#delink spoilers
kc5rings · 4 months
People who don’t full burst on Bahamut will never understand a warriors bond
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lizzylizzyinatizzy · 1 year
oh my fucking god they turned my girl into a dragon
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vampiremeerkat · 1 year
Your opinion on ''Turning Red''? I didn't see you express any thought on the film. I like this is one of the Pixar movies with most female characters, and the puberty and adolescence insecurities were quite bold and relatable to a kid movie.
My Rottentomatoes account has become inaccessible, the site delinked my profile from my e-mail address for no given reason and refuses to fix it, but this movie I barely managed to review before that happened. There's no point in giving the link to an account I can never continue to grow, so here are the many horrible things I said: "Holy hairy panda. I can't stand self-important, twerking preteens -see my Cuties review that has probably been unlisted by Rottentomatoes for the 80th time- and after watching the entirety of the movie, I don't understand why the child characters had to be like this. It added nothing to the story and the movie's intro alone was a chore to get through. Sure, these kind of children are aplenty in today's age, but why make a kid's movie that children will watch and likely mimic. Now we're going to have even more shitty kids, I hate this existence! The uncomfortable puberty bit(s) that transpired before Mei's transformation was unnecessary as well. Her transformation isn't a representation of puberty at all, no matter what some people or the ham-fisted "we all have a monster inside of us"-line at the end of the movie said. She's literally a descendant of a fairy tale character who begged to the gods to become her favourite animal, as to help protect her family. Not sure why a red panda was chosen, and not, for example, a tiger or a dragon. You know, something inherently large and dangerous. Having that said, the panda design was silly-looking. I'm not sure how it helped the lady from the legend protect anything, as apparently these things aren't even that large. Now (spoilers), Mei's mother was awesomely large, and when I saw her red glowing eyes stomping through the city, I got excited to see this disfigured beast from Hell.. until the light hit her face and I saw it was just another dumb-faced panda. With a Karen hairdo this time. Jesus. And really, the main thing that's to blame here is the art style, which is, as pointed out before, very "Steven Universe". It works for Steven Universe, since that's 2D animation, but I personally can't stand seeing 2D art styles and animation movements in 3D movies. It looks off and lazy. Didn't like it in Hotel Transylvania, either. You have computers that are capable of anything, and you end up doing what you could've done with pencil and paper. Which also would've given the movie more charm. Bring back 2D animated features already, we need a new Disney renaissance. Turning Red is a messy story starring a messy character. Mei would've been much more bearable if she started out timid and overly obedient, whereafter she starts deviating because her first beastly transformation awakens emotions you could describe as "puberty". A different animal would've helped, too. You can't insert a disturbing nightmare sequence in your movie and have the conclusion be a marketable Teddy bear. A Teddy bear so marketable, the police won't even show up to look for this potentially dangerous creature roaming about. I'm also a bit tired of these movies starring girl characters who's powers -or the conflict itself- revolve around their emotions. It's always the same story: their surroundings forbid them to express themselves, or else havoc, but then the solution is expressing themselves. Wowie. Mei was already expressing herself, annoyingly so. The overused plot doesn't even suit the character. Now I'm tired of writing, bye bye."
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denydestiny-doodles · 2 years
love letter animation meme | youtube link : here
this is my featured youtube video so it’s my pinned post too. i’m clay and this is an example post and the intro to my art blog. if something’s from my backlog it’ll have “art created on date" or something like that in the description. fandom stuff will most likely be tagged # [fandom] spoilers if it’s spoilery. that’s about it. have a cool day!
video created on: january 6th, 2021
edit as of 9/2/22 - i remembered people can change tumblr posts when they reblog. for best results, click the link to a YT vid from the original post. i promise i won't rickroll* anyone, but there's a non-zero chance of that happening if you click a link after it's been reblogged.
*here's the link to reach for the stars - sonic colors instead
edit as of 12/26/22 - adding some links in case the header ever delinks itself again
🎃main blog! i reblog art and stuff here.
🎃youtube! animatics and videos are cross-posted there.
