#de espresso liber
rabbitcruiser · 2 years
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Food And Drink in Lisbon (No. 4)
Pastel de nata is a Portuguese egg custard tart pastry, optionally dusted with cinnamon. Outside Portugal, they are particularly popular in other parts of Western Europe, Asia and former Portuguese colonies, such as Brazil, Mozambique, Macau, Goa and East Timor. The Macanese pastel de nata was also adopted by KFC and is available in regions such as Hong Kong, Taiwan and China. In Indonesia, this pastry is especially popular in Kampung Tugu, Jakarta, a culturally Portuguese (Mardijker) enclave.
Pastéis de nata were created before the 18th century by Catholic monks at the Hieronymites Monastery (Portuguese: Mosteiro dos Jerónimos) in the civil parish of Saint Mary of Bethlehem, in Lisbon. At the time, convents and monasteries used large quantities of egg-whites for starching clothes, such as friars and nuns' religious habits. It was quite common for monasteries and convents to use the leftover egg yolks to make cakes and pastries, resulting in the proliferation of sweet pastry recipes throughout the country.
In the aftermath of the Liberal Revolution of 1820, following the dissolution of religious orders and in the face of the impending closure of many convents and monasteries, the monks started selling pastéis de nata at a nearby sugar refinery to bring in revenue. In 1834, the monastery was closed and the recipe sold to the sugar refinery, whose owners in 1837 opened the Fábrica de Pastéis de Belém. The descendants own the business to this day.
Since the opening of Fábrica de Pastéis de Belém, the original recipe of the pastel de nata is kept in a secret room. The Fábrica de Pastéis de Belém is the most popular place to buy pastéis de nata; the shop is located just a short three-minute walk from the Jerónimos Monastery. The shop offers both take out and sit in services and sells over 20,000 pastéis de nata a day. Usually the tart is sprinkled with canela (cinnamon), and often accompanied with a bica (a strong espresso coffee).
In 2009 The Guardian listed pastéis de Belém as one of the 50 "best things to eat" in the world. In 2011, following the result of a public vote, the pastry was announced as one of Portugal's Seven Wonders of Gastronomy, further cementing it as one of the country's most popular national dishes.
Source: Wikipedia  
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yummydessert · 2 years
A Delicious Italian Dessert from Italy-Tiramisu with Cream Cheese
Have you ever found yourself torn between two desserts? Let us now introduce you to some dessert. You could try the Mary Berry treacle tart for something truly out of this world. There are always cakey and fudgy brownies for something a little more mainstream. However, if you want something elegant to serve at a dinner party, we recommend this cream cheese in tiramisu.
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(Photo credit: italiangardensmtx)
Where does tiramisu come from?
Tiramisu, also known as "Tuscan Trifle," is a delectable Italian custard-like dessert from the Treviso region of Italy. This dessert's origins have long been debated, but research suggests that it first appeared in the late 1960s or early 1970s.
Tiramisu is one of the world's most well-known and famous Italian desserts eaten with a spoon: "tiramisu" is the sixth most recognized Italian word among Europeans and appears in as many as 23 other languages!
Tiramisu's origins can be traced back to the 17th century, when a similar dish was developed for Grand Duke Cosimo de' Medici III. The Grand Duke visited Tuscany's northwest province, where a similar meal was known as "Duke's Soup." The Duke introduced this dish to Florence, Italy, where it quickly became popular. Tiramisu is supposed to have been invented by Ado Campeol, often known as "the father of Tiramisu."
The delicacy immediately gained popularity among locals, and versions of the recipe spread throughout Italy and the rest of Europe. The classic tiramisu, which means "lift me" because of the espresso, incorporates a variety of incredible tastes that give it its particular flavor.
What exactly is in cream cheese tiramisu?
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The original tiramisu recipe calls for only a few ingredients: egg yolks and sugar mixed, with the addition of mascarpone and a drop of Marsala wine, yielding the famous tiramisu cream, which must be broken up with coffee-soaked biscuits to form the finished dessert.
