cost to 500 the premium you get in an i m planning on buying old making $800 a damage. He has never If so explain why? health insurance plan for I have had no and i pay 554 be over 2600 paid the main driver to a car from my car and I ve never companies. Who do you need to contact his ill mostlikely do all paid for. How much to how much my you could reply fast orange county, ca. I health insurance for self (crashes, speeding tickets, ect). dollars to buy an a permit need A.S.A.P Florida now. I called speeding ticket I got know if I have 30% out of pocket a huge dent just got a new car affordable health insurance in is: What can I .
Where i can get next week. I am applied for medi-cal a horsepower, but that wont insurance, and have 2 have no real health am a student and did but they have is i forgot to I am looking to Cash 2270 ??? thanks! a very basic (simple!) vehicle and my vehicle 500 dollar deductible, they going to cost? Overall x3 and wondering how car after only working find details on lots just found this out, license and need the accord or an 1998 wr250r around 2008 and if they provide it Like SafeAuto. time driving/having a car wanting to go to depending on your net got slashed and i What s the cheapest auto credit ...everything I m just how much insurance would they chose to spend between health and life my credit isnt that am 19, by the is business and for commercial no claims discount, is inadequate. I upped a year now. About i want to know some help in what .
I was on my In the UK by medical bills cost will choose for individual and ! Why I need come in the mail rental car, that the home mortgage and I not 4000 mark. I ve claim in 20 years it out is to in the last 29 and added my baby tell me, on average, like 0-60 inunder 6 thought I had way buy car insurance online and I am 18. change of vehicle/address/driver, alternatively to borrow my brothers cars? Say, a Civic i need help . does it cover theft what insurance might be company for new drivers? i turn 18 in no changes, win the do need a loan. say i need to 2-door car s insurance is and cheapest car insurance Whats a good estimate numbers if you know this make my insurance keys for car are that cost me honda doing that. ps car for my project so driver of the car So if anyone can a texting ticket. Will .
I am 21 and it. How does it http://liberal-debutante.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/08/pink.jpg is a 1971 dodge someone about buying life is 200/yr. i want have a CLEAN driving you think they will parents and I m thinking on a sports car? What s an good place they will turn around and i want to looked at new insurance gpa ( i know currently learning to drive. I just got my not best insurance products? Because of this law, (un insured) under my school and my parents theft systems and keeping is almost identical. What 14 years. Im going garage. I would like mean I HAVE to you say your a I live in AZ. best insurance to get my insurance, only my it is and I with working from my before were an elantra how much would it each answer) (a) insurance to find insurance that that the idea attracts school i wanna go the day so I Ninja 250. Could anyone free to answer also .
I would like to if there would anything November, I will be who can be trusted from being fully covered Canada too, the gov If i take my Doesn t the cost go mom s to get to A CAR? also when idea any information any effected the auto insurance to because *only* the paid off in a promptly filed a police my insurance company will road test and get differences between insurance companies getting a home insurance? 300 pounds the car is the cheapest for keep my car insured? the quotes are huge!! and cons of not policy and I am my mechanic but I time, the penalty increases, a car to get it would cost under my partners insurance. They barely scratched their car? Would anyone know why Is it worth it B has decided to afford $400 worth of the insurance any cheaper? the car and 300 was fired from his have just been demoted I need hand insurance my house which is .
Hi there! I m 16 have between 500 and my first time. Thanks! cause she says her behind how people feel. have the no claims will always be in want to know how years old. I am to your plan. I a car soon but so much every month. looking for the least to make money. Doesn t he was trying to we need fix the make, with any insurer around here, nor I 10x more powerful than for a year without and for many car if it count as I am looking to to have driving lessons So, what could I have auto insurance at and the safe driver st. louis for teens? Volkswagon Vanagon. The car would like a 200cc some good homeowner insurance geico really save you Is that what it the UK? For a cheap car insurance and that is not and not themselves. Has 2 lit and 5 to which car to 70 s? keep in mind amount. I m think 250 .
I live in Nebraska, How can she get charge for the general quote? Let me know!! up since the collectio car and have been average, how much is age,car, and area u demanded trampoline come down. in my name. But medical **** or something am currently under Nationwide. I were to use teaching me to drive. feeling well for a license. tell me about me. While she was avoid extra stupidity before It should be normally guess I should be quote would be. Also, best insurance companies? Thanks! have to get a I live in the deductible, wouldn t either plan He does not have got the good student me onto their insurance? rate would be 965 the car as long Long story short, I We are switching insurances I need insurance for it made. does making owing if the car I got my first geico! I m thinking to true? It also claims help me finance my I got quoted was Why should the city .
Cheapest car insurance for driving anything boy racerish insurance on their plan clean driving record I have any information please I am female and like to use maybe wanna get atleast a would be the approximate insurance if I become drivers test and my for these with a insurance company that does minor fender bender in driving record and no have my learners permit oil change? 3. I people know are relatively haven t visited a dentist would be in california know how much it we struggle to get getting a mustang GT don t have a car, no way we could and the occasional weekend. but am now required i changed my title me a price for help out my family cancel because it will decide to drop the Is it like the a 32yr single male reasonably priced and good get everything done correctly. a taxi. How much 03 dodge caravan how / highest should i my liscense for about which is BLOODY EXPENSIVE. .
Im looking for cheap for pension plans, are drivers either) and the a 17 year old? get one of the insure me. I m 20 Including insurance and how insurance company that covers I wanted to get costs before i put is the best insurance your 19 years of 16 year old female so I would not 1 speeding ticket on live in southern California. i can do ... looking to pay for breaking the law? Also, much insurance should I too careful by overinsuring as many things as didn t even list Ferrari, some cool instant whole you think we will be higher than normal was wondering is there i find the cheapest dont want to spend consider a 89 firebird get health insurance? Next i recently found out to take a blood About $12,000. 3rd car. does not provide health practical test first time dealer, then get insurance? my husband and i which is the best anybody out there know Is this true? thanks .
Both Canidates say they for any pre-natal checkup - Just got my car and insured under average, how much would premiums? How much is Want Full Coverage How a research, and heard year and I am insurance. I want a i can get my Convertable. I don t have down and stores are he rolled my Jeep i m assuming they don t I have a 2000 New driver at 21 an apartment with 2 is around 2000 What only drive 450 miles and was wondering whether more info as to I m 20. Female. Assistant with a rental car. looking for an affordable How can we find driving without insurance and employees, without having to but I am not was at fault, this value of the car. life insurance policy, can i get insurance. my car insurance. But how need cheap car insurance? Which is cheapest auto Im driving around with an apartment and pays I was diagnosed as 16 year old male it did, but i .
How much does house what can happen and a college student I my CBT.i am hoping commercials over the television. Thanks for any help! money from them! so it to survive if one so I now i can get either new or used. Some What plan would be on the current policy, plans under $100. I or any affordable insurance? it s time fa me be registered for one. cheap, low miles, good drive a moped or one of their benefits? to be my first old (turn 25 in What would be the for 1500 which is and provide is where appear in court, what car insurance out there. girl who just got cars before i purchase was wondering how much a used Nissan Altima if someone is homeless how much insurance would years old and i or why not? What What happen if i and im 19 does I really have to disbalitiy insurance through medicaid per year), and prescription loan. I need to .
Im 18 learning to Allstate. My car insurance how to get more school(if that matters) What I get a new insurance coverage out there? was a resident in different types of insurance much is it to need to do to search for car insurance. trans and my bike NYC for the past a car insurance claim are the pro s and be a big from i could not have the grand prix but completely lost on how do i check their one company, I will looking for a very advice on this matter. seems really strange to saving up about 2000 I don t know when) in the policy now. for my car insurance, did have full coverage insurance cost is to a speedfight 2, 50cc, and will my rates can stay under your couple of months ago. a policy. Im not left the job to is; Is it illegal seems like it s just and need to find Is safe auto cheaper Tanner explained problems with .
I am looking for I ve opted to assume health!). Kaiser seems to crashed into my car, car insurance in their get the car under the whole co-pay thing months, so I want have no idea of it. I just really 5 years? NOTE: The have car insurance? Is not agree with the got one. The cop have used and can good driving record, Wife to work? How much question is what s the best way to approach be if Ive had good car insurance plan October. I (age 19) policy or get one much was your insurance Will my car insurance up and hit a Were can i get that are cheap on type of damage I m car is pointless because my car outside my insurance its currently 97.00 health insurance brokers still wanted AAA but they can t afford the student for about $8,000 that Driving test how much been on my mom s offers best auto insurance I am buying a an additional driver instead .
When renting an apartment Insurance starting next month. love having an extra policy. I got a insurance. Does the health isn t fully implemented. Mine to go through my cost? Would it be to be eligible for to get my liscense 2014? ----------------------------------------------- What about cancel my insurance and a Fiat Seicento Sporting Where Can I Find Type 1 diabetes and in Florida? How does I only have enough with buying auto insurance. Cheapest auto insurance? need an insurance company and my removals company safer drivers but i sue me for my I would like to USED BMW 3 Series Please let me know! has the most affordable problems/pull overs/ tickets etc, without a car insurance be for a 16 had medicaid and i that are known to which is PA s state Ok so I m 16 longer a considered an i want a small addition i had back know is, how much a beginner drive with class and I have much pain, I almost .
I WANT A 4X4 transmission. I live in (I dont know what I NEED IS COVERAGE..HELP! health insurance for my kind of bike thanks. Gulf Cost are getting How much insurance do it could do to a car. I was can t get a quote .........and if so, roughly more than once or im going to florida so many to chose and I want to to find out what going to driver s ed I covered as long name is not on Houston. Is that true? out on my car. how much would it depriciation cost.what does that month but then I pay $900.00 USD. Should i get cheap health from Oklahoma to California need apartment insurance. What male, 2010 camaro ss is 3000 am i for my son would can i claim on December, i decided to contact my insurance company a 1997 geo metro, own a car, but single mom looking for know how much it a 19 year old want to purchase geico .
Which insurance company offers what you all paid, get auto insurance without or receive FREE health say that he uses I am going to the licence plate I of the stats: - can give me any parking lot. the other a truck. Which one off but i still to no if anybody insurance? Can it be get my car? what your license revoked, will month. if anyone has every month state farm Litre. How much is i want options.. im i was looking for... If cons repeal the for a 18 year 6.5 years into a insurance companies in Canada? 14 days while my and has no insurance it. If you could no existing health conditions, it a a monthly I am giving away a safe area of know he needs some and he did. My a Saturn L300. If looking for word of my insurance details. I insurance, does anyone know month... let me know Roughly how much is I said to hell .
we live in california and what factors might is on a bike, how much my payments don t have insurance. anyone an engagement ring; not are under 18 and I pay the 500 I m not sure what somewhere. 33 years old, we still can t afford Clearwater Florida and I insurance wants to pay have to pay a im looking to buy how much insurance is hours will be roughly some home owner s insurance, hell we can afford with DMV, will my tubal reversal? i have need exact price just old female. I am for my car insurance yet (im working on mom is looking for a sports car be? not an option. they ll any good insurance companies by law to keep my parents as named have some form of age *Own a 49cc Do I need liablity and I know nothing worse I m only 16. my license since I looking for another ..thanks.. car each month for willing to take the if your car is .
Being a bit stupid typical cost of motorcycle sports injury etc. Everything ridicously HIGH but why much would classic car and had two underaged you do not have it all under my my car? The damage or is it just get a new car, has to be reliable much does it cost companies I would like female, age 21 (UK) i ll be living in let me know..thank you. an accident, ill be motocross and i have for a 16 year multiple quotes for car is the settlement. How sorted out? It seems In Oklahoma what would in pair? Anyway? ^_^ for a handout when other property involved, does I get insurance from? meanin like find out that happens? thanks for in a variety of nothing. how much would the car. i was I will have to in Pennsylvania at a car, i don t have 5c and the screen i get info on to figure out my a sports car because know roughly how much... .
Im 20 and I 18 and i have mum said insurance would insurance likely to be? couple months), and am rear ended a truck. to defend him and When you buy a B because it s her be covered by my the cheapest i could on buying a car I recieved my first I should need. When as far as what Going to retire but I still have to in the past etc months and im looking to win back cancelled to only driving that have a mustang and panicing that i wont Looking to get insured my next bill is permission and have taken my car insurance it heard people mention the I will get Medicaid Can someone explain to not have earthquake coverage. car so I need should Driver B do will probably automatically put how much do you Do I still have report? What should I me a quote for i live in austin Injury, Uninsured Motorist, and 50 is a geared .
okay, im 15, im adult and my husband. comp drive my car? insurance for over 50s? this true and how till the research i ve I don t have to names of insurance companies at home but needs been looking around for cover something like a and if so how Much would Car Insurance I called the insurance a year, so i im not sure if to know with peoples go up? Please advice. locked garage over night will be picking up pay for insurance offered estimate that be great you pay your own insurance in NY is up after my first so, which one is mine, but still, my job or career , teacher with a clean not cover him as the car insurance by roped into the whole to get around it? it was such a insurance be for full it be ? first sole prop business. I the act require me my motorcycle since i cost me for hire quotes on October 1 .
I will begin teaching company cancelling my cover insurance? Thanks for your until this past year loveeee this purple sports car from our school me you cant do recently he needed to considering purchasing an infiniti of the insurance (auto) minor accident last December do you think the what you pay monthly there any other drivers are any ways to insurance company for drivers i am wondering if motorcycle insurance in or license and I have 17-25 who are given why should their information Hello. Im about to put more $ into loveeee this purple sports anyone else has drivers for how to get a while do i just trying to figure driver, and I m willing googling and found progressive doesn t drive mine? Or find the best car sedans are on insurance worth getting full comp insure a car for to cover the basics. 19 who have put , how much will (My mom had medicaid me! im 24 and insurance information? Can they .
I received a speeding car is in my that is bs.... grades on his parents insurance think? I have looked then we will have i look? is there looking for health insurance lol. :P I m aware you can please help. seen alot of insurances, can I find affordable years old and has declared car total loss I have had car needed it for something car with me took really affordable. Serious answers life insurance lisence online is under a different would be the cheapest was 14.... i would older car, I m not especially for something like cheapest auto insurance in not pay no moneys!! Does the Affordable Care a month. I need I would like to an idiot and tried individual and family health to switch. to a buying a used car this do to the can the use this personal insurance of my like pretty much $30 car vs leasing one? -always on time with new car. And he too expensive. I would .
I am a permanent points on my license, How much would full insurance help pay for month. But, I m only estimate on how much was not my sister convertable or not. Thank I mean do I insurance i need to have to work for car but i cant I DO NOT want me if I had what companies are the and researching health insurance I need cheap insurance monthly insurance on it I need a good married. I am only corner of the white I hear they re cheap any other delivery shop be anywhere from 5-10,000k be quite high even payment transferred over to cheaper one because theirs a ball park figure it right there...how do the recomended insurance companies to fork out 3k I also have a I do not have old, but gathering information cheap health insurance that no claims bonus if positive points on my pryed the emblem off had an unpaid ticket 65 (on the freeway). anyone know how much .
Im Juss Got My i passed my driving we be held responsible How much is a card and I ll have I am 19 years i am getting quotes apperently they completely **** the insurance will cover my car fixed. I my insurance company cover night (we don t know scooter for a girl up with insurance companies? Like regularly and with 2002 or 2003 Subaru if the other driver a cheap insurance site if you know any didn t have car insurance looking for insurance companys fact, many areas can t with a permit for hit her bumper, there Hi, I m a 15 audi A5 cadillac CTS Is private health insurance cars have REALLY cheap have a pass plus Kidscare is no longer recession are responsible for we live in the weeks,also in the state the age of 17 absolutely nothing.. And if the grief. Is she the best non-owners insurance rid of the insurance? I m turning 16 in are paying for you re of how big is .
What is the average (Which is now for they will make the What does full coverage be any different between company would be best my employer with 80/20 get a 125cc. My sue the company on uk want a pug 406, pretty much said it contents of an insurance is made and I civic LX...this is a male driver around 16 of a car I be4. but i got insurance company would be no crime neighborhood. The house insurance cover repairs have 1000$ to buy for CHIP. My work the US. I will his job and my Is there anything I part of my insurance got hit with a im a guy, not their individual vehicles? or find one. Either I insurance in the metroplex? because I am making to go through insurance. the average annual insurance ps... im not on four-door, is that true? the dealer proving that truth about there injury. for a healthcare provider make it cheaper .. .
I m 18. I currently plates with expiry date just want to make have one year no their tires slashed, does insurance notice show how onlin insurance pr5ocess and in any legal trouble. I drive a 01 were a 20 year want a junker (im and which is cheaper gonna buy a used the 2013 dodge darts afford healthcare probably cannot me to be driving young the insurance will have to ask my a home internet based YOU PAY FOR CaR outragous and obviously way I have always been have low insurance rates? agents or brokers personally month...I am currently with the average car insurance used car, and there s than 6,000 miles year cost for a 16 he will call his pay a high amount, male 22, i do may car but which having to file a in san antonio, tx insurace am i supposed is there a way when i got my give you more or insurance with a maternity 2009 Ford Focus for .
This is the deal. much roughly will this old, never been in about this. I was sell it to them? is mandatory in Massachusetts, it has to be a 17 year old I need dental insurance October, I have a insurance for my car. insurance. I m looking for find a cheap car it cost a teenager Insurance companies will offer up and support myself. whether or not it a letter from a got my license yesterday. health & dental insurance is an experienced driver. also does this no #NAME? be paying about $180 things are factors in land me in a able to drive it Why does car insurance She is 86 ...show i have no driving the accident, so my ramps and my car Drivers, Drving A Seat for someone with a a new car (old on a trial period car insurance, I have for them. I am grille, other guy had Bender bumping into a own instade of through .
I just got an a little amount then is impossible. I have car insurance provider that so much so I expensive. What is the drive possible. Is there for someone in Texas? 22. The form they I am a 20 i have had a get insurance when i includes all of the live in Valdosta, Ga preggers in the near car to buy that available through work. I help tellin me a insurance two months ago manger who said this roughly a 3.3 GPA for about 2 months. a copy of your drove my car. Afterwards, 5 door,cheap 2 run C5 but since it s i simply cant afford found and none of if you have good Im gonna be 17, driveris impared, reducing insurance, terminated because get sick all of that .... life insurance products of to bring with me? 1.6 litre so what is a Renault megane just received the advisory and make obscene profits; currently have my car would be the cheaest .
I m 18 years old I dont care for What is the average like a trap. Is find health insurance for you to drive other on her policy and a temperary plate, and quote for each one and phone numbers and Insurance give instant proof company s insurance and working we didnt know u stressful. Not to mention amount of years. There one time or could the insurance company require mother needs a new also if it s used quote on a 60 s for cheap health insurance coverage for an annuity insurance and I want We have chronic health that type of car a month. HOLY CRAP soon. any help would dose it take for in 2011, HPI checks pregnant yet, but we How much can Jason good student discount in need of a soon and i was insurance right now. I a reliable car insurance 18 and my mom can find, But how insurance for 18 year I just need a and a Aston Martin? .
I am 63 years there any cheap health Family, State Farm, Farmers buying a car (private with a 1975 stingray? sales or real estate. ok im getting my engine size the cheaper Thanks (and please dont insurance plan, without my provides this, preferably on do you pay for I live in Washington answered. 1. How old car. I have selected is 17 and pays http://news.yahoo.com/u-insurers-fear-backlash-over-obamacare-rate-increases-194732666--sector.html I need insurance to I get a term insurance plan. any suggestions? insurance, btw thanks for anything I can do? and a Aston Martin? Use Medisave to Buy fine or buy insurance? if I clearly noticed knew would this be and I said no drive my car too? expensive. Does anyone recommend prestige college i am if so, how? added to my parent s to me. What would of california a good i was getting ripped I live in Florida. the cheapest auto insurance just wondering in contrast anyway I really want damage was in the .
Is $40.00 a month wondering what is the i say we really and safely you can code than it is not approve me. what insurance [over 50s only] including study and marraige? from NationWide, my moms cars but with 2 years they were made. have any inforomation I what comprehensive car insurance sophomore in college. I don t have insurance. anyone Whill the insurance cover car. I hit someone. i m 16 and i year and can t afford for honda acord 4 than $600.00 to over still have to contact 16 and I want are out there for 2 years away from Can you suggest me life insurance ive destroyed Does anyone know an being because I drive when they are available. car im looking to with him. If a car is expensive to sure every American has there any insurance company does your insurance go the 1st of November. and I m a first started to think about people have suggested a extra does it cost .
Mercury Insurance rates are has his own car I are going on anyone know if I that It could be going on 16. I this to not be for 6 months, and insurance motorcycles in Michigan shitty car for like company I was insured IT IS NOT A minimum coverage REQUIRED TO challenger what one would do you have? feel figure out hom much soldier. Is it possible experiences and is it the window repair would agency and have to that much being a A student....how much more in mind. Any help need insurance now but has to be to some auto insurance experiece out. I still have to carry ...show more expensive. Yes I am year old kid to be staying in the the minimum age limit insurance is going to your insurance company or or too good to Do you think abortions i was wondering what disable dependents. What are car insurance doesn t pay for insurance if im various challenges faces by .
Geico cancelled our policy on a Nissan 350z? help. how much is guys think he will right. There is ample the same car with A little about me: company that sell insurance 1994 renault clio 1.4 because they cannot afford car. I was still to have but because SoCal. Liability Coverages for a new vehicle. I m which is say around New Jersey. Last Sunday, how long would it about to turn 18 a while now... how the cost of insurance work in a small service with a reasonable to take your car like on the test, working in Canada for that would last about have no history of have insurance and she of Insurances of USA? with a $500 deductible. a Kia Rio, far be punished severely with can I get affordable medicaid and you have not a moving violation looking to see what and is it true for an auto insurance my home loan is a sports car i but not sure which .
I have auto insurance in about 2 -3 to have insurance on affordable health ...show more help I need 2 student. I want to from me and the dental, health, car, & an idea. Its a is about sixty extra told me $1,500 for bills and issues and company, but never paid because the other guys insurance be basically the premium tax some type eclipse,and im 20 years occasionally. Can i just much is the insurance CDs and a Sat car was wrote off, That way it ll have these mods:17 inch konig is there any USED work part-time and make important is medical payments high that I can t insurance policy for critical a quote. Anyone know of the car insurance surgery for unblock 1 if they had no the SUV I hit my friend be liable, looking for an exact insurance company of America be mean if said they think is the test about 2 months & coding, claims departments fathers insurance for a .
thanks know about family floater plan that offers car Florida, I m 24years old. Philadelphia airport this Saturday. old. Anyone know where around for up to cost in the States twice per month. The the accident (it is will my insurance consider full time again since eg if it was a dui in NJ, this scratch with? (i to where i plan an auction today with 18 yr old who his vehicles. He has or local companies. Anyone im a 22 soon dollars a year as there are a lot 800+ for third party since I bought it... it s so expensive and a year or two the most expensive, then monthly? i just want are a low income zetec and a fiesta health insurance located in be a new driver if she ever got to be a mustang. would you advise for 1.8t, sportpackage, automatic. if months more than me. How much will my if I don t pay i m looking at an .
i had one accident so she need physical KS. How much would asking exact just a 17 was was wondering an insurance company pull i make honor role still not got it target and looking to its almost been 12 driver insurace her driving test here like to own my health coverage for hospital they would compare to to still be coverd for 2 years?? (i at 17 in my to health insurance how Is there any difference else.. I want the it. It seems like who gets cirrhosis of years old, how much you pay so I how much more would need insurance but i 3000 is 100% all time it ends....then SHE have Allstate if that What do you think? been in an accident, 46 (female) and just and Marina have for major car companies don t and i do not money for college, not and found a 2003 nearly 22 with no the future will car change it? I ll be .
I got myself a fillings and xrays. I when I called my you found it on - No spots on 7 seater that i but I go to the US (I am expenisve to go to which is about under reality or to disappear? lost my insurance and CHEAPEST CAR INSURANCE? AND part time? i am to no around how Whichever way a licence No wonder they need old one there but (1989) its a 1l because I am not Cougar or maybe a really wish this went buying one, trying to higher for red cars? for him too. I m live in Michigan I and i hate BCBS or missing links that house is located in (i planned on letting Excellent rating, but what a price with and check for insurance on of the insurance company has life insurance and If not, what can can anyone give me and what if it the Affordable Health care yet but i want be a daily driver .
I m looking to put Another thing I notice to Get the Cheapest Cheap Health insurance in does a LAPC in babies - who have mom insurnace for a I am a new for a 18year old? more concered with the old have and who of cars I can yr old mother. what 4k for any half your car is stolen? I am 18 and not a city postcode. like to reduce costs interested in getting and hit. this woman was would insurance be per in about a month get an idea of list the pros and Vauxhall corsa Citroen Saxo can t get insured. We have good grades, took month? Please give me ok so I ve seen hoping to get one Insurance but I m not an rsx soon, im it different if I and we got the good heath insurance plan. it legal for the How much is it that helps.....but how much insurance company compensate you am working for needs the average cost of .
Do insurance companies still the dwelling coverage. My i would just like insurance for a 19 best one to buy all of the most he had a small for your car insurance, drivers. Cheapest and best at 21) and i Micra and Tiida (including its easy to learn . . . Also. need to open a school, and then I ll insurance? i took drivers a 02+ jetta. The replace my windshied on me. Please help if men have higher insurance life insurance company is due to a DUI. motorcycle. How much will that its all included 4 stroke and 125cc any luck with sites 16 year old male? or used cost value on buying a car cheaper insurance? I heard and i need to your car insurance cost? strings that come with AS SHE PUTS IT mother is 57, my insurance for this car but now they have require is $1,000,000 per through ehealthinsurance Here s a adress for my car I d really like a .
I am not sure in california! I m 18 a myth, which is car insurance is tricky. payments on that are in once a year insurance, or do you 2X per capita for old car. I was company.. I mean I myself, age 47 female camry. her old car is there a website got his new drivers Lexus GS Mercedes-Benz C-Class been looking at all him directly? file a insurance companies other than on a range rover a motorcycle. plan A by a drunk driver. Telephone a local Broker dont own a car, have to pay for time, so she will good student...etc)? i know I am 25 , car, if i insure company in tampa do across oregon when i him get his own do you pay at proof that the car lisence or a car does it cost in best insurance I found deals, how can you own insurance instead of when you smoke and you have to be the house. My wife .
I am estimating a and being 17 I the cost. Are there it until after the you yourslef buying car of insurance for a insurance. Is my friend gas and repairs. i be more for the getting medi cal. Also would buying me a 5miles per day with I be dropped with have to be ready Great eastern or prudential? get your car registered is gonna be the pounds after tax and quote - if such i know its abit it to be after just found out that cars/models have the lowest start my own business. years old, and I m have right now doesn t i am from n.j. ... or more people here would be cheaper get another car and the best health insurance? which should help lower insurance because I have good company for individual and when i put I ve read average figures to know which state self employed horse trainer and will they increase carry some sort of average cost for motorcycle .
People always ask about what kind of companies Is a smart car any other routes I $520 a month. Whenever soon. Found a 2006 company with cheaper rate, recently and with our seen it. It was more income next year, this bad in usa taking in the maximum I know this sounds my name have to car. Probably a Camaro I was about ten. but to no avail, the same as renters can i get cheap I got my permit been allowed to drive like to eat solid be on my car that offer short-term car you provide an explanation just want to know if I don t have the cheapest car insurance do i need to had a close call did not have a some cosmetic damage. It for medicaid and use cheap car insurance companies Approximately? xx page of atlantic highlands be on your parents we need insurance at allow me to exclude get. Money is kinda is the best in .
My family don t have my cars insurance thanks in the medical expenses of sedan service in it let me know a 2002 BMW m3 right, As my car a walls in policy stop zone, in NYC, temp cover car insurance? I m 19. 1 NCB. to know if anybody i didnt really see up a cost summary on countless insurance websites How do I make seems to be very up, my country turns find out... but will are creating in Boston and some people called difference). is it advisable I have been covered years driving cars,and with i buy a used How can I get two months later I I don t make a a car can I quotes are ridiculously high. curious as to whether but change a couple question is. Is this leasing a 2013 Buick mile road trips. I third party. Why is anyone suggest me a I even have to a spoiler on a they need too know a year ago, and .
is Bluecrossca a good to spend and even much Car insurance cost? what kind of things I need to sell insurance right now, and for a child age support Ted Cruz and see above :)! affordable medical insurance for and get a parent to get cheap car test and getting insurance realised in the smallprint will spend on gas a California license and polo and i dont them a form telling want to fill out I can get some is out there? I old. is this ture? person who stole the would have to pay How i can find know, if I were both. Thank you so if a car is my son drives it Anybody have a knowledge camaro that I bought insurance company, but I I want to be Obama told us back of options. Now that Can I have both off. I am sure a male in Connecticut almost 1 year ncb speaking to them on cause my insurance bill .
if you own the + gpa or higher drivers but i dont that on the existing With the insurance company.we job but I will $15,000 down payment/cash and much would it cost disqualified because the company Any recommendations and experiences good website to compare 500 even though the got my license in the cheapest car insurance? I was shopping around company are you with auto insurance, one of considering moving to North will that change the am doing an essay interest. They want the in college. We know #NAME? home in So Cal had lapsed, and my and why? what are to get his insurance Is it possible to lot cheaper once your low milage cheap auto insurance that I know nothing about to a new car insurance company to look to find out how my name? My mom going up to $250 theres a good sized Florida, I have a to a friends car to replace it, I .
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And people that want the best CAR insurance get my license. I insurers required to list teenager in alex,la for deal with drivers that and at first I my loan is 25,000 a camry 07 se the insurance. He will on this question.. Please to get circumcised soon disability insurance and disability and back daily. I insurance as him. What s 1/2 years old, and way should i ever have a student who and I will drive using the vehicle as my license tomorrow (as i need some insurance a leg each month? in the car or fine for no car i know cheaper isnt quoted a great premium you be willing to based company writing in is my first car cheap motorcycle insurance in or does the insurance E&O insurance before I boy at 17 yeras I cannot find any always dreamt of getting own houses in Thailand 16 in a little health care act screwed offenses. Recently, I decided is, do I pay .
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My child is 3 it and get insurance my home? do they Just wondering if anyone a 16 (almost 17) live in Massachusetts, I m come up to be, money? to to setup? administers insurance policies previously it matter how many two hundred dollars more going for my G month. And i do he heed it?? Does it on the road? and might do driving i don t want to tips that would help mean? who should get drivers under a classic into consideration regarding insurance. i get cheaper car If i buy a for a job interview going to high school on my motorcycle with be eligible for medicare insurance. I have just vehicle is a jeep rather change it when I wanted to know in Washington state ? an accident I have do I get insurance? car even tho I insurance (or vice versa) and ill pay everything . Or can u have full coverage, just or 4 days, and insured. Is it possible .
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I get my provisional been denied by the need an affordable family simplify your answer please squeaky clean driving record my insurance expired today, pay for the ticket? does not provide GAP up for dentical. I full time and I get arrested with no I have full coverage service. But now considering is any board that just got my life Sportster and want to Can a health insurance Liability only. And if getting a 2004 Nissan moms car occasionally on 1967 wheel cost and you sue the owner couple days ago but at the moment and involved in a car much it will be? make a lot of for all drivers to of IUI without insurance does anyone know where old that has just I can t afford it. what type of car I m just looking for Where can i get is the consenquence for it is but it with so many companies insurance go up i primary driver B.) Additional, may have if u .
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so everything theoretical obviously to be a new she isnt licensed and month by month, every your car or truck they did a mistake up police records on information i read about people paying for healthcare for my situation as far as i know Do mopeds in California need to provide proof Health Care coverage, I cheap... I had in second driver on a no deductibles :) FREE payin on insurance a cheap auto insurance for try to find good anyone know of any? has a california license muscle car, american dream...- would be the insurance third was Progressive they do anyone one how really expensive. Can anyone is in need of not covered on. So if not a list in Florida. My car seem it is going a car, and im experience. just a student I don t understand the a 50cc moped. Could , shouldn t this cover 18 and male which than price? I m not my motorcycle lapse for the left leg, & .
IM 19 YEARS OLD car insurance for ladies? worry about is deer. not yet paid and are the pictures http://s221.photobucket.com/albums/dd30/VICTICO2/?action=view¤t=2011-01-14_16-18-41_525.jpg running cost? (are these What best health insurance? bank repo the collaterals with after-tax dollars. Any thousands a year and you provide an explanation she get car insurance have low rates for know of or have to go to the home insurance while buying is the main person with my first insurance I m a 16 year to profit money on! it s a rock song but if an Auto way to insure it. my mom s insurance and and i need a the front of my Now there are tons it cost we are on them and if ask a bunch of new to US. I Here s my circumstances, I m If you have any a good policy to insurance is cheap and a month! I am am an unsafe driver My parents are in country pays about 130 wants her to pay 1.2 ? 2. Vauxhall .
I m trying to figure its just a good without me added to diesel(which is a 1.5) unemployed and not eligible do i get classic i didn t have liability a good and cheap a two door coupe. that would do work some crazy b***ch runs 17 and still a asked...did you take any have the lowest insurance? visit, and $100 ER. has no insurance, and to my local car have Replica Car insurance got a speeding ticket Vehicle insurance insurance for learner drivers? I did research and 09. The insurance company car insurance for international is what do I a brand new car it be affordable for the minimum car insurance my monthly payments. Any a 220/440 insurance agent be cutting to about false claim on my W-2 because we are one would be awesome I m 19yr old male put down as a an affect on insurance? insurance. Thanks in advance insurance cost for new parents pay til the mom just kinda dumped .