🎃tags! info on how i tag here. all tags are set to be viewed in chronological order.
also, the contents of this blog would best be considered for ages 13 and up i think. sometimes there'll be bad words, and sometimes there'll be slapstick or fantasy violence.
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That’s not fair; you’re one of the fanfic authors I really like.
If I had to pick only one, it would be one that got deleted so the author could go pro. I was gonna recommend it to TV Tropes. She dropped the ball on how things are in Japan a bit, but there’s a LOT of intentional misinformation put out by whites to daemonise us, and nothing was particularly damaging save the “Retu is Japanese and doesn’t get gayness.” That is damaging, but in Japan, we were made to disown queerness by America in the 1800s. This is how they’ve whitewashed queerness–destroy our history and replace it, then when they accept queerness call us savages for doing as they made us do. So there are Japanese people who disown queerness (not that Retu goes that far, but there was a blatant delinking of queerness and Japanese cultures), despite evidence we managed to save like in the works of Kitagawa Utamaro and many other pop artists of the Locked Country period, which happened because we kicked out would-be conquerors Nederland and Portugal and decided to trade only offshore.
Anyway, the fic. Ichigo teaches martial arts, Grimmjow studies them. Another oddity was the stranger rape that kicks off Ichigo’s subplot–normally the closest you get is date rape on the first date. I used to work for a DV shelter. The people you know are MUCH more dangerous
Overall, however, it was very good. My favourite until it was taken down. I mean, it wasn’t for nothing that I was looking for it to put it on TV Tropes’ recommend page. It always surprises me for reasons you can read about on this blog under the “out of body” tag, but yeah, a woman wrote it and I don’t even know if she is queer (we talked for a while but) but it was completely respectful to queer men.
Another one of my favourites is stupidwolves has quite a few sweet ones on ao3. I see Coyote as more everyone’s dad, but they’re still very sweet. I don’t get the game world of their current one, but it’s a good read nonetheless, and very nice dynamics.
I don’t do IchigoXKisuke, but regardless, I really did enjoy yours where he’s in the hospital.
cero-black on any site he’s on, ao3 and ff.net has one that’s shaping up to be interesting, and since we’re close friends, he’s told me stuff about writing it that I’m excited to see, but it’s only got one chapter of the first book up so far.
Haven by Dante Morgan is actually really good. He’s made all his own enemies, and usually that’s a red flag, but it’s actually really good. I really enjoy how he shows Ichigo affected by what he’s being put through.
Ser_Renity had some ones I liked but I don’t know if they deleted them or not. They have a long running one that’s excellent, Ricochet, on ao3, but I’m not sure if you can really say it’s about Ichigo for sure. They are an amazing writer on both a technical and storytelling level and I absolutely recommend them, nonetheless.
There are a nother couple of male writers on ff.net I wish I could say I favourite, but one is pretty misogynistic (hence friends with all the fetishit women who are) and the other is incredibly fetishistic of Japanese people (yanno, people like me. Fandom is unsafe for Japanese people, which is why I’ve abstained before and just attack now. I’ve been assaulted and otherwise attacked many, many times. It’s not cute). I’m gonna say sadly wasted potential.
There’s one where Ichigo is the DV victim of Aizen and Grimmjow comes back with Nel, the child they raised together, but it has a major disbelief suspension breaking problem in that it insists “abusers are just mentally ill and they don’t mean it.” Again, career no 2 was social work. If anything, mentally ill people are prone to BEING abused. What Aizen puts Ichigo through in that is just someone with no heart, just an awful person, and the unnamed, of course, “mental illness” and how it plays out is purely nonsensical and really just a excuse to throw mental illnesses under the bus. Everything else was good, but that actually makes it fall out of my favourites because it literally is bad and lazy writing and breaks suspension of disbelief. It’s here because I did enjoy Ichigo/Grimmjow/Nel’s part of the plot.
Riza Winters is another surprising woman writing queer men well. Re-Education I really did enjoy, except [spoiler redacted].
I’d like to pause and recommend one actually about Tatuki. It’s on ff.net called “Psychopomp.” Pan-pantheon afterlife beings show up to train the Karakura High group to defeat Aizen, focus on Tatuki. It’s fucking awesome.
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