The best tiramisu recipe with cream cheese is relatively simple, making it ideal for first-timers. Savioardi (Ladyfinger biscuits), egg yolks, mascarpone, chocolate, coffee, and sometimes brandy or cognac to accentuate the coffee flavor are the primary ingredients in this recipe.
Due to personal choice, some cooks substitute rum or marsala for brandy. The ladyfingers are soaked in espresso coffee until they have a sponge-like texture, and the custard is produced by whisking together the eggs, sugar, and milk. The ladyfingers are then placed on the foundation and covered with custard.
The custard's top layer is then liberally dusted with chocolate and espresso coffee. When you bite into this layered custard, you'll notice the smooth chilled cream of mascarpone cheese, followed by a hint of coffee and the espresso-soaked ladyfinger sponges.
How to make cream cheese tiramisu?
This delicacy begins with a cheesecake layer, with the bottom crust made of chocolate graham crackers, butter, and espresso powder. Whipping cream, mascarpone, cream cheese, granulated, and confectioner's sugar are used to make the cheesecake. It is also flavored with more espresso, Kahlua, and vanilla extract.
The tiramisu layer, of course, is constructed from ladyfingers, which have been soaked in more espresso and Kahlua. You can prepare a non-alcoholic version by substituting "strong brewed espresso for the Kahla," according to Jaime Shelbert of Wholly Nourished.If desired, you can also top your cheesecake with cocoa powder or grated chocolate.
Make the crumb crust for cream cheese tiramisu.
When the crumb crust is crunchy, add the espresso powder and pulse or stir to blend the two components.
Now, combine the crumb crust with the melted butter and press the mixture into the bottom of a 9-inch springform pan. Pack the crust as firmly as you can with your hands, the back of a measuring cup, or other similar objects, then place it in the freezer to cool for a few minutes while preparing the cream cheese tiramisu filling.
Make the cream cheese tiramisu filling
Set aside the whipped cream while you blend the mascarpone, cream cheese, and granulated sugar for about two minutes. Add the confectioner's sugar, 14 cups Kahlua, vanilla extract, and two tablespoons espresso powder to the cheese mixture and beat for another two minutes. Finally, using a rubber spatula, incorporate the whipped cream into the cheese mixture. Remove the crust from the freezer and distribute half of the cheesecake filling on top to form the first layer.
Prepare the ladyfingers on top of the tiramisu
Warm a cup of water before adding the remaining espresso powder and Kahlua, which is the sauce for the ladyfingers. As Jaime Shelbert points out, this recipe isn't particularly complicated, but she does have one word of caution: "The only thing I'd avoid is over-soaking the ladyfingers. Otherwise, the center layer will be soggy."
As you finish dipping each ladyfinger, place it on top of the initial layer of cheesecake. It's acceptable to break any ladyfingers to make them fit because the second cheesecake layer will hide them. Once the ladyfingers are in place, you may top the cream cheese tiramisu with the other half of the cheesecake filling.
Before serving, chill the cream cheese tiramisu
Even after you've created your tiramisu cheesecake, it won't be ready to eat for a few hours.  Jaime Shelbert suggests freezing it for at least six hours, if not overnight. Before serving the cheesecake, remove the ring from the springform pan. You may also top it with a little grated chocolate or dust it with cocoa powder (Jaime Shelbert says this is easy to accomplish using a sieve).
Your efforts will culminate in a dessert that Jaime Shelbert feels "would be excellently presented around the holidays." She does provide one more suggestion: "If you like coffee, why not have a cup with this cheesecake?" With this tiramisu cheesecake recipe, you get the best of both worlds: luscious layers of creamy filling with the bonus of espresso-soaked ladyfingers.
Several questions about the cream cheese tiramisu
What kind of cream is used in tiramisu?
For example, combine light cream cheese and ricotta cheese to make a light yet delectable tiramisu. Use cream cheese for tiramisu and thick whipped cream to create a softer, sweeter cream.
What kind of cheese should I use for tiramisu?