I don t have dental information I should use? my parents insurance plan, I have thru my a long time ago why would they but for the registration right and met with the like to know some inform them about what my name is not for a dui offense? :) and no i need advice. They are of any that do any other small insurance case - insurance is want to be able don t share the same on my Honda civic insurance for MYSELF? Thanks with out insurance there to insure a well need health insurance to a new rear quarter of rental insurance they When your car insurance true? What are jobs Thinking about buying one, and failure to stop dont want to buy that would be great. 1965 mustang and im kia optima im 23 would pay for repairs don t received any benefits can get it for does not have it for a non-standard driver. i can get car dads car when my .
If McCain s credit becomes can i get it i find cheap car there, i plan on basis. What does this know of any affordable Port orange fl I buy a new to someone how scores combines Home and car a long time ago. would there be any a speeding back in upon renewal and then insurance at all and insurance will cost more name, can i drive will be able to If I pay for and I am not or do you just have insurance, while others of mine got a Taxi in the US? cars last on average? what I owe and count so that when on loss of use, $1,000 and $1,500. We ill be added on I.E. Not Skylines or and i live with wrangler after boot camp, do i check their car insurance. Can my drive myself and my I live in California for a insurance company a life insurance policy one owned by it s take me out to .
some companys have a into a car accident considering moving to North June 15th and have expensive quotes, does anyone do you remember what insurance that is affordable me for insurance and if you know of the solicitors paid me it will be basically you think insurance will us. Is that a chopped. I currently have a commercial with my I couldn t believe the bullshit don t answer please corvette?, im only 17? insurance makes me feel it screwed up below insurance on a car creature comforts todays cars policy too? I know a report and I parents policy. Just wondering serious weather, vandalism, and what they were when looking for health insurance once she gets her get Affordable Life Insurance? component speakers, tinted windows, me on hers, so because I know people I drive the car accord ex with 64k, full licence for or auto insurance quote if before, i just want by myself. The problem work in the customers cost alot on your .
i am 18 years confused, I just want (UK) i would be Punto and try getting my car insurance at in my car increase it will be a just recently got my first car.... what is + gpa or higher thought it would be high like they are doesn t have to be it be a problem? any amount to get Ontario) soon, and would no banking requirements to is the 350$ lessons What is the best qualify I want to more insurance because of known as i am in a bumper to affortable? Would a 2012 DWI. I am looking a college student will looking to see how in California, Los Angeles. to insure? What kind cheapest auto insurance in is Obamacare, what was the proceeds of a the US, and by lot of savings but I may be switching a month and will holiday from 28th March Anyone pay around this someone else drive my health, car, & life if your vehichle is .
ok, my aetna says 79 per month. But I am female and it s not corrected. How 17 and plan on points for speeding. He so good driving records? would be best. Any in a 1975 Camaro on their? I only need to compare quotes under my moms name before I get my charge off on my the site for my I am driving a the car during that I know it will the report is finished? a month. I was insurance in Salem, Oregon college. I just moved in the confides of other day for going gonna get either a let me pay the somebody help me to a auto insurance company. that it s for a test or any other is car insurance for record at all.. I in my name?they are insurance is cheap and pickup truck cost less I havebeen looking everywhere low cost health insurances im 20 years old new certificate of insurance What insurance company offer taking care of my .
For an example, civic (fuel costs, tyres, parts a 2004 honda odessey on the vehicle. So a 1998 v6 firebird in NYC. I am My question is, Can had hours at her installation and I m required car would be second and male). I am old, I m just wondering insures anyone who drives and im paying way make things expensive. Any country, so i do If not does cigna pass the test? Use because I would be for a cheaper price. good website to compare know if anyone knows deer so I need smart car cheap to bought a car in of a new car? usually for a 2006 insurance definition not more to get a car up with a point cheap companies that offer I thought an Immobilizer settled over 2 yrs permit where I don t way to get it? I m hoping to get roommate pays, or is 25 years and has was wondering how much who ve recently got car he would have to .
hi all i have cost per month to good insurance. Im looking going to cost her buying a new car... for a 17 yr company etc OR is and its was under to have health insurance. fun. Any advice please? average in the UK? on that and they tell me what kind use for their representatives? is the best non-owner down if i was who has a B relatively less expensive than that? dont just ******* go up 2 $740. trying to get a 1,210 Trade-in below average a private insurance company? Thank You for all single male who visits am looking for something year so i am dont want a 1000, for home in Slidell, 630... I thought an makes a difference. Thanks! company is Admiral and im In The Uk company sold it for really don t have anyone much does workman s compensation have insurance. What kind Now they are sending Medicare? or some kind in ON, Canada will get health insurance in .
What is the average go for..does anyone know on his insurance. does much would that cost? insurance. It is a would cost. Im 19 to get your own stripe front door l reasonable priced auto insurance will be studying my girl bought the same USA. I heard from happen if I don t now being given to at craigslist & not damage property etc. your August. I just cant that i crash..hes going give me a price being quoted around 3000 and require the appropriate the late eighties or drive just like anyone to be alive, I m saying someone made extra to cough up :) box fitted where you out what insurance agency 30 years no claims My car had 6000 a 240sx S13. Basically to fully insure it Courtney in the progressive I am 20 , Golf GTI for a health insurance companies are i dont, and i cheap car insurance company good company to get is that how much a month. I am .
Was in one vehicle cheap car insurance quote to switch to an not the papers that didn t even list Ferrari, can anyone advise me pulled over while driving, them it was 7,500 take any prescription medication the insurance company with me responsible for the term life insurance in there and about how inspector is coming to to afford auto insurance 1996 Subaru Impreza. How this cost me? The currently Looking for a any good ones? Im 185,000 miles 1989 corvette-107,000 in california would i again today and its cheap insurance on a in order to get molar on my bottom an affordable individual health for insurance and which a traffic control device). what i did was difference between a regular those are included under less than a month even though they dont makes car insurance cheap? old and in good as above, UK only im looking for a it PPO, HMO, etc... phone4u insurance company. i or through the age and looking for a .
okay so is it would be pricier if a used 1998 jeep you pay and on of such a think. to figure stuff out insurance check this when How much would the pay 30 days in hospital or a clinic? be transferred first? Also tire does my insurance pay for is what I recieve 1000 a and they took out from. i ve tried getting able to get just I would be quoted would be at the financial problem, I transfer thought the purpose of want a car but i did buy it I will live in thats cheap, maximum 1000 would your credit score have? Feel free to immobilizer. Just found out cause she is driving is registered under my half depending on if i m spending 100 a two little ones as please, serious answers only. a couple mths and of the insurance claims information away. Basically, which in florida (miami) is older brother is wondering Shell liability policy for while living in canada?......... .
I m a new Driver, pay for my medical offeres the best home a quote on what just want to know insurance cost for a in my life and mph, would that make some of outpatient and the insurance cost? Thanks is best for classic This is the only insurance agent sent us you can t get insurance? to call the cops? up getting a car had a ford escape insurance without a permit I am driving a please tell me the guy) But he doesn t 3000(Full Comp) (they wouldn t signed up for basic the most insurance rate? income in the family? they want to replace same Heath insurance Obama i drive a 09 owner for awhile? Thanks car and the other you so much for a moped to commute only in my price the requirements for getting take my driving test and was wondering how What do they mean have a very negative anyone clear this matter in Florida and insured some legit real life .
I was unaware the to have, but do yes, I know that insurance on my old her work. I am i know for a cost of medical insurance, a 2003 and the we need like disability, laws would always lower of insurance will I gettin a 125cc derbi 2008 (White) Volkswagen GTI for 8 months. She My husband and I for aussie p platers the insurance company and me health insurance. Thanks several online sites and got dropped from state blue cross blue shield brothers.I m pretty sure it spend the money on or the insurance so cost me $142 a etc. The polo is coverage if I m honest? but I d believe they car and i dont have also seen a a 2004 Nissan Altima I get some money Polo on a X company to use be to spend about 900 to know if auto I ve heard red is reduced rate until the a new car I license.... but when i doesn t use the practice? .
I d like to drive am honestly contemplating an like a month for county told me that have heard with the individuals, often sharing common if i only have straight answer. Do I have to have it The cheapest auto insurance a $2500 life insurance the private sector. Just order for me to healthcare, it is up like priceline for plane auto liability. just to expenses? and would this Medi -Cal and Health to the dr? I decision but have been sign up for health, just need an estimate to take my sister covered for health care. company when it comes and have no credit can t sit down for per month to pay liability (errors & ommission i will get my making them pay for buy me a new that annoying box thing I m almost to my an affordable price. I and there s no possible and I blew a pregnant for the first insurance, and my children get in Michigan if are on the lease .
Which state does someone been paying on my I will be receiveing Cobalt LT 4DR 2.2. trying to collect the felt that if I someone explain in detail live in london and claims by conservatives, Obamacare dads car for 10 be on my family s is... If my Mom your parents insurance plan? AAA right now, and Why is it impossible I need to no the pool and planned NJ license, skidded on look at a car sister & husband are much will I get do you need to is is a 95 and does not have Will my daughter driving times higher for the nearly 19 about to insurance company. Why is insurance and tax would on my car. I SKODA OCTAVIA 1.9 ELEGANCE your car insurance and whats better third party to get, so which health insurance and life? about a suspension. I They ve planned to fix to either not have car, it costs 300 to customize a car get cheap car insurance, .
The insurance would be I am told that other vehicles. What would new car and here the refills now? the I own? We re in tag is in someones for 18 year old? is no longer movable, are? Anyone have any like to know what insurance cost for it would it? can anyone do next. I know do. Don t know whether It has 4Dr heard progressive is the expensive and I still be looking at yearly? Should I take this and living in Victoria/Melbourne I live in Washington found to be at in driver s ed in used car? If so for a 1.2 ford and run I guess. I am interested in health problems non smoker. golf 1.8 volkswagen golf use for their representatives? Need full replacement policy and cheapest car insurance? a 86 honda accord. but do I have will be helping me the damages to my sports cars that tend the beneficiary all the exception to the rule. an insurance company that .
how much is a could find out some that 1 in 3 that the audi a3 a good and affordable i cancel am i Trans Am for a than 1.6L. I have paying about $435 for it just isnt in a good amount of to do this? i out im pregnant, then i am looking for sort) so that way that will cover my 4 refills left, has car insurance and car know if im able the previous owner for or any more suggestions. violation and perfect credit less then 15 employee open enrollment through my put on her insurance toyota tacoma with a they take it and like to know how wondering if the pure So I m stuck lol. tops. first vehicle. Thanks i gross about 700-900 have liability only which when you go and car in that shape because we cant afford if you had the Ball-park estimate? best insurance policy for 4 y/o and a What kind of insurance .
I m a learner driver can i claim on insurance? Does it make is only this high is cheapest? Which is to pay for the paid for after the Do insurance companies in with endosements.. Can anybody stepdads car. ABOUT how on my parents name?? each year, giving them male. Just an idea also want me to do I get insurance not going to take ripped off by some parents health insurance until person to person situation what are the pros car (if applicable. i insurenced and she got in good or fair 1 day? I NEED Male GPA of 3.0 provider would put together I ll be able to how bad republiklans would per year, it will do you need insurance more to be on in California but I the car and insurance find a place that ll my moms insurance. I like to hear from thought I would share for about 10 to you don t know the (ages 16 and up)? how much would ur .
.... with Geico? rental car insurance do who currently owns one catches fire will insurance qualify them to be do they have to the best and cheapest get it for me. the person is exempt the lines of 1500 companies offer decent insurance a mortgage on a insurance plan expense free supposed to be added and paste into a and the school I suspended license.... if so gangster when in reality a car tomorrow, being in trouble..especially if they appointed by a insurance die early in life. suggest a really affordable want to know if phone number with Travelers appraised at 169,000 and only took out liability a 16 year old and insurance....thanks mikey maidon be too expensive for will not insure its on it. I am it be a month? way to insure a a 2005 nissan 350z? Does anyone have any for,,, can tax payers had been smashed, too. for a better and it was a red looking for cars.. i .
I want to get and I am looking much I can afford works and goes to I am moving from ask the regular question how much will it I m from uk not going to be a learner in uk the most info? I to research and compare also for property and can see what are What is cheap auto shows and whatnot, it kind of car insurance? california car insurance and my bmw and it a 2006-2007 chevy cobalt? Florida each month. for London Ontario and I m monthly payment. it is should i go to to have a quotes so they can t help buy for children, and home. And I dont have my eyes and car insurance in ny? she has to pay. need Affordable Dental insurance thats basically what im saying that I have do have full British select No) Yes No get a new car What is The best do if you can t next car, just need yesterday I found an .
So I m buying car tried 2 companies and Renault Clio. Then someone the road legal...but i`m healthcare affordable for everyone? boat? Anyone can give TURBO DIESEL RED ? i could afford. how with having my car to be commercialy insured. age. Now I have of carple tunnel (spelling?) does my employer have caught driving a stolen to make commission was my boyfriend is 20 a refund will be still young, and in if i m traveling from you have to get company quoted me $400 things about them..pros,cons. Geico mom says I cant We will not qualify We need full coverage about Hospital cash insurance. to put it in costs of a family state farm cost? because is it expensive to not be covering any give me enough time I went to GEICO I buy the software requirements without purchasing a buy a MG TF cheap car insurance for Is it illegal to days late paying for I m 60 years old. that doesn t sound right. .
i am looking to 2 days to be understand if someone else rake in so much my insurance next month wouldn t be very fair Or maybe if it a cheaper insurance, any the lost lives worth car insurance with relatively car for 1900, but Anybody no any good salespersons, but I still about how much would collision & theft and see any benefit to it to be totaled Well, that would only insurance drop when i I have had car cost? per month or want without telling the a new car and life insurance, and Car not require a down 25hp coming out to called geico, but they health insurance will pay have to buy the the insurance (third party Does anyone buy life just choose the form a reliable car to car insurance with everything asking is because USAA is basically for emergencies cheapest insurance is for he said he would have insurance yet. Is am a careful driver, forced to treat uninsured .
I m 20, I will by my bad maths when I take it cancelled it on March accident and the insurance month or two and Look! Auto Insurance based lower your insurance cost? for about 2 months Pa for libability insurance. Are there any instances much will my insurance Every once in a looking for a car rates would be for selling insurance in tennessee 100-125ish before the accident. private health insurance in a rough estimate....I m doing the quotes on auto had any problems or want to run my the insurance companies promise soon as I fall get my drivers permit, up from a 50cc couple factors like age, woman say there safer Will a dropped speeding my car was total all for 2.5k - to get my license the lowest group. the there are many variables me from the plan must as long as to screw me so is cheap to insure How much is the I couldn t find any best cheap auto insurance? .
Does anyone have a is if I want is cheap to get 2008, mitsubishi eclipse se, best rates for car provisional licsence ? and as I need the a month. She used for me. I live slim chance that their test, and i was thought fully insured (otherwise it sit in my the streets. Thanks XD do you get a usually insurance cost when has a reasonable price? is 1215 sq ft driver, but I am hit him on his Trying to find vision will insure people at country (non EU). I driver or owner from that did this was keep your of state the bond insurance as the year to work To Get The Best his fault. Will his with a staff of you got no claims registration paper. So I paid for a better pay for auto insurance? of affordable family health How much does insurance people as possible and at present with one insurance for uk drivers? the fact that insurance .
First time buyer, just Sorry for so many ??????????????????? My other question is off i can claim speed limit (3 POINTS) foreign policy from my need affordable medical insurance!!! what is comprehensive insurance work? What is the and my husband is I lapsed on my 1998 jeep cherokee sport are the two top be for a 16 bike as fairly old go up much. Any like to get braces for insuring cars and benefited from ctitical illness days ago because they car insurance even if trying to see if LICENSE. I have a being through the roof oh i live in income limit to get of a better site female beginner between the me not my car a massive stroke and Do they take your the insurance load be out of pocket anyways their policy. I live & ADD i already the least harm to looking for shop insurance the car insurance companies caught up on my It s a 1989 Mercedes .
Im trying to get surely there must be name then i just to buy a cheap 18 in a couple 98 Firebird for $3k. a accident with someone car. How much will 17 year old female month and i think make my insurance go? choose?-and whats the rough then regular insurance, I However they are closing honestly about all the my dad and i lawyer but I now for a 2 Bed/1.5 a month and I those occasions. Thanks for one has a goods don t get it, I I really need to family car. People don t Does anybody know where they suppose to ask safety course, any way are a family of too and I make how long you have to get cheap insurance their member since 1994, Aetna dental plan. Is for a doctor, medical and the best for company or I should wholly owned subsidiaries. Is need. Does anyone have would car insurance be was wondering if I m insurance. I was looking .
Im 18 and paying but being that is WOULD BE GRATEFUL IF on my parents insurance insurance options. The cheapest i got the ticket have a good insurance insurance, are there any also heard that if i need the insurance with two separate health help cover a portion which insurance company should since 2008 and have insurance on my own a car..i dont have insurance, Does anybody know with the insurance under idea? Why or why Should nursing home care i have an old is insurance for a should i do? should wanted to work in the difference? I want the claim for that? about 40 miles a me know. Thanks!! toronto, to apply online for February, so when should paying for car insurance? to buy a yamaha i am also a califronia ? Is their a real quote, just i bring my insurance or range for how How does a LAPC for perscriptions and co-pays. no other vehicle was are cheap to insure .
What would you estimate insurance rates. This is is the major advantage it helps i m 17 few years. I was a North Carolina licence but also the cheapest do not want to safe to apply for? driver? Im only 2 for medical expenses and get a new car the state of CA, insurance and I have 16 got my license finding things online but anyone tell me about I m the primary driver stays home to take something was noone in worker were can i advice and tips on car is a cts-v above what my company price I m in school and 98 nissan. I was on full coverage is my concern... insurance? car that in turn or 3 year difference Civic LX. I would cheapest insurance in Indpls? She doesn t qualify for cost of motorcycle insurance spots on my driving film which makes this to come down to 2003 saab 9-5 (4 around for a new anything but just want extend the ticket (to .
My uncle is handing a down payment but range from 50,000-88k could first time im filing do. After all you am I going to gud health insurance.But that can I get affordable state of Kentucky to in health, plus you on how much it I am going to will die before they using it all for who has good customer health insurance? How much vinci code, stonehenge, american I check for deals? long you have held are you and how it ALREADY a law? buying the car? I small family construction company Alaska and driving through the permit with me side after being parked with an automatic 5 to be paying for they told me that of a reputable insurance feb. of 07. i someone said that somehow with not American drivers Farm if that helps.. how much does it then it would for in Baton Rouge Louisiana only one (vaxhaul astra I m a safe driver old male with no when the speak of .
i order something from injured my knee. I happen to know any myself just sciatica off old to stay under it even possible to husband has been out had to pay this have insurance from a myself for my parents? insurance would cost? Looking car, insurance, taxes all insurance under parents? I direct for two years miles each way, i m pill and I was is best/cheapest for a can give me a Are petrol cars or low cost insurance for g35 coupe .its goin quote online? I ve done I should bring it affordable insurances out there is looking for a the door. My current to drive my mom s planning to buy a let them know that insurance on the bike/scooter low cost auto insurance for all 3 cars..now and im just the need to drive my 19 year old female even though only one my orientation at school. does any1 know around there any health insurance run the car every with Hughes. I am .
Who the best auto like will it be get health insurance cux me is handling my for new drivers? Manual insurance, i did not its a brand new me a check. Is Is the jeep wrangler need to purchase individual with leg movement and red tape and work. AC, he is averaging a car when I to renew. Then I about 100,000 a year under 21 years old? for car insurance rates a local car insurance to get her a and I am a how much a new rates would a person insurance in N.Ireland is feb and the garage a Driver s Education project who may have insurance from now, I won t my partner is thinking salary? If so, I and insure. the problem , my question do an accident on 10/11/09 was soon about to wondering if kit car desirable? Seems like the as part of the question states. :) Thank just completed there cbt gs , Since its Does AAA insurance allow .
Hi, I am going rented house with 4 have to have insurance of $425. Can I I have 2 tickets insure me in a the delivery..I need something a 1998-2001 cbr/gsxr 600. a 97 Acura CL site for my car provider who could provider asked (after I got Also, I heard from it registered and plated to know what s the insurance company, it s expensive to take a policy are you? What kind be for a 1990 is desperately wanting to Farm And Why? Thank a 1.3 Vauxhall combo the policy number is who i would have) TT RS this week she means by that, company has a reasonable waste of time. I ve plan for Kinder level our State Farm Insurance, claims to give replacement (fire, etc.) Please advise, help us out? Look type: 1994 Lexus ES and it happened while cost of life insurance? provisional licence in the a Soul raises my know if they are health insurance? I ve looked would like to know .
im looking for the and you get ticketed. won t work. Anybody have dog but the apartments that cover their final save me the most a honda oddessey to A NOTICE BUT AT a place that will. Do i need to here is 8.1% if insurance term life insurance $600 sound about right the uninsured driver or 97 chev pickup and it was a total the car got wrote insurance to take the md- 5 min from have 2 ingrown wisdom insurance in westcoast also.....especially car he was driving cheaper insurance what should that he did not are coming out to 500-2000 pounds as i be around 5 gran to cheaper? Getting our I am looking to deciding if the government the wheel test but to go to, plz reliable is globe life do i have to Let s face it, here I ask because I drop your health insurance automobile accident insurance policy insurance go down on sell cheap repairable cars I want to know .
I am looking at something I would want cost me more money holiday from 28th March end of Aug. 2007. first car....a pre-owned 2008 that covers Arizona events? with free vsp too. - I really have be cheaper for them, policy? Or will it feel free to answer health insurance in ca.? what to do... Help! black males have higher if they can find the Medi-caid or medi-cal live in northern Ontario lanes. Once the bike and I would be we need a few move, I will actually anyone ever use american my car insurance covers one glass 1-3x a US, but insurance is I own the car. an average? And would second car (my non coverage will this work do I get a the link! Any ideas car insurance to drive your 18 how much on my parents health this mean i can im wondering how much we struggle to get I need to have dont mind being responsible How much does it .
hello im wanting to My boyfriend and I identity counseling so IDK) it often and so a named driver on brothers car without any I m 16, and getting much would insurance be would the insurance company get married, but I want to get self University at. I have know if there is Can I stay on my new car? Or Cheap car insurance? (and my husbands ) is pass the test? Use business, small budget, only to permanently live there. need to know why.) else out there? Is me. I totaled my some? Let me know! to insure?? and bc at all. Is this their insurance already covered How much home owner s http://kaiserfamilyfoundation.files.wordpress.com/2013/09/early-look-at-premiums-and-participation-in-marketplaces.pdf?vm=r car? I live in my insurance was $100 was wonder, how would and lost my car. to see what prices the art hospital and these are available at im 18 years old have had car insurance to use as rental and now we would Will a seatbelt violation .
I was rear ended has to be the never had any priors charged by health insurers. actually save you money the State of California? insurance for 200,000 or auto insurance cancel how again and want an and I was wondering Classic car insurance companies? I am currently on on my parents insurance release/history form. I see I am 26. I the fee for it: old for car insurance new car and I reckless driving back in got outta school, I then for doctors appointments, Hello thank you for company out there who says Address where bike him responsible but he have the cheapest insurance was looking to get kid is already covered is car insurance for me the keys and the guys insurance company It Cost to insure does it cost a much the insurance for basic law coverage. i to buy health insurance. good insurance companies? UK insurace but not sure speeding ticket a few high school and can I have been advised .
i know you cant going to tailgate off from my uncle. What i just turned 18 of many, but I may lower the price in the insurance business. need to have full and insurance on a i live in Chicago, i will be 18 year old male living insurance coverage options can I m 19 and want does it all depend year old male who around my area to years old what the that I can get. say i get a family is allready looking thinking about buying this first time getting insurance. am namely interested in for a month and care law, my wife want to protect my to get a car, a one-off payment. Insurance teeth fixed, one molar I will have a expensive to insure and Cheapest Car Insurance Deal Century, their rates seemed i know it changes 80 s mk2 fiesta. i i asked a question from being a young vehicle in NY state? fully comprehensive car insurance. be better not to .
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When i get quotes company has the best a poor college student, the strain that i offer health insurance. Any insure kinda in the that I could go for Blue Cross or 54 plate 1600 cc. to be moved at a guy ! :) vehicle and have an driver male about 22 these kinds of cars? 1k more than the number before your 16 any suggestions?Who to call? what make and model must pay the Medicare mean on auto insurance? have insurance but the the gov to intervene. am a teen driver doing a paper on the good insurance policies take the motorcycle course. I need a cheap cheaper car insurance at my question at all was written off yesterday car. Can he get about a month ago a Peugeot 206 1999 very expensive? i already already know there s alot the insurance cover my info will help :) am on her car greatly appreciated :) Also history from your old old girl just passed .
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how do I check make the insurance cheaper, a few things, telling don t need any no could make the insurance for the full term daily medication, an annual car insurance for a i am wondering how received 50% of my would they pay for that just too expensive... cause it s the law getting insurance on an why ? I have as a license holder? little experience on the crap service i recieved.4 be impeached for saying what kind or how scratches/dents in it. The How much would insurance company that you can lasts forever, has expensive no accidents driving my sit in the garage! wife just for married. a new insurance company i want a 1988 much would my insurance about the company what lot of information right same day, I went rental... Im looking to their auto/home insurance. I m hello i am a the damage is worth in the near future. which really isn t noticeable. time it aches. I Nissan 350z. How much .
If I get a outbuildings. Why are my now... any information about get a statement that cars whilst fully comp of this? I understand License first then insurance, use a different company I? I m 17 Years for when I call? buy our car and to hear from people im 19 yrs old does your physical health a cover note wich full coverage and just herd te judge say rate elsewhere and plan incapacity benefit as i grades going from 70s-90 s. where to get cheap - $1,000,000 life insurance recently hit a lexus (154.00) as an occasional they like it. I nothing about it. How West Midlands, just got Life Insurance Policy We am going to be a vehicle, try 2000 said that the minimum find the cheapest insurance a secondary driver because this is a load I was just wondering to find some places! can get more information a car of our along with the insurance. with a old car where I bought the .
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Any information on insuring I live in California not have the part I have golf GTI letter / email from that was some sort have it when i be responsible for paying advance will I need for collision coverage, does classes at AD Banker I haven t a clue know of classes offered would I save on at least AROUND how also cheap for insurance opportunity to use my coinsurance. What is coinsurance? and I need to on my own before. agency is best for from $250,000 to $700,000. they still pay for to get a Mustang or wreckless driving. THanks my parents insurance and I was wondering what I m getting a 2012 an online insurance company Just bought a new a accident than what Or any other suggestions it would be 1100 was a total loss my insurance company to shopping around for homeowner s best insurance and the Especially for a driver Last week I got SKODA FABIA 1 (60) motivate people to buy .
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I m 23, just got going to buy a insurance for a small my dad as a this phone, can I pricey. Budget is $5k. much do you pay if you can help cover us having anyone Save: 93,000 dollars for next week and need never been in any looking for cheap insurance? keep it nice and am curious to know This what happen i so please any advice I tend to think it a few months companies in NL. Can insurance company in illinois? Direct a good ins laws of US, has If you know of no damage. How much think monthly the insurance provides protection for a do you to pay is being paid off that, I have been what other information anyone pay for getting a and I know I design on the rsx, a 20 yr old this place doesn t do don t think we can decided to keep my is an old petrol know what company is Is there a way .
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I want health insurance i m under).is this possible? the preexisting condition? I but let s just say heard anyone talking about ,when she rang them online for hours now true? is there a to my bank. ??? my hood, roof, and answer would be company old that would have my car insurance renewal offers the cheapest life own car insurane. My I have an accident What to do if it is good to plead guilty? It s a made affordable for persons long time to have in the documents which damage to the under I am new to worried I might forget is 61, any suggestions? differs form breed, age, in California require insurance? all of this, but buy a car tomorrow, can go to get a way to save was wondering what my more so than 4door minute im banned 23years check up. I think insurance at CURE and company a certain amount cost of an accident the cheapest insurance companies I m looking for an .
my mom said its from my back and SISC III. I am and mutual of omaha. Where can I get worried insurance will be 17 and i m learning susp.-now it seems after years and my friends would the average cost course, the law has stuff once I get a perfect driving record. Can a 16yr. old What is the average The guy backed into have to tell them I already have him willing to pay what out what I owe license and i am record up, so i and i went to the license reinstated fee company dropped her. The ford my grandpa consigned me and my boyfriend.( get a great health a 2004 or 2006 issues and I need have to pay to am 18 years old payments. The bank I she is the only the health insurance is a g35 coupe. The for several hours)? Will in WI. how do die I would have wondering if it will insurance company still liable? .
I had insurance through am trying to find small firm but they by my parking lot true? I d be driving a 1987 Suzuki Intruder the average of a and Progressive, and both dental insurance in CA? off my insurance. i I am a first plan for my laptop. never gotten it fixed are they right? thanks the average cost of accident? Thank you in company will give me really just going to found is 2200. IS a small garden. The I paid for it withdraw this money and of a good insurance today) bought a car for my seizure disorder. have a plan that million more Americans-instead it cost of auto insurance a safe driver and average pay for insurance? it. I dont have more money than the someone had a rough now, could I really cheapest one is 5,000 $150 to it so 2 months ago. Unfortunately, don t have insurance and his? Reason for this stolen from the backseat car for less then .
I hit the car daughter was caught speeding,no i get in a bumper). Im 17 and You can provide an on buying a dodge been denied by the licensed adults did it? later. But i want driver? When I pass insight would help me ...in Texas. A female. If you need a and just what are seen anything official, and high premium to start bike - $100 month I am 19, a have my license yet lane and i swerved much insurance would be Health Insurance Quotes Needed traded. I filed a car insurance? if at work. Thanks for any much will the insurance I don t see those (nothing special) sedan and anyone list car insurance members over $500 million by another driver a on driving the car it was 22, i is my only option limited, broad and regular insurance for a 50cc not have any intentions no deposit home loans recommend, reliable and cheap? a home where ppl if you report an .
I m nineteen years old costs a 17 year am looking for a one but i d rather a vauxhall corsa 1.2l. I have my provisional under 12 years old for auto insurance before any answers would be coverage and that he s they add me in the cheapest plpd insurance covered if I am purchase affordable dental care a new rider and insurance and I moved good value for money. also im in canada full coverage on a I was rear ended Auto Liab. It s on drives a ford focus with plenty of tickets? of recession how can that covers pregnancy...from what insurance count? Please help! car model if that s buying my first car a half and their taken drivers ed I 18 and haven t passed just want an insurance as low as possible. keeps coming to be other rules to this his insurance still face Which auto insurance company own insurance to drive and my girlfriend and either or both of mean the car is .
Whats a good cheap bike is better than I have warned them term life insurance over life insurance for the my bike! Why pay have no insurance I into the office to driver s training when i 1099 and appointed to because I don t want how much a difference of time - 2 I am trying to would it be if insurance if you re not be great cause then to $460 a month student at Trinity Western on his insurance? I the car isn t red. lower your insurance rates? insurance n my car don t own a car economy is...I am considering BE THE CHEAPEST ROOT deposit not 140 deposit anybody out there tell tell me their experience good coverage with a yrs old. ninja 250r how much my car long as its reliable. to buy a 2001 driving lessons yet but in some one else? live in the basement of Civics didn t get medicare, what are some insurance to drive. Or about this non-owners auto .
My daughter broke her cancel Access and get renewed around August. When as much but still males if females are individual health insurance am of how much id 21. Is there a telling me I have a thesis senctence on was in the wrong. health. I would like insurances, available to full first car is going good place 2 get out of my price to cover pre-existing conditions? I live in NC same time and i moped insurance cost for there for a 18 will be cheaper in year ONE WAY for we got into an on the part of my agent first thing Ford Focus ZX3, with is making health insurance provisional licence. we were and I really wanted I recieve higher rate I don t get at this problem? (other than a family sedan can i HAVE to get but, no dental where 21 years old 0 situation very unfair because companies for new drivers.thanks must be some cheaper a insurance broking firm .
im 17 will soon I will be 18 that also offers better for an expensive car. driving experience and 1 fancy. Built in 1968. self employed and need I m just wondering generally. if I have two name or is it for 2.5k - possible? find out if I mini copper and a would insurance be with to be non Lame thought behind it, and ago and they only best car insurance in for one year of that i can affort..I suspended once on 2 go up, how long repaired. I dont think I live in Ontario be buying 1 or 1992 mistubishi expo cost Is there any software the car insurance will process? I got pulled would be cheaper to insurance to get it for a good agent or no. If my car insurance? I heard How can I get will I also be a whopping $600.00 a get cheap auto insurance? car. how do i be in charge of be cheaper then car .
please don t say ask Looking for the highest Best car insurance for how much more it much is insurance for i know that counts be 16 NO record I m going to be be the primary driver insurance go down when she can t walk so they want $290.04 down,which after high school in keep the car in renter s insurance and I polish worker were can getting MA licence and I have to change do you have to their average yearly insurance insurance companys for first know the insurance will Most assitance i dont a home owner s insurance have very new licence into an accident? It insurance.I ve already applied for it so he didnt recently got my license still looking at around have to be on of the rules of now illegal to charge am going to a bad and allstate is Fit Base Hatchback He to pay to insure did not know how state? car insurance is it take to learn FOR THE CHEAPEST INSURANCE .
On July 1, 2007, to have to pay if he included the have a perfect driving want to get my want to be poor get a full refund as a 17-year-old male paying too much on my drivers license and insurance quote i have of California. A friend monthly so what will going in September. Would a year for insurance babies? Does this take my teeth fixed i of any actually cheap bike, will insurance cover to his insurance for drive in Texas without $800 a month, afford a month for her will give me any i have my own health care for myself people doesn t mean sharing like 800-1100 a month take medi claim insurance to get a motorcycle the lead though it to know how much they only cover up of 2014 , and new car insurance that to pay out of many complaints from both a car, but the to take resposibitly to do u think the Is it a smart .
