pomrania · 1 month
You are Gaius Julius Caesar, and it's a lovely day in March.
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dykeredhood · 8 months
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Unhinged take right here
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rikoch3y · 7 years
Hi all I’m gonna make a dramatic decision
im going back to my main for everything im literally gonna ditch dis blog lmao
- I first made it to use as an artblog but quickly found that i...am unreliable
- im unreliable as all heck u hv seen my shitposting right
- like if im gonna shitpost I might as well go under my derpblog again..lmao...
idk I’ll give it a 1 week trial ((but im 99.9% SURE it’s a made decision!!))
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rikoch3yedofftarget · 7 years
Hi all I’m gonna make a dramatic decision
im going back to here for everything im literally gonna ditch my weeb blog lmao
- I first made it to use as an artblog but quickly found that i…am unreliable
- im unreliable as all heck u hv seen my shitposting right
- like if im gonna shitpost I might as well go under my derpblog again..lmao…
idk I’ll give it a 1 week trial ((but im 99.9% SURE it’s a made decision!!))
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pomrania · 11 months
"This reads like fanfiction (it feels like it was written by a preteen, and most of such things posted publicly are fanfic)" vs "This reads like fanfiction (it has a focus on character and relationships, like the style of a lot of modern fanfic)" vs "This reads like fanfiction (it keeps referencing people and events with the assumption that the audience is already familiar with them, like how fanfic doesn’t need to rehash the source material)"
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pomrania · 19 days
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pomrania · 2 months
The lesser-known crime of child adduction, where you sneak a kid INTO someone's home.
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pomrania · 9 months
Categories of people who actually give an accurate chapter count from the start for how long a story is going to be:
people who have already written the whole thing, they're just posting it a bit at a time
people writing in a style where the chapter count is integral to the structure, such as 5+1
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pomrania · 1 month
Because I'd seen a poll of this question where the only options were "yes" and "no", and that annoyed me.
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pomrania · 6 months
You have five seconds to grab something you can use as a weapon; what is it, and how well might it actually work as a weapon?
I just tried this myself, because there's a couple different things within arm's reach, and what I ended up grabbing first was a slightly-bent crowbar. (Other options were "a wooden baseball bat" and "the handle of what was presumably an axe, I don't know because it was just the handle when I found it".)
Pros: solid metal; heavy enough to cause serious damage upon impact; easy to get a good grip on it; ends can gouge; can also help open stuck doors or windows. Cons: I have weak noodle arms so I wouldn't be able to get much force behind a blow nor easily carry it for long; crowbars are designed as tools not weapons; the slight bend means it's unbalanced and thus even worse at the purpose than a crowbar that didn't undergo whatever caused it to be bent like this.
But I'm playing on easy mode here, since I'm sitting in my room, and I have a lot of different things within arm's reach because if I find something vaguely interesting then I bring it home with me, and it's my room so I don't have to worry about things like "carrying it around with me" or "being seen in public with it". If you're playing on a harder difficulty, you'd have to get more creative, and I'd love to hear what you have for this.
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pomrania · 4 days
It's so funny when horror stories describe like demonic possession or alien mind control "you're stuck inside your body and watching it do things you have no control over, and you can't even scream about it!" as if it's some outlandishly impossible nightmare scenario, instead of just executive dysfunction on a bad day.
I mean sure, executive dysfunction doesn't make you commit murder or open a gate to the netherworld, but when they focus on the horror of "not being able to make your body do what you intend to do", instead of "your body is committing actions you find abhorrent, while under the influence of a malicious external entity", that's when you go from "escapist horror" to "mundane horror". Might as well write a horror novel about misplacing important documents right when you need to file your taxes, or estranged family members dying before you can try to mend the relationship, at that point.
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pomrania · 2 months
I thought of a better clarification for the walrus-vs-fairy question.
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pomrania · 2 months
Unpopular opinion but I think lady cardinals look way better than mister cardinals. Sure mister cardinals can be spotted from a distance easily, but their colouring is kind of garish, while lady cardinals have more elegant shades of red to accentuate their body.
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pomrania · 9 months
From what I've gathered, being a historian is like "reading fanfic where you're unfamiliar with the source material and then trying to figure out what happened in canon".
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pomrania · 6 months
Here's a dumb little post that's been floating around in my head for months.
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pomrania · 4 months
Assume that the only limit on "length of shower" is your own enjoyment; you don't have to worry about running out of water or a particular temperature of water, nobody else is waiting to use the shower, there's a shower chair available if desired, nothing needs your attention for the next few hours, etc.
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