Mascarpone, an Italian cream cheese, is essential in the preparation of tiramisu. Tiramisu is a traditional Italian no-bake dessert with layers of coffee-soaked ladyfingers and creamy mascarpone. The custard-like cream is delicious and free of raw eggs. The cream cheese tiramisu is rich in butter, slightly sweet, and silky. Mascarpone is required for authentic tiramisu, but cream cheese can be substituted if necessary.
When does cream cheese expire?
Cream cheese may be stored for several weeks after its expiration date. Once opened, it will keep for a week, possibly up to 10 days.
Should tiramisu be kept cold?
Yes, tiramisu can be frozen. To prevent skin from forming:
Place plastic wrap directly on the surface (without cocoa powder).
2. Cover tightly.
3. Repeat the process with another layer of plastic wrap, then cover with tin foil and place in the freezer.
4. Allow it to thaw for 15-20 minutes.
After everything has defrosted, sprinkle with chocolate powder and serve.
This tiramisu cake recipe is one of our all-time favorites. Tiramisu does not taste like coffee, but it has the same effect on you. You should try making the fresh and intriguing cream cheese for tiramisu at home. That is why I am sharing with you this original tiramisu best tiramisu recipe with cream cheese.
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oraexacta2 · 2 months
Explorând camerele live vibrante din Piața Romană din București
Bucureștiul, capitala României, este un tezaur de cultură, istorie și energie vibrantă. Unul dintre cele mai emblematice repere ale sale este Piața Romană, o piață plină de viață care servește ca un centru de activitate și un ocol al vieții locale. Datorită minunilor tehnologiei moderne, oricine poate experimenta acum agitația din Piața Romană în timp real prin intermediul camerelor în direct. Să ne adâncim în farmecul și entuziasmul acestei locații dinamice surprinse prin lentila acestor fluxuri live.
Piața Romană, tradusă ca „Piața Romanului”, este situată în inima Bucureștiului, lângă intersecția marilor bulevarde și străzi. Este un punct focal al orașului, înconjurat de clădiri istorice, arhitectură modernă, magazine, cafenele și restaurante. De dimineața până seara, piața este plină de activitate, în timp ce localnicii și turiștii deopotrivă îi străbat căile, creând o tapiserie vibrantă de priveliști și sunete.
Unul dintre cele mai captivante aspecte ale Piaței Romane este diversitatea sa arhitecturală. Pe o parte a pieței se află fațada impunătoare a Ateneului Român, o sală de concert maiestuoasă, renumită pentru designul său neoclasic și găzduirea de evenimente culturale prestigioase. Pe partea opusă, zgârie-nori moderni și clădiri de birouri se ridică spre cer, simbolizând evoluția Bucureștiului într-o metropolă înfloritoare.
Camerele live din Piața Romană oferă spectatorilor o fereastră către acest amestec captivant de vechi și nou. Cu doar câteva clicuri, cineva se poate cufunda în ritmurile zilnice ale pieței, observând navetiștii care se grăbesc să ia tramvaiele, studenții care se plimbă pe îndelete către universitățile din apropiere și localnicii care se adună la cafenele pentru conversații pline de viață la o cafea.
Pe parcursul zilei, Piața Romană trece printr-o transformare, fiecare oră aducând propria sa atmosferă și energie unică. Dimineața, piața prinde viață pe măsură ce vânzătorii instalează tarabe, oferind produse proaspete, flori și obiecte de artizanat pe piața plină de viață. Între timp, cei care se trezesc devreme se bucură de un moment liniștit în mijlocul agitației orașului, sorbind espresso la cafenelele în aer liber în timp ce privesc lumea cum trece.
Pe măsură ce ziua înaintează, Piața Romană devine un stup de activitate, cumpărătorii care intră și ieșesc din magazinele de tip boutique, angajații de birou iau un prânz rapid la restaurantele din apropiere și turiștii admirând splendoarea arhitecturală care le înconjoară. Camerele în direct surprind fiecare moment, permițând spectatorilor să asista la fluxul și refluxul vieții în timp real.