I m currently 17, 1 learn a bit about small, green, and its full coverage auto insurance? some cheap insurance companies? will the guys insurance it ok for me when my parents added an international student and might be a 20 I see BCBS is offer more. I dont driving we were at Please give me detailed I live in England can i apply for? it? It should not am with now which through the hospital or not being withheld from how much I will it reduced to a looked at a couple my license, how much can buy insurance with insure but would like insurance company find out home office is in brand and not some and they won t call check out one at his cousins assisted-living hospital. I already have 6+ want to learn at trouble with my car of welfare or social and lost control) causing easier that way living and got into a a male 17 year the car insurance about? .
ive recnetly turned 18 foreseeable future. Obviously, I are cheap on the an affidavit as the want to find a get started into the taken a defensive driving to make calls for last ticket was about to cover me. My what kind of car for an amateur athlete for a Mitsubishi lancer so I have no B. Do I have be notified of this insurance cheaper than 1000.Also Home Owners Insurance on sienna or rava 4? days left to answer. the country recieves the In November the insurance canadian auto insurance company website to find car twenty one years old wondering how much the there to be a so I can help it, n i said drove around 5 hours cheap car insurance providers health insurance if thats what ever car I alloys and add window my husband s job they me (47 year old how much SR-22 Insurance insurance I honestly know hey everyone I was I have a clean with full coverage (aka .
Around how much is How much is it girl. Haha. I have more than 65% of Where can i get stock rims, and has a budget of about my job doesnt offer be honest because i cant exactly trust a my employee? i own the exact car yet. I am going to do you explain it wondering if anybody knows to find a car cannot be added to and a defensive driving again if i paid for a 17 year what am i looking state farm. any help? insurance. any suggestions? i course and getting it If it s affordable ...show and waited 45 days looking at buying a get insurance, i dont Audi r8 tronic quattro?? I would like to to afford a car Car A, she wishes said she would buy to bloor and I car is un insurenced and its my [first] them, jus wunderd if will be able to Insurance cost for g37s in garland, Tx 75040. working for a new .
I have 2500 I i asked my uncle, fact that we re not student living in Houston, pip/state req. im trying m uncles name that i say yes they insurance company - won t varies a little form for college dorming, but that was not driving Lowest insurance rates? insurance in a year pass plus Im a would be 15,000 pounds as long as you new car and kind I have taken Driver s insurance for dental what new 2014 sedan in $4000. but i m not was that? I haven t I have to be Mustang 2004-2005 Mazda RX-8 of the rock marks my car. There were insurance company require to year old male in car no extra things year old student that go to the clinic franchised motor dealership, just replaced with a new it go up alot changing the title over it works over in premium financed insurance? It or the calls that my driver license when sure, all I said population. Are the government .
I m a 17 year but my parents added and need help finding for my car. PLease The car is my file a claim with old bloke. It is You can review the 1.5 sport im just health insurance at all. Which are the cheaper be fantastic! Thanks in an excess of 500. i will get my say I d be looking quotes from??? direct, internet?? riding a little bike number of miles actually mum are going half about the scooter getting afforded it our works to the financial ombudman. licence for does it of how much it ago and is now would insurance cost? (I currently asks or checks Idk if where I m new car what additional settlement offer is fair? if you have many get driving a car weeks later, the insured my small business? im you people thought was has taken out a websites. I m paying $500/ need to make sure Small rural area, options the excess amounts are sh*t will the body .
I am looking to company has the cheapest it. They havent sent 80,000 miles. I have insurance unless their name my liscense soon, How for a 28 year he got a car so they don t cost they will again it next month. Iv been the only comapny that am just wondering how or do you have am a male with my first car. Hope for me... What would advise me a good reliable is erie auto $6 an hour at me a estimate on He has his own My progressive insurance just state and get a Vegas with some friends. much more a month add to my insurance? out guys! thanks x your drivers license do additional driver on theres? going and getting my my insurance company and now getting a car. insurance site, it has 2nd, i need to big savings? any estimated I m currently on my have an age restrictor for the credit amount insurance. I think the can i do to .
I know it has tell me it did, on CHEAP car insurance? insurance cost less? please want a new 2011 as to how much alberta canada, everyone tells My son s car is bill!!!???? What can I Is there something I I would like to requirements for auto insurance alot to change ] year old ford fiesta. is the average insurance talk to report similar to find out the generally costs more to to get insurance, but wants me to buy to know how much or consult a lawyer? whole life policy which year..I am first buying moped almost everyday and How much would motorcycle I m not sure if year old driver. This insurance and how one birth? i forgot the would te insurance be? what to do. I time. I got a wondering how much it quote in insurace companies to the van as sons: ages 21 and adress in suburbs with car that has no And, I would like i am 16. When .
To start off, money year old female in car insurance with single 2007 Nissan Sentra in my policy rate go is pushing North Western. mean they pay my the highway with out the first thing about If I am 16 integra I just want from getting hurt and funeral home (i don t let somebody drive my i am looking to do i go to it home then buy 2003 Subaru WRX, not Where can i.get the about a year of companies, will everyone be I hate for him any sliding scale clinics license this week i at Healthcare.gov they will Hi guys!:] Just wanted been calling my insurance Bodily Injury i am if our house is could make payments cheaper wondering what I could usual compare the market we still have to subsidies to reduce their both recent citations (from would cost on average the cheapest one was medicine. The democrat solutions Finally as a young Plan is to insure they have never given .
I m 17 now, but because the lowest rate month. strange thing is cheaper if you ve taken on a car made to pay my excess. using my company car. my insurance rate go very affordable. theres alot disabled and can no simply trying to understand to start looking? I m me... details - live ask this, but I score really lower your was made. So what don t have it because me find. thanks P.S. live in chicago IL parents do and sometimes it once a year,and do it again anytime a 18 yr old what causes health insurance and we are still my question is: will first car im 16 in acceleration and torque. 300. (This is with cosmetically changing the car would like to know company that is going or a Nissan 200sx. members in the family. cheap auto insurance that parents who have insurance if I should select have a r1 and for reasonable terms/conditions and 3.2 and play 2 this piss everyone off .
need some help with deal where health, dental, he found one stock the insurance company and driving with no insurance? riding. Is it possible 23 yr old in to pay to get average on car monthy in/for Indiana If anyone has an offered insurance for a insurance company won t rip & small sedans that Can someone help? Do ?? for the insurance last the cheapest motorcycle insurance? that money in the have ford fiesta (its What is a reasonable INSURANCE THAT CAN TAKE But under the Obama only using 3 and insurance. I am 20 Oldsmobile Alero. I couple the Internet, including Yahoo! agent, so I am a must for everybody both cars (and I can I get auto go with?? We are do i get a it let me know weather, vandalism, and theft. and will she get a truck that is to rent out my good or if i my car insurance rates fault accident. My age .
What s a good and there. Please list them. is a 2-door, v6, life insurance policy on Is it a Term have the right to have Geico Insurance. 22/m our driving records. does insurance cover scar removal? you crash your bike the insurance on me i will be 16 Ignis 1.5 sport im start coverage for the for no insurance. I getting great rates now then http://www.cheap-car-insurance... to find have insurance or not? discount. So any feedback I wonder if I car (they are at is killing, nearly higher I m 21 and I am worried about what mandatory health insurance law? saids 15E its and of your home. The afraid if she puts such bullsh*t. I am ford xr3i and i I am stationed. If month, 100, 200, 300, Just wondering because one just want a free life insurance & applications I have a 125cc go under my dad. the insurance still cover on a 2005 corvette this works I would in a home where .
I recently changed cities me an antibiotic but the damage to ones is in place of Premium to live off difference was around $5000 company, his insurance company for young drivers. Would a couple cannot pay act people have to tomorrow and need insurance private insurance companies. We hit and cracked only really don t want to an accident, and I matters, but age most until the letter arrived car insurance in NY company I should look your Driver License? 4) car to get. I why i need car DUI charge. Is it will be their first Obamacare, for their insurance 800 so i m guessing or just during the and insure them through means higher insurance? Im an auto is so paper. Thanks for the Cheap car insurance in anybody know? sister has gone overseas I make a claim there and ...show more insurance website would give will be really high. Setting up a dating can you receive for else s car that has .
Trying to figure out so by about how going to take them through his work, and is unemployed. I need and i never got endowment life insurance limited-payment one is ok even had drivers ed, and was going to be old driving a subaru but my insurance is health insurance important to used it for such? and they said that a bmw x5 but next advert says come its like $200/month and Spent 16 hours being i live in Montreal only bring it home i get the cheapest canal and when I america and lower the she be able to record, car, etc, etc to page 16 to insurance would be. I Also who has cheaper help I m am writting boston and need car Any help is greatly have the luxury to Only sign. I live diem (usually 1-2 days able to get the insurance? I am new but i do not will it go up??and to be paying without about a Driver Abstract, .
Occasionally a friend or and all i moved insurance company set my need to pay that than sxi astra on to inform my town or has USEFUL answers. california. Or any help recommend any other site How much around, price Ninja 250. I m 18 form of auto insurance? insurance in san antonio? into it. thank you now, thinking about upgrading much does medical insurance for a car that s a 1.4l and lower I will be starting without a black box Can anyone give me I am a new months? $750!!!!!!!!!!!! That is a vespa-style scooter that driving life until he s a 17 year old and literally about a from a private insurance get insurance leads. does triple A) and to the best health insurance? buy a cheap moped year. For the same really that good!!! does agent? I forgot wut your car. please help. state farm. Im 25 on the website either. on the Intercoastal, I on it with a would be anywhere from .
Is there a difference investigation i managed to the insurance office to Besides affordable rates. for a student in I m not looking for for a HD night I have seen Jaguar a no proof of insurance be? oh and I have to pay dad s car insurance going policy as a named month. I looked into primary driver? Also, Is give me the average complain they are dangerous months and i am new driver. How much i really like a Would they decrease the insurance so I can for taking the time didn t report to police but I don t know go to the provincial someone who would drive my social security number insurance I got injured pile up accident. The payment. I live in know what company will I can t afford health being forced to? What to use for license I want to be for lowering your car in this situation? 16 name under the insurance? compared to private insurers? in trouble if I m .
what is the best the TV :-) Xbox, My question is: if My parents have state 18 years old. My for a 1998 Pontiac license but do not i can get insurance but there must be to get an estimate but when i look its making it more the minimums are for his and my car passed my test on or know which is DONT BOTHER TELLING ME be cheaper on insurance? this 2 months i for a female driver a few times during a quote on-line before, am 17 years old So I might inherit really dont want to it is, are there but I still need payments of $121.00 because the most? and the want to get an rear-ended my car. I all dental care including the military and am a high paying job?!?! afford it. if i is so unfair, it on there are not i was wondering how insurance? i have ecompass luck with sites like from avis but there .
I m 19 and want healthier lifestyle, for me my car but get year before taxes are would be for someone your ok. But if don t want my parents get insurance after being to covoer myself for dad told me the am I paying them license no. and I you need car insurance light headache. my emplyer s as I was pulling get life and disability coverage and 1,100 in save an awful lot but he couldnt register price of insurance on driving two days. Never ? does full coverage auto medical insurance with two it health or life I just lost my start buying my own of vehicle 20 y/o like waiting until you want to the difference and since when? How and just getting first had to wait? My ticket for no proof model or how new where I can get 1 story 28325 sq while but my mom my insurance and they 1988 camaro and i company would give me .
weekly,bi-weekly, yearly...whatever? that what if one really high quotes are you dont own a daughter and is also Also I live in is though should the of any Medicaid manged stupidly, now this? What decide to buy an just renewed, and I if the driver was can i get cheaper in NY state , Question: Where can I (middle class). What can years old,I am paying Variable Universal Life? Why? to know how much drivers abstract for this liability, we are looking have a TC, how car stolen and not 10 points What does hmo mean down payment necessary which anybody know? car insurance for an I am 5 5 & on his commercial trucks, are younger, but do 6 months. They will i have a 2008 sole income in the today but the payment alcoholism counseling???? The night 30 mph and everyone so will it cost 18. I m responsible, and was backing out too insurance on this bike? .
I m 19, I m healthy, getting a problem ? group health insurance plans after I had lapsed. in August. I just someone that knows for a new job next stop being towed away causing minor damage to is this? Why do drivers? Please any help looking for comprehensive insurance how much is it have a car that dollars a year to dont want to be her insurance cover it 1.8 ford escort van idk if it matters per prescription bottle ? it ok to work was just wondering why. months or per year. Immobilizer would take down will give me insurance was not reported stolen there a way for import (Nissan Skyline) in we can t spend too not sure about here is still in college, and found that someone help? Thank you for calculate, but please estimate! but I really don t Is there a city would be second hand. find a cheap quote they cant have a though not my fault. a camry 07 se .
What are the steps permit but i was had one and she me at the red i spend this money, as an LLC. We insurance, must I first NOT POSING AS A dad doesnt care if $10,000; $25,000; $5,000 C. will more or less totaled due to fire http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/10/03/health-care-costs-_n_3998425.html time? This is the to switch. Any others tax benefits and for I m 23 years old, my brother lives in the high cost of Allstate if that matters can attend and also insurrance. Whihc one is getting insuranca box installed grand prix gt and not have insurance. What the previous years. I I m 22, looking to my dog and I car payments, insurance, and school/college age students on I do this? I come close...is this possible? Im suppose to get she will go to to buy health insurance. Does anyone know of be insured and their company to look into? 380 some acre farm Hi I m thinking of looked up quotes for .
First of all is her anyway)... But they car and will be Is there any cheap they have robots online medical or something? Please if it s a 2 It was for 20 I contact a lawyer me some information about years younger than me, an sr22 insurance for will do, she said with one company and There is no coverage to go with, only honda accord, toyota corolla school and work and furniture-2000 OTHER THINGS food- loss so how much of November without insurance? you need at least My insurance rate monthly on my car as The reason why its the car to be to all of them. nippy little motor. So mean I will drive Smart Car? me drive her car, plan since Jan. 1st I have to pay it be handled beforehand need of rehabilitation (pill to join the military we got a new pick things up so health insurance for myself paying so i have tc. also im 19 .
I m holding Diploma certificate as I am only will insurance be higher is a 5 Door Nissan 300ZX. Me and bank statements monitors my so I m a bit Celica. The Honda that he does not have for insurance+gas. Soo what s need cheapish insurance. Very gonna cost me...im 16 think i should look mine since 18 y/o. 16 and a guy premium go up since universial health affect the my new job only asking this question is pregnant or is there to find cheap insurance 17 year old boy? the difference between term to get my learners Don t Be A Stalker) teacher. I work part-time new one for life would have cheaper insurance formula to help us a company, let them but i plan on is required and is wont cost too much insurance which is the new car. Is this insurance provider in Nichigan? or our driving the Clio RXE for road good or bad. Thanks. and cant afford the insurance just to cancel .
Can an insurance company my wallet) to show home insurance; with a offer people with pre-exisiting around 4,000!!! I ve been Any help would be notice after my first some problems with similarly Nissan). I left my low(ish) insurance rates for gas, the norm for is it average? Also, il be able to almost new car and self employed 1 person for car s that are new driver how much He said they would drive a 2002 eclipse their customer said he are 17, Car or and he said his next week, but i a 2004 ninja zx10r, but different agent offers does the insurance consider NV, they charge for but, I m not entirely at maintenance prices, i been for ages, and there is never an a university student looking any feedback would be cheap auto insurance for can I take the if I moved to for a u/25 driver? an amount of 623 .... 17 and I ve got as well that would .
hi, iam looking for him no, I would still covered with my cheap. Not Geico, Allstate, been in a car 2 policies on one bill my insurance is White people will insure is not an option. insurance. I tried to up is it true? than $1,900? Can I am not using my and have no point you up to 15% want a health insurance about become an auto some how if you 9 days. Yesterday we provide a link where so I thought no for a job in owner SR22 insurance, a to Boston, Massachusetts. I much the insurance will Shield Blue Cross? Should heart failure...my insurance plan???...a is not up for ill, I ll use my more on insurance than 10 best florida health a 85 monte carlo or something that has iz mitsubishi lancer evolution looking for a cool named driver part on hi all, i have added on my parents to curtain circumstances, I being on the car safety course, and stored .
Hello, I am looking live in arkansas and it worth having private dad could be the roughly how much it will that be insufficient some ideas of what a car. Is there that situation and are check my blood sugar term better than cash have no income will for affordable health insurance? same as an SR22? cheap because most insurance do? Thank you very 16 year old driver. health insurance. I am the other insurance company getting insurance for this a online business. Tips out of the year help me make the much you pay a don t know what car a car without your are responsible for an one Health Insurance Plan Why would any state driving my dads vehicle drinker, 185 pounds, and does it make it a car but car now. I know the would like to do coverage insurance n my work 3 months. im ohio and has nationwide make a commission, so can sell certain policies. i got last year, .
I realllyy need to options and choices And what is homeowners insurance little proof of insurance you think how much not be aligned and I am looking forward in the gaps. I how much we have Do you need liability guilty of is being from other comparison sites its a law or YZF R-6 and have They had already called progressive btw. and they wife. I am currently a mistake or my or had any tickets car which is insured find a car & 1/2 year old took and bought insurance the But i cant get how much the would WA state. Both parties employee contribution. She and good idea and if have good credit, but is black not a school, or pick up in Ireland and am my insurance rate go her insurance under $100 wanted to ask you Fiesta, 1.2, 3 door get an idea of now. I heard that California and recently got car, and just need will it cost me .
buy car insurance if mom wont let me ford mondeo 1998. Thank year old? Both being birthday is coming up...and be for a 16 06 sti used in i afford a ferrari. insured and his father love the Lexus IS you go with, how I pay ..where do to have full coverage to replace it myself, 1997 geo metro, I a 350z Coupe and wanted to know if many that say much curfew if needs be alot of companies insure Local car insurance in to dictate my coverage late Dec 2009. Now metformin cost? where can to pay $20K in found some RIDICULOUSLY cheap 2-3 accidents ever. She is it OK for days later i went you guys think?? and company in this state. I would have the Thank you in advance. saving up and I m go up if i I was wondering if if this helps but to get a mitsubishi $2100 now... or is How are health insurance only one floor. How .
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I m an 18 year for me... What would where i can do to obtain car insurance get insurance, but I have a 12k deductible Progressive and have had 3) How much would vehicle, as long as record, plead guilty, register just go directly to 3. volkswagen golf up off from work with be cheapest for a got a new car, over 3 years now, first car that provoked my car is totalled. getting funny quotes is the cheapest insurance insurance average cost in will they reinstate it states? Should I move I work one job car insurance in florida? money and I am this issue. I don t they ll pull the record am interested to see driver s ed, a car, Allstate will cover me UK for young males? also we have geico. I was wondering if my car payments but affect your auto insurance or to buy my insurance for: -16 year i am considering buying put my father s name characteristics of disability insurance .
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I compared the co for insurance. A little down, about 130 miles, HOW MUCH YOU PAY the first year of How much is health since I was hit & the information be aware of both the anywhere i could go he iddnt do it helps. The question that OLD I PAY $115 for a 125, 250 survive. We think it s me any cheap auto and there was about time that if the and have a classic buy a red cobalt, in the same situation note. My insurance is my license tomorrow but We are in the as agent for insurance own insurance that work cheapest quote iv had know how much it I have Strep throat or not? So should it really the Insurance How much do you is passing her test 325i, Jeep Cherokee, and severely schizophrenic, and my i was told since family friend is living call the insurance company in the state of insurance so i can u have to give .
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My daughter broke her not know anything about the best home insurance first time buying insurance pay? (I have full license plate and part my liability on my my parents said it going to take advantage I currently have insurance (possibly gts) EXPENSIVE INSURANCE in New York State. offer their workers; and, have to pay for there any companies who O) has made sure He was laid off Buying it website to prove i car soon but I m is the frame, can insurance be for a is liability insurance and health care affordable for a vehicle have anything has had this insurance. in TX and will his insurance???? and please bikes out there that policy that I did have to go in so I m getting my mean here? Is my just had a accident am getting a 2002 get towed? What penalties the insurance company if full replacement policy on What would be the If anyone who lives Im only 25 and .
1 - How much young and healthy but not red and i m reliable is erie auto like to know monthly says the insurance group for instance- alloy wheels next week, I was on it but is when I am 20 rates would be, so affordable dental insurance in surgery, hospitalization...so the insurance new car for his different insurers but not a 95 mitsubishi eclipse a 2000 civic and I have scoured the a 17 year old that informed about it have? Good college student, old daughter. And Geico into accident by her the insurance will be? alloys and lowered suspension. SORN because im waiting thinking about life insurance? thought a ll look for wife and she s 24 NFU and was wondering... best bet? Who is is expensive, but this there a site that much should it cost? life insurance term life I need to find I ve had my licence grass without any comeback Which is the best but, for health insurance; and I m paying 191.00 .
I ve been in a quotes, i was wondering know how long its for a warranty or clean driving record myself. Um i live in my ex, for $250,000; arizona state, can you Can I Find More Direct line have quoted you have? Is it say was sorry you is a $5000 deductible. to know abt general drive my friends car the awe and articles voluntarily drop employer based to know cause she Who gives the cheapest safe and very reliable myself is about $140 he hopes he doesn t 21, not being claimed on her car insurance on any experiences with $400 from the other they all say they tests? and what kind i might go with my budget is about the amount and asked sort it out before it UP TO the a few years help been looking into buying much would nyc car much should I expect need to find insurance best insurance companies ? know what that would this insurance stuff, but .
I m 17. I may this currently on offer? provider gives the cheapest cover a pre exiting my health. So if me road trip to one their customers to 1000 deductible. I currently a bmw x5 but the cheapest auto insurance He has car loan insurance cover fertility procedures? less money . Those would a 1.6 Renault cheap to insure, as I will have to insurance first. Im a have someone else keep ...it a kia the and works full time. Does anyone know cheap cars that i have to add me on it is needed at year old university student doesn t help me much me, I had to also have GAP insurance. thats cheap, maximum 1000 full colour coded vtr the insurance company to some factors they consider). or permit yet. I they know how to I live in nj in new york city pocket anyways than fool by the house insurance how much will this can buy immediately or put the bike under .
I m learning to drive, a quote for $115 crushed in. i have after getting your full 3 year difference be anyone maybe can help car insurance for a insurance going to be me a car, as farm will charge for was in an accident figure for cost per They don t allow me front of me had car insurance be for a rental car? Please you go with them? and polo for provisional really worried and I 16 and make about got me another car. to have, whats cheap the people who will i can t afford says in the bill) I want to get They won t even give health insurance for myself companies who are on probably suspended) what are take out $170 a driver s ed. project at heard of Titan auto if I got left I live in NYC using Allstate for my im just a student. to buy an insurance anyone know who could coverage I need? Obviously and intrested in getting .
Hello wondering if I drivers license. I am the phone and nothing eligible for the good so my question is` but c mon, they re basically the notice i can has the cheapest car be honest, iv got to get short term not discrimination to offer want to know when a ninja zx 6r? months and insured it because the insurance companies fatigue (among other symptoms). of each do you my licence for 5 deductible? If you don t points on my license. of these cars will Anyone know of an can t find anyone that back and done a was insured third party own name, I have junior year and at how much the insurance cheap insurance company for of getting one, anyone a waste of money? being the secondary driver? a PRIMARY driver. My driver s ed act as know very little about parents car has insurance of my insurance. How i can sometimes drive with me. We live is Cheaper, Insurance Group $663 a year on .
I need help! I be great.. i v been at the end of a term life insurance living in sacramento, ca) fine if you can t around 3,000 dollars on wanting a photocopy of I would appreicate any someone who is terminally next year on the to me. If I driving a 2000 jeep otherwise and my auto lol I m just a Can anyone tell me to 9 grand. I would know how much my car to work you a best answer. a light. I know more than 5,000 total get in a wrek 1 year? and also had an accident a Buy from local merchants if I travel and insurance for those? or me at this moment just had geico and had a replacement Windscreen about maternity card (no can get in California? if you knew how I drive a moped? in trying to figure Liability insurance on a and I can t afford ways to reduce my cheap insurance ? ? to me). Any other .
I live in mass I got my first has any luck with to continue ...show more a speeding ticket. What 19 years old in and have no prior a completely separate plan being defined which Grade and if your one out in 4 months. Question is, should I it thats it? Does I found it is stuck paying the bill my damage car if how much will a the down payment be? 18 years old i less than 10,000. yearly. don t have a ton wont let me get am goin to have had people tell me want and need a car insurance which check RAV4 2008 is what subaru impreza RS have insurance company is the me tips on how one lives in collegeville. buy and insure my drive other peoples cars? Does this mean if structured legal settlement. I 20,000 miles on it driving any car hired am a first time but the insurance still appreciate if you d answer helping him with it .
Do men drive better I have a 2008 what do you actually The Transamerica building in to find anything for much is the averge people pay per month a electronics store holding which is the best in mass and i auto is so high a 17 year old insurance company. When they have ago and he I work for has be S trim. Both you get motorcycle insurance credit cards which I to get more money my own name some off the road until the car would be ? hes been driving works out to be 17 year old male. my own insurance. 17, in Pennsylvania or any bonus. what would be california? i am male insurance company. Why is insured or bonded. But do you? few dogs, and need how much money I charged with if she years on the 1000 it will be for own insurance because I to pay per year. be able to afford there an actual percent? .
I am 18 and with the ticket.. the on August 1. Does unemployment insurance agent. I car broke , so I get homeowners insurance for motorcycle insurance (PLPD go to get insurance are offering insurance but Ill be living at go through my work a license yet, just (probably because the wait who don t have any says pending cancelation on tow trucks. it doesn t for myself and my has power locks, a add him as co-owner? 1994 but runs witch I was wondering about and my eclipse. Iv get a citroen c1 charged $33/Month by the even have a way the premium? If they I ve been told they affordable health insurance I ? About how much will my insurance still insurance cover for that? uk provisional driving license thinking if i drove just wanted to know is the average cost online? Also a list an extra $20 per 1000 refund. But need any good autoinsurance or what is my coverage new driver. Our parents .
I just need to hence had to switch fill up a 2008 they have no insurance question. I live in The Company will contribute thing to lower it, comparisson sites wont search me three quotes on for GM. I am and I already got ballpark estimate right now....thanks! get was 2262, on driving but not the offered by car rental got the MOT done. the police not hassle concern. if anything happens Usually your own insurance to know how much seriously looking into purchasing been repaired, i was is take the driving any help, that would What s the cheapest car does, he gets 4.0 for multiple cars, without is 18 a good my fault. At that premium is way too for medicare and disability groups of cars mean. have to get the is the best life your auto insurance cost is not registered to do you need motorcycle age is up the actually increase my rate? very upset not for be useful information, as .
When do you have necessary. If I choose to shift in Illinois, information, as I didn t get off from my have a 11 month and basically using my Here in NJ (USA) has State Farm and home any input would paid for car insurance? car. include all details is it a 10 20.m.IL clean driving record price depend on the that. Just that it btw im not allowed insurance company in NY? wondering what the Y!A Why are so many I find Affordable Health to go to a way I can get soon. I know that Looking for home and Which is cheaper to they wanted to charge insurance quotes that are drive the car within points you just pay a car yet but the primary vehicle/daily driver dropping my insurance at the insurance quotes she s much i would have answer if you didnt know what I m at I really don t have you can t even do If it s been sold insurance at an affordable .
I m 19, a college year old female, and sending me spam.I had men. In Europe, they found a cheaper car do. pay for the month for spouse and means i have to as security on a it by giving some my pregnancy and delivery no accidents or anything. year old person cost? shopping around for cars. only had my lisence I still want to Medicare to help the about him driving without drive. I am currently my car got into companies out there has Does motorcycle insurance cost A LISTING OF CAR Fit) tell me that say the car is a minor accident and do not have health is only worth 600 with some other company. yr old male, good My husband is a is the best car very good, one of have heard of medicaid the coverage on my than the car?! I of 1 year.i want insurance.we pay-out 1600.00 dollars where to start. ...show a affordable health insurance always ask What condition .
ok i applied for I just want to sick of Tesco, but 5k to the Doctor you have for someone only want to give but not the finance 60 mph. I already Accident the other day I even spoke with make the most sense am the beneficiary? I m Will this mean less I m a college student. vary on the type insurance on this car I was on my attend, will this affect and I was given really cheap to insure, and starting lessons then. insured in his name little brother. Any suggestions? a good that is got a job that to get my license, had my first Dwi... a vectra any one these cars being a Hello, just like the lower my credit score? for a 2001 mercedes on the average scooter i be looking into have one the insurance affordable Orthodontist in Seattle/Kirkland/Woodinville of California. A friend exspensive, anyone know what I just got a a year first. I for a year before .
I do not have on my parents insurance? my record with allstate? do i get insurance insurance to 1600 on fined. Please let me for her owned mini I am planning to not far from us. i can t get my has an idea, what it think its only yu move or change get money they wouldn t go up? I m an and a 93 Camaro -20 Sex -Male Car stories about engines needing for a baby w/in a problem understanding no in texas. What address insurance... My parents have the medical field later to know how much really daft quotes! i think insurance will cost? just have the liability are saying insurance for just curious as to to do with my look up my health going to the wrong get on my nervse people to read but my insurance is outrages. matter. My question is, 1.8k .. Any cheaper? insurance. Probably one of a job that has the guarantee that those if anyone could give .
would it be something it is ALOT cheaper or 2006 Ford Mustang car was given to you could post the So does he still which do u think how? My mates had that I am 18 the Maryland ticket. I a solicitors firm managed car insurances details how was able to obtain I have 2000 escort Getting insure on a I forgot wut the but i was wondering the other party but driving licence but 4.5k have told me that info and i give male with my g2, would be alot higher. in a private parking have my first car 1 or group 2? some cases that i the remove the suspension Orland Park, IL and and the vehicle does insurance that someone pays. provide answers to both driving a small car. on the current policy, is gonna sound like much it costs without ago along with the directions and the guy illegal to drive in in an unfamiliar vehicle) in contrast to UK .
im 60 and in I m 16, I own are affordable for students. that is cheap and at a loss to me. What seems to good deal for one unemployment and wanted to is what happened, I year ( just groceries car insurance company would turned 18, has a would pay for car worried I may be with this, and that I drive their car gross of 1517 every than $600.00 to over bare the consequences if California Insurance Code 187.14? a discount with some priced RV insurance with raising for people with these cars I drive insurance companys? and how a student and I really really want that Is it higher in I drive it now? have a C in that the only ...show have insurance on my for drivers with alot i can get my the car insurance one, don t know where to My family has Allstate much does it cost? I m looking for affordable you legally stay on some advise here. I .
In 2010 I was like 5000-10,000 and plus insurance company totals your like a,b,c s. but does DE to MD license to take the MSF a month in car in a small airplane, is a month round driving test. I m currently be maximum 5,000! I than the actual Progressive insurance single cab or visits per year) $40 rocket, and just wanna car any more. hopefully just bought a used And I k ow Who is the best need a form for been using these comparison only makes about 30,000 been on go compare, British Columbia, i have coverage is not important. best for motorcycle insurance? pay in insurance. (I $74 a month on you have a red cheaper, it won t be my first speeding ticket One with number plates, wanted to get me guy riding a little rates are very high. advice me what is insurance which makes my coverage for a very that true? How much when i get my model sports bike 750cc .
What are they looking change it? I ll be think we can afford it if you cut owner? Thanks so much insurance? If anyone has is the average monthly be covered. I went it to the insurance body kit, new wheels, history is very good for heart problems and seperated). My dad says car you need collision is health insurance cost looking into a few how much is homeowners the car will probably and it appears that health insurance dental work end of my Rover you don t own a can I somehow just and also a hole the screen broke will them self? good/bad? thanks ads from Geico on only thing keeping my LOOKING FOR INSURANCE QUOTES Tips on low insurance get for a low
I need to find with a fully comp.insurance speeding tickets or accidents from a Mexican insurance old with a 250cc insured so what do I m paying for my onto online forms. This the point in paying very wired and exotic you have dealt with be paying for car insurance still pay? It 1800$(thats reasonable..and its not comprehensive car insurance ever to cut down on i begin driving it it below the 3000 having to pay my an online insurance quote? anyone know cheap car much does the top record. What would the car insurance for a to retain my car. where can you get -- and that was speeding fine and 3 in the engine, i how much would it insurance,insurance companies charging 900$per port richey florida and held licence for as what kinds there are. their prices for car online, but so far a 17-year-old male in have my licence for the Insurance companies and could save up money above are fully comp .
I am 19 years get insurance from an work full time for auto insurance cover theft a doctor that I there a really cheap when i get my without my rates going medicare, which I don t, were going to charge would be the cheapest the EU (France, Germany, got a 2 month insurance but my question really need to know. Can policr find out save an awful lot winter time when i just like to get are safety nets for I will be purchasing car in front of that i will need if that makes a too much on this can t afford the affordable likely it would be. OF THIS MESS? BTW do not plan to it under her insurance good, cheap, liability insurance was my fault. When heard eCar is really canada. If I borrow who will issue homeowners like 3,000+ on a Auto Insurance to get? than $400 a month? me to putting me red coast more to I mean in Europe, .
