stellaron-hunter · 1 year
are wa dare da dare da dare da are wa devil devilman devilmaaaaan
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longgifposts · 6 years
Akira Fudo
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Series: Devilman Crybaby (original and netflix original)
Character: Akira Fudo
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m41to · 6 years
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My neighbours are tired of me blasting devil no uta
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blackwaxidol · 5 years
how music does the thing to humans and why cant animals hear it?
to preface this before i made this into a massive post: my oc luka can’t actually understand music like humans do. not in a “ugh modern music sucks” way, he can’t recognise and predict rhythm like humans do.
to explain how this works, i’ll explain how hearing music works.
the first part is that if you played three random notes in a pattern, even if the pattern is infrequent or “far apart” or if the notes are ugly, it can still be recognised as a pattern and by extension it is music. its why you could even bop to a car alarm if you wanted to, think about it, it also sounds like music doesn’t it? the second part comes from the ability to predict that this pattern will continue and hence you have somewhat of a foresight of what happens afterwards. to explain the concept of foresight, it’s why you can dance to a song you’ve never heard of before. you know what the next notes will be and will move to the rhythm. try moving to a tempo-heavy song you’ve never heard of before. 
for an example i’m gonna use “Devilman No Uta OST 2018” as my example because it has a lot of beats in it and generally it slaps. you will unconsciously use the 4(?) repeating notes throughout the song to keep track of the rhythm. one the first “DEVILMAAAAAN” hits, you’ll recognise the buildup to the next one even if you have never listened to it. 1:40 of the song is the part i want to focus on and its the use of clapping. the 8 varying notes that come before the clapping repeat over and over with the approach of the clapping, and you already know this, don’t you? you hear the end of the first repetition, and you already know it will repeat. it’s an unconscious nuance. do you understand me? great! you can try this with other songs in the future, you might learn new things.
this is the simple idea of human hearing. “dancing animals” in viral videos are most often birds because they also have this nuance, it is why they sing to eachother and why they can dance to a rhythm.
back to luka, and by extension, canines. dogs don’t react to music, they don’t have the pattern recognition like we do. to understand this, try playing random notes with no repeating pattern. it sounds like noise, not music. this is essentially what dogs hear in place of human music, hence they will not react to it. unless it has a high frequency. the reason why dogs go wild and start howling at sirens or any wavering ear-splitting noise is because to them, it registers as the same “music” as howling. i’m using music loosely here. it isn’t music, but they will have a strong verbal reaction to said noise like how we react to EDM with our bodies. certain drawn-out high frequencies will catch a dog’s attention, you might be able to do this with a guitar or a piano. videos of dogs “singing” along to instruments is merely a reaction to the frequency and duration at which it is being played.
i myself am only good at patterning high-tempo so i don’t suppose it matters too much that luka can’t grasp the complex nuance of Vera Keyes’ “Begin Again” because honestly i can’t dance to it either, it’s too slow for me to get a grasp on a pattern yet i still recognise it as music due to the voice. now, i won’t claim to be able to read sheet music but if i look at it i can see that Vera’s voice raises in the middle of her sentence and upon vowels.
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so i believe that luka may be able to memorise a pattern, but unless the song encompasses a high tone he won’t make the connection that it is music. interestingly enough, canines do react to classical music in a calming manner.
tldr; luka can’t really “hear” music unless it has a repeating high pitch in it somewhere. hence, his favourite songs are often by female artists. he can’t understand Jingle, Jangle, Jingle i’m so fucking sorry everyone
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witchkingofanmar · 5 years
your kin, arthur, shigaraki, ova ryo and that one gavin guy from dbh + 9 / 16 / 20
literally why the fuck are you doing this to me maria? you just want me to admit to my intimate secrets I trusted you with. I hate you and you should feel ashamed. SHAME
9 - Fake-married to for undercover reasons
1. Gavin because he is a Professional™ and wouldn’t blow this shit for us!2. god I? Maybe? Arthur? He is a somewhat decent actor I wouldn’t have to fake that 3rst for my husband 3. wdgwehew ova Ryo and no one would believe us 4. John (Mawwia I hate you so much) the man would reveal our cover 5 seconds after meeting the neighbours5. Shigaraki. They would think he is my goth son asdjfkejj
16 - Sent to assassinate me
I don’t care as long as they get it done1. Arthur……. crush my head between those thighs2. John (die Mawwia). He could shoot me straight between the eyes3. Shigaraki and his Magical Hands get the job done4. Gavin I guess5. ova Ryo is way to chaotic and sadistic to give me a quick, painless death. He would turn me into devilMAAAAAN before I knew it
20 - Work as bodyguard for 
1. Arthur and John(seriously you are the worst)!!! I catch every bullet and TB bacteria with my own two hands2. Shigaraki. Only because it would be funny3. Gavin I guess4. also ova Ryo. Only because I would die a cruel death 5 seconds into the job
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breaded-boi · 6 years
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love me some devilmaaaaan
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sugarsomg · 6 years
For someone who has artist in his url i dont really ever post art
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longgifposts · 6 years
Ryo Asuka
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Series: Devilman Crybaby (Orignial and Netflix original)
Character: Ryo Asuka
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