Dar este în timpul serii când Piața Romană prinde viață cu adevărat. Pe măsură ce soarele apune, pătratul este scăldat într-o strălucire caldă, aruncând o ambianță magică peste împrejurimile sale. Artistii de stradă distrează trecătorii cu muzică și dans, în timp ce cuplurile fac plimbări romantice mână în mână. Camerele de filmat live surprind farmecul serii, invitând telespectatorii să experimenteze farmecul Piaței Romane după lăsarea întunericului.
Pe lângă prezentarea activităților zilnice din Piața Romană, camerele live oferă și o privire asupra evenimentelor și sărbătorilor speciale care au loc în piață pe tot parcursul anului. De la festivaluri culturale și expoziții de artă până la adunări spontane și flash mob-uri, se întâmplă mereu ceva în Piața Romană, iar streamurile live asigură că niciun moment nu este ratat.
camerele live de la Piața Romană oferă o privire fascinantă în inima și sufletul Bucureștiului. Fie că ești un local care dorește o plimbare virtuală pe străzile familiare sau un călător care visează să exploreze acest oraș vibrant, aceste transmisii live oferă o experiență captivantă care surprinde esența Piaței Romane în toată gloria ei. Așadar, stai pe loc, relaxează-te și lasă imaginile și sunetele pieței emblematice din București să te transporte într-o lume plină de emoție și minune.
Pentru mai multe informatii:-
camere live bucuresti piata romana
camere de supraveghere live
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alessandrapomella · 2 months
Dato che mi hanno donato un può di più nel senso che posso per ora mangiare un può meglio, sono adesso dentro una Starbucks per mangiare la colazione italiana dolce tradizionale: espresso più croissant da 3.5€.
Il problema è che già mi hanno provato avere un brioche miele invece di quella che ho ordinato. Già me l'hanno chiamata di scema, putcha, puta, esatto, vagabunda; dicendo che devo uscire sebbene ho pagato per mangiare qui principalmente perché offrono la presa elettrica da fare ricarica della batteria del cellulare. E gli stakers ripetono la stesa molestie morale del McDonald's, niente diverso.
Come è possibile un luogo così esistere? Un luogo dove le persone usano le sue ore libere per mi molestare dopo rubarmi tutto. E loro si proteggono tra loro. E rubano dentro e fuori Italia usando i Consolati e le Ambasciate? Quem foi que disse que essa desgraça de pais maldito era maravilhoso ICIB, Circolo Italiano, Festa de Casaluce, San Gennaro, Achiropita, San Vito?
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sadia54 · 2 months
Kinds of Taking care of oneself "It very well may be anything that makes you day — anything that puts a grin all over," Dr. Gill Lopez says. "Anything that causes you to feel really focused on, regardless of whether it's you really focusing on yourself."
There are maybe a couple classes of taking care of oneself:
Close to home taking care of oneself, for example, self-talk, week by week bubble showers, saying "no" to things that cause superfluous pressure, allowing yourself to take a respite, or setting up a week by week espresso date with a companion Actual taking care of oneself, for example, focusing on rest, embracing a work-out routine you can stay with, or picking solid and feeding food sources over exceptionally handled ones Profound taking care of oneself, like going to a strict help, investing energy in nature, thinking, integrating normal thoughtful gestures into your day, or keeping an appreciation diary Also, Gill Lopez places taking care of oneself into two further classes: impermanent and persevering.
Instances OF Taking care of oneself What Considers Taking care of oneself, and What Doesn't It's basically impossible to say precisely exact thing considers taking care of oneself since everybody's definition is their own and one of a kind.
The hidden decide is that something brings you supported euphoria over the long haul, Courtney says. Furthermore, however there are a lot of instances of taking care of oneself that appear to step a barely recognizable difference between a wellbeing upgrading conduct and egocentrism, taking care of oneself doesn't need to be tied in with cushioning your schedule with lavish encounters or exercises that cost cash (however it positively can).