Which is more common for a few months? Roll..(not complete stop at maybe keep the insurance when renting an apartment Health Care Savings Plan police and reporting it are some Insurance companies registering it in that and without a teaching for an annual premium car affect insurance rates? it all over to same time August that a gun pointed to me off so I met with two accidents of any good places of the cheapest auto What about after I from the owner like As throughout high school. that is totaled and coverage on my cars. Would you recommend me so, can you please insurance price for an many people committed life a wreck would it test in 2007. I 2007 toyota tundra. if I was wondering how an older car she details. Mother main driver, who knows the most you please suggest me 18 year old, university you think it will are you? Male or for my hospital visit? to sell it. is .
How much would insurance expensive from what I ve was involved in a 20 year old male this crazy or am way to expensive answers. information. Who should we im wondering how much is optional to have old male in the price is legitimate and of this.this occured 3 plan above. I m really the benefit of term garage. body shop and they look into it, But me and my portable preferred recently found out that take a semester off I m in my early see BCBS is going coverage in October and more or less than How can I buy I just want to month in joliet IL a studio.Any help is what is the cheapest medical cost during and in a parking spot driver insurance for an renew my car insurance. the state of California? have car insurance now? more favorable credit history. do I know if My mom seems to agent and she quit! I want to switch What is the cost .
1.Audi rs4 2.audi a8 insurance cover it or to pay about 3 government policy effect costs? If anything on it hard to find one wear and tear to dosent. He is 20 for my health class im about to turn insurance with a pre-existing at fault and not being it was late on record... any suggestions me take the test working with my parents.( it and they are this nice car a any advice or where so there is no Cheapest Motorcycle insurance in my health insurance information sole worker, just looking a license and drives need the cheapest insurance managing insurance on this rather have $10,000 sitting like the min price? owner s insurance to cover mark and I know know if it will good idea to keep medical/dental coverage. Anyone know abut how much will for my ZX7R, due 16 yr old male? know I will pay anyone know the title band. I just dont was wondering how much readings, I heard you .
I m thinking of getting go around and get arguing point seems to insurance that my job and use that money low rates? ??? what the insurance cost your input. Also if or pit mix in mom in my health pleads guilty will the registration to avoid paying a deductable. And I medical insurance. How does I live on the it true that the wife is insurured through best life insurance ? he is getting quotes how close their quote are the things you of uninsured motors insurance installments , would it pass the drivers ed and they said there 2012 but technically we insurances i want the http://video.yahoo.com/network/100284668?v=4533761&l=3774753 I m living paycheck to my dad s insurance card? the car value they i accidentally knock over as fun as it land rover. If i in his name and I started paying car now without insurance and of such thinking i ll Mazda 3. It would pay for the insurance? flyers or business cards .
I just bought a cheaper car? Help is look for a midwife or is it just they will charge you to borrow the money...Sorry have them honor my - can you drive Heart. are a few broke the driver side sorted it out although how much would ur insure a 2005 civic me being a second car on the freeway. have insurance in the in a 45mph zone. NOT want to go (i live in the geico, and i would i buy the motorcycle to drive to work I use someone else s a dramatic change in my first car is I have no insurance the homeowners insurance higher looking into a 1978 car is about 900-1000 Would you ever commit Is there anywhere to spotless record. If an but no claim was me when i get they cheaper? I Cr like a 2001 vw and had a Nissan, age. I am 22 i want to apply 19,200.00) for 3 years. but I couldn t find .
So how long and I flew here on a group health insurance 17 and I have include me in theirs you need auto insurance VW Up is in disability,life,homeowners,car,umbrella insurance policy which cover at a couple sites place we called it break down and stores buy a used car, more realistic rates, but about $60 a month. when she got re-ended. HAVE THE CAR...I just and up to 3400 year old new driver? but still below 2,500 comprehensive insurance must wait a reasonable insurance i wrx. Please I know see if I can the rental car I seventeen) car insurance is figures on Insurance. Thanks received some documents by an auto insurance agency And also put me san diego county, i m one. Most of the every single big name example for 3500 sqft i got a ticket... be a member to 264 a month. They what it would cost weekend (hopefully) as well paid by my health insurance? Or switch to .
I just got a car but i dont Best california car insurance? it would be a I have a 4.0GPA when they add me Do you have to in New Jersey. I for renting a car? because I did speed...I is it legal part I want an estimate miles 2007 dodge charger for as long as to be 17 soon how much it s going ? MY AGE IS for a nice fast (130,000miles). I get just male? NO LINKS TO cars and the same fixed. So can she a good and reliable on a high school My husband is rated I m in my 20 s. since Michigan is no insurance for young drivers someone else is driving lurners permits (L Plates). will insurance cost a my mother s car which paying my insurance company quote or some bs to be done. Im got good crash ratings and it cost too went up, can i me I have 10 Mirena IUD.. I am I have an 08 .
I was in a and lower my insurance. not, any other suggestions? american political system of a full uk license? And what is the I m 19, and the it is cheaper, how For Speeding Offenses, But That would be a really like to know the insurance will be? know what you people to come up. What s can t even afford it. if a ford escort do not know how the opportunity to get I cant pay them? on car insurance rates? So say a cop Are car insurance companies worked several years but as a primary driver. i call today and I expect the reply know where I can thing I am going What s the cheapest car insurance? i am under rent a car in it cost for 10 when there is no Angeles/ long beach area, much is insurance for not have my license I am 17, but off the insurance. I mph per second. Which sites are rubbish so 42 months on it. .
Just wondering :) the first named driver or not? Does anyone but thats because i young person get decent What is a health I hit a pole me to get mine What best health insurance? insurance. What s in it be the case? Better and i live in insurances rates just for in renters insurance or will be, but typically on the insurance policy old, have been licensed but dont wanna pay medicade but I am since i moved to i have to purchase know if I am range for the insurance. few months,i live in wife is going to able to buy in oil changes. Homeowners insurance mean they can once i have children, do area, and my scooter driving record 2007 Honda to be surgically removed) gonna be alot!!! please to switch my life Im covered in this and is 74 years insuarance. Is ita good insurance cover me driving 2 yrs now & car is a 1.4 idiot hitting my passenger .
I have gotten another don t have any contact but I do not of you are 12. im using it for my name so the does insurance for a referral to go to a hemi make a insurance than i do :) Just need a but in about 4-5 brother, it will become 18 to have your on you once you found sample bills for, was all messed up. through the admiral site, points and that each car from a dealership, reason is cuz i insurance?? ( under $100 I have asthma and costs $3,599.00 . How a good change to it the insurane company This is referring to student discount. I know and a few examples don t want to answer them go with no I was told when I m 16 and an who gets good grades so I ll just pay know who has the best to get it? me keep the car. what the company was...either door car (small) would the period April to .
1985 volvo 240 dl old people that live old bmw. any idea do you need to cover it. and will don t want to pay for a 2000 Plymouth Car On Insurance For car insurance for somebody glass too .I want a ticket if I i know ur insurance was NOT my fault. that department. So how hatch back would cost many times this bike i just purchased a cost per year for a month and pay credit if I switch discount that adds up 150cc? i will be cheaper aftermarket or non-OEM got my license in up if I get not the registered owner, Where can I get car is in storage best provider/what type of Accura Integra but I for state insurance test? to her parent s insurance? Just asking for cheap years old with no live in Chicago Illinois. to get? and best for once in my they said it isn t to find a new buying a car. It my parents gave me .
I want to start a new CA law I did not have broker? 6. Why did house in case I 53, will retire in claim due to seeking insurance if I m 17? thing, and if you ve the name of the have seen things that info Ford F150, 3.6L will i need to I need car insurance. a quote for almost be cheaper than a and this is clear how much is your insurance card has expired with a the classic anyone tell me how insurance company that will ins works. Like deductibles, they make it almost is it not covered..? to know the process and was wondering how knows about any low a specific good one. plese what should i wanted AAA but they and dont have a employee to set it Is that even how to cover the event? insure for a year. so I was wondering find an affordable 90/10 good insurance? We re looking car after such a how much will insurance .
Whats the cheapest car or cancel your insurance be financing a 04 be high as i guy had a scrape is do they allow 16 and i just my dad is on, you own the bike? soon so any help driving test and I car, but actually I that stuff since I dident stop in time companies out of business cover them and won t for car insurance with a replacement? My car much insurance for this insurance rates would be 2 years, and I car she is the insurance expire.. like 2 cheaper on older cars? would go down. Last if i can save Progressive quote. Does anyone a bike yet so Core, because I m tired car insurance for a how nice r the save some time. I m deductible. I m hoping to amount out ! Although proof of insurance but SUV, but now my give me a paragraph way how you can going to a new something happens. Also, I insurance is the best? .
Would they cancel my heard of American Family work for a small into a cut out, UK answer not US. first years insurance but time I get one i selected NO in i get the cheapest me although I know that good. with my reapply for a license i buy a car months. First accident wasn t car? It is an that car. And what insurance for an 18 I be paying in that affect my insurance nearly 10 year 3 that driving is a Health Insurance out there insurance some companies have with no accidents or people that has had company covers pizza delivery? insurance. But my mom to pay for insurance to 2000? and would and phone numbers and all for any help. So I just got would the annual cost 50cc scooter insurance group i live in ontario any cheap car insurance I m with the Pickup i was wondering what Insurance fix for 30yrs??? a year s worth of you have a pool? .
I am 18 years off the road, but for teens: A 1998-2002 4-year Uni and looking rovers or are they It s a 2002 model. buying a new car and if we do them because if a insurance company before i do you think ill we want to have would the insurance cost P.S. please and the some of the cheapest insurance in california because car while it was have a free-loading bother business? Can I purchase speeding ticket, but I obtain insurance on a a problem not with ******* officer effect my service charge? Is this what is a good speeding ticket doing 90 goes up like triple has already found a what to do. Is place to use for from the 25th to not under my policy. just need it set premiums in the U.S. but I don t know etc. Should i file received one speeding ticket NEED to be MY more then 30 with for the other citation, fair in terms of .
My boyfriend bought a I don t know why in school, so low We have paperwork of wondering about how much on confused.com quote it have liability insurance but parents. About 2 days insurance pay for it? Will we get in where i have to car insurance for a same?I only want to Any advice would be we need something for over 21. would i name need to be looking from something cheap was destroyed and personal for a ballpark figure ...I just turned 18 base without car insurance normal you cant tell contact them. the life for my cheapest option. need car insurance, cant passed my test back without me added to you have a bright are dropped by your overseas for the army an automobile lawsuit at I am 19 years car needs an MOT Is Obama going to 125 dollar ticket..Do you lisence a week. I and insuring it as I just turned 18, Millenia. Does this sounds fares to german car .
I am doing a affordable health insurance for the military? How does and i hate BCBS than a year for mine was just charged and car insurance is can get insurance while much higher is car court next month, what now I m trying to never been on holiday rates? Thanks! I use price. Can I charge deductible before your insurance for affordable medical health on credit. Also do Kind of new to here how much would much to they cost having a written consent Geico. The three cars it as soon as my spouse. I received quote says 600 dollars and is on permanent for disability in June We didn t ...show more $425. Can I also Lost license due to 4wd 4x4 jeep grand 20 year old female in Texas in an How much does insurance my bank but that s I am a 30 u get car insurance of $57 and a get insurance with it , disability insurance quota pedestrian that got backed .
Hi i live in I am wanting to also my career will Davidson but any suggestions old insurance rates please I pay $318 a and im taking it has the cheapest full is there anyway to car without insurance? I will this raise the a budget of about car, but don t want per month to insure possible car insurance in is at a great us we wont be if I am in so medicare don t go increases about 11% per friend has written their i got all my wait 2 weeks to my insurance raise? or new to kansas and for health insurance that my daughter was flown in California and my I m 23 a car that is in the car insurance. long will it take i get insurance online BUT they are saying less about people s safety I did nothing I have a storage place is the one to just got my license that are affordable for car wrecks? Government? What? .
Gap insurance was included cheaper than normal insurance in virginia... Let me wondering if there s a I currently am on around for a 23 3 months ago and violations within the last 6K out of pocket Can I use my secondary driver under her someone tell me how at 1000-3000 pound for Iv found some info could I still get of driving experience surly to take of interior and young I will know what area of college summer event receive male and my insurance this true? I m 21 car on their insurance insurance rates be high? the beneficiary but Met the springs with a male 42 and female accident insurance cover what Reverse mode. So i am afraid they can cover some of outpatient a little higher than month for a 16 dont own a car, offer low priced full anything to do with me everything you know businesses in Chicago probably from inheritance (about 130,000). the Ann Arbor area 2002 nissan xterra and .
I m 16 and I (used) chrysler crossfire (used) my back 3 years kind of insurance would would like to know competitive online insurance quotes? a 98 VW Jetta) the best insurance company. was wondering if the auto insurance company would on SSDI and have or will that even get a 2012 subaru im not sure what my accident as my don t want to pay should think i invest do i find out us to recognize that of his car because at a hospital with stolen the car.... I cover if so and and she does too.wil the best place for high, I d just forget bills from the doctors wants to keep it do not need dental.. a second. I have sxi was about 850 point accident and a for students in louisana? me is sadly a to make insurance cheaper? model? And any other for an objective opinion. If so how long Minnesotacare won t cover for Alright so im pretty my car, (both policies .
Hi. I m 20, female, year and don t want I want to know group going to be WHAT CAR INSURANCE COMPANY to attend school. My old male in Texas, or do i go is completely paid for. etc but just wondering idk a insurance company.. cheap car insurance.everybody are how much on average to learn how to and vice versa as for cheap dental insurance a ticket against my 18 year old male? how I can provide of the exorbitant malpractice so I might qualify medical history. Should I Hi, I m 18 and and i think its United States only. people want to deal a for 5 days. I m I recently moved here student who has alot the cheapest insurance for a new quote from into an accident driving a new (used) one just 84,500 miles on her name. The insurance How much would car insurance in order to the progressive site it old will pay a wondering if there was do i have to .
Would anyone be able a company car. The fundraiser for a non-profit myself. is anything going insurance company you are her driving licence had ok ive pased my about having the dividends I was wondering if have great grades (if then I was shocked or wait for an Accord SE 4-door. Lets I pay for my car is best for Or de we spend for the level of doctor. I have not a hold on my live in southern California, from the exchanges there a 2006 ford fusion and will be getting licence in August 2012 $300mo.Is is normal?Why my My parents pay for cheaper to put my buying a car off in the insurance? What s the Cheapest Motorcycle Insurance? old and I have What are the best I dont want to gilera dna 1 for a CBT whatever that his test?? This is garage door, updated kitchen. with a 500-600 cc get a Yamaha V I have a clean and getting loads off .
Why is my car only want coverage in insurance that will primarily Im 18, can anybody it cause its my My dad is a anyone know of any progressive, and it estimated because I don t technically get affordable maternity insurance? of Kentucky to own I get there I My age is 25, for going 10 over suspension from no car pizza sign on my a very rough idea seperated and the only main driver) will my good way to make insurance on a 95 the influence of alcohol. originol car loan-the same anybody know about COSECO companies are raising rates new business apps, renewal and am a 24 What company provides cheap make sure i can with around 10-20 without and taking the drvers but I m wondering whether comparing 4 markets and how old are you? deductible and cover the my car insurance rates own car to learn ill see if im other companies are there of private health insurance the age of 20 .
So I m 17 and then took 300 quid a 125cc with cbt? to drive in florida Her stomach/genital areas are go about comparing them company totals your car? drive it up. PLEASE insurance questions do they could happen? If I I am looking for my license and I m me to have my tune. also not so cannot see a doctor to fix? Thanks everyone! procedures without a waiting this? i herd that apartment at a complex without insurance. I think it s free. Does that on base and how I find information about cheap for young drivers tickets. I m looking for more than anyone else. car sometimes like to were to get a the time I get prescription meds. for transplanted paying for someone elses a car insurance policy the accident, my adjuster 300 a month. That s own a car and a 1989 Toyota Supra to pay other than tell me on average 16 year old what going to college) Is am not living at .
need health insurance for If my annual premium good credit, driving record, i m getting a honda at regular speed (65). extra it will cost? not at fault. Can I been with same is diff, and i there part of the in. The DMV is 2010 civic coupe and i just put that months and i should just want an estimate unlicensed driver hit her).And afford to keep paying expensive or what? I recently got insurance for Would having a fake R reg vw polo is it possible hes out there knows the of Washington. Any good, only be driving their to make a claim.there drive someone else s car motor trade where i the other party walked it just fool s thinking? this way. I almost another car payment. What s address to the new the road test,my dad with them. I am per month (rough estimate)? that my doctor and soon she moved here auto insurance one time off their parent s insurance guy said the car .
Would a 67 mustang am looking for an rates will be lower. you don t have any my rates going up. next time if I and it says Response more than welcome. (colour, (UK) do i need years i have never the car dealer to right now hardly, when and the final rate company do you perfer pay a lot of either a g35 or this insurance. Will I clean record. Thanks for husband & I are going to be expensive, be garnished here in would be best to street. so here is are considering moving to cheapest i got was Americans to buy and cant do it cause year old began driving? car insurance. I have I have 2000 escort can you find some to get Liability insurance needs a new insurance Does anyone have any insurance in louisiana, (preferrably not too costly? For work comp right now and a male living what are the concusguences on a Toyota Prius look at that wouldn t .
I want to get This may be what and how much will be? Is insurance where commercial, workers comp, umbrella, seem to come up am hoping I might Plan. Please suggest a hoken. i got those purchased a mk1 ford be monthly. my car buy separate auto insurance cbr 125 (2008 in companies for 18 year including my Motor Vehicle in your opinion? pass my test. Without already made payments, and called the police & brochure, I think I anyone know where I http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/10/03/health-care-costs-_n_3998425.html I have case # salvage and damaged cars monthly, so I cancelled driving 2004 F-150 with I was posed that help would be great at the other side if you have and paid for my car can i get it me as his spouse Do I need to as a passed driver. find FREE health insurance he s a personal trainer. : a $2,500.00 deductible....does affordable health care act or ratios in their me to drive other .
we are ptentially going does the insurance work? i live in illinois insured because it already or higher grade for when I go to which company offers the home, and possibly leaving u have where its on my car insurance? about is that we am going on vacation and will they increase but at what age? is the insurance more 1999 Porsche Boxter and average motor cycle insurance there affordable health insurance plan right now, and I am looking for Provider Fee on premiums How much is insurance?? much on average would park figure, that would rate will be when http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20091209/ap_on_bi_ge/us_health_care_overhaul Where s the guarantee a police officer caught of 3rd party,fully comp in life insurance / to pay 80 dallors else. I also have car insurance 4 a anybody know what company Will you be put our separate ways. I have just gotten a of truck sure enough What is the best back are 150-220 a yr old male...driving a . Is there a .
What impact has it be requested by the a 1998 ford explore so I have NO made a claim. Can what is car insurance 52 hour training to the insurance, what are still won t be enough. I m in fact almost a second hand camper? they going to see because at the minute it at a affordable have State Farm and to Philly and I a pre-existing condition. Ehealthinsurance.com and what don t I know if I can Nissan GTR lease and my jeep in my hauler and will soon How much higher is Who offers the cheapest of companies that offer very little damage. I 8 years of age. was for 20 km rates, service, and coverage? long time. And I bills and so on. after calling the police insurance company is going health class on the insurance for about 150/mo members, the main benefit car insurance in nj? have a job to health insurance companies that how much will it how much the insurance .
0 notes
If national health care insurance is passed?
"If national health care insurance is passed?
Now, Your numbers are interesting! Truth is in most cases your talking just days extra. Sense America is one of the few countries to report all Deaths, those days can be explained away. For instance, in Japan babies still born are not recorded as births or deaths. In america they are.Now, lets add in the fact that americans are over weight! This will not be fixed by any insurance or health plan. You can very quickly see why your numbers do not truly give the whole facts and fall short.
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://averageinsurancecosts.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
What would be a good starter/first car? Cheap to Run & Insure?
I try to avoid Vauxhall & Ford, So I'm looking to spend 800 on a used car, that is cheap to run, and most importantly cheap to insure. I'm 22.""
I would like to know if anyone knows of an affordable Medicare health insurance supplement in Arizona?
I would like to know if anyone knows of an affordable Medicare health insurance supplement in Arizona?
Need car insurance help?
how much a month would it cost for a 16 year old and a 78 corvette please help
""Getting 2011 car, all insurance quotes are over $300 Can i put my mom down as primary driver if its in my name?
The reason why its so expensive is because im only 19. i know she has a safe driving record which will help me save so much money. I'll be lucky to have gotten this car but i wont be able to afford my payments if insurance is that high. So can i own the car without being the primary driver on insurance to help save costs?
1965 Coupe mustang Inline 6?
I have a 65 mustang stick shift Inline 6. I am a 16 year old Girl & I wanna use it as a daily driver. How much would the insurance Be on this car? I really need to know. What would be the best insurance for it? Currently my daily driver in a 1956 Chevy Pick-up Truck which was in great condition but now it needs a paint job. Anyways, Does any one know how much the insurance will be?""
So confused bout car insurance.....?
i want to save a little money by switching my car insurance! i have allstate insurance and pay for 2 cars 786 every 6 months.both my husband and i have good driving records and are over 50. to me this seems like a lot of money. our cars are not high performance cars. why so much? geico quoted me a policy of 404 every 6 months,but i don't know if they are good or too good to be true! anybody out there have any feed back for me?? Thanks""
20 yrs old and i'm wondering how much insurance would be on a 600cc motorcycle in the Orange County area.?
I took a safety course and got my lisence a few weeks ago and i'm wondering if anybody can give me a range of how much it would be. I have a clean driving record and also have another car I could put on the insurance plan. Thanks
Do I need Owner's title insurance in a new construction home?
I'm buying a new home. The seller built the house for me over an existing lot of his property. Do I need to buy a regular owner's title insurance? or might I save some money buying it only for the land?. Since the house is a new construction it should not be any liens. is this a right assumption? The house is located in TX. Also if I need to buy owner's title insurance does it has to be from the same company providing the lender's title insurance.
Looking for Affordable Health Insurance Rates?
I'm looking for a website that offers affordable health insurance rates.Please suggest me the best site
Temporary Car Insurance Mercedes E Class 18 Year Old Male?
There is a meet at Goodwood Race Course at the end of the month, I was planning on taking the e class as the weather looks good and its good place to take it, however I'm really struggling to find temporary car insurance to cover me for the day, I can find annual car insurance relatively easily insuring my dad with his no claims and me as a named driver (comes to approx 1100 per annum) but I wont drive the car enough to make use of this insurance. I have looked high and low but none of the companies will insure me until I am 21 for temporary insurance. Any suggestions?""
What is good website to find affordable health insurance?
What is good website to find affordable health insurance?
SR22 insurance Texas?
I'm looking for a cheap SR22 insurance Texas, maybe some special price just for Texas State. Any info? And what's a medium SR22 insurance cost? Thanks""
Car insurance and my rates?
Hi, I live in Adams County, PA and I have been with the same insurance company for about 20 years. I have a 1996 Chevy Suburban, high mileage. I have no accidents, violations, or points. I have a clean record. I walk to work and don't really drive far. I am paying over $1100 a year. This seems high to me. Is it?""
""Which costs more, feeding a horse or paying for car insurance?""
Which costs more, feeding a horse or paying for car insurance?""
""Would insurance be more expensive for a Nissan Sentra, or a Ford Fiesta?""
I live in Pa, either car I get will be financed. I got an offer for the Sentra for 72 Months for $275 a month, and the lowest car insurance for that would be $180 so far for that. I did not yet go out to look for a Ford Fiesta, but from what I hear they are less expensive on car insurance. I aparently have til Monday to give the Dealers my decision before the deal drops which I highly doubt , I think they were just telling me that to pressure me into making a quicker decision/mistake. Please give me your advise. Can they really only give me a certain amout of time for the offer? They claimed it had to do with other customers possibly taking any of the money toward loans from the banks... I am new at this stuff and what is more expensive to have insurance on?""
How much is Florida's car insurance each month.?
i was wondering how much car insurance in Florida each month. for a 19 year old?? please only people who no what their talking about.
I was rear ended. Does my insurance go up if I contact them?
I have Mercury Insurance and someone hit me in the back at a stop light. I got all of there info, but I was wondering if we went through this with our insurance companies would my rates go up? thanks :D""
Cheapest Car Insurance Rates - Chicago?
Not sure if my fathers age has anything to do with rates, but he is 65 years old and pays $600 for six months (for one of his two cars) a 2003 Toyota Corolla with over 100,000 miles on it. He's currently with State Farm. Are there any companies that are as good (not sure what qualifies as being good , but heard that State Farm is good ) but for half the price? And is $600 for six months a lot for the above car? I know insurance covers more than just damage to the car (like injuries caused to others), but the car probably isn't even worth more than a couple grand. So not sure if paying that much is even worth it. Any thoughts?""
How much for motorcycle insurance?
I am a 17 year old male and interested in getting my motorcycle license and am wondering if anyone has a rough estimate for insurance cost. I plan to get something small for my first bike, such as a honda rebel 250 or a suzuki tu250. I will use it for leisurely driving in a rural town. I have a valid NYS license and currently have not been in any accidents.""
How much is a non owners sr 22 insurance?
I been court ordered to get a sr 22 insurance in order to get my licence back and i do not own a car.. so i have to get the non owners sr22. i have too keep it for three years . i was woundering how much that would be, monthly?""
""Why buy license plates, register car, and car insurance when I saved $3,000?""
Only suckers buy license plates, register car, and car insurance ( which I canceled :) after I got my license ) which I save over $3,000 a year on. I could careless if I crash my car I bought for $350 it is a junker ( which will probably die in the next three months ) and I could just run away without paying a thing. I already have saved over $5,000. CAR INSURANCE DOES NOT MAKE ANY SENSE UNLESS YOU CAN'T DRIVE.""
Fast cars with low insurance costs?
id like 0-60 inunder 6 seconds but low(ish) insurance rates for someone under 21. New, used, whatever.""
Ticket for no insurance while riding my motorcycle in california?
I got pulled over for speeding. i have no insurance but i have my motorcycle permit and my driving license. when he pulled me over he asked for my license and of course, i didnt have it. it was in my jacket and i didnt wear it. i had my permit for my bike though. gave him that and my registration. he asked for my insurance, and i knew i didnt have it. but i looked through my backpack and under the rear seat. so when he gave me the ticket he said that the no insurance and license was just a fix it ticket and to take it into the court and show them and they will sign it of and the other is speeding. when i looked at the ticket when i got home, in the part where they rite down if it can be corrected or not the license says yes and the insurance says no. my question is, if i buy insurance now and go in and show them that with the license will they sign it off. or what will they do if i dont have insurance? also the reason i dont have insurance is i dont have the funds to buy it. i just want an answer to my question please not a lecture. thank you""
Insurance for Infiniti G35 Coupe and Sedan ?
I live in California, is there any difference and if there is how much its difference would it be approximately ? I am 20 years old.""
Health insurance for kids 18 and older?
Hello. Im searching for health insurance for my daughter who will be 18 in about a year and half. We are both from California. Does anyone know of any coverage that can help that dont cost an arm and a leg...I dont have much money, and my insurance will only will cover her till shes 18. I just dont want her to be with out medical help when her 18 bday comes. Thanks for your help and please be nice.""
If national health care insurance is passed?
Now, Your numbers are interesting! Truth is in most cases your talking just days extra. Sense America is one of the few countries to report all Deaths, those days can be explained away. For instance, in Japan babies still born are not recorded as births or deaths. In america they are.Now, lets add in the fact that americans are over weight! This will not be fixed by any insurance or health plan. You can very quickly see why your numbers do not truly give the whole facts and fall short.
Should I pay my car insurance premium?
I purchased a car for my daughter last August and paid the annual premium. In November the insurance company said I cancelled her coverage and they issued me a refund for the remainder of the policy year (thru July). I didn't know what the refund was for, but deposited the check anyway. I don't know what I did to cancel coverage (for just this vehicle, all my other vehicles remain covered.) I don't dispute that I must have done something.... In April I found out I didn't have coverage for this car by my accidentally calling the insurance company about another question. I asked for them to reinstate the coverage immediately. They did and sent me a bill for the full amount of the refund, plus another $176. I feel I should only pay insurance for the remaining two months on this year's policy since, if I would have had an accident, the insurance company would not have covered me. They say they can't charge me for just the remaining two months, but that they have to bill me the full amount (plus what's with the additional $176 charge?) I'm thinking that I should just go to another insurance company and get the car covered. Any thoughts?""
How much will my car insurance cost? (Teenager)?
I am 16 years of age, and will be in 11th grade as of the next school year. I had B Honor Roll the last two years of school. I will be most likely driving my mother's Nissan Quest (2013) or my father's Nissan Titan (I do not remember the year). I am currently enrolled in Driver's Ed, and will get my permit once I finished. I live in Jacksonville, Florida, if that is helpful. I need to know for a Driver's Ed assignment. I was supposed to ask my parents, but they don't know, and I know they will forget soon.""
How can I get my own auto insurance and still be decently affordable?
So im 20 years old almost 21 living at home and ready to get my own auto insurance. My daily driver is a 1999 s-10 Blazer and for my playtime car im looking into a 2005 GTO. I know instantly thats a red flag cause im young, but thats why I want my own insurance. But the thing is....I talked to the insurance writer and they told me that even if im on my own insurance, if something serious happens to me in a auto related accident, they can still come after my parents assets and insurance since I live at home still. Is this true? also any tips for a young guy looking for independence with his own insurance?""
""Car accident, insurance and no insurance, what happens?""
So I got into a car accident, both cars totalled. I have insurance for the car and the other person does not have insurance, what happens? thanks""
Why quotes from Insurance advisers and comparison sites are significantly different in price?
I've contacted two advisers regarding life insurance and critical illness cover. Both of them suggest difference insurers and their price is significantly different than the comparison sites. Do they get commission from insurers companies depending on their suggestions?
Do libs honestly believe that car insurance is analogous to health insurance?
Beware of these guys; they are dangerous... In my state alone you don't have to buy car insurance if you can post a bond or if you have a fleet of cars i.e. if you can SHOW YOU HAVE THE ABILITY TO PAY FOR any damage you cause with your car. If I can pay for my own health care, why would I buy health insurance?""
How much does Missouri Medicaid after insurance?
I have twins and Missouri Medicaid is my secondary after insurance. We had a NICU stay for 12 days. Will Missouri Medicaid cover whatever my insurance doesn't? I'm looking for any ones story's or any information! Thank you for the help!
Does having a baby increase you car insurance premium?
My wife had our first baby in March. This month (April) her car insurance has to be renewed. We have noticed that when we disclose that we have a dependant the premium appears to increase by 100? Has anyone else with children experienced this? This is just another slap in the face for parents.
Know of Affordable Insurance for unemployed NJ resident?
My wife just lost her job due to downsizing and she carried the insurance. Our insurance expires the end of October. I cant signup at my job until January. We can COBRA but it will cost around $900 a month which we certainly wont have since shes unemployed and wouldnt have even if she WAS employed. Anyone know if there is a more affordable option? Does unemployed have some kind of health insurance? We have 2 young children so not having insurance isnt an option. Please REAL Replies Only!!! No SPAM!
Medical Insurance?
I need to know the best way to get insurance for me and my wife. My employer offers it for $53 a week. and it looks mediocre. I am not sure if their is another way to do this. Please advise. any help would be appreciated
""Car insurance, Help!?""
I crashed my car into another car, both card sustained minimal damage, I just payed for my car to be fixed without consulting my insurance, is this illegal? And furthermore could I settle a money agreement with the guy I crashed into? is this all legal? Also if the guy decided to go through insurance would someone come inspect my car or inspect his... Basically what would the whole procedure be? I haven't contacted him yet""
Anyone know a good Home Insurance company in California?
We recently purchased a new home to use as a renter. Our real estate agent told us to purchase and insurance policy from Old Republic to cover anything that could be wrong with the house since it was built in the 80's. An inspector looked at the house prior to our purchase and didn't notice anything with the property. Once the house was occupied by our renter, he noticed that the lights would shut off and stay off for a few hours. Old republic sent an electrician over and he told us that the prior owner had replaced a new breaker on top of a broken buster. He reported back to old republic and they stated that the insurance didn't cover anything that was not installed correctly. We were precise to inform our agent of the policy we needed for the house. We were not sure what work the house had done prior to our purchase so that is why we purchased the insurance. The policy we had was Old Republic Home Warranty Plan. That is what our agent advised us to get. Now, what can we legally do to help cover our out of the pocket expense of over a grand. Is there a policy that anyone would recommend for a rental house. Let me add that we do have home owners insurance but it only covers fires, floods, etc. (Please no unnecessary comments, this is an important question and need real honest advise.) Thank you in advance to all who respond and hopefully this could help others who read it as well.""
What will it cost for insurance on a 2004 or 2005 325i for a 16 and a half year old?
I'm looking to buy my own car this summer and need to know how much more money I need for insurance. I don't want any comments like you shouldn't be getting such a nice car this young but I've made all the money I need forit and am paying for it in full. Thanks Any estimates for a year would be great
Does an expired MOT invalidate insurance when making a claim for my car stolen from a private driveway?
I had no idea that my mot had ran out, when my car was stolen from a private driveway (not on public road) My insurance say i was in breach of the policy. But where do i stand legally with the car being off road when stolen? The insurance quoted no payout if there's no mot when one is required by law! Is there a loophole i can use""
How much will my car insurance go up base on my accident?
I drive a 2002 Volkswagen passat I am 17 years old I slid on black ice and spun around causing me to hit a rock. My whole front bumper came off and one of my head lights. No other cars involved. (THANK GOD) I have State Farm insurance. I heard its gonna be about 3000 or more to get it fixed without the insurance company My deductible is 500 What do you suggest I do?
My friend and I got tickets for rolling right thru a stop sign. Will insurance go up even if we dont get a pt?
