#deliberately vagueposting because the argument is worth making but I don't want to bother the original poster who has suffered enough
anarchotolkienist · 23 days
Do I think that I would be able to do better than Lenin in his situation, i.e. head of the Bolshevik party in 1917? No, I don't, because I happen to believe that creating a new state while smashing the old runs on its own logic that leads straightway to Hell. The Party élite is separated from the working class, a host of violent structures separates the leaders and the masses, and since you the educated and philosophically ontologically correct scientific elite is in charge of the Revolution happening as it should, any time a worker or a peasant - or one of their organisations - stands up to you, they are opposing the Revolution itself, indeed the very progression of History, and they must be crushed by any means necessary. It does not matter if Lenin or Trotsky or Stalin - or indeed Makhno or Kropotkin, or the blessed St. Mother Maria Skobstkova or any other human being, myself definitely included - is put there. The very existence of the position has already doomed the Revolution. "You or me wouldn't do any better" is a fucking shit defense of Lenin.
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