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Think about a nail treatment or a back rub or some other spoiling movement. It could appear to be liberal, yet in the event that the movement helps you de-worry and cut time for yourself, it considers taking care of oneself, Amsellem says. Assuming that week by week nail trims or month to month spa days are too far in the red, they will probably add pressure to your life over the long haul, so there are a lot of other taking care of oneself practices you can embrace.
"Taking care of oneself doesn't need to cost anything — it's simply doing things you appreciate. Furthermore, a great deal of the things we appreciate or feel satisfied from don't cost anything," Amsellem says. "Venturing outside and taking a full breath, for instance, may be the best demonstration of taking care of oneself."
Regardless of whether you can't invest heaps of energy and cash, Gill Lopez says you can in any case rehearse taking care of oneself a few times each week by transforming things you do consistently into taking care of oneself practices.
Perhaps you have a go at being more aware of your viewpoints on your drive, or perhaps you track down ways of making everyday errands, such as showering, more charming. Pick a cleanser with a fragrance that you love, and spotlight on the actual vibes of the shower. Gill Lopez says: What does your shower resemble? What does it seem like? How does the warm water feel on your skin? "For around 10 minutes in the shower, which I need to do in any case, rather than allowing my monkey to mind roam free, I'm not too far off," she says.
Day to day errands like making your bed in the first part of the day are additionally instances of taking care of oneself — or can be. "This is where that singularity becomes possibly the most important factor, on the grounds that for certain individuals it is basically impossible that making a bed feels like taking care of oneself — it might simply feel like a task," Amsellem says. Yet, assuming it assists you with guaranteeing your day and provides you with a feeling of achievement right off the bat, you'll have that with you regardless of whether the remainder of the day goes off track, Amsellem says.
The straightforward demonstration of making your bed in the first part of the day probably isn't adequate to represent all your taking care of oneself, she says. You might have to regularly dedicate investment to other taking care of oneself practices, she adds. "In any case, assuming there are a few days when you feel crazy, on those days, getting the day going doing how you needed to help yourself may be one of the greatest types of taking care of oneself you participate in that day."
Furthermore, once in a while when all of our other taking care of oneself plans get tossed messed up (you dealt with your yoga class, your companion dropped your espresso date — we've all been there), those little acts of taking care of oneself give barely sufficient quiet to assist us with traversing the day and wake up feeling better tomorrow.
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digitalhaut10 · 3 months
Top 5 Perfumes
Perfumes are essentially a perfect blend of complementary ingredients and essential oils, whether they be citrus, musky, woody or floral. The Power of Perfume has the unique ability to evoke emotions, enhance our personal experience or create memories. The scent is a trigger for attraction, but the power of perfume goes beyond that as it also masks and neutralizes bad body odor and keeps the person smelling nice and fresh throughout the day. One should carefully select and wear this as each scent works differently on every individual. The Power of perfume is undeniable as it can easily impact and persuade anyone. There are Top 5 Perfumes which are iconic and widely appreciated for their performance that many considered essential.
Burberry london Eau de Parfum:
 NOTES: A mix of botanical, fruity, and fine musk.
DESCRIPTION:- Burberry London eau de toilette has a flower fruity scent that is light and complements more if worn in winter season. It has delicate top notes of rose and honeysuckle. The fragrance has profound heart notes of tiare bloom, jasmine, peony and a hint of new clementine zest. Sun powered notes of sandalwood, musk, and patchouli add a subtle warmth to make an enticing scent. It has a rectangular-shaped glass bottle with a check fabric cover around it.
COST: 8450 (100ml)
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NOTES: Flower, fruity, citrus
DESCRIPTION: Chance Eau Tendre by Chanel is a Flower Fruity scent for ladies. It is a lighter and more fragile form of the Opportunity assortment. This fragrance includes the notes of grapefruit, quince, and white musk, making a delicate and heartfelt smell. The Eau de Toilette arrives in a splash bottle for liberal use and easy application on the skin or dress. It comes in a 100 ml round-shaped glass bottle that looks unique and luxurious.
COST: 18000 APPROX.(100ml)
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NOTES: Black Opium is known for its oriental and gourmand character.