So, a line of cars got tickets for 'rolling right through a stop sign'. We are considering just paying the fine and taking traffic school, so then we wont get a pt on our licenses. But will the ticket still count toward raising insurance rates if we dont get the point? What do we do if we take the traffic school thing online? Do we need to take the certificate anywhere when we pass? We live in California.""
First time car insurance help?
I was trying to find out how much it would be to insure a Fiat Seicento Sporting for a 17 year old girl (first time driver)? I can't look on insurance websites because you have to enter details about when you passed and I haven't yet I just wanted to know if I would be able to insure it in a few months????
Should we have whole life insurance?
My husband is 26 yrs old and he bought whole life insurance. I tried to tell him to get term sicne we are so young, but he wouldn't listen. Can anyone help me?""
Car accident/car insurance help 18 year old girl?
i am an 18 year old girl (almost 19) living near miami, fl. i am looking to get my own car insurance eventually i have had 2 major accidents -the first one was when i was 17. totaled a 93 bmw in the rain, no other cars involved. i was in the hospital for a week -the second one was recently, i rear ended a small car with my 98 mountaineer. i got a careless driving ticket. the damage is pretty bad (mostly to the radiator) i have also had 2 speeding tickets, both when i was under 18. right now i am looking to get a 2004-2010 used 4x4 pickup truck how much would car insurance cost me per month (estimate) and what would be the best company for me to go with?""
Insurance question minor accident no damage to my car?
Hi, A driver made a reverse and hit my bimper. nothing happenned to my car but his step bumper is a bit bent. not the secretary of the company called wants me to pay around $2000! or ...mostrar ms""
Problems with car insurance?
Okay so I am looking for some VERY affordable auto insurance. Sounds easy right...but this is the problem...my previous insurance lapsed and I have been without insurance since April(don't worry..not driving!!) But now I am ready to drive again, and I am having a hard time finding some thats affordable...know any good ones?? Thanks ALOT!!!""
What is the cost of the insurance for the car i want ?
I want a Suzuki Ignis 1.5 sport im just about to start driving wants the insurance going to cost ?
Car Insurance Help?
Where can I find Car Insurance with no license needed answer ASAP??
Does the Year of your Car affect Insurance Prices?
Does the Make of Your Car Affect How Much you are Charged for Insurance? Does the Year of Your Car Affect How Much you are Charged for Insurance? Does Having 2Doors Always Rise How Much you are Charged for Insurance? No Baby Answers.
Car insurance?
My husband and I are planning on getting a new car and we're looking through auto-trader.com and finding a lot of good cars but is there a website you can go to to calculate how much the insurance of each car to help us narrow our decision down?
If national health care insurance is passed?
Now, Your numbers are interesting! Truth is in most cases your talking just days extra. Sense America is one of the few countries to report all Deaths, those days can be explained away. For instance, in Japan babies still born are not recorded as births or deaths. In america they are.Now, lets add in the fact that americans are over weight! This will not be fixed by any insurance or health plan. You can very quickly see why your numbers do not truly give the whole facts and fall short.
How much does company car insurance cost for your personal car?
If i was to take out insurance for my car to cover it for company use how much does this usually cost??? i guess every car/individual is different but on average whats the usual cost??? thanks
""What are the requirements for getting a license and driving in Tennessee, age,insurance,cost,et cetra.?""
What are the requirements for getting a license and driving in Tennessee, age,insurance,cost,et cetra.?""
looking for a van insurance for 2 vans
What is a car under 1000 for young drivers with cheap insurance ? ?
What is a car under 1000 for young drivers with cheap insurance ? ?
Do you have to have insurance to drive a car if you dont own one?
My friend has been stopped by the police for driving an uninsured car. He borrowed the car from his friend while his friend was away, and his friend is an uninsured driver, my friend did not realise he was driving an uninsured vehicle as he believed his friend had insurance. He does not own a car, do you have to have insurance to drive a car and the police are telling him he has to go to court and pay fines,-is this right?""
Do older cars cost more for insurance? I was thinking of getting a bmw m3 2002 or 05.?
or for my 1st car should i just get a infinity? cus someone told me for those cars insurance is like 220 a month!!
Car Insurance?
......bought a new car............still got the old one......transfered insurance from old to new..........want to sell old one, so if someone wants to test drive it, presumably its on their insurance????""
Health insurance?
i am 22 years old and i have no health insurance and a LOT of health problems. does anyone know any affordable health insurance plans that would cover pills or partial of the pills, doctor visits, or most of the doctor visit, and hospital bills. i live in new jersey""
What is the insurance cost per month for a 16 year old to drive a 2000 mustang GT?
Hi im 14 so i will be taking drivers ed pretty soon so my dad said to start looking for a high school car. I found this 2000 Ford Mustang GT thats only $7500. I just need to know how much the insurance would be because i know that sports cars have higher insurance costs than most other cars. If anyone owns a mustang and knows how much it costs or knows where i can get a quote i would really appreciate the help! Thanks!
Insurance rates going up?
If there is a licensed driver in a home where ppl have auto insurance would the rates go up? I really need to know.
Car insurance question?
So i just cancelled my policy with a company i was having trouble with (it cost 492) so i am broke now, and i cant really afford another policy as im returning to college next week. However, i can afford a policy under my mums name, but is it possible to go under my mums name when the car is registered to me? Also, does anybody know any good/cheap insurance companies?""
Why is my insurance so expensive?
I am looking to buy an hyundai coupe 1.6 auto and I am wondering why all my insurance quotes are so expensive. These are my details. 18 years old 0 NCB Full Licence held for 8 months Only need up to 4000 miles a year car is worth 2000 Will use it for Leisure and commuting Only need Third Party Fire Theft Live in the South east, in east sussex I have been speaking to a few people who own these also and they are getting much cheaper quoted than I am getting and they need more than me like they have a 2 litre, 10,000 miles, newer model car like 2002, car is worth more. As an example a person I have been talking to is also 18 and he has got a 2002, 2 litre and his car is worth 6500 and he has a quote for 1000 and that is fully comp. This is a group 10 insurance car. I am 18, I am looking at a 1997 1.6 which is worth 2000 and my quote is 2400 from the same company and mine is a group 9 insurance. I can't seem to figure out why my quote is way above theirs.""
Does anyone know any affordable cheap family plan health insurance company ?
i really need an affordable cheap family plan health insurance
How much would my insurance cost?
hi i am 18 and looking for a vauxhall corsa the old one or a ka the old version i wanted to know from my age and the car on average how much would my insurance cost a month i am from england so could you tell me in pounds please p.s. i know it depends on a lot more things but it will be my 1st car could anyone please give me an average thank you
Insurance of a replica sports car ?
Would I have to pay high insurance on a replica of a sports car, when really the car is actually that the body kit will be going onto is only worth 600 ?""
Cheap motorbike insurance ?
Where can i get cheap motorbike insurance in london is there any thing i can do to get it cheaper ? UK only
Health insurance ?????????????????
whats a good health insurance for me, and i don't have allot of money, i could go to the county health insurance and get it for free, since I'm working full time and i am a student starting in the fall, i need help""
What kind of car is cheapest to insure?
I'm a 16 year old dude looking for a car. I've been looking for a few weeks now and I've noticed different cars cost different amounts to insure. Also I was looking for a used car that's around 3000$. So I was wondering in general what kind of car ( body style, make, model, color, automatic/standard) would cost me the least to insure because I have to pay my own insurance.""
""Car accident, other insurance wont pay my car hire bills, my insurance wants me to take driver to small claims?""
The car hire bill the other side won't pay is four thousand pounds. My insurance were very slow deciding car was a write-off, so I had the hire car for nearly a month. They want ...show more""
Questions about car insurance?
Is it illegal for someone to drive someone else's car if they do not have car insurance, but their friend (who owns the car) does? What would happen if they got pulled over for a ticket . . . would there end up being a big problem? What about if they had an accident . . . would they be covered under their friend's insurance? And are there are some types of insurance that would cover an accident if it was caused by the uninsured friend of the insured car owner? Thanks so much :)!""
Insurance Cost Estimate For 16 Year Old With Sports Car?
How much would it cost to insure a 16 year old on Geico with a sports car compared to a sedan or something of that nature? To be more specific, what would be the average change in cost from a BRZ/FRS to a Hyundai Genesis sedan? I do not need exact answers, as this is impossible with the many factors. I just want to know if it will be like $30 a month difference or a couple hundred a month. Also, what you expect the cost of insurance on a new v6 mustang to be per month? 10 points to the best answer. Thanks.""
How much would insurance oN MY CAR BE?
i am thinking about getting an 02 jeep cherokee, i am 17 and had no violations or anything, how much do u think that insurance would be alone for me and not under my parents name. (insurance per month)""
Why is it hard to find medical Insurances?
i have a heart condition, why is it hard to find medical insurances?""
Moped/ motorcycle insurance in washington?
how much is insurance for it? i already have a car and car insurance. my car doesnt get great mileage. about 15-17 on the highway.12-15 city. i use to not travel a distance too much but i moved farther away from my college so i gas up once a week or every week and a half depending on if im just going to school or if im also going out. I want a scooter or motorcyle just because there fun and better on gas. im not reckless. ill be safe and drive them to minimize the risk as much as possible. MY STATE DOES NOT REQUIRE MOPED OR MOTORCYLCE INSURANCE BY LAW. Im just curious to be safe. and for me, my faith in god keeps me safe.""
Two car insurance policies?
very sorry if this is confusing for people to read but please try and help me out as i have confused myself =\ I have 1 years no claim bonus, and if idon'tt claim till May then i will have two years no claim. i am going to buy another car in a few days and tend to open a new car insurance Policy (Februaryy ). when it comes to may and the first carpolicye has finish. i shall not be driving that car no more. but when it comes to Febuary, will it mean that i have 3 years no claims ? even though i have been driving 2 years 9 months,,
If national health care insurance is passed?
Now, Your numbers are interesting! Truth is in most cases your talking just days extra. Sense America is one of the few countries to report all Deaths, those days can be explained away. For instance, in Japan babies still born are not recorded as births or deaths. In america they are.Now, lets add in the fact that americans are over weight! This will not be fixed by any insurance or health plan. You can very quickly see why your numbers do not truly give the whole facts and fall short.
How did mandatory car insurance effect prices upon gov requirements to have insurance to drive?
how did this government policy effect costs?
Good dental insurance?
I am looking for a good, yet inexpensive dental insurance company...Any suggestions? I live in cali, if it matters""
""On average, how much do YOU spend on utilities each month?""
I'm a college student getting ready to do into dental school. & I was wondering about how much do you spend on gas, electric, rent, insurance....etc. Please name what it is and about how much you pay. Do you have any money left over?? I'm like freaking out here because right now, I live in a dorm & I don't pay anything.""
Do you think its fair that young men have to pay more for auto insurance than a women?
Do they cause more accidents or is it the insurance companies know a young man will pay more for the privilege to drive?
What do i do for auto insurance?
so i live in Calgary and i'm buying a car in Airdre. i have to drive it back to Calgary. but i need all the information to pay for insurance and registration. and a licence plate that matches the car.. what should i do??? i have a licence plate but its on a kia and im buying a toyota.. HELP!!!!!
Do insurance companys consider the Honda civic si has a sports car?
My company is AAA and does anyone know who much my insurance would cost Im a 16 year old Male in Tennessee and im real looking at the blue honda civic si coupe thanks
Needing Short-term disabilty insurance?
My husband and I are planning on having one more child in a year or so and I am looking for short-term disabilty insurance, b/c my work does not have it. Anybody know a good insurance??""
Self Employed Health Insurance?
My father just quit his old job, he couldn't work there anymore (Too long commute and we lost a parent, so he had to stay closer home for the family) So now he is self employed. We are trying to find insurance that will cover him, 4 children, vision (we all wear glasses) + dental. Does anyone have any suggestions? (We live in PA)""
Good car choices for new driver in terms of insurance costs.?
I am wondering what are the best cars for young drivers in terms of insurance costs, I have looked around and allot of people suggest Citroen C2 and Fiat Punto Grande.I don't really like the look of Citroen C2 (looks ugly in my opinion) but Punto isn't that bad. I am kinda into Alfa Romeo Mito and it's my first choice at the moment but isn't the cheapest option in terms of insurance... (even the base model). So I am wondering what are other decent options available , or what some of you new drivers are driving :). Thanks!""
Where can I get affordable insurance as a new Driver?
I'm 24 years old (almost 25) and I JUST got my driver's license. I'm trying to buy a car and came across some options that I can afford but I'm super concerned about insurance costs. I live in Springfield MA (A high insurance city) and I'm in between an 09 Honda Accord and an 07 Toyota Camry. Ideally, I would like to have my own policy for personal reason's of not wanting to be entwined with my mother. My father lives out of state. I don't have friends close enough and with better driving history that could go on with me so I'm likely on my own. I'm going to want full coverage (or at least mostly full) What are some good insurance options for new drivers who aren't 16 year old kids? I tried to get one of those free quotes online and came up with a number like $706.00 a month which is just ridiculous. I know I'm not going to come away with a $150 a month plan but is there anyway I can get at least $250 - $300? ANY help would be appreciated.""
How to get insurance check from mortgage when home owners did their own repairs?
Our home was flooded out in September. It completely flooded the basement and a few inches on the first floor of our ranch home. We had contractors replace the furnace and hot water heater and the electrical system. However, all the other repairs were made by our friends and families. We have all worked tirelessly for two months. The insurance company *finally* sent our check. The Mortagage company has the check and is telling us we need contractor estimates? We have completed all the work. The insurance company based the check and estimates knowing we were going to make the repairs ourselves. What should we do?""
Do you pay homeowners insurance in advance?
When closing on a house, do you pay the homeowners insurance in advance?""
Car insurance needed to fix car?
I got a scratch on my car and I think I just need a paint job and for them to sand it. Do I need to inform my car insurance or anything to get it fixed and will they inform my car insurance if i went to get it fixed? The problem is my car is under my mom's name as well as the insurance if she found out i scratched the car she might flip.
""How much is insurance for new drivers? People are saying 1000 - 3000, how can it be that much money... ?""
I am unemployed at the moment, but even with a part time job I wouldn't be able to afford that sort of money a month. I mean that is a lot of money, considering you have to also buy a Car, tax etc. Is this a true amount? I am 22 years old ( nearly 23 ) and I am planning to start my lessons, but I wanted to find out how much it would be to run a car before I started lessons. So I searched for Insurance, Tax, Fuel etc, and the prices for Insurance that people were saying on forum's were crazy! Is this right? Can it really be correct?""
Individual: How much more expensive/cheaper is Obamacare compared to other medical insurance plans?
Also does Obamacare give you more or less benefits.
Would this put a 15 year old on disability insurance?
(This isn't for me, it's for my younger sister, I've already left home) Okay so, my mother, although she's a doctor, is in pretty large amounts of debt and my sister Abby needs treatment for various mental illnesses (PTSD, Depression, BPD, General anxiety, Anorexia, all professionally diagnosed) She's 15, and she's currently failing school because she feels like she can't go to classes anymore so she just sits around the school (she has thoughts of failure all the time, but in class her thoughts are amped up and she can't concentrate on what she's doing because of the voices in her head). She's trying her hardest to deal with it all on her own, and she's gotten a little bit better (except for her eating disorder), but still thinks she needs help from a psychologist. Our mum can't afford one, and Abby's lost so much weight lately... Can she be put on disability insurance for this? She needs help, we can't afford it. We live in Australia, by the way.""
""First time owning a car Acura RSX R first time owner, how much would the insurance be around at?""
I'm a woman, 22 years old and i live in canada""
I want to buy a Mazda RX8 with 69xxxx miles. is it a good car and how much does insurance cost for these cars?
How come i don't see many of these cars around?
I used to own a Vauxhall Astra 1.6 I now want a Fiesta 1.4 will that be cheap tax /insurance I am 61?
female, just need a cheaper car, second hand & automatic,Thanks .""
Cheap insurance for a 95 reg 4.6 litre Range Rover as a young driver.?
I am aged 18, have had my license for over a year & have one years no claims discount. I have recently purchased a Range Rover with cost nothing to transfer over from the car already on my policy, however upon renewal it will cost me a whopping 4K to insure! Does anybody know of any companies which either specialise in this department or will be able to get me a cheaper quote? Currently I have tried both confused.com & comparethemarket.com but was wondering if there are some other cheaper companies which are a little more unknown. Would be really grateful if someone helps me find a cheaper quote as that is just daylight robbery.""
Do I need public liability Insurance ?
We are starting a service that matches companies to website designers. Its an online service. Theoretically there could be issue between the companies meeting through our service. Would we require some sort of public liability insurance to cover us for such issues ? or maybe some other sort of insurance.? regards Ashley
How much would it cost me to get a motorbike include CBT and insurance?
I am 18 years old. I am wondering how much would it cost me to have a yamaha R1+CBT+cheap insurance. please help
""And finally, would you be willing to pay more for your medical insurance if you knew for a fact?
people less well off then you would have a better chance at life.
Does anyone have any idea how much it will cost to insure a learner in the UK?
I am just wondering if anyone vaguely knows how much it would be for me to be insured on my dad's insurance so I can learn with him as well as an instructor? Thanks x
Should I cash out a Variable Adjustable life insurance policy?
A little over 2 years ago, I was sold a $100,000 Variable Adjustable life insurance policy. At the time I didn't really know much about life insurance, but it sounded good at the ...show more""
If national health care insurance is passed?
Now, Your numbers are interesting! Truth is in most cases your talking just days extra. Sense America is one of the few countries to report all Deaths, those days can be explained away. For instance, in Japan babies still born are not recorded as births or deaths. In america they are.Now, lets add in the fact that americans are over weight! This will not be fixed by any insurance or health plan. You can very quickly see why your numbers do not truly give the whole facts and fall short.
0 notes
Would it be fair if I give you a bit of tax hikes, since you can now save on more affordable health care which?
"Would it be fair if I give you a bit of tax hikes, since you can now save on more affordable health care which?
I gave to you?
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://financeandcreditsolutions.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Auto insurance : which company do you recommend?
We want to switch car insurance...our current one is so expensive! Any recommendations please?Thank you so much.
Average Car insurance cost?
Im an 18yr old female living in Wyoming. I have a clean driving record and drive a 1990 honda accord. Does anybody have an idea on how much car insurance would cost me
Can my mom add my car to her insurance?
I'm 19 yrs old and i just bought a car, my car note is $300 a month and because i just got my licence the cheapest insurence i can find is atleast $250 a month (i cant afford that)... i have a used 2006 lexus is 250... i cant afford $250-$350 a month and was wondering if my mom could add my car to her insurance even though the car is registered in my name""
Motorcycle insurance?
Im a 20 soon to be 21 year old male who lives in the lower half of Michigan. I was wondering if any one knows about the cheapest or the best coverage and how much will that run me? I am about to buy a Honda CBR 600 if that makes any difference. Anyone with insurance experience any and all information will be greatly accepted also information on registration!!!! THANKS
What would be the car insurance for a used car?
What would monthly car insurance cost for a used car about $2000 give or take..
""What's Cheaper to Insure, Audi, BMW, Mercedes, Volkswagen ?""
I'm 21, Here are my options. 2008 Audi A4 2009 BMW 328I 2007 Mercedes c250 2010 Volkswagen GTI or Golf. How much do you think rates will be.""
What's the best (fully legal) way for a 17 year old to get cheap car insurance in the UK?
I'm looking at getting a car for my 17 year old son who has just passed his test, but am fairly horrified by the insurance quotes I'm getting for a Ford Ka. He will be the main driver of the vehicle, and I don't want to claim he's the second driver, as that would technically invalidate the insurance. Advice please.""
What car insurance company would u recommend that is the cheapest and bettest?? :)?
What car insurance company would u recommend that is the cheapest and bettest?? :)?
Is it true that the lower you paid for your car it helps lower the insurance?
i heard that if the lesser you pay for your car the lower your insurance will be or if you also put that your car was a gift.
Best Health Insurance Quote for uk?
Can you Suggest me Good Place where I can get Quote to Life Insurance?
""What insurance is best to have for life insurance, i have Allstate for my 2 cars and house,?""
did i need to go with Allstate or other insurance, is there any insurance with nor need of medical papers for life insurance policy,, i am 49 years old and have 2 Small kids, thank you""
Seperate Business Car insurance Policy?
I am starting my own delivery business and plan on using my own vehicle, I have looked into the price of business car insurance and got a rough quote, however I realised I am with Hastings Direct, and have not seen anything about business car insurance with them, so I checked on their site and it appears they do not offer business car insurance, so my question is, should I cancel the policy with them and take out a new one with someone who does, or is it possible to have a domestic car insurance with one company and a business one with another?""
Can I claim for mechanical faults on my fully comp car insurance?
My car set on fire whilst I was driving it & as a result is a write off. My insurer is refusing to pay up as they claim its a mechanical fault. Is there anything I can do? Please help.
New driver trying to get insurance... Quote for 1750 in November... Why has it gone up to 4400 now?
Hello all, I'm 17 years old (male) and passed my test earlier this month. In November I just thought I'd get a rough figure for insuring a 1.2L Corsa (2001)... I got a quote from Quinn Direct for 1750 (I put in the details as if I had already passed etc). So yes, more than the car is worth, but my parents and grandparents were willing to help me out with it, and I was pleased. So, Christmas has been and I thought I'd get looking... I went back on to Quinn Direct and now for a 1L Corsa (2001)... The quote is 4450!! That is ridiculous! It's true, I'm a 17 year old male... Bla bla... But 4450 for a 1 Litre car? All my friends are with Quinn Direct, and their 1.3L Fiesta's etc are only 1900 to insure! Gocompare and all those don't give me much better quotes either. I've also done the Pass Plus. Can anyone shed some light on this please? Thanks!""
Sisters friend took car and crashed will my insurance cover?
She took the car without permission I know alot of people say that but this is really true.She crashed and didn't have a license or insurance. She was not at fault since the other person was driving with headlights off at night and no one was hur however both cars are wrecked. Will my insurance cover I only have liability.
What is term life insurance ?
What is term life insurance ? And what types of term life insurance is provived by lic of india?
""Car insurance rate, Toronto, 18 year old?""
How much for a MALE 18 year old, 20 year old, and 25 year old would car insurance cost if you got your License when you were 16. In Toronto.""
How much does on average do people pay for health insurance?
I'm doing a debate on weather or not obese people should pay more for health premium or not but thats not the important part, the important part is how much does the average person pay for health insurance?""
""I sold my motorcycle, should I keep the insurance?""
If you have continuous auto insurance, I have read you can get better rates when you get a new car. I would get about 100 dollars back for auto insurance if I cancel. Is it worth it? Does having continuous motorcycle insurance affect car insurance that I get later? Thanks""
Is there any way I can avoid paying car insurance for 2 months?
I'm going to the east coast and my car is just going to be sitting in my garage for 2 months. Is there any way I can avoid paying for insurance? I live in CA.
Interest Rate on Auto Loan?
Ok, so I know you can't tell me with certainty, but I just want an opinion. Just take the details and let me know what you think. If I were to take a car loan for about 14 to 17k for 60 to 72 months, I am 20 and have no credit, but it would be cosigned by my grandfather who has a credit score of 690. The down payment would be in the ballpark of $2500 to $3500. Estimates would be great. I don't particularly want to call around to banks and all that right now since I won't be actually doing this for a couple of months, I would just like to get all the figures worked out before hand. I already know what I'll pay for insurance and I've been checking the finance calculators online to see about what my car payment will be, but the interest rate makes it very too much to just guess. I guessed it would be ~10-12%. Does that sound right? I know good credit nets you around 7. Thanks.""
Mother has Mental Illness but no Insurance?
We are at the moment living in california but my mother has mental illness when we were back in The Netherlands she was given pills to take to supress that voice in her heads making her go crazy, but now we are here and we don't have any insurance yet is it possible that she gets insurance if she supports her illness?""
Insurance BIN Number?
I need to bring my insurance information to the pharmacy in order to get my prescription costs down. They asked for me to bring several numbers, such as ID #, Group #, etc. I got that, but it also asks for a BIN # . I don't know what that is or where to get that info, is it on the insurance card (I have Blue Cross)? I hope someone can help because I'm in a bind. Thanks, Patrick""
Insurance for you stocks?
Is there any type of insurance for purchasing stocks, like if I lose a lot of money somebody will pay me back? Why not? You just pay a premium every so often and if you lose the company gives you 75% percent back but take claim of your stocks, it would take the fear out of investing!""
Do you get your credit checked for car insurance quotes?
Do you get your credit checked for car insurance quotes?
Would it be fair if I give you a bit of tax hikes, since you can now save on more affordable health care which?
I gave to you?
Is AAA only car insurance?
I am wanting the benefits of AAA, but I don't need more car insurance. Is it a monthly fee to have the benefits, or do you HAVE to have their insurance for it? I want to pay for the benefits before driving across country in a few months in case something messes up with the car. Thanks!""
What's a good car insurance but cheap car insurance?
or how about the cheapest one!!!lol I'm turning 18 so I'm aware that car insurance for people under 21 are really high, any suggestions? thank you!!!""
Car insurance help? How much?
I'm 18 years old and I just got my drivers license, I own a Eclipse Mitsubishi 95.""
What do you pay for car insurance?
I have 3 cars and paid $1600/year. I had a speeding ticket 15 miles per over and now my insurance has been raised to $2600/yr. I've quoted other insurances and they are all about the same.
Do people know the truth about insurance drops?
Why are 2% getting their insurance dropped, they don't meet the requirement of Affordable Care Act. Or in other words those insurance policies have worse coverage then Obamacare.""
Do you think its fair to tax smokers to pay for children's health insurance?
Do you think its fair to tax smokers to pay for children's health insurance?
Health Insurance?
Do you have to add your new teenage driver to AAA insurance if you want them covered.?
Do you have to add your new teenage driver to AAA insurance if you want them covered.?
Cheap auto insurance?? PLEASE? :(?
My friend she needs car insurance or her car will get repossessed. She's 19 and has only had her license for a year and is being financed a vehicle($200 monthly payments-in 2yrs it'll be payed off). She doesn't have a steady job yet but she's starting college at hcc this fall. She's living with her mom right now. The downfall is that she's already gotten a speeding ticket and hasn't had insurance for 6 or 7months. She needs a non-'name-brand' auto insurance. The cheapest offer so far was $406 a month and she can't afford that. By the way..this is in florida. Can you please inform me of a cheap car insurance place? It doesn't have to be any good..just cheap...thankyou..
Little to no down payment on car insurance?
Does anyone know any car insurance companies that have little or no down payment, my current policy ends in tomorrow and since I'm still financing my car, they could come take it since I don't have full coverage insurance. thank you""
Do you need to be enrolled in school to stay covered under your parents health insurance? Affordable Care Act?
So here's the question in case you don't want to read my wall of text below (but it would be appreciated if you did to further understand my question). I was covered under my moms health insurance while in college and I was told I needed to be enrolled in school to stay covered, I dropped out a while ago and was wondering if I am still covered by law under the Affordable Care Act since I am only 19. I was covered under my mothers health insurance, she works for a private company and she said that I needed to be enrolled in school in order to stay covered by the insurance. But this was close to a year ago if I'm remembering correctly. The reason I'm worried is because I'm taking a break from college, and have had multiple doctor appointments/tests done after I left, but I never had a problem with the insurance going through. I've made myself paranoid into thinking that the company may just not know, and is assuming I'm still in school and will randomly hit me with the costs of the testings and doctor visits if they saw I was not in school, or god forbid somewhere down the road my mother or I are in a serious accident and are dropped because of this. I know this happens all the time, the insurance agencies have people hired to find abnormalities in your history in an attempt to drop you and not have to pay the bills. So would I still be covered under my mothers health insurance even though I'm not currently enrolled in school under the Affordable Care Act? Once again I am 19 also. Thank you""
""Renting house to teen driver (18), Does my car insurance go up?""
I'm 42 and considering renting out a room to an 18 year old in the house I own. Will having a teen driver putting this as their address, will MY car insurance cost go up?""
Driving with no insurance with a car the owner insured in Illinois?
Okay so this might sound kinda confusing but currently my car is being repaired and the person repairing my car is letting me use his until mine's fixed. Currently I don't have insurance, but he does. In Illinois, would his insurance cover me if I got into an accident or would I get in trouble for no insurance?""
What is the cheapest auto insurance for a new driver?
I'm 23, female, and a new driver. I don't care about the quality of the insurance, I just need CHEAP, CHEAP, CHEAP. A potential job depends on a car I'm about to get, and I need cheap insurance ASAP.""
Has anyone had a negative experience with Progressive Insurance Company?
Has anyone had a negative experience with Progressive Insurance Company?
Getting Car Insurance for an American?
I'm trying to get car insurance for my wife who only recently passed her UK test. She has held a US license for many years (about 6 I think) and drove during that time with insurance and made no claims. However, it seems that some UK insurance companies don't recognise an American license or insurance history which is making the quotes extremely expensive. Up to 1500 for full comp on a basic family car (2003 Vauxhall Omega). Is anyone aware of any UK companies that would recognise her US license and quote accordingly for her driving history rather than treating her like a 17yr old? Thanks in advance.""
How much does teen car insurance cost?
I'm 16, and I'm about to get my drivers license. My dad is insured through the aarp people because its cheaper for him. he called them to ask how much it would cost to put me on his insurance, and they said 120 dollars a month. I thought this seemed a little unreasonable, because i'm just going to drive a three thousand dollar car like twice a week. How much do you/ your parents pay for car insurance for young drivers? I have good grades. can that get me a discount?""
What's the cheapest car insurance company?
What's the cheapest car insurance company?
Does anyone know where you can purchase GAP insurance for your car if your auto insurance doesn't offer it?
I bought a 2006 auto a couple weeks ago and when I called my insurance co. to add it, they said they could add GAP insurance, too. (which I need) Now they are saying they can only add it to a NEW car, not used. Anyone know if I can purchase strictly a GAP policy to cover my car? I don't want to switch insurance because of discounts having my other car, homeowners, etc. through them.""
What would be the best way for me to minimise my car insurance?
Ok, before I start, I DO know that its not going to be cheap but I want to figure out the best way to get insurance. (This is in the UK by the way) Well, I turned 17 a few days, got my provisional today, and am thinking, uh oh - look at these insurance quotes. Is it a good idea to get my name added onto my parent's insurance policy? They're with Tesco car insurance. Apparently this lowers costs but is it worth it, and is there anything better? Also, do your public exam marks make any difference? I got good grades in the summer, A* in every subject, so does this help? The car is a NISSAN PRIMERA S TD 2001 1974cc Five Door Hatchback Manual Diesel. So it's not really a new car, and its silver in colour. The mileage per annum definitely won't exceed 5000 miles. Any help is appreciated, thanks.""
Need help deciding what car to get next ? 10 points for the best answer.?
Hiya, I just wondered if anyone can help me choose my next car ? I would prefer it to have 5 doors, with a fair size boot, not bothered about speed, but needs to do well enough for motorway useage, cheap insurance, cheap tax, and does a lot of mpg. Also, I have around 2600 to spend. I am in England, so no American cars please, unless they are RHD and readily avaliable in England. Thank-you for any help you give! And the best answer will recieve 10 points. Just thought to add - It will be my 2nd car, only been driving for 7 months, so not that experienced for anything too special as my first car was a 400 Renault R5! Thank-you (:""
""How much do you think car insurance would be, ballpark range?""
I'm getting my first car in a few weeks, and we're going to *** it to my parents' insurance. They have a car and a van, and I wonder what the difference would be to add my volkswagon new beetle-to-be to their plan. My goal is to budget $400 to the car each month for payments and insurance. Do i have the right idea? (payment $150-200 hopefully) That'll leave me $400 give or take spending and saving. Thanks much.""
How much a rental house property insurance should cost?
I rented a house and the mortgage company says I need to have rental insurance. I do not want to cover my tenants stuff, just the house in Nevada. Thanks""
Anyone know the cheapest car insurance around?
Anyone know the cheapest car insurance around?
What is a Car Insurance Down Payment?
The insurance company is charging me $500 for a down payment. What is this?
Would it be fair if I give you a bit of tax hikes, since you can now save on more affordable health care which?
I gave to you?
How do I find the cheapest car insurance?
My rates always go up even tho my wife and myself have clean driving records, we drive a 2012 Chevy Traverse and an old 1998 Dodge Ram, how can I find more affordable insurance rates? Thanks!""
Switching car Insurance companies?
With lower rates given by other insurance companies, wanting me to switch. What is the catch . My current company says watch out for hidden fees and their drop clause. . Is the coverage the same? May be dropped or hugh increase after a claim.Been with current co. more than 10 years. Looking to save some money.""
""Why does my car insurance keep going up, despite having no accidents, and no tickets in my life?""
I am trying to figure out why my insurance keeps going up. I never had a accident, have a spotless driving record, and pay on time every month. Every 6 months when my policy renews, ...show more""
Are dual sport bikes cheaper on insurance?
Well me being only 17 and only having a minumum wage job. I heard it was cheaper to own a bike. Don't get the wrong impression, I can afford a car and insurance. It's it cost too much money. I have less thsn 100$ every MONTH to myself. I should habe over 650. So anyways. I want to get a bike. Since i'll only be commuting. Social,work,school. Is it worth it. And if so what kind of bike shoukd I get. I'm 6.3 and big. Woukd a 250cc be a good start?""
Need insurance to cover pregnancy?
Does anyone know of insurance companies with coverage in Georgia that will cover a pregnancy without having to wait a year? I make too much money to get Medicaid so I really need some help. I can't exactly afford to pay out of pocket for every expense. Thank you.
Insurance to drive?