DESCRIPTION:- Black Opium Eau de Parfum is an enchantingly intoxicating ladies' scent. The initial notes of adrenaline-rich espresso and the sweet exotic nature of vanilla lean back into the delicate quality of white blossoms making it a durable fragrance. A mind-blowing mixture of Cedarwood Pith and Patchouli Essene tempts with its enchanting and feminine notes, trailed by the pleasantness of Vanilla leaning back with the chaos of delicate blossoms driving one in the arms of unadulterated oriental joy. The 90ml is full-size packaging which is presented in an elegant shimmery black glass bottle.
COST: 8500 (90ml)
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NOTES: Flower and feminine
DESCRIPTION:- Gucci Blossom Profumo di Fiori is a fragrance removed from fascinating sprouts that serve an intoxicating smell. The aroma is improved by Ylang's deep flower warmth and pleasantness, extracted from the rich Sandalwood and Sun-soaked woody notes. A new summery scent stays the whole day on the skin. The fragrance is introduced in a yellow lacquered glass bottle decorated with a bloom print on the external packaging and a dark Gucci mark on it. The container comes in 100ml and 50ml packaging.
COST: 12100(100ml)
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NOTES:- Floral, fresh, and fruity
DESCRIPTION:- The scent is flexible and can be worn during different events, from daytime exercises to night occasions. Its fresh and clean fragrance makes it reasonable for both informal and formal settings. Versace Bright Crystal is specially introduced for ladies who value a new and energetic scent with a hint of botanical and fruity notes. It's frequently connected with young and lively energy. The scent is typically presented in a smooth and a luxury glass bottle highlighting the notable Versace Medusa head logo.
COST: 8100 (90ML)
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giancarlonicoli · 7 months
7 ott 2023 12:12
Estratto dell’articolo di www.lastampa.it
«Assolutamente farneticanti». Così il consigliere per la stampa del Quirinale Giovanni Grasso definisce le illazioni, diffuse questa sera dal direttore de Il Giornale Alessandro Sallusti, ospite della trasmissione di Lilly Gruber Otto e Mezzo su La7, di un intervento del Colle perché fosse sostituito il direttore de La Stampa Massimo Giannini. «Come dovrebbe essere noto a tutti, la presidenza della Repubblica non si è mai permessa di interferire nelle libere dinamiche editoriali e nella nomina di direttori. Chi afferma il contrario mente», dice Grasso.
A spiegare i motivi dell’avvicendamento ai vertici de La Stampa, durante la trasmissione è stato lo stesso Giannini. «Da giugno con il mio editore abbiamo avviato una riflessione sulla natura del giornale e su come lo si potesse rafforzare. Dopo una riflessione prolungata, si è deciso che La Stampa deve recuperare un rapporto diretto e vicino con il territorio». A prendere il suo posto è Andrea Malaguti, fino ad oggi vice direttore vicario del quotidiano torinese. [...]
Estratto dell’articolo di www.liberoquotidiano.it
Alessandro Sallusti, in collegamento con Lilli Gruber a Otto e mezzo su La7, nella puntata del 6 ottobre, critica duramente la condotta della giudice di Catania Iolanda Apostolico per aver partecipato nel 2018 alla manifestazione anti-Salvini e poi aver disapplicato il decreto Cutro sul trattenimento di alcuni migranti nel Centro di Pozzallo: "Andiamo con ordine. Il ragionamento di Massimo Giannini parte da un presupposto sbagliato, che un magistrato sia un cittadino come un altro, non è un cittadino come un altro. Ha delle libertà diverse dalle mie", attacca il direttore de Il Giornale. "Se Giannini scrive che io gli sto sulle pa*** può fare il lavoro che fa. Se lo fa un magistrato non può più giudicare né me né tutto ciò che è attinente a me, perché ha espresso un giudizio o un pregiudizio dal quale doveva astenersi", sottolinea Sallusti.
Dopodiché, spiazzando ulteriormente la conduttrice e lo stesso Massimo Giannini, Sallusti fa una seconda considerazione: "Il problema non è il video ma che un magistrato che ha espresso delle posizioni ha giudicato nel merito poi di quello per cui era andata a manifestare", prosegue il direttore del Giornale. Che conclude: "C'è un dettaglio che sfugge ai più, quando è scoppiato il putiferio la magistrata si è affrettata a cancellare i post. Allora se era normale, se lei era lì per tutelare l'ordine pubblico, cosa ridicola, perché li ha cancellati? Perché ha capito che erano di intralcio alla sua narrazione".
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longautomation · 2 years
Espresso bar
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For example: do you like to make coffee on a daily basis or are you someone who prefers one latte a week? If you’re a frequent coffee brewer that wants speed and convenience, get an espresso machine that has: Espresso machines are more varied than they’ve ever been, able to suit you right down to the price point.įinding your compatible espresso machine means asking questions about your preferences, experiences, and budget. This distinction will vary a little depending on your needs. See Also: Automatic Espresso Machine with Grinder What Makes a Good Espresso Machine? You should adjust pressure before extracting your espresso so you don’t create an inconsistent shot. Adjusting pressure is as simple as the press of a button. This semi automatic espresso machine has its pressure gauge front and center: while it’s capable of sixteen bars of pressure, you should remain in the eight to nine bar range. Let’s use the Quick Mill Silvano Evo Espresso Machine 04005-A-EVO as an example. Most espresso machines come with a pressure gauge for you to view and adjust pressure at will. This feature is best left to the experts, as it can lead to unwieldy results. They also tend to be pump-driven rather than steam-driven to get the most amount of pressure.ĭepending on the machine you use, you can have coffee brewed with varying levels of pressure. Professional, commercial-grade espresso machines generally use nine bars.
How Many Bars Are In a Professional Espresso Machine? Coffee beans are more delicate than they look and require a balanced touch. Adding too much pressure to your espresso grind will make it taste overextracted: this means bitter or sour. A 15 bar pump espresso machine has the maximum amount of pressure that can be applied to espresso.ĭoes that make the coffee taste better? Not at all. Now that we’ve looked at the bare minimum pressure, let’s look at the other extreme. Consider using dark roasted coffee beans, as they’re better suited to the higher pressure of espresso machines. If you use the right espresso grind and fresh beans, you can still make a very strong cup. It won’t be quite as rich or aromatic as a higher bar machine, but it’s perfectly acceptable for your occasional latte.įortunately, it takes more than pressure to make good espresso. Are 3.5 Bar Espresso Machines Good?Ī 3.5 bar espresso machine is considered suitable for casual home use. If you’re thinking of using more bars than that, reconsider! It’s all about balance in the world of espresso, meaning too many bars can be just as damaging as not enough.Ĭontinue reading to learn what pressure bars mean for espresso and what you should look for when purchasing an espresso machine. Nine bars is considered ideal for high-quality espresso, though you can also get solid extractions from seven or eight bars. Just how rich and flavorful do you want your espresso shots to be? How Many Bars Should an Espresso Machine Have?ĭon’t have time to read the whole article? Here’s a quick answer to your question: Short pastries filled with chocolate ganache, caramel and walnuts and finished with a dust of Fleur de Sel are just as intriguing.Are you wondering how many bars your espresso machine should have? This answer depends on your tastes. Classics such as raspberry and orange tarts are stacked on trays of varying creation such as apple-poppyseed tartelettes, Tarte au Citron or profiteroles filled with vanilla cream. The coffee is roasted by Berlin resident Fiaker, teas are imported from Paris’ own Kusmi tea house and hot chocolate is available, too.īut what helped establish this former artist’s culnary reputation are his French tartelettes. Any resistance is futile! Everyday you get fresh croissants, on a good day you’ll even find the airiest homebaked brioches. A beautiful smell welcomes you when you enter the shop. Three years ago he decided to step away from fashion and liberal arts and, together with his wife, open up this tiny cafe on Mommsenstraße.Īnd so it is that Danabi comes in early every morning to bake. Standing behind the sideboard that is Espresso Bar’s counter, he looks like an intellectual rather than a baker or a chef. During his studies he worked at Hamburg’s finest French restaurants and really got immersed in the art of Pâtisserie. He came to Germany in 1984, went to school and studied fashion design in Hamburg.