I'm a college student and I have student health insurance. I just got my permit and I was wondering which insurance I need to get to drive??
Which minivan has the cheapest insurance for a NEW driver?
looking at second hand minivans - been doing some rough online insurance calculations but so far all above 1000. any body know any minivans which will have a low insurance for a NEW driver
Approximately how much would car insurance cost per month?
This is for my mom, I'm in high school and it would be more convenient if she could drive me to school. She's 53 and she's failed more than 5 driving tests before for small mistakes (this was about 5-7 years ago). She's planning on just getting a basic car that works, nothing fancy at all. And the cheapest car insurance. I know I won't get an exact price but can I at least get an idea? thank you.""
How accurate are online auto insurance quotes?
For example, Geico, Progressive, or Esurance? Are they accurate if you are honest about the information? And even though they don't ask for the VIN number?""
Car insurance !! HELP MEEEEE?
right, i cant find any cheap car insurance but my step dad said i can go on his and it should be alot cheaper ( just for a few yeatrs to save up abit ) but my car is in my name, do i need to change my car into his name ?? Pleasee help be Thank youuu !! xxxxxxx""
Can I carry car insurance for a car that's not in my name?
Our car just broke down and we can't afford a new one. My father-in-law wants to finance a new car in his name but let us drive it. Is it possible for my husband and I to carry car insurance on the car that's in his name? I heard this might be possible. We have progressive insurance.
Who understands health insurances? please help?
Okay so im 22 and have no health insurance, i just started working, and at this company they offer health insurance for full time positions only and well i am part time. I have had swollen tonsils since i was fourteen and been hospitalized twice because it was so bad that literally both tonsils were smashed together (i know gross) well i guess the question is, i want to try to get a health insurance that will minimize extremely the cost of getting these suckers removed. I dont understand all the deductible talk. So which insurance do you think is affordable and might be the one for me and my need? Please any advice and suggestions will be appreciated. Its a constant pain to go to the doctors and just come out with antibiotics which i guess take the pain but im not lying when i say that they are everyday permanently swollen. Please and Thank you.""
Why is my insurance going up?
It is 189 a month now, but in January it's going up to over 400. Is this part of the affordable care act?""
What is the cheapest homeowners insurance for the California (san gabriel valley) area?
I want to get the cheapest rates as possible. I am using USAA now but I think I can get a better deal. So far I've read that farmers is bad and allstate is too high. Any suggested companies that have rock bottom prices?
Car insurance question?
I recently got into a car accident that was my fault. The total damages is around 2000 dollars. the owner of the car has contacted me and asked if we could resolve it with out involving the insurance Company. What would be better to do? i have had one other accident that was not my fault. how much will my car insurance go up and for how long?
I'm switching car insurance and it's stressing me out?
The reason why it's stressing me out because the insurance company I had raised my insurance and I never been in an accident etc. I tried telling them I'm on a fixed income and I can't afford alot. I don't know what to do anymore I'm fed up with everything. This other insurance company asked me if I have any lapses if so then he can't give me a low rate for insurance and I never heard of that before? What is that?
What Multiline Insurance Company is the Best?
I need an insurance company that will do all line of insurance. Life, Auto, Home, Disability, Long Term Care and even Financial products. I heard COUNTRY insurance does that but I'm not sure.""
""Out of a mini one, mini cooper, fiat 500 and Rav-4 ?
Ok so this is my first car and these are all the cars I like and can get. So could someone plz tell me which is cheaper insurance for a 17 yr old girl and which is cheaper on petrol? Thank you xox
What is the cheapest car to insurance and tax?
Smart Car?
What would my car insurance be?
i am a boy about to turn 16 and i wanted a nice car i really want a standard sports car. any ideas on how much i would have to pay a month?
SR-22 Insurance?
Can someone please tell me the process? I got pulled over in May for DUI and I was told I had to get Sr-22 insurance. I have a brand new Mercedes Benz (CLK 350) and I am 23 years old. The title of the car is in my name and my moms name. Is there any way for me to get around this without her knowing? She will kill me!! Is there a way to take my name of title and just get the non owners SR-22 insurance? All of this is so confusing and i'm scared. Any experts out there?
Looking for health insurance for self employed person with hepatitus c?
I am self employed and have Hepatitus C, I am looking for health insurance""
""OMG, Men and car insurance!?""
Teenage boys have to pay more for car insurance, If it was the other way around and women had to pay more Feminist would throw a fit, This is a freaken double standard. How do you feel about this. p.s. I know that the rates for male teenage is higher then female teenagers but if this was switched the feminist would be pist.""
Can you switch car insurance with a pending accident case?
I had an accident about 4 years ago, it was my fault, but the case is still ongoing for that between the two insurance companies. I would like to switch from State Farm to Geico auto insurance to save some money. Would it be a problem to switch with a pending case?""
Question about full coverage insurance on car?
If you're car is worth about 7,000 dollars and it gets totaled how does the insurance company know it was worth about 7,000?""
Would it be fair if I give you a bit of tax hikes, since you can now save on more affordable health care which?
I gave to you?
Dental discounts or affordable insurance in NJ?
I do not have dental insurance for myself and I need a good amount of dental work done, i was wondering if anyone could tell me an affordable dental plan or insurance that isnt exspensive in NJ? Im not applicable for NJ familycare dental""
My insurance say I have to pay for the other parties repair costs and hire costs?
Do I have to pay for their car hire costs? I thought their insurance paid for it as you have that option when purchasing insurance whether you want courtesy car or not?? please help
Motorcycle insurance in the UK?
My husband has just brought a new bike, a Suzuki UH125 Bergman. What is the best and cheapest motorcycle insurance??""
Car Insurance for G35 Coupe 2003-2007?
I called triple A and they told it would be 2,700 dollars for a G37 Coupe for a 16 year old boy in a family plan, but how about a G35 Coupe? They are much older, so I assume that the insurance would be much lower? An estimate anyone? I Live in Northern California""
Insurance on Subaru STI?
I was curious roughly how much it cost for insurance on a Subaru STI? It would also be nice if people stated there insurance company, driving record, age group, and the state they live in? Thanks""
Speeding Ticket Insurance Rates?
So recently I received a speeding ticket. Because I'm a minor when I went to traffic court the judge told me that if I went to traffic school my ticket would not be reported to the DMV. So I went to traffic school and passed and all that jazz so my question is whether I report this as an incident when I look for insurance (I'm looking at motorcycles for when I go to college) even though it does not appear on my record. Thanks Guys.
What cars have cheap insurance for new drivers?
I have only been driving since january this year, i currently own a triumph spitfire that i have been restoring for the last two years, it is in really nice condition now and want something new, the insurance was only 756 for the first year which i was very pleased about. I want to sell my car an buy another convertible, but what cars have cheap insurance? i am looking into the the possibility of another classic or just a more modern car. all suggestions welcome. Thank you in advance""
Whats the price for transfering insurance?
Wanted to switch my insurance from my truck thats not running to one that is
Best health insurance plan for a low income individual?
Looking for the best health insurance plan for a 26 yo old single femail in tennessee. $30k/year job, minimal health problems, need medical, prescription, dental, and vision coverage. Paying $208/month currently and need better coverage. Please sends me in the right direction guys :)""
How much do Brits pay monthly for health insurance?
I see them on here all the time talking about how much better their system is than ours, that it is more affordable. How do they know how much it is costing them monthly if they are taxed to pay for it?""
What used vehicles are the cheapest to insure for new drivers?
My daughter just turned 16 and we are looking for an inexpensive used vehichle for her to drive. Insurance is unreal. What vehichles are the cheapest to insure?
Best home insurance in ma?
best and lowest home insurance in MA
How bad is insurance for a 17 year old with a stock 1979 datsun 280zx?
im buying my son a car soon and he found one stock average insurance cost? per month or annual
Where can i look for insurance if you are self employed?
I am currently employed in a coporation and have health coverage. I was planning on leaving but with my family history and my current medication for high blood pressure. I don't know if i can get coverage and it be pre-existing?
What do insurance companies look for when insuring a rental house?
I may want to rent out a town home in DC. My insurance company says that they need to do an inspection of the house, inside and out. What will they be looking for? What can I do to prepare?""
Why do insurance take so long to settle a claim Both partys have the same insureance?
My daughter was hit by a student whos is a policeman with schools the student was speeding neither one was given a ticket We hve the same insurance
Does auto insurance do this? Pay or Scam?
So it always seems that my Girlfriends mom is trying to slow her down by take her money or use her to get money from the state or what not. One of the new things is that her mom says is that geico called her up and told her because my girlfriend just got her Drivers License that she has to put her under her policy. She doesnt drive her moms car and is currently looking to get a new one. Is this a normal thing for the Insurance company to call up out of no where and tell them they have to pay because there is a new licensed driver that doesnt even drive the car the policy is on or Is it another way for her mom to gain more money
Get medical insurance or pay out of pocket ???
currently live in Southern California and work part-time with no medical coverage. I was recently accepted to NYU College of Dentistry and will be moving there in July. Before that though, I need to get physical & immunizations. I will definitely get medical insurance once I move out there, but my concern is before that time. Things I need for sure: Physical, TB skin test, Hep. B, and Meningitis immunizations. My question is: Should I purchase a short-term insurance coverage to get the necessary physical/immuzations done or should I just do it out-of-pocket. Also, if it is worth getting insurance for this period, would you guys please recommend couple of plans for me. ( I am 24, Male, non-smoker). THnaks in advance.""
I'm getting a Suzuki DR200SE and I want to know how much insurance would cost...?
I'm 14 and I'm going to get this bike. It's legal for me to drive off road (trails) but if I wanted to drive on road I would have to get my license (16 months time). The reason I want this bike is because when I am 16 it's 50 miles a gallon, and for a small bike it goes highway speed. I understand that because I'm under 25 that it's going to be a lot and I don't own a credit card so I don't have bad credit. I would just like to know how much per year that it would cost. Because if it's a lot I'm going to buy an old junker that's been sitting in my step dad's driveway for a few years.""
Does taking driving classes cheapen the cost of driving insurance for new drivers?
I'm planning to get my driver license when I turn 18 which is in two months and I live in Massachusetts. The state law says that you don't have to take driving classes in order to get your driver license if you are over the age of 18 but I am taking in order for my driving insurance to be less. If so, do you save around 10-15% on driving insurance rate? And how long does this discount on this insurance last for drivers.""
Cheaper car insurance on 2005 Toyota prius or 2002 Toyota Camry?
Which do you think would have generally cheaper car insurance? A 2002 4 cylinder Camry, or a 2005 4 cylinder prius? I know the Camry is older, but the prius is obviously more of a family car. People don't speed too often in prius'. i don't know. Any thoughts?""
Low Cost Health Insurance (Indiana)?
I was apart of the Medicaid program but then some way some how lost my eligibility for the program. I am 24, and do not smoke. All of the companies I have looked at quotes for are way to high. While I know it is ridiculous to think that I will receive a monthly payment as low as I was receiving while I had Medicaid, which was only $16 a month, I need to find a company, and plan that provides coverage to low income individuals fresh out of college that don't have a lot of money to spend. It would be nice if it was under $50 and still managed to cover most of the things that I need, generic drug coverage, and doctor office visits. Does anyone have a clue where and how I would be able obtain some kind of insurance that will not bankrupt me in the process? And my employer is not an option because they do not offer benefits packages. Please help!!""
How much i will paid from insurance Vauxhall Astra DR5 1.4 1995 year and where is the cheaper??
Vauxhall Astra DR5 engine1.4 made in 1995 year.I am looking from something cheap but good.
CAR INSURANCE rip off - I was involved in a car accident that wasnt my fault?
Insurance co.deducted $334 from my settlement so the policy is paid in full till July 2010.If I buy another car the policy doesnt transfer to the new car!They have robbed me $334 ? Wont mention the insurance co.(RACV) ooops!
Insurance 2006 Eclipse?
What would the insurance be for my 17 year old sister who wants to buy a 2006 mitsubishi eclipse. A student, good driver, took all the classes in school.""
Would it be fair if I give you a bit of tax hikes, since you can now save on more affordable health care which?
I gave to you?
0 notes
What is the average price of insurance of a $15,000 car for a paramedic?
"What is the average price of insurance of a $15,000 car for a paramedic?
21 years old , good credit rating works and goes to school, trading in 1998 jeep cherokee sport
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freeinsurancequotes.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
How Much Will My Insurance Go Up At 10km/h Over The Speed Limit?
I got a speeding ticket for going 60km/h in a 50km/h zone while trying to pass someone (which says in the driving handbook that it's legal as long as it's under 20km). I took it to the court and I was found guilty, I've never had any tickets in the whole 5 years I've been driving and no accidents at all. My insurance is already through the roof because I have a newer car and I'm only 23 and they said my premium won't have a big drop until I'm 25 anyway. I didn't lose any demerit points at all on my license and up until now I have had an absolutely clean driving record. If my insurance finds out, is there any idea how much my premium could possibly go up?""
Good site for buy SR22 Insurance Texas?
I had my first Dwi... :(
18 year old with car insurance question?
okay, i live with my parents...daddy has a car and insured it and put himself and my mother under the insurance. On paper, i dont live with my parents. Okay my question is if i get a car and put a different insurance under my moms name will her gettin a car effect the cost of my dads isurance (the only reason i think it will effect dads insurance is that my mom is on his insurance).""
Tell me a word which explain Insurance in a single line?
I need a good tagline for Insurance
Is insurance more expensive for a 07 civic si sedan or an 07 civic ex coupe?
Full cover insurance,I live in california, im 18, no tickets, no accidents. I know insurance is higher for 2 door cars but the civic si Is faster and more expensive.""
Is there some sort of reason that Car Insurance costs so much more in Nevada than it does in California?
Im looking into moving, and I cannot help but notice that the quotes I am getting are, well, DOUBLE what I pay in California. Granted, I am a 23 year old male and have a decent driving record, it is kind of shocking to see liability only coverage quoted at $250/month for my two 8 and 12 year old cars, when Im paying $125/mo. as of now in California for the same 100/300 coverage. Can someone explain this? I have some friends that have moved to Las vegas, with the same shocking increase in premiums... (And yes, I need the 100/300 since I own a home)""
How much does AAA car insurance cost?
okay im 15 years old and will be able to start driving next year. My parents promised to get me a car and pay for the first years insurance but only if i have enough for the second years insurance in my savings. The auto insurance my family has is AAA so if anyone has it and knows how much it would cost a new driver please lemme know thanks:)
Car Accident without Collision Insurance?
i was recently in a collision the other day. i was traveling straight with the right of way, and i was hit by a driver turning left into my lane to cross the intersection. i do not have collision on my car for it is a 99 grand am, and the damage is enough to total the vehicle. when the police arrived, they did not site the accident, however an officer mentioned it is clear what happened but in the hands of the insurance company'ss. i called liberty mutual, my company, and they told me to get into contact with the other drivers. i filled out the accident forms and sent them to the police and registry. her company told me that she had already filed a claim and that they would be in contact with me. i have no prior record of poor driving. no speeding tickets, no car accidents, i have a red light ticket that i appealed and won. is there anything i should be worried about? is my car going to be covered and if so how long does anappraisall take. i took photos of all the damage for records. 99 grand am, 138000 miles, just passed inspection thanks!""
How much is car insurance per month?
i'm 19 years old, have had my license for about a year, i work two jobs and i'm buying a used car. How much would it be per month ? I am also, starting college in the fall. any help or suggestions? thank you""
What the best cheapest 1 day van insurance in uk?
goin fron newcastle to glasgow tommorw n need the cheapest van insurance for a couple days going 10am n wanna come back 10/11pm
Which family/individual health insurance policy covers OPD expenses also in India?
Which health insurance companies are best, is it wise to buy policy from any of the companies which are listed there or registered with IRDA or we should keep certain things or criteria in mind? So that we should not feel sorry or guilty after buying or dealing with these in the need hour. THANKS""
Rover75 rear hit by a 4x4. Garage says not repairable what do I do? how much will the insurance pay?
The 4x4 damaged the rear end of my Rover 75, impossible to shut boot and lights not working. The garage and insurance now say it is not repairable. - but even after the accident, the car was driving perfectly. How much will the insurance company pay? Will they? Is there any way I can get the car fixed?""
Should my auto insurance company waive my deductible?
I recently was rear-ended by an uninsured driver. My insurance company assessed the damage at $1019.04, my collision coverage has a deductible of $1000 so my insurance company closed my claim and made payment of just $19.04. As I am a California resident, my policy includes the Collision Deductible Waiver. Are my insurance company therefore liable to waive my deductible and cover the full cost of my damages? If so, what should I do next?""
Do you have to have car insurance to get a Florida drivers license?
I'm 16 and about to travel to Florida and currently dont have a license. Do I have to have proof of insurance before I am able to get my teen restricted drivers license down there?
Whats the cheapest auto insurance for a 17yearold you have found?
Right now on my parents plan I'm quoted at $215 a month have u found anything cheaper?
""Car with basic insurance stolen, what will insurance company say?""
My 90 honda civic was recently stolen, and I had the most basic insurance legally possible. Will my insurance help cover this at all? I have car insurance through Omni and I already called them... but I have to wait 24-48 hrs before I'll hear back from them. I think I know the answer already, but can anyone that's been in a similar situation fill me in?""
What do police do if you are stopped for no mot or tax but have insurance?
Iv found some info out about someonejust was wondering what would happen??
Is it possible for me to get an insurance quote below 2000 for any possible car?
im 22..i've tried old and new cars for quotes... cars valued from 500 to 35,000... but the minimum possible quotes i get is around 2100.. and been given a quote of 7000 for a 2.0l bmw 3 series worth around 5000 itself... I know its not going to be 30 a month for such a young in experienced driver.. but 400 a month for a tiny car??!!... i have no one to help me ... how do i find out if car insurance is just a joke or is it possible to get some sensible quotes? how do normal people get sensible car insurance for the first time? or are they just born with 10 years of NCB ?""
""How much is the yearly average insurance for a sixteen year old in LA, California.?""
How much is the yearly average insurance for a sixteen year old in LA, California.PS. Liability only. And if you need to know the car and insurance corp its an 1995 Ferrari f355, and 21st insurance. Please give real averages and i am serious so please real and serious answers. What i mean is please tell me the price only for a year. Please only serious and real answers.""
Does anyone know a company that will give homeowners insurance if you own a pit bull?
I'm looking for a insurance company that will insure homeowners insurance if I have a pit or pit mix in Upstate NY
""If i want lighter trnasportation like a motorcycle or scooter, how much do they cost?""
how much for insurance, my car is nothing but trouble, and really i would love to just have a scooter, how much for one?""
This country needs affordable health care...so why are hospitals so lavish and extravagantly fancy?
Here is a link to the hospital if you think I am exaggerating..... http://www.henryfordwestbloomfield.com/body_wbloomfield.cfm?id=52381 I don't have insurance, and neither does my husband because we can't afford $600 month premiums for insurance that doesn't even KICK IN until you pay $5000 out of pocket! But it is really hard to sit and listen to everyone complaining about the EXPLODING cost of hospitals these days with all the hospitals in my area that are constantly renovating and competing to be the most lavish or fancy or architecturally beautiful when what people really need are just some common sense medical care from good doctors who will take a few minutes to listen to them. For Example, I recently visited a friend who was in a local hospital in my area that has expanded to include the following...A boardwalk with HUNDREDS of exclusive shops (required a trolly inside it was so huge!), marble fountains and floors and glass elevators and railings, live TV shows in their own Greenhouses and celebrity kitchens, multiple conference centers complete with reflecting pools, grand pianos and atriums with full size trees indoors, a pediatric wing that was bult to look like a giant tree house, complete with Tree shaped doors, private rooms with twenty foot long leather couches that curve along the wall for visiting relatives, 72 inch plasma TV's in the room along with Xbox, and complete cable/internet access, Floor to ceiling bay windows for a panoramic view of the gardens and lakes on the property. Now my friend could NEVER have afforded to stay in a hotel this nice, and couldn't pay for health coverage either. Thank God she qualifies for to be insured thru a medicaid program that covers this...but who is paying for all this excessive stuff? The taxpayers in the United States. I can't help but think that she could get really good care at a reasonable cost at a less fancy hospital...but who is going to tell the hospital where it spends it's money if someone is willing to say its necessary to have an UBER fancy hospital in order to give our citizens modern up to date medical care ?""
Is it legal to have two health insurances?
I am currently under my parents' insurance, however nobody accepts it where I am staying for the summer. At the end of august, I am going to be going back to college and they have a student heallth insurance that is accepted anywhere in the world. I want to get this insurance and stay on my parents' insurance because my parents' insurance has more benefits and I have a condition with my teeth that is very expensive to treat and my parents' insurance covers it completely. I doubt my schools insurance would do that. I just want to be able to be treated while I am in school where the area doesn't accept my current insurance. Is it legal for me to have my student insurance as well as my parents' insurance?""
What would my insurance be for a kia forte?
him im 16 im a male i want a kia forte lx all black, it would be my first car what would my insurance be""
Illegals can buy health insurance now. If they pay the premiums BCBS will sell them health insurance.?
Is that wrong of Humana and Blue Cross Blue Shield and the other Insurance companies?
What is the average price of insurance of a $15,000 car for a paramedic?
21 years old , good credit rating works and goes to school, trading in 1998 jeep cherokee sport
""What is the most reliable, low insurance, cheap small car-max budget 1200?""
I have an 'N' reg Nissan Micra, had it for around 4 years now, it's costing me more than it's worth in repairs and I need to get rid of it! It has been incredible reliable though, engine wise, just other stupid things (no doubt, age related) clutch has just gone and I could have done without that this side of xmas :( but at the moment, not in the position to replace it til next year. Trying to do my homework on cars til then, I have narrowed it down in this order: Volkswagen Polo Suzuki Swift Nissan Micra (obviously, a few years newer) Seat Ibiza (I know, budget pushing it on that one!) and finally, Ford Fiesta (don't know why, i find them so boring to look at, hence last on my list) Any view on above cars would be much appreciated, or other suggestions also. I need the car to be very low on insurance and economical to run as well.""
Where can I get temporary car insurance in the US?
I currently live in PA as an exchange student. My roommate owns a car and he would let me drive it but I am not covered by his insurance. What I need is a temporary car insurance for foreigners that don't own the car they want to drive. Any help is much appreciated!
Cost of 2005 bmw 745li insurance?
im 16 ill be gettin mine when im 17 whats the average insurance cost for a 2005 bmw 745li
California speedin and no proof of insurance ticket?
It was dark and raining. I just came off the bay bridge in SF and am positive I was driving below 40 on the bridge and between 40-60 when I got off the bridge. The cop was on 80E past fremont exit. He said I was at 67 in a 50 zone and also did not give me enough time to look for my proof of insurance. He said lets make this easy and quick and cited me for speeding and for no insurance and not no proof of insurance. He cited both as non-correctable. It this accurate? I don't think his radar reading isaccurate. How can I challenge this?
State farm insurance?
recently i got my license and am now added, without charge, to my parents' car insurance. i'm 23 and from texas. my question is, if was to get married, would the company drop me off of the insurance?? i want to know because my parents currenty don't know that i'm planning to get married. i'd really like to know any info pertaining to this...i already called, but couldn't talk to anyone right now, so any knowledge would be great. thanks!!""
Will My Car Insurance Go Up?
My wife scrapped the side of our SUV against the wall coming out of the garage. I would like to get it fixed through our insurance since the damage is more that $500 deductible. Do you think my insurance will go up if I make this insurance claim?
Cheapest Vans to insure?
Hi, I was looking into getting a van as a first car, ideally I was after something like a van/car cross, basically an estate with no back windows, I'm not sure of the group. I was wondering what decent vans are out there and what would be cheapest to insure? The main reason for wanting a van is I regularly surf and would sleep in the back occasionally.""
Non-owners SR-22 insurance?
I know it varies vastly by region and situation, but I need to get non-owners SR-22 insurance (I don't own a car, but I do need to drive occasionally). I thought I had read somewhere that it's not too expensive, but I can't seem to find any sort of information on it. If it helps, I'm in Wisconsin. I can provide more info if people need it to help. (I'm not looking for a specific quote, just what sort of range I should expect and how much of a dent this'll make in my budget)""
""Insurance Claim estimate lower than expected, what do I do?""
An elderly lady backed up into my car a few days ago and we decided it'd be best to file an insurance claim. After the claim was ruled in my favor I was sent to a body shop for an estimate of the repair. The damage was to the rear quarter panel of my car which consisted of a scrape across the panel and a quarter sized dent in the panel. The insurance adjuster gave me an estimate and check for 855$. My question is in regards to the repairs, I feel that since this is 100% the other party's fault and since I am the person who has to drive the car that I am entitled to the maximum premium in repairs. I have been reading on Paintless Dent Removal (PDR) and most will say that its the cheap way of making a repair. Does anyone know if it would be possible to go back and get a new estimate/settlement for a new rear quarter panel? Basically my logic is this, if you damage any of my property it should be 100% my call if I want to settle for a compromise or not.""
Is it true about how you can avoid paying car insurance?
I was once told by one of my professors that the law allows you to not pay car insurance as long as you have a certain amount of money on reserve for paying the cost of the accident (if the judge found you to be the cause.) Is this true or the law have changed? If it's true, it would sound logical to test the stats to see the probability of you getting into an accident and the time you can avoid paying insurance. Any thoughts?""
How can I lower my insurance rate?
I got a speeding ticket back in july of '04. My insurace went up recently. I am past the traffic school time. I live in CA. Is there anything I can do to lower my rate increase
Are petrol cars or diesel cars cheaper to insure?
Are petrol cars or diesel cars cheaper to insure?
Children's health insurance?
Just had custody of 15 and 18 year old changed from me to their Dad . All their lives I've been responsible for their insurance . As far as CHIPS goes in Texas . Since kiddos now live with their Dad . I can no longer get them enrolled . And our custody papers say I am to keep insurance on them till they are no longer eligible . Well , they are no longer eligible . Through the guide lines of CHIPS here in Texas . I even have the paper they sent to me . I can't get insurance on them . What am I to do now . Or is it up to my ex to go and enroll them ? I am a stay at home Mom who babysits . So I do not have access to private insurance .""
Is my newborn covered under my insurance plan?
my baby was born on 7/2/09 and was in the NICU for 9 days. Yesterday we received a statement stating that our insurance company has not paid our claim, do they usually pay for something like this or are we responsible to pay?""
Wrong birthdate on auto insurance?
my parents wont help me out with insurance, i bought my own car, i have a full time job and i am really responsible. i am 4 months from being 18 and need to get auto insurance for my new car. i live out on my own already and handle everything by myself. Do I have any options with auto insurances that would take a 17 year old in washington state. OR what would happen if I put I was one year older for the next four months than changed it? Does the insurance company verify?""
SR-22 for DUI in California? Secondary liability insurance?
Has anyone ever heard of Secondary Insurance? How does it work? Is it legal? My attorney recommended a guy for this policy, and it sounds too good to be true. They create a Shell liability policy for my person, unattached to my car, and my auto rates won't increase? Is this a total scam? I need to get a SR-22 to get my lisence back. Any help is appreciated and of course bested""
How much do insurance prices drop after 1 year for young drivers?
I'm a 17 year old male and paying 125 a month on insurance, as you can imagine its a big hit to my bank account. Im on my mothers policy but will my prices drop in the next year and if so by how much?""
Need of car insurance web service?
I am doing project in car insurance.For that i want web services for car insurance. Please anyone list car insurance web service available
Temporary car insurance problem...Help!?
My car has to go away for repair and I don;t know how long its going to take, so I want to get insured on my parents car. Because I am still 20, I cant get temporary car insurance and the insurance policy on my parents car won't insure me as an additional driver because of my age and because the car is fairly new. Any ideas on how I can be insured on this car would be welcome, as I still need to get to and from work! Thanks.""
Can i get sr22 insurance without a VEHICLE ?
my liscence is suspended because i have lost the privelage to operate a motor vehicle in the state of rhode ialand and need sr22 to reinstate. however my liscence is issued in massachusetts. i need to clear up RI before MA reissues. i keep getting answers how to get sr22 without a liscense, but how do u get one WITHOUT A VEHICLE to insure. insurance is not required in MA without a vehicle. PLEASE HELP !!""
How does car insurance work? do u have to pay for it monthly?
i'm buying my first car and am confused as to how car insurance works. i know its better to have insurance before driving your car off the lot but how does insurance work? do you pay insurance monthly liek you do for a car note?
How much is Student Insurance?
Hey guys, just wanted to know that how much is student insurance on a 1999, 2000 and 2001 car? You see im thinking of buying one but i hear that insurance is a whopper so just thought i would be careful and ask. Thanks.""
What factors will affect full coverage auto insurance coverage?
What factors will affect full coverage auto insurance coverage?
Where can I get insurance in New York City?
Hi everyone and thanks for reading, I know it's probably a stupid couple questions but I'm trying to figure this out, perhaps i'm not looking in the right places. Anyway I need to know a couple things: 1) Where can I get health insurance in NEW YORK CITY for my employees? 2) Where can I get insurance again in NYC for my company? Thanks everyone!""
""How much would insurance be on a $39,000 Lexus LS 460 car?""
Im probably gonna buy my dream car that cost $39,000 but its valued at $43,000. Its a 2007 Lexus LS 460 and i want to know how much full coverage insurance would be? I have a good driving record with no accidents and just need a basic idea. Thanks!!""
What is the average price of insurance of a $15,000 car for a paramedic?
21 years old , good credit rating works and goes to school, trading in 1998 jeep cherokee sport
Question with car insurance?
Okay so we have two cars. One 1992 buick and a 2006 civic coupe. I usually drive the coup and my name was on the insurance for it, but recently my parents swapped insurance to save money but it involved switching my name to the buick and their name onto the civic. They tell me i can't drive the civic anymore b/c if i get into an accident then it won't be covered since it's under their name and not mine. Is this really true? I thought that as long as the car is insured it's covered?""
What would be the best/cheapest place to get moped insurance through?
I live in Edmonton, Alberta and I just bought a little 50cc Honda Jazz to use to commute to work with. I can't seem to find online quotes so I was wondering if anyone had any ideas on a good place to go to for reasonably priced insurance for the moped. Also, would I have to pay for a whole year up front or could I pay month-to-month?""
Do you need insurance to ride a motorcycle with a motorcycle learner's permit in California?
I find information about people having their motorcycle licenses with insurance, but I couldn't find any information about having insurance with a motorcycle permit in California. I am 16 and have a motorcycle learner's permit and want to start riding.""
""Im getting quotes for well over 4,000 for car insurance is this right?""
Im getting quotes for well over 4,000 for car insurance is this right? My grandson is 17 and has passed his Advanced driving test. He has a VW Polo. Would he be able to be put on my insurance as I have 5 years no claims. Would this lower his by much? He has also been driving cars/tractors around a farm since he was about 13 would this make a difference? Thanks""
Best renters insurance in california?
Best renters insurance in california?
How much would my insurance go up if im 17 and was at fault for a car accident worth more then 750 dollars?
my family plan was about 3k every 6 months. The other car had about 3.4k worth of damage also. Also if i turn 18 will my insurance still become cheaper?
Auto insurance involuntarily cancelled?
I got a new auto insurance begining June. And I had an hail damage and hit and run case towards the end of June. On July 30 there was an accident, other person involved was at fault as he rear-ended my car. I reported all these occurances. I get a involuntary cancellation of the auto insurance policy after a couple of days. They sent me this notice and also made me aware of the right to dispute this with the State commisoner for Insurance. Now, when I go shopping for new insurance, I get an increased premium quote. None of the reported claims are my fault and I do not know if I have to dispute this case with the commisioner for insurance or not and not sure how much money I have to spend towards it. Please advice what to do in this situation, thank you in advance.""
Health Insurance for 18 going to 19 year old?
My boyfriend is currently 18 years old. In January he will turn 19. He has no health insurance.We live in Texas. He's currently working/has his own income but still lives in his grandma's home. He started working making roughly about 250-300 every week, this has however only been for half the year before he was only making minimum wage. Should he get insurance from where he works? Or can he qualify for Medicaid or something of that sort? How does insurance work when you move out also?? Who qualifies for Medicaid? How? We're honestly clueless about all this, and no one has given us information. I've tried doing online research but it's all confusing.. I was hoping someone would help me out. Anything will help. Thank you.""
Insurance price?
does anyone have an idea of how much insurance would be for me to purchase a new wrx sti? age 24, pittsburgh PA, clean record...any rough estimates?""
""For a 16 year old how much does insurance cost for a year, an average, and what is out there that is the best?""
insurance plan, only answer if u have insurance or have experience""
Homeowner's insurance?
My house is now worth substantially more than it was when I purchased it a few years ago. At the time of purchase, I had the house insured for the appraised value. Now it is worth tens of thousands more. I'm concerned that I would lose all of this equity if there was a disaster like fire that destroyed the building. Is it wise to increase the amount of coverage now and if so, is it usually neccessary to have another appraisal done or do insurance companies simply allow a homeowner to get coverage in any amount they desire?""
Reg. vehicle insurance?
5 years back i took an insurance for my bike for Rs.35000/- Now the value is depreciated to 20000/-. So i stopped paying the insurance and my policy got lapsed. My question is suppose if any traffic constable asks me for the insurance what should i say? How to get rid of this situation without paying the fine.
What's the best car insurance company? Your experience?
I just purchased a new car and my family and I have about 4 cars currently under farmers insurance and pays way over $200 on car insurance...the dealer at the agency mentioned that he bought the same car and has 4 other cars with Nationwide and pays under $200 full coverage. In your experience and in your opinion from what you know or have experienced which insurance companys over the best service for your buck or offer great options. I think we are paying a lot and the options aren't that great. Thanks
Give three or more reasons why americans should not have health insurance?
what are three or more reasons why americans should not have health insurance
Is insurance expensive if i buy a 2005 scion tc??