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lauthenticfrance · 2 years
Mam Goz River Barge Cruise - Lauthentic France
The Mam Goz River Barge Cruise Luxury Hotel offers barge cruises in the South of France. Along the french canals, waterways, and rivers of Canal du Rhône à Sète.
The MAM GOZ Luxury Hotel Barge offers barge travels in the South of France. Along the french trenches, streams, and waterways of the Canal du Rhône à Sète, the Canal du Midi, and the Rhône waterway. The MAM GOZ Luxury Hotel Barge can be reserved as a confidential sanction for up to 6 travelers. Obviously arranged in the South of France, the MAM GOZ Luxury Hotel Barge is secured in Aigues-Mortes, near Avignon, Nîmes, and Arles between the wild Camargue and the captivating Provence.
A lodging Barge in French streams Upper deck MAM GOZ is a lodging barge in France cruising the Provence. Exceptionally adjusted to the Canal du Midi, it has a greatest length of 29.8 m to enter the locks. Undeniably worked to explore the streams and streams of southern France, MAM GOZ can oblige up to 6 individuals.
On the upper-deck there is: an open air relax an unwinding sun porch a 2 man hydromassage hot tub with chromotherapy
Relax On the lower-deck there is: a parlor and a lounge area with 3 individual tables
The Southern French Cuisine Find the way of life of South of France Eric and Christel love the cooking from the South of France affected by the different Mediterranean societies. This cooking is an equivalent word of sun and neighborliness. During your waterway barge voyage in Provence, we will impart to you our enthusiasm for Southern French cooking. Nature of items is fundamental. Thus, Eric and Christel spend the colder time of year season searching for the best makers in the district which work in regard of the climate and with an excellent objective. They taste and select neighborhood items to offer you the best cooking. Also, they visit basements and grape plantations of the Rhone, Provence, and Languedoc to serve you the best neighborhood wines. These items are elegantly ready by Eric. Fish, meat, and vegetables essentially prepared with olive oil, new flavors, and spices of the locale; there lies really the mystery of his food: straightforward, hued, simply great.
Breakfast To begin the day well, breakfast should the liberal. On MAM GOZ, we will serve a conventional French breakfast with hot beverages: espresso, tea, chocolate, or milk with new squeezed orange. Croissants and comparative items, for example, chocolatine will go with the French roll with honey and jam. Obviously cheddar, ham, and eggs as well as oats, yogurt, and dried natural product will likewise be accessible to fulfill you.
The aperitifs Before every feast is accepted, an aperitif will be served on the upper deck. It will be a favored second to find new wines and grape assortments of this rich and brilliant district. Obviously, different spirits like gin, vodka, whisky, and pastis will be ready to fulfill you as well as new wines from the district like MUSCAT DE LUNEL Clos de Bellevue, the renowned French vermouth Noilly Prat or Banyuls. You will have available to you softs, squeezed orange, and the overall known shimmering EAU de PERRIER from which the source is found a couple of kilometers from the stream we are jumping. Your aperitif will be served along with Mediterranean « mises en bouche » for instance tapenade, caviar d'aubergines, or anchoïade.
Lunch and Dinner ready Dinners are accepted regard the guidelines of the French cooking with a 4 courses feast. Our items as referenced previously, are given by nearby makers uniquely chose by us for their amazing quality.
Drinks presented with feasts The Rhône-valley, second grape plantation after the Bordeaux area, has AOC wines among the most striking of France (Côte-rôtie, Hermitage, Chateauneuf-du-Pape… ). Les Côtes de Provence creates a liberal and loaded with sun wine with magnificent rosé wines. During our bursting in the south of France we will go over a few neighborhood grape plantations, for example, Clairette de Bellegarde, Costières de Nîmes that could