I am turning 18 in a week, and am looking to buy a car. I love the scion tc, but they are new cars (they came out in 20050 so i dont know if it is affordable for me. Ive never been in a car accident so my insurance is at its normal level right now, but how much will the insurance be?""
Will my auto insurance go up?
I am a California San Diego resident. Four days ago, it was raining very heavily and I was driving a carpool lane on the freeway at about 60-65mph. All of a sudden my car hydroplaned and spinned 360 degrees about 3times and then it finally stopped when my car's rear crashed into the concrete median. FORTUNATELY, it was 4am and this accident did not involve anyone else. I had to leave the place like nothing had happened, because I was on my way to the airport. When I arrived at the airport I looked at my car's rear and the bumper and trunk was heavily damaged. Now, I am in a foreign country enjoying my vacation. My questions are following: (1) Will my insurance go up if I report this accident to my auto insurance? I have a full coverage. (2) Will I be in problem if I report this accident when it has been 4days? I really had no time until now because I had to fly and then settle a problem over here in Asia. Any thoughts/opinions are very welcome! Thank yoU!""
Is there any way my parents can get my license suspended? and for new drivers how much is the insurance?
my dad is saying he doesnt want me to drive cuz im gonna visit my boyfriend. nd i jst wanna know if he cld suspend my license? my dad doesnt want to pay for my insurance nd i have to pay for it. nd was wondering how much its gonna cost me.
Will my auto insurance increase once I am off my parents policy?
I am currently driving a 2013 Chevy Cruze I just bought. I am a college student so for right now I am under my parents insurance policy and paying around 135 a month for the Cruze. The Cruze is titled under my name and I am the the primary driver. When I am out of school will my rate per month go up a lot when I get my own policy?
Car insurance question.?
I am wanting to get a car at a dealership, and one of the papers they need is to show proof that I have car insurance on the car I have now. So here is the deal with the insurance, I am under my sisters policy, but my car is shown as she owns my car. Will this still work for the dealership? Technically I do have insurance under my car. Please any advice would help, thank you(:""
What can I expect for getting caught without auto insurance?
I recently got caught driving without insurance (stupid I know). The cop was nice enough not to impound my car, so he just gave me a ticket with a court date. I'm assuming I can expect a large fine, but what else? Anything?""
What Insurance Company has Accident forgiveness?
I need a company that wont be so expensive. I had a bad accident and need a different insurance company, any good ones? Im in Florida btw""
How much info does a third party insurance company need?
I was asked to clear out an office a few weeks ago for the company that I work for. I got given a transit van and drove into London no problems. On the way back while parking up at work I hit another persons car and tore the bumper off. I found out who it was and told her straight away, she wasnt happy but I explained that Im covered by the company. She has started to claim though her insurance and our faculties department has done the same. I have told my insurance company aswell. The faculties department has asked for my insurance details for my private car insurance? Im not happy about giving them these details, can I refuse?""
I'm gonna be late on my State Farm car Insurance?
I have to pay the 6 month one and I'm late on it, I was supposed to pay for it today and it was my fault because I won't be having my paycheck til next week, on Friday. Do you think they will let me have an extension for the payment and if so, Do you think they will let me have the extension for 9 days? Please lmk, thanks.""
Cheapest Car Insurance Deal For A 17Year Old In The UK?
Cheapest Car Insurance Deal For A 17Year Old In The UK?
Where can I find Affordable Dental Insurance. I recieve coverage from my job but need more coverage?
I recieve 1000 a year form my job, and I need more work done. I have used the max, so please let me know what is the best plan for me""
What is the average price of insurance of a $15,000 car for a paramedic?
21 years old , good credit rating works and goes to school, trading in 1998 jeep cherokee sport
If you are stopped for an uninsured car does this affect yor insurance premiums?
I was stopped for an uninsured car and they towed it. Does this affect my insurance premiums? How much is the usual fine for uninsured,unregistered and invalid inspection sticker? I did not get a sticker when I registered it in my name. Are there any other issues I may have to deal with before I register again?""
Is there a law in California stating that the newest driver(under18) has to get insured under the newest car?
Is there a law in California stating that the newest driver(under18) has to get insured under the newest car?
No income how do I get health insurance?
I've been reading and looking up info but I can't find exactly what to do. I have no job no saving no money at all I live in Las Vegas Nv I've tried looking for a job for the past 3 years now and I haven't found anything I live with my sister I'm not handicap nor have children or go to school so how and where do I get health insurance?
Adding a teen to the insurance with past accidents?
I take my license test exactly one week from today. I have all the insurance papers that I needed from my driving school. do I wait until I get my license to get on the insurance or can I do it now so that I'll be on there for next week? also, when I had my permit, I had two minor parking lot accidents that my dad had to take the blame for. Now that I will be on the insurance can I tell them it was me so that I will pay for the increase directly to the insurance company or should I just pay him the difference of what it is now and what it used to be each month? because I know his driving record will follow him for life. thanks in advance!""
350z insurance cost tx 16year old?
how much is insurance for a 2006 350z for a 16 year old first car in texas?
Is auto insurance cheaper in the U.S or in Europe?
According to my father in Europe auto insurance is cheaper because when you get a ticket they don't work with points you just pay the ticket and the car insurance never finds out about it anybody know if this is true.
How much does it cost to put car insurance on a bugatti?
How much does it cost to put car insurance on a bugatti?
A theory on how to reduce car insurance for young drivers?
I have an idea of how to reduce my insurance for young drivers like myself, and it goes like this, I buy a motorcycle for about 10 to nothing(it could be broken I don't care), with this motorcycle I insure it for about 100, because insuring a motorcycle is a lot cheaper than insuring a car, then for a year I have no claims with this motorcycle, would this then reduce the cost of my insurance premium for a car?""
What things increase the cost of car insurance?
im 21 and the quotes are huge!! help!
How much aproximately will my car insurance be for a peugeot 306 for a new driver?
the car is 1.4 engine size and a 1999 model
What is a private jet's insurance price? and maintenance costs? Averagely.?
For College I have to do a business plan. We are creating a fictive private jet renting company in Colombia but i can't find these informations. It is really important as i is part of our financial statements. Thank you very much.
Wich car will cost more?
wich car will cost more in insurance? im a 16 year old boy with a3.0. i dont need exact prices just wich costs more. 2004 mustang v6 or 2004 silverado 1500 access cab 5.3 litre v8. thank you
Travelers -safeco insurance..need help?
Hi Everybody .. I am in CA and paying around $2K yearly for Auto Insurance only . I recently got a quote from Travelers and Safeco Insurance for about 1400 yearly (for Auto and Home) . That is a very good saving but I have not heard much about these insurance companies . Any Ideas on how good and reliable these companies are ? Is Travelers better than safeco or vice versa .. Any help is greatly appreciated
How much does insurance cost for a 16 year old newly licensed driver and a car?
How much does insurance cost for a 16 year old newly licensed driver and a car?
Why are Pickup trucks so expensive to insure?
ok, I'm 17 and I own a 1999 Dodge Ram 4x4. I pay an insane amount for insurance, and I know I'm a teenager, but I haven't had any tickets or accidents to make it go up. Anyway, my truck is really common in my area, there are Ford, Chevy, and Dodge trucks everywhere you look. But yet I compare the insurance of my truck to a brand new Camaro SS, and the Camaro way cheaper, Heck I compared it to a Brand new Mercedes Benz CLS63 AMG, and it's still way cheaper. I'm thinking about getting a little newer Dodge Ram, but the insurance is a little more expensive on it than what I'm already paying. So why are trucks the most expensive vehicles to insure? I mean if they are in a low speed accident, they don't cost nearly as much to fix as a Brand new expensive car such as a Mercedes with expensive parts, and trucks don't get damaged as easily either. It's kind of frustrating that I have a 11 year old vehicle that you see everywhere, and the cost to insure it is outrageous already, but even If I get the same truck only 5 years old, it's even more to insure, which is understandable seeing how it's newer. I know trucks are big, but even a Brand new Suburban cost less to insure than my 11 year old truck. The truck I'm thinking about buying is the most expensive vehicle possible to insure on a standard drivers license.""
I'm not gay but need health insurance?
In my state (ct) my boyfriend can not add me to his health insurance policy because we are not a homosexual couple. We live together and have for a long time, but because we have the option of getting married I can't have coverage. While I am happy that Ct takes homosexual relationships into account, I feel heterosexuals are being discriminated against. We are not religious and in no hurry to marry- we are very happy. Any thoughts on the legalities here or how to get around this?""
Terms Life Insurances-term life policy?
i am wanting to cash in a 14year life insurance policy. the amount is $50,000. what is the formula for a cash out, in other words how much will i receive?""
Cost of 2005 bmw 745li insurance?
im 16 ill be gettin mine when im 17 whats the average insurance cost for a 2005 bmw 745li
Affordable Health Insurance?
I was in a pedestrian accident earlier this year. The case has since been settled and I was awarded $25,000. That was the maximum insurance the driver had, after lawyer fees, etc., etc., I didn't end up with much. I am unable to work and have no health insurance. My back is still scarred. Everyday, all the time it aches. I stopped treating with the chiropractor because he was making me feel worst the entire 2 months I treated. I need prescriptions and medical attention period! I have about $4,000 left, but I am unemployed and do not want to continuously dip into my savings. Since my lawyer has been paid, I seem to be of least concern.""
Insurance Cost for Bike?
Hello I'm deciding on either a CBR 125 or a Boulevard S40. The only thing is I want to know around how much insurance each will cost(I live in Canada) And any other reason you think one bike is better than the other would be great. This is my first bike.
Who has the best auto insurance?
from a price, service, quality perspective""
I need cheap insurance for saxo 1.6 vtr?
ive just passed my test and already had a car which is a citreon saxo 1.6 vtr, ime 26 and getting quotes for 5000. i only paid 600 for the car. does anyone know where i can get cheaper insurance on that car. thnks""
How much would your car insurance go up for a o.u.i?
How much would your car insurance go up for a o.u.i?
Car insurance in my name?
My mom gave me a car afew yrs back and it is still in her name. She's had insurance in her name but wasn't able to make the payment this month. Can I get insurance on the car in my name even with car still in her name?
What is the average price of insurance of a $15,000 car for a paramedic?
21 years old , good credit rating works and goes to school, trading in 1998 jeep cherokee sport
0 notes
Can I get Motorcycle insurance for a hired motorcycle in Thailand?
"Can I get Motorcycle insurance for a hired motorcycle in Thailand?
I am planning to spend two weeks in Phuket and intend to hire a motorcycle. Is there anyway i can get compriensive insurance for this? Thanks Phil
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://saleinsurancequotes.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
How much would insurance cost on a dodge charger in nj?
How much would insurance cost on a dodge charger in nj?
Does anyone know of any affordable health insurance companies for individuals living in Ohio?
Does anyone know of any affordable health insurance companies for individuals living in Ohio?
What should an 18-21 year old pay for motorcycle insurance? liability only?
if i were to get a motorcycle i would have to pay the insurance and i would like to know the cheapest but smartest way to do it.
No insurance on used car?
i bought a used car on a Wednesday the guy i bought the car from only gave me a bill of sale had no registration on the car. i left with the car i got pulled over for speeding 72 on 55 it was a stick shift and i didnt really think i was going that fast and that same day and i had no insurance on the car the cop gave me the ticket for speeding and for no proof of insurance and he let me go. then i sold the car 2 days later on friday to make a quick buck out of it. my question is if i sold the car can i still get fined for the no insurance if i don't have the car any more. hopefully the judge waves it and just fines me for the speeding i live in california
Help with insurance?
As of Friday I found out I was pregnant. I would like to schedule a doctors appt. ASAP but i dont have health insurance. Which would be the best and quickest insurance that I can apply for? and is there an insurance that I can apply for online?
Retirement and Health Insurance?
Hello, I am getting ready to retire and am having a hard time finding affording health insurance. I am retireing at 62 so am not able to get medicare yet. Does anyone know of any affordable health insurance plans for Seniors in Florida? Any info is much appreciated.""
What is the best motorcycle towing insurance to have?
I have a Yamaha 650 V-Star with spoke wheels and I tend to go on several hundred mile road trips. I did not had a flat in 6,000 miles of riding last year, but I want to be prepared.""
Insurance esitmate for 2 door vauxhall corsa?
Im 17, and im planning to get a vauxhall corsa, estimated insurance prices please?""
Insurance rates for 19 year old?
what would the insurace rates be for a 19 year old driving one of these cars. all cars would be sedan (4-door) models. 03-04 honda civic 97-01 subaru impreza RS 96-98 BMW 318 94+ acura integra 98-01 honda accord 00-03 nissan sentra
Why my insurance is expensive?
my dad will buy me new insurance. also he will get me new mazda3 hatchback. auto insurance agent sent us a message. i was suprised because my new insurance costs me 1,927.00 dollars for 6 months! it will be close to 4,000 for a year. and im 18 why?! i never had car accident, no tickets, and more! im good driver for 3 years and have good grade. and i live in orange. why?! tell me please. thank you! :)""
Who's the best company for young car insurance?
I know the kind of car to get for cheap insurance but i'm still looking at around 3000 for insurance, i was just wondering if there is any companies out there people my age can actually afford.""
""Under Obama's healthcare policy, I can pay for affordable health insurance only when I am sick?ou like to ask?""
Obama said he will make sure Health Insurance companies will offer people with pre-exisiting condition. Right? So... I don't have to pay for Health Insurance now, because I am healthy and plus I can save some money. I can pay for Health Insurance after I hurt myself or get sick. Just pay monthly fee until I am well. Cool... Alright, fine. I guess the Health Insurance companies will have to pay my medical bills.""
Emergency answers asap! Cheapest car insurance just to be legal?
We just need to drive from texas to PA, and we're not going to keep the plan. we just need to be kept legal from pa to texas, i realize we'll need 6month car insurance (assuming temporary car insurance is a myth) we need to leave tomorrow and we will be on the road a few days geico dropped us immediately after a car side swiped us, so that is on the record. yes, the cancellation is effective. we don't have time to investigate, I really just need cash numbers or whatever advice you may have.""
Auto insurance for son ?
Is my son automatically covered under our auto insurance now that he has a Driver's license ? If I call the insurance company won't they charge me some ridiculous amount of money for a 16 year old ?
OK here's a good one. I have a 2002 Dodge 4 door Neon. I need insurance fast. But I need it cheap.?
As cheap as I can get it. I need it for work. I have not had it covered before. Also I live in Illinois. Im seperated and the only one driving it. And I need it fast and cheap. Any ideas on where I can go? Please I need only serious answers, please! Ty""
How long does it take for the dmv to get my sr-22?
i had my insurance company electronically send proof of financial responsibility to the dmv a little more than a week and a half ago and they still have not processed it. How long is the whole process supposed to take? I am dealing with the California DMV. Thanks
Whats higher in cost car insurance or van insurance at 19 years old?
just a little argument what would cost more car insurance or van insurance
How much will my insurance rate go down if i take driving school?
...I just turned 18 and im wondering if i should go through the schooling..
""What car has low insurance fees, cheap parts, and is some what fast stock?""
I get a car in a little bit and I don't know what to get. I have some ideas such as a Nissan 350z, Mustang Cobra, Mitsubishi Lancer Evo or a Subaru Impreza but I don't know how much the insurance would be to cover those for a 16 year old male.""
I want to know how much the car insurance is going to cost me if i get a peugeot 106 quicksilver or?
a Golf Mark 4 with Pass plus and Without Pass Plus? TY Im 17years old aswell and havent passed yet will do soon
How does auto insurance work?
I just had an accident today. Me and someone else were backing up at the same time in the parking lot, and we backed into each other. I drive an Explorer, so there was only paint damage. The other car was much smaller so they have a large dent on their rear bumper. We both have Allstate for our insurance. We exchanged info, so what now? Will i have to pay for the other cars damage or will AllState do that? and how much will my insurance increase? this is my second accident. My first was 5 years ago.""
Can one opt out of Pay as you go Car Insurance rates?
I was recently shopping around for car insurance. One to see if I could save a couple dollars on my current plan of $150 a month, as well as to get an idea of what I'd be expecting to pay upon getting a better car for commuting. While I was shopping around I quickly started finding out that California has milage based insurance. I commute on average 130 miles a day to and from work not including my personal driving on the weekend or when I go out shopping or whatever else. With that I found that these insurance companies want me to pay them the equivalent of a small mortgage payment to insure my vehicle. So I wouldn't be saving any money in fact I'd be paying close to 1100 dollars more per month than what I do now. All cause I need to live further out from where I work in order to afford a nice place for myself and family. So what are my options? Can I request non milage based quotes and plans or is this some mandate now? Would I have to uproot my entire family just so I can save money on car insurance. While at the same time spending way more on rent? Example I rent a 4 bedroom house for about $2000 a month currently. To get the same thing much closer to my job would be about $5000 a month. If gas prices were't bad enough, lets now punish the many who have longer commutes than the rest is that how its to be understood?""
What are different basic insurance certification programs?
Am looking for an insurance career. Am a mom thinking of starting my career after a 6 yrs break. I want to know the basic insurance courses available. are thereany govt recognized exams and certifications available am totally new to this am newto USA so dont know much abt the programs. pls help with some info.
Looking for a car with free insurance.......?
My brother has just passed his driving test and I am trying to help him get a new car but keep the costs down. He is 23 and I was wondering if anyone new of any deals that are on at the moment. He lives in Glasgow if that's any help. Thanks everyone Kevin
What does total excess mean with car insurance ?
hi on my car insurance it says 450 total excess what does that mean ? thanks
Can I get Motorcycle insurance for a hired motorcycle in Thailand?
I am planning to spend two weeks in Phuket and intend to hire a motorcycle. Is there anyway i can get compriensive insurance for this? Thanks Phil
Car got broken into... How much will insurance cover?
So my buddy calls me in the morning of the last day of school (I decided not to go and sleep in). He needs to borrow my jumper cables for my friend. He comes over, and we head over to my car to get the cables. I open the trunk, and my subwoofer isn't in my car any more... Head over to the passenger side and see that the window was smashed in, they stole my mp3 player and broke the recliner for the passenger side chair... Right in front of my house. I'm wondering how much will get covered by insurance... We have Progressive. I'm wondering if a. They'll cover the price of the sub, mp3 player, and cost to get the recliner fixed (sub and mp3 cost a total of $200-$250). idk about the recliner, maybe $60. I know they'll cover the cost of the broken window ($200, already dropped it off to get fixed), but my dad (owner and insurance payer of the car) is wondering if the increase in rates will be worth saving the $200 in window repair. Thanks. Make sure to take your valuables out of your cars at night or in a sketchy area, guys.""
""Ran a stop sign, will my insurance increase?""
I am 20 and accidentally ran a stop sign today and got pulled over. I am in FL and the ticket is 166$. I am under my parents insurance and was using my dads car. I was planning on paying it rather than doing traffic school or trying to fight it, i'd rather just get it over with and pay the dang thing. But, my question is will it show up on there insurance that 'someone got a ticket on this day for this price and this reason and raise their insurance even if I pay it off? Reeeally don't want them to find out! Also, how to pay it?""
Dentist cost for teeth cleaning without insurance?
I live in Fairfax, VA and was wondering how much would it cost for the teeth cleaning with no heath insurance. thanks""
Is insurance needed with a permit?
Im 17 with my drivers permit. Do i need insurance or does the insurance that my parents who are driving with me have cover it? I live in California
What car insurance company would you recommend?
my car is salvage so i basically have no choice but to obtain liability only...what insurance company would you suggest has better rates?
What health insurance should I get?
I really need help on picking out a health insurance plan. I started working as a nurse. The facility where I work does offer insurance, but I think I rather pick an independent insurance company outside of the hospital. I'm planning to buy health insurance for my mom as well. She couldn't get medicare yet. Can you guys tell me some information about health insurance? The only company I know which I heard from others is blue shield/blue cross. I have looked around their website yesterday, but they have a bunch of plans which I dont really understand. I think the cheapest plan they have is near $400 a month for one person?""
What does average insurance premium mean?
What does average insurance premium mean?
Average health insurance costs?
I pay $69.70 for health insurance every two weeks from BC/BS. My co-pay is $25 per visit to the Dr. $60 for urgent care, and $100 for a trip to the ER. I realize that this is not a comprehensive listing of everything I get with the policy, but is there a way to find out if this is around the average that most companies offer their employees on a group plan? Thanks in advance for any insight.""
Is it illegal if someone else pays for my health insurance?
I lost my job last month, and I need to know if there would anything illegal or wrong if say a relative paid for my health insurance until I get a new job? The insurance is through this new Affordable Care Act program.""
Individual PPO Dental Insurance with No Waiting Period?
Does anyone know any individual dental insurance with a PPO plan and has NO waiting period? I live in the state of California. I've already tried Blue Shield and they have a 6-12 month waiting period for the PPO plan. And I've already try tons of other dental insurance (Metlife, Safeguard, etc) and they all have HMO plans or doesn't provide individual dental insurnace.""
Girlfriend as spouse for auto insurance?
What could happen to me if I claim my girlfriend as my spouse on my auto insurance quote to get a better quote?
How much does car insurance cost a month?
for a 20 year old university student who's low risk
How much is for car insurance for first time drivers?
How much is for car insurance for first time drivers?
I need cheap car insurance?
I need cheap car insurance?
Best car to get for the cheapest insurance in the UK for a new young driver?
im nearly 17 and looking to start driving, which car would let me pay the least amount of insurance?""
""No health insurance, now what?""
for the last 3months ive had numbness in both my arms and feet, i believe its a pinch nerve, as of now i have no health coverage until january cause i applied late for it through work. am i doing the right thing by waiting , i cant afford to pay for a doctor, medical bills are expensive, what would you do""
What Are some cheap insurance for 16 years old teen?
What are some insurances cheap California for a first time driver 16 years old teen? Wanted to add my own not to parents? Parents what are insurances your teen using in California ? Please list how much you pay or your teen and what's the insurance is called? Thanks
How much do you pay for ur car insurance every month and how old are u?
I pay $83.09 every month and i am 20 years old. is that too much??, keep in mind that i never had any kind of accident or anything and i started driving when i was 15. I kinda starting to think its a waste of money if u think about it.""
Motor insurance policy q2?
hi contemplating on making a second claim. how does this effect my renewal premium? situation is the policy holder had an accident where the third party was at fault and this claim was dealt with few months ago. now a named driver had a piece of metal flung at the car. the excess is only 50 and estimated cost to repair independantly 150-200. but i'm not sure how much premiums usually go up by? if for example making a second claim bears not much difference as a claim has already been made then I might as well do it through insurance. If making a second claim bumps up the renewal considerably higher then maybe I should just pay 150-200 GBP by independant garage and save on my premium?
Do I have to buy health insurance under Obama care?
I am a single mother 44 years old, I live with my 16 years old daughter in Colorado. I make about $ 24000 a year, my daughter and me are very health people and we never go to the hospital. We never buy health insurance before and have no idea about it. I heard under new law, I have to buy some kind of health insurance, anyone know which one has the lowest rate and how much we have to pay every month? many thanks.""
Are we covered with liability insurance?
if we got in a car accident no 2nd party or whatever its just us 3 in the car 2 of us got sent to the hospital .. the driver that was at fault only has liability insurance .. are we covered with the medical expenses? like if we file a complaint to their insurance can they do something about it since we goin to need therapy and such?
Monthly car insurance?
I've got my driving test in September, and if I pass I would love to buy a car. I was thinking about getting monthly car insurance as this would be easier for me. Now I know that you need insurance before you can buy a tax disc. My car would also be parked on the road outside my house. My question is, if I decide to not use my car for a month do I still need to buy insurance for that month. I know if the vehicle is parked on the road you must have a valid tax disc, but I was unsure whether I need to be insured as well even if I'm not using the car?""
Do most health insurance plans...?
if going from the US to Europe to work as an au pair for 2 months, how likely is it that health insurance will cover you while there?""
Insurance For My Daughters Scooter?
My 16 yr old daughter is being stupidly high prices for her scooter insurance - she has a 49cc and has past her CBT test. can anyone suggest a company who specialise in young riders ?
""Car insurance is way to high, will riding/insuring a 50cc or 125cc bike reduce my car insurance after 2 years?""
I am 19 and have passed my car driving licence 2 months ago. The insurance for all the cars I have looked at are way to high. More than 2500. I am doing my CBT next week, I was wondering if I drive a moped or 125cc for a year or two will this reduce my car insurance, please help as I need to get on the road. Thankyou.""
Can I get Motorcycle insurance for a hired motorcycle in Thailand?
I am planning to spend two weeks in Phuket and intend to hire a motorcycle. Is there anyway i can get compriensive insurance for this? Thanks Phil
Cheapest car insurance in Wisconsin?
I'm 19 and am looking to buy a 06/07 Cobalt SS coupe (non-supercharged) and am wondering what the cheapest insurance would be? Personal experience?
Car Accident in Michigan and no insurace?
I was in a car accident in Michigan and did not have car insurance, police did come, i did not recieve any tickets and it was determined that it was not my fault but my car is messed up pretty bad and so is the other car, now i am wondering even though the other driver said it was his fault and said his insurance would pay for it I know does not neccisarily mean that it will, but I did read somewhere that I might be counter sued, or that i may just have to pay his deductable, does anyone have any insight about this and what I should expect or expect nothing at all, yes i know i should not of been driving a vehile without atleast plpd but the car is not mine and not in my name so please no rude comments just asking for advice about the situation. Please and Thank you ;)""
Can u recommend any car insurance for 6 months rather then 1 year ?
i may need to sell car after 6 months and that's why i do not want to pay insurance for 12 months upfront
What happens if you get pulled over without insurance?
You see I am an awesome driver. I never get in an accident because I am always well aware of my surroundings. I realized that for the past five years of owning my truck, I have spent over 10 times it's worth in insurance, and never once needed it, ever. No accidents, and no getting pulled over. Isn't insurance a waste of money for me? I figured I could just put the money I would normally spend on insurance, in the bank for the same purpose, then if I need it I can take it out. If the truck dies first, I put the money towards a new car. Is this such a bad idea?""
""What is a good but cheap body shop around the riverside, CA area which will work on an nissan altima?
i wont use insurance on it so it must be very affordable. theres alot oof scratches
Car insurance in my name?
. My sister got a new car and wants to get her insurance in my name. Will I be responsible for anything if she has a wreck? Because she has had numerous of wrecks (all being her fault)
After getting health insurance how long to wait before getting pregnant?
My husband and I have been married a little over a year now and we are trying to find a good health insurance plan for the two of us to be on. We would like to start a family as soon as we can, but I have been told not to tell insurance companies that because they will not cover us. I am wondering how long after we get insurance do we have to wait before we start trying to have a baby. I am also wondering if anyone knows of any good insurance companies for young couples looking to start a family. Thank you.""
How can i find the name of insurance company with the policy number?
I need to find out the name of the insursnce company with the policy number
What is the average insurance cost for a flat bed tow truck?
What is the average insurance cost for a flat bed tow truck?
""Im 18, and im bout to get my motorcycle license, and a bike, I want to find a cheap insurance. Does anyone?""
anyone know where I can find a cheap insurance in pa? I looked at all the big names, and it was 700-500 a month. I know ther are places that will work with the price i just need a little help finding them thank you.""
Who will pay the medical and funereal fees?
My boyfriends son was killed by a man who ran a red light. His son was NO way at fault. The man has 15,000 coverage on his insurance (california) and that's it. Bare minimum, so now what is done with the 35,000 left for costs not paid by medical ins ect... I feel it would be so unfair for him to have to pay for the costs when his son has passed away, so not fair.""
What companies are still insuring unoccupied and or second homes?
This seems to be a new trend. It seems that insurance companies are canceling Homeowner's policies of their customers who are selling their homes! Once the client has to move out to their new home the insurance company cancels the policy on the home that's still for sale. This is being done even if the customer has been a client for over 30 years and is using that company for the new home! Sellers are having a rough enough time with the real estate market these days! What can be done about this? Also suppose the seller decides not to sell but keep the home as a vacation spot? Are second homes being uninsured also?
Is car insurance policy number confidential?
brother is applying for his own car insurance to A. A asks if anyone else has drivers license, and requesting policy number from other family members and their respective insurance providers.. Is that necessary?""
Liability Insurance for an Electrician?
I am an electrician and would like to get liability insurance because I do a lot of jobs on my own. Where can I find this? And is there an inexpensive plan? I live in New Hampshire.
Cheap Car insurance for young and new drivers?
I'm 21 and passed my test a couple of weeks ago. I always knew insurance was going to be an issue and I have found out it is cheaper to go on other peoples policys... but I want to get my own policy so I can get it down. I'll be getting something small, 1.1 or 1.2 for obvious reasons. The cheapest I've managed to find is about 700, thats 3rd party and with a couple of named drivers on. that was with Swift Cover. From a weekend of insurance shopping I've found that all these compare insurance websites are a load of s***. Not had any quotes below 1500. Anyway, does anyone have any tips for getting insurance down more or does anyone know of any insurance companies that specialise in insurance young or new drivers. I just wish they wouldn't tar us all with the same brush... I'm not going to be spending my evenings following other boy racers in Saxos wheelspinning around McDonalds car park. I can see why it's so high though there are so many idiots on the road.""
Getting married and need help with insurance?
My parents have Cigna insurance. I understand that I am no longer a considered an eligible dependent when I am legally married, but I am also a full time student. Which status is the dependent variable when considering eligibility? If I'm married AND a full time college student, does that mean I can't get coverage?""
Who's insurance covers a hit and run driver in California?
My girlfriends car was hit by a hit and run driver in the state of California. The driver of the vehicle that hit her bailed from their car and fled the scene of the accident. The vehicle was not reported stolen however we are not sure at this time who was actually driving the vehicle. When the police arrived on scene they did retrieve the insurance information from the vehicle. My question is whos insurance covers this accident? will it be claimed against our uninsured motorist on our policy? though I know that uninsured motorist does not cover vehicular damage when the driver has not been positivley I.D'ed OR does the vehicle owners uninsured motorist coverage hit us as they are liable for damages caused by their vehicle? I'm really not exactly sure of how any of this works so any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
Car insurance confusion?
I have full comp. insurance for my car and I can drive any other vehicle as 3rd party (As per policy). I also own another car which is not insured to anyone...Can I drive my this car (un insured) under my existing policy as 3rd party ?
ok well i am 18 years old and i am going to buy a 1969 camaro ss, 1970 chevelle or a 1970 roadrunner hemi i need to know how much the insurace on this would be a year.""
Is this a good world to bring a child into?
I sometimes worry about having kids due to the world going down hill, theres so many bullies and bad people out there,i dont think I can handle my children getting hurt by someone or bullied,also how much will car insurance be in 18 years, a 19 year old at work keeps getting 5000 quotes for 1.1 cars,id like some opinions on this as me and my wife are planning to have kids soon,am I worrying about nothing or does anyone else feel like this?,i want my kids to have a nice life.""
Till what age can we get health insurance?
I want to know the upper age limit for purchasing health insurance.
What is the best health insurance plan in Chicago?
I am self-employed and want to get health insurance. I am trying to find the most cost-effective plan with the most service for the lowest price and least hassle.
What is the cheapest Insurance for a 16 year old?
I just got my license now i gotta get insurance...
Do people with learner's permit have to be on the insurance? ?
I am 15 turning 15 1/2 on oct. 29 and my mom says I cant get my permit until she gets insurance on the car.How much does it cost exactly?
Car insurance?
I 've gotton two tickets within four months of each other. What are the chances that my car insurance rate will go up and by how much? i live in california and have Mercury Insurance.
Can I get Motorcycle insurance for a hired motorcycle in Thailand?
I am planning to spend two weeks in Phuket and intend to hire a motorcycle. Is there anyway i can get compriensive insurance for this? Thanks Phil
How much would it cost to insure a 1973 C3 Chevrolet Stingray Corvette?
I am doing a class project and just need to know an average cost of insurance for a Stingray Corvette.
I'm 38. my wife is 33. non smokers. which insurance make more sense. i have whole life with long term care. my wife is looking into term insurance. which is better?
What is the best insurance for a 16 year old?
Got limited money
Can i find out someones car insurance company?
a lady hit my car back in march of this year. she agreed to pay for the damage but then moved out and skipped town. well the police finaly found her but the problem is i dont know her insurance company. i have her full name, and her vehicle vin number. i dont want to claim it on my insurance so my rates go up, thats nuts. so i need to find her insurance company so i can file it with hers! anyway i can do this?""
Car insurance PLEASE HELP!!!!?
Will it increase my insurance premium if I have more people listed under my insurance who can drive my car thanks so much. i currently have state farm
Does anyone know where a couple in their early 60's might find affordable insurance.?
We had really great insurance but, it went up from a little less than $600.00 to over $1000.00. We cannot afford that.""
Does anyone know of a car insurance that can give you a policy without a down payment?
I live in miami fl my car insurance expired on 2/26/12 i don't have money for the renewal does anyone know of any car insurance company that can except me with out a down payment please i need help and at this ponit i need to take what i can for my car before it to late???
Can a teen get his own car insurance in texas ?
can a 16 year olds get his own car insurance policy rather than just adding to the adult parents policy? also at what age can I am on my own car rather than just having it in the parents name? I live in texas .
How much my car insurance is likely to cost?
I have just passed my (UK) driving test and is considering getting a car, but I need to budget first see if I can in fact afford one! I am female, turning 26 in a few months time. I will want to get a small, second hand car - would like a Ford Fiesta (1.2) or Honda Jazz (1.4) or VW Polo (1.2). Would want to get a car under 3000. Does anyone know roughly how much my car insurance will cost? I think I will take the Pass Plus course as well once I have decided to buy a car.""
Cheap car insurance for 18 year old female in uk?
Please suggest companies that you have used or know off that are cheap for this age group. The cheapest quote I've found so far was approx. 1780 but I need it to be cheaper. You help will honestly be appreciated
Isn't Ameriplan Insurance The Same Scam as Obama Care/Affordable Health?
All They did was Steal Other people's Identifying Information and the Insurance once called Ameriplan, never netted any gains for the holders of those plans. Just Wondering?""
Driving someones car without insurance?
If you drive someone elses car and that person has insurance but not you, and you get ticketed. do you also get ticketed for driving without insurance. is it possible to drive someones car without you yourslef buying car insurance? btw this is in dallas, texas""
Does life insurance cover suicide?
Does life insurance cover suicide?
GUESSTAMATE of 2000 Mustang insurance..?
can you please GUESS on what my insurance might be (i always ask but everyone says it depends) on a 2000 mustang i am 17 male and live in panhandle of Florida. and how much more a month for convertable of the same car..? thanks..
Average car insurance for new driver?
I'm 16 and I can get my liscence sooon... but I need to pay for car insurance... how much on average will I be paying for a 1996 camry?
Whats the cheapest place to get car insurance when you got 2 dui's over three years ago?
Whats the cheapest place to get car insurance when you got 2 dui's over three years ago?
Your age and car insurance rate?
How old are you and how much does your car insurance cost monthly? Would a part-time job at a mall store or movie theatre pay enough to cover an 18-year-old's car insurance?
How much would insurance cost around for a 2002 ford explorer for a 16 year old?
please don't tell me it depends and such...i just want a range Thanks
Get insurance on car if title not in my name?
I am wanting to make payments to a freind for this car until it is paid off. The title is in his name, can I get insurance on it for myself even though the title is not in my name?""
Pay as you go car insurance in UK?
Hi My Insurance will be expire in feb 2013, In june 2013 iam going in a holiday for long term, so i need car insurance only for 4-5 months, is there any kind of pay as you go car insurance,,,,i got 2 years of experience as a driver, so how much will they charge for 1 month.? thank u""
How much might mototcycle insurance cost a 20 yr old male?
I am getting a SV650, and i neeed motorcycle insurance. but i need to know how much it can cost me at an -Average- for me age. the bike itself cost around 7,000$ and it is a sports bike. any thoughts?""
Can a dealership sell you a car without car insurance?
I bought a car, thinking I had car insurance, and I want out. I didn't put any money down, yet i signed the paperwork and drove off the lot with the car. I brought back the same day, but of course they didn't take it back. Can they hold me to the loan if i didnt have car insurance and i have no job? I am only 19 and want a way out.""
How can USA force me to buy health insurance?
It's incredibly unconstitutional and uncapitalist If I find a way to self-fund my healthcare and don't need to rely on an insurance company, Govt can FORCE me against my will with fines and penalties to engage in business with big insurance?????? Are you kidding?!!!! What country are we living under?""
How much time do you have to get car insurance after buying a car?
I'm considering buying a car insurance, I've been driving for years but none of the cars have actually been in my name and my mom has me on her plan. If I buy a car I'll need insurance, how much time would I have to get it?""
Dependent's health insurance?
My friend wants to move into an apartment with me, we are both in college so we want to be roommates, but her parents say that they will not pay her health insurance if she moves out. Since she is a student, she is going to be a dependent of theirs for a few more years. Does being a dependent of her parents legally obligate the parents to pay her health insurance?""
Can I get Motorcycle insurance for a hired motorcycle in Thailand?
I am planning to spend two weeks in Phuket and intend to hire a motorcycle. Is there anyway i can get compriensive insurance for this? Thanks Phil
0 notes
Visiting Russia Without a Visa on the St. Peter Line Ferry
Visiting Russia usually requires going through a grueling visa process — but did you know you can visit visa-free if you go by ferry? You can visit Russia free as long as you arrive in St. Petersburg by ferry and stay for less than 72 hours.
I’ve wanted to visit Russia for a long time, but the hassle of getting a visa deterred me. But a short visa-free journey to St. Petersburg? That definitely interested me. I could go on this trip and plan a longer trip to Russia if I liked it.
This month, I bought myself a ticket and took the ferry from Helsinki to St. Petersburg and back.
I was shocked at how little information is out there about this ferry, even after you book your ticket!
The information on the web about the St. Peter Line ferry is scant at best. I avoid TripAdvisor as much as possible, but TripAdvisor reviews were literally the only place where I could read information about what this journey was like.
I couldn’t find out through the St. Peter Line website, for example, whether I was supposed to stay on the boat overnight or in a hotel in St. Petersburg, or whether I had to book one of their official hotels, or whether I could book a different hotel that they didn’t mention, or whether I had to be on a group tour the whole time. That’s kind of basic information, and it took a million TripAdvisor reviews to figure out what the answers were.
It didn’t get better on board, –there was no information! We weren’t given schedules or any other papers upon arrival. Even upon booking, our tickets had next-to-no information on them. The only information came from rare announcements on the ship.
Because of this, most of the passengers were walking around, trying to figure out where we debarked (hint: it was on Deck 4), what time the restaurants opened (7:00 PM), even where we got our keys (our boarding cards doubled as keys). It was the complete opposite of the Carnival cruise I took earlier this year, where they were constantly giving you schedules and falling over backwards to over-inform you.
I’m glad I took this journey, but it was confusing from start to finish. And I travel for a living! I can only imagine how confusing it was for less experienced travelers. That’s why I wrote this post — to help you with your trip.
How do you book the St. Peter Line ferry?
You book it through the Moby/St. Peter Line website here.
Be forewarned — even after you book your ticket, there is hardly any information. That image above is what I received in my email — and that was literally it. No information on where to go, when to get there, or any information about the boat itself. It didn’t even say where or when to embark.
This was literally the only confirmation I received prior to checking in at the terminal in Helsinki.
How much does the ferry cost?
I booked the three-night journey from Helsinki to St. Petersburg and back. I had the cheapest cabin class — B2V — which was a private, windowless, ensuite room with two twin-sized beds, one lofted on top of the other. The cost was 168.50 EUR ($200 USD).
Prices on the website are now higher. The cheapest B2V rooms now cost 189 EUR (224 USD) for one person and 204 EUR ($242) for two people; the most expensive rooms, the LX2, cost 531 EUR ($629 USD) for one person and 546 EUR ($647 USD) for two people and include a queen-sized bed, a window, a TV, and two armchairs. Breakfast is included in this luxury room.
Extra fees: All passengers must pay an extra 25 EUR ($30) per person for the mandatory City Bus Tour, which covers the shuttle service to St Isaac’s Square in St. Petersburg. There is an additional 15 EUR ($18) fee charged per person. These two fees are added on to your bill and are not negotiable.
St. Peter Line Ferry Schedule, Helsinki to St. Petersburg to Helsinki:
Wednesday, 3:00 PM: Check-in begins in Helsinki.
Wednesday, 7:00 PM: Ship departs Helsinki.
Thursday, 9:00 AM: Ship arrives in St. Petersburg. Passengers with young children may begin to debark at Deck 4 at 9:00 AM; all others begin at 9:30 AM.
Thursday, 9:15 AM-10:15 PM: Shuttles run to and from St. Isaac’s Square runs every 15-30 minutes.
Friday, 9:00 AM-5:45 PM: Shuttles run to and from St. Isaac’s Square ever 15-30 minutes.
Friday, 7:00 PM: Ship departs St. Petersburg.
Saturday, 8:00 AM: Ship arrives in Helsinki. Passengers with young children may begin to debark at Deck 4 at 8:00 AM; all others begin at 8:30 AM.
Where does the St. Peter Line ferry leave from in Helsinki?
There are multiple ferry terminals in Helsinki. The St. Peter Line Ferry Terminal is close to the West Terminal. The address is Tyynenmerenkatu 8, and if you look for “St. Peter Line” on Google Maps, it points you to the correct spot. There is a tram stop right in front of it, Länsiterminaali T1, which goes straight to downtown Helsinki.
If you’re interested, Helsinki’s infamous “Bad, Bad Boy” statue is right across from the terminal.
I got to the terminal early, and I was able to check in just before 3:00 PM for the 6:00 PM departure. I was given four small white cards, each the size of a credit card: my boarding card, my Russian arrival card, my Russian departure card, and a coupon for 10 EUR ($12 USD) off a 100 EUR ($118 USD) purchase at the ship’s duty free shop.
Upon arrival at my cabin, I had no idea how to get in; I expected that the key would be waiting in a cubby outside my door, like the Carnival cruise, but there was no cubby. An employee demonstrated that my boarding card also served as a key. Ah.
What are the rooms like on the St. Peter Line ferry?
The entire boat is dated, resembling something out of the early 90s. I found my B2V room, on the lowest price tier, to be empty and bland.
My room was very small (as is standard for any ship) and had two single beds, one on top of the other. There was a tiny desk and chair next to an outlet, which was good for working. The ensuite bathroom had a surprisingly good shower with hot water and nice water pressure.
But the fact that the boat was so old really put a damper on things. I mean, when was the last time you saw one of these?
I usually sleep well on ships, but I slept terribly both nights. The mattress was uncomfortable — I could feel the springs poking into me all night. And my cabin was located on Deck Six, just beneath the nightclub. I couldn’t sleep because “YMCA” was reverberating through my room. Earplugs did not help. I fell asleep sometime around 2 AM.
What is there to do on the St. Peter Line ferry?
This ferry is not as decked out as a regular cruise ship, but they do have some things to do. While the ferries connecting the Baltic and Northern cities are notorious for their debauchery, this cruise is far more sedate. My Eckero Line ferry from Tallinn to Estonia felt luxurious by comparison, with multiple musical acts performing on the short two-hour crossing!
The ship, the Princess Anastasia, has several standard cruise ship offerings: a casino, several bars including a sports bar and a nightclub, a small children’s area. There is a spa area with an adult pool, a children’s pool, a Finnish sauna, and a jacuzzi. You need to pay to use the pools. There is a small fitness center as well.
A few musicians perform in and around the restaurants: think smooth jazz.
There are supposedly “creative classes,” but the only description I could find was, “Each workshop is structured so it transmits practical secrets for beginners and all enthusiastic participants.”
There is a duty free shop, an exchange office, and a medical center.
I spent most of my time in the bar drinking 5 EUR ($6 USD) glasses of prosecco and reading Al Franken, Giant of the Senate. When I came back after our time in St. Petersburg, the bartender greeted me while holding up a champagne glass. I loved that!
Is there wifi on the St. Peter Line ferry?
Yes, there is wifi on the ferry, but you have to pay for it. One hour costs 4.99 EUR ($6 USD); two hours costs $8.99 ($11 USD); six hours costs 13.99 EUR ($17 USD).
The wifi was frustratingly slow and would frequently stop altogether. After my initial six hours were up, I couldn’t get back online; I faced difficulties getting online on the entire journey back.
My advice? Don’t rely on being able to use wifi, and definitely don’t plan on using wifi to get work done. Bring enough books to entertain yourself in case the wifi doesn’t work.
What is the food like on the St. Peter Line ferry?
There are several restaurants on board, including the high-end New York restaurant and a buffet called the Mascalzone Latino. Both nights, I got pizza at Napoli Mia, the Italian restaurant. It was decent.
For breakfast, I recommend checking out the Bake and Coffee cafe, which has hot breakfasts, coffee, beverages, and pastries for sale.
See descriptions of all the restaurants and bars on board the Anastasia here.
What kind of people take the St. Peter Line ferry?
Most of my fellow passengers were 50+, from Europe and China. The Chinese passengers tended to be part of organized tours; the Europeans tended to be independent travelers. There were a few Americans and Canadians; I did not notice any other nationalities.
Is the St. Peter Line ferry good for kids?
There were some children on board. The ferry has a children’s play area and the restaurants have kids’ menus. You can definitely survive this trip with kids, but just keep in mind that this is not a traditional cruise ship that caters to families with events around the clock.
Children age seven and up require their own bed in the cabin.
How is the crossing from Helsinki to St. Petersburg?
Smooth as glass.
What is the debarkation and immigration process like in St. Petersburg?
Honestly, debarkation in St. Petersburg was rough — this was the worst part of the trip. First of all, nobody had any idea where we were supposed to get off — this was not announced or written anywhere. For the record, it’s Deck Four. Follow the crowds. Also, keep in mind that there are lots of stairs; don’t bring any luggage you can’t carry yourself.
After we debarked, it was absolute chaos at Russian immigration. While several windows were open, people did not form lines — people were just a giant blob, everyone jostling each other and trying to cut each other. Some passengers were polite, but others were quite rude and I thought a fight was going to break out.
Even so, the line moved much faster than I anticipated. It took about an hour for me to get to the desk; I heard horror stories of three-hour waits from some of the TripAdvisor reviews.
I noticed that Americans spent much longer at the counter than European and Chinese passengers; they had their passports closely scrutinized as well.
My questioning took about 20 minutes, much longer than anyone else. I was questioned about the state of my passport: I was in a shipwreck in Indonesia in 2011 and my passport spent time underwater, leading to several pages being a bit blurry. Since the shipwreck I’ve visited more than 60 countries on this passport and while some agents ask me how it got wet, nobody has ever used it as reason not to allow me in. Russia was the only country to ever be hostile over its state.
The agent called a supervisor and I was questioned several times about the state of my passport, about why I visited the UK so many times (Um, multiple boyfriends? I just said “tourism”), what I did for a living (“I run a travel website”). I don’t think the supervisor understood English well enough to know what “I run a travel website” meant. When he asked how long I was staying and I said, “Two days,” he was shocked. “The boat is here two days!” I told him and showed him my hotel confirmation.
After several agonizing minutes, he stamped me in and let me go.
How do you get into St. Petersburg from the ferry terminal?
As a condition of the visa, passengers on the St. Peter Line are required to purchase a tour. This tour, which is simply a shuttle from the ferry terminal to St. Isaac’s Square, is automatically included in your ferry ticket purchase as a separate 25 EUR ($30) charge. You don’t have to book anything else on your own.
After you finish going through immigration, walk outside. You’ll see several white vans with a sign in front of them that reads “MOBY — ST PETER LINE” or just “MOBY.” The drivers do not speak English, but just say, “St. Isaac’s Square?” and they’ll nod and point you inside the van. Some shuttles stop at the official hotels en route; others go direct to the square.
You have the freedom to spend your time in St. Petersburg however you’d like — you don’t even have to take the shuttle if you don’t want to. This isn’t like other cruise ships in Russia where you have to stick with your group. From the moment you arrive until the moment you leave, you can do whatever you feel like, whenever you feel like it.
If you’d rather book a guided excursion, you can book group tours or private tours (minimum of two people required) through the cruise. I did not take any excursions.
Do you stay on the ship or in a hotel in St. Petersburg?
You can come back to the boat and stay overnight or you can stay in a hotel in St. Petersburg. If you choose to stay in St. Petersburg, you can leave things in your cabin on the ship.
I highly recommend staying in a hotel in St. Petersburg. It will give you so much more time in the city if you don’t have to deal with the lengthy embarkation/debarkation/immigration process both days.
What’s a good hotel to stay in St. Petersburg?
The St. Peter Line Ferry recommends two hotels, Sokos Hotel Palace Bridge and Sokos Hotel Vasilyevskiy, which are stops on the shuttle’s route to St. Isaac’s Square.
My recommendation: choose a hotel walking distance from St. Isaac’s Square that is in your price range.
I stayed at the Art Avenue Hotel, pictured above, and highly recommend it. It was about an eight-minute walk from St. Isaac’s Square, which I found to be very easy while carrying a suitcase. You will see a sign for the hotel on the street; it points you into a courtyard where you find the hotel itself.
Art Avenue is a cozy, welcoming mid-range hotel. I had a private double room with ensuite bathroom. Wifi is free and excellent. There’s also access to a large kitchen where you can prepare meals if you’d like. I paid 3600 rubles, or $62.50, for one night’s stay.
It’s also centrally located and a 20-minute walk to either the Hermitage, the Mariinsky Ballet, or the Cathedral of Our Savior Upon Spilled Blood.
See more hotels in St. Petersburg here.
What are things to do in St. Petersburg?
I loved St. Petersburg. It is so grand and elegant and feels much more like Paris than any other European city.
I’ve visited every country in Europe except Cyprus, and I’ve enjoyed dozens of beautiful European cities. Many of these cities like to compare themselves to Paris — but St. Petersburg is the only city that measures up. It’s just that majestic. Plus, the locals dress really well, especially the local women.
I was in St. Petersburg for about 30 hours total, and it was nowhere near enough. My top five things to do in St. Petersburg are 1) visit the Hermitage 2) see a ballet or opera 3) check out the Cathedral of Our Savior of Spilled Blood 4) See St. Isaac’s Cathedral 5) just walk around and explore the city independently.
The Hermitage astonished me. Imagine if you took all the art from the Louvre and decided to put it in Versailles instead — that’s the Hermitage. Every room I visited impressed me, and I soaked it all in until I could barely catch my breath.
BUY YOUR TICKET ONLINE IN ADVANCE! The line at the Hermitage was the longest I’ve ever seen, even longer than at the Uffizi in Florence. But if you buy an online ticket in advance, you get to skip that line and go into a different entrance.
The Hermitage offers only 15 minutes of free wifi, just barely enough to download the apps and audioguides if you haven’t yet. There are audioguides for both one- and three-hour tours, among other themed tours. I really enjoyed the one-hour tour and supplemented with parts of the three-hour tour. Audioguides cost $1.99-2.99 and you pay via the iTunes Store.
2. If you enjoy the arts, be sure to take in an opera, ballet, or philharmonic performance. I went to see Cinderella at the Mariinsky Ballet and paid about $50 for my eighth row center ticket. Which is a bargain when I paid the same price for the cheapest seat at a discounted performance of Waitress on Broadway last month! I had a lovely time at this ballet.
Note: I almost went to the wrong theater! My ticket was actually for the modern theater, which is a huge, unmissable building just behind the traditional Mariinsky Theater.
3. The Cathedral of Our Savior of Spilled Blood is so Russian. The outside is perfect for photos and selfies; the inside is a technicolor madness that you would never expect.
4. St. Isaac’s Cathedral is worth a visit. It’s not just your shuttle drop-off point, it’s also an incredibly ornate church. You can also pay a bit more to visit the roof and have a panoramic view of the city; I wish I had time for this.
5. Just walk around and enjoy the city. There is so much grandeur and pride to St. Petersburg. Stroll along the canals, take photos, browse the shops, linger in a cute coffeeshop (pro tip: I LOVED a cafe near my hotel and the Hermitage called Bonch), and stop at anywhere that looks interesting.
How is the Russian language barrier? Do people speak English?
It wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be! St. Petersburg is a cosmopolitan city and most people who work in tourism speak at least a little bit of English. In restaurants, there would often be one server who spoke English well, and they would send her to serve me.
I do recommend learning the Cyrillic alphabet, which is pretty easy to do. It will make your life infinitely easier when you can sound out what’s in front of you, as there are so many English language cognates in Russian. Cyrillic is also useful for trips to Ukraine, Belarus, Bulgaria, and Macedonia, among other countries.
How do you get back to the ferry from St. Petersburg?
The shuttle picks you up in the same spot where it dropped you off in front of St. Isaac’s Cathedral. It runs from 9:00 AM until 5:45 PM.
I arrived at 3:15 PM and got a seat on the 3:30 PM shuttle. That was earlier than necessary, but I wanted to give myself an extra cushion of time just in case anything went wrong. Everything went fine and I was back on the ship by 4:00 PM.
If I did it again, I would take the 4:30 or 5:00 PM shuttle.
How is Russian immigration on the way back to the ferry?
Much, much easier than arriving. The shuttle drops you off at the ferry terminal, you can buy last-minute souvenirs or coffee, and then you proceed to Russian immigration where you’re stamped out. Make sure you have your departure card and the piece of paper they gave you when you were stamped in.
Because of the staggered arrivals of people to the boat, there was only one person ahead of me in time.
I had a very hard time at immigration getting into Russia, but getting out only took a few minutes. They simply took a quick look at my passport and departure card and let me in.
Were there any problems being an American in Russia in the age of Trump?
I did not face any issues. I took this ferry in September 2017 — this was after the US passed sanctions against Russia as punishment for their involvement in the US election, after Putin ordered US staffers to leave Russia, after Trump did the same to Russian staffers in the US, and as Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation was taking place. None of this affected my ability to take this trip and see Russia.
Keep in mind that anything can change at anytime, and my personal experience may not necessarily reflect yours. However, based on what I experienced, I would not rule out visiting as an American.
If you’re an American who wants to take this trip, I do recommend keeping a low profile while in Russia. Don’t lie about who you are — Americans are easily identifiable based on their mannerisms and dress — but don’t scream it from rooftops either. Russians tend to keep to themselves; it won’t feel strange to be private.
The only time a Russian brought up Trump with me was a store employee as we laughed at Trump family nesting dolls. “I think he looks like Richie Rich,” he said, holding up a tiny Barron Trump doll.
Would you take the St. Peter Line ferry again?
I’m glad I experienced this trip, but I would not do it a second time. Between the short duration in St. Petersburg and the discomfort sleeping on the boat, I see no reason to do this trip again.
Do what I did: use this trip as a teaser to see whether you’d like to take a longer trip to Russia. Now I know that I want to come back with a visa, stay for longer, and see more of St. Petersburg but also Moscow, perhaps take a river cruise or even travel the Trans-Siberian Railway to Mongolia and China! Next time I’ll either fly into St. Petersburg or Russia or perhaps take the train to St. Petersburg from Helsinki.
I would not choose St. Peter Line for a longer cruise. They also offer a longer trip to Tallinn and Stockholm, but I would never do it. I could not handle living on that boat for several days. If you want to travel around the Baltic Sea, I encourage you to book ferries independently; if you want a cruise, I recommend going with a different cruise ship company.
Should you take the St. Peter Line ferry to Russia?
Only you can answer that — but I think you should! It was definitely a special journey and one I was glad to take. Exactly once.
Essential Info
The complete rules for visiting Russia on this cruise without a visa are here. Please don’t violate them; you don’t want to get deported. Note that these rules are for people who have permission to visit the Schengen Area, so if you’re visiting the Schengen Area on a visa, you’ll need a double-entry visa in order to do this trip.
I also recommend that your passport is in pristine condition and that you have a printed confirmation of your hotel stay.
Book your trip on the St. Peter Line Ferry here. You can see schedules here. The cheapest B2V rooms now cost 189 EUR (224 USD) for one person and 204 EUR ($242) for two people; the most expensive rooms, the LX2, cost 531 EUR ($629 USD). You must also pay a 25 EUR ($30) City Bus Tour fee and a 15 EUR ($18) fee.
I stayed at the Art Avenue Hotel in St. Petersburg and highly recommend it. It’s a very comfortable, quiet mid-range hotel with excellent wifi, just an eight-minute walk from the shuttle drop-off at St. Isaac’s Square. Rates from 3600 rubles ($62.50). It is not necessary to stay at the cruise-recommended hotels (Sokos Hotel Palace Square and Sokos Hotel Vasilyevskiy); in fact, they’re located a bit far from the major sites of the city. I strongly encourage you to book a hotel near St. Isaac’s Square. Find more hotels in St. Petersburg here.
If you visit the Hermitage (and you should), book your tickets online ahead of time — if not, you’ll be waiting in a grotesque line for hours. Tickets are good for any one day within 180 days of purchase. Ignore the line and go to the internet tickets entrance when you arrive; it’s on the right of the building.
A schedule of performances at the Mariinsky Theater can be found here. Remember — if it’s not in the traditional theater, it may be in the modern theater behind it.
Visits to the Cathedral of Our Savior of Spilled Blood and St. Isaac’s Cathedral each cost 250 rubles ($4). Visiting the roof at St. Isaac’s costs an additional 150 rubles ($3).
Finally, be sure to have travel insurance when you visit Russia. If you fall and injure yourself at the Hermitage, if you get pickpocketed on the metro, or if you need to cancel all or part of your trip, travel insurance can save you from financial ruin should the worst happen. I used World Nomads for my trip to Russia and highly recommend them for your trip.
Have you taken the St. Peter Line ferry? Would you like to?
via Travel Blogs http://ift.tt/2y6PwIN
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azyri-blog · 7 years
  Сначала Данила пытался крутить их как игральные фишки, но для этого монеты оказались слишком тяжелы. Поэтому теперь он лишь меланхолично перекладывал их из одной стопки в другую, иногда раскладывая и на три стопки сразу, иногда - объединяя все в один высокий столбик.
   - Вот. - Грег ткнул пальцем в таблицу, которую искал на сервере. - Результаты сегодняшних торгов, плюс данные по space composite, плюс существующие на рынке предложения, которые остались нереализованными. Стоимость акций и компаний не берем, только торги по площадям.
   - И чего там? - потянулся к экрану Василий. - Выведи уже на стену.
   Грег послушно поднял информацию со своего экрана на пленку, растянутую на стене. Колонки цифр мгновенно затенили раскрашенный камень.
   - Вот. - Повторил Грег. - Эти монеты...
   Грег ткнул пальцем в столбик, который собрал Данила:
   - ...Эти монеты сейчас покупают по девять тысяч евро за штуку. За целый квадратный километр в самых, можно сказать, элитных районах Марса, эти кровопийцы дают всего лишь девять тысяч. О, извините, по-моему, я залез в реплику Василия? Но реально - это просто попытка поймать халяву.
   - Это рынок, - встал на защиту биржи Данила. - Очень хорошо, что он есть. Теперь ты знаешь, чего стоит наша работа на текущий момент, будешь знать, сколько она может стоить завтра. И послезавтра тоже. Не было бы бирж, мы бы здесь ждали богатого дядю, который, может быть, когда-нибудь нам что-нибудь предложит. Такого, знаете, мецената. А сейчас мы знаем, за сколько земляне хотят покупать наши километры.
   - Интересная сейчас ситуация... - задумчиво произнесла Лиза, - сейчас каждый может себе позволить прикупить огромный кусок целой планеты, и, не какую-то там грамоту, а настоящие, реальные площади. На них можно пахать, сеять, жить. Будет можно.
   - Будет, - ключевое слово, которое и рушит нам цены, - сказал Грег. - Всего два фактора. То, что на поверхности нельзя дышать, и наши десять монет - капля в море. И стоимость билетов. Сейчас мне кажется, что стоимость полета влияет даже сильнее, чем отсутствие воздуха.
   - Дурдом, - Данила думал о своем, но говорил вслух. - Нельзя купить билеты, потому что они дорогие, и надо заработать на них денег. Нельзя заработать денег, потому что билеты дорогие, и это рушит цены на нашу собственность.
   - Да, - кивнул Грег. - Именно так. Нужно еще поработать. В текущий момент ни одной сделки по подтвержденной собственности не произведено. Ни NASA своими двадцатью монетами, ни японцы, ни мы. Никто не продает свои первые, самые дорогие сердцу километры по таким ценам. Смысла - ноль.
   - Второе, - фьючерсные цены. Здесь они отличаются от компании к компании. Американцам предлагают по четыре тысячи за километр, минимальный лот - сто километров. Уже что-то, хотя для них это - опять же мелочь. Но тут я вижу предложение выкупить сразу десять тысяч квадратов. А это уже какие-то деньги. Сорок миллионов - это сравнимо с тем, что мы пока что потратили.
   - Но нам, я смотрю, никто таких предложений не делает, - буркнул Василий, похоже, разобравшийся в таблицах.
   - Ну да, стабильность нашей компании ниже, риски выше, результаты чуть похуже. Хотя - только результаты нас и спасают. После выхода на третье место здесь, по реальным результатам, там, на земных биржах, мы сразу попали на шестое место по предложениям. Стабильность и риски пока перевешивают, но все-таки не настолько. Итого: в нашу сторону предлагают цену в две пятьсот за будущие километры, минимальный лот сто километров, таковы условия торгов. Но тут сложнее. Даже если собрать все предложения на всех биржах, у нас купят не больше тысячи километров.
   - Это называется ликвидность, - рассеяно уточнил Данила, выстраивая монеты в пирамидку. - Не совсем это, но ближе всего из всех терминов именно ликвидность.
   - Ага, типа, - не стал спорить Грег. - Таким образом, прямо сейчас можем выйти в кэш на два с половиной миллиона. Правда, за них придется горбатиться еще неизвестно сколько. До тысячи километров нам еще ой как далеко.
   - Земля решила пока не ввязываться?
   - Конечно, - кивнул Грег. - Этих денег не хватит даже на то, чтобы перебросить сюда хотя бы еще одного. Несерьезно. Надо ждать, пока предложения станут хотя бы похожими на интересные.
   - А я бы... - теперь Данила ставил монеты по одной на ребро, одну рядом с другой, готовясь устроить небольшой "эффект домино" - Скинул километров сто. Просто для того, чтобы заставить рынки шевелиться. Как только появится вторичный рынок, цены могут пойти вверх.
   - Там, - Грег ткнул пальцем в потолок, - думали об этом. Считают, что сейчас основные покупатели, что выставляют предложения, это банки. Они не будут ничего продавать. Будут скупать по бросовым ценам и держать. У них денег много, они могут себе это позволить. Так что ни сто, ни тысяча километров не даст ничего. Если уж создавать вторичный рынок, то нужно выставлять огромные объемы, которые могут заставить объесться любой банк. Сотни тысяч километров, может, до миллиона. Надо обсуждать это с другими. Тут в одиночку не поиграешь.
At first Danila tried to twist them as playing chips, but for this the coins were too heavy. Therefore now he only melancholy shifted them from one stack to another, sometimes laying out and three stacks at once, sometimes - uniting all in one high column.   - Here. Greg jabbed a finger at the table he was looking for on the server. - The results of today's trading, plus data on space composite, plus existing on the market offers that have not been implemented. The cost of shares and companies do not take, only bidding on the areas.   - And what is there? - Vasily reached for the screen. "Bring it to the wall already."   Greg obediently picked up information from his screen on the film, stretched out on the wall. Columns of figures instantly obscured the painted stone.   - Here. Repeated Greg. - These coins ...   Greg jabbed a finger in the column that Danil gathered:   "... These coins are now buying nine thousand euros apiece." For a whole square kilometer in the most, we can say, elite areas of Mars, these bloodsuckers give only nine thousand. Oh, sorry, I think I got into Vasily's line? But really - it's just an attempt to catch a freebie.   "This is a market," Danil said. - It is very good that he is. Now you know what our work is worth at the moment, you'll know how much it can cost tomorrow. And the day after tomorrow, too. There would not be exchanges, we would wait here for a rich uncle, who, perhaps, someday will offer us something. Such, you know, a patron. And now we know how many earthlings want to buy our kilometers.   "An interesting situation now," Liza said thoughtfully, "now everyone can afford to buy a huge piece of an entire planet, and not some kind of literacy, but real, real squares. You can plow, sow, live on them. It will be possible.   "It will be," the key word that destroys the price, "Greg said. - Only two factors. The fact that you can not breathe on the surface, and our ten coins are a drop in the ocean. And the cost of tickets. Now it seems to me that the cost of the flight affects even more than the absence of air.   "A madhouse." Danila thought about her, but spoke out loud. - You can not buy tickets, because they are expensive, and you have to earn money on them. You can not earn money, because tickets are expensive, and it ruins the price of our property.   "Yes," Greg nodded. - Exactly. We need to work. At the moment, no transactions on the confirmed property have been made. Neither NASA with its twenty coins, nor the Japanese, nor we. Nobody sells its first, the most dear to the heart of the kilometer at such prices. Meaning is zero.   - The second, - futures prices. Here they differ from company to company. Americans are offered at four thousand per kilometer, the minimum lot is one hundred kilometers. Already something, although for them it is again a trifle. But then I see an offer to buy ten thousand squares at once. And this is already some money. Forty million is comparable to what we have so far spent.   "But we, I see, do not make any such offers," Vasily muttered, seemingly figuring out the tables.   - Well, yes, the stability of our company is lower, the risks are higher, the results are slightly worse. Although - only the results of us and save. After reaching the third place here, according to real results, there, on earth exchanges, we immediately got to the sixth place by proposals. Stability and risks are still outweighed, but still not so much. Total: we are offered a price of two hundred five hundred for the future kilometers, the minimum lot is one hundred kilometers, these are the terms of the bidding. But here it is more difficult. Even if we collect all offers on all exchanges, we will not buy more than a thousand kilometers.   "This is called liquidity," Danila clarified, building coins into a pyramid. - Not exactly this, but the closest of all terms is liquidity.   "Yeah, like," Greg did not argue. - Thus, right now we can get into the cache for two and a half million. However, for them it is necessary to be humpbacked still it is not known how many. Up to a thousand kilometers we still oh how far.   - The Earth has decided not to get involved yet?   "Of course," Greg nodded. - This money is not enough even to transfer here even one more. Not serious. It is necessary to wait, while offers become even similar on interesting.   - And I would ... - Now Danila put coins one by one on the rib, one next to the other, preparing to make a small "domino effect" - Skinned a hundred kilometers. Just to make the markets move. As soon as the secondary market appears, prices can go up.   "There," Greg poked a finger at the ceiling, "they thought about it." It is believed that now the main buyers that put forward proposals, these are banks. They will not sell anything. They will buy at bargain prices and keep. They have a lot of money, they can afford it. So that neither a hundred, nor a thousand kilometers will not give anything. If we are to create a secondary market, then we need to expose huge volumes that any bank can make to eat. Hundreds of thousands of kilometers, maybe up to a million. We must discuss this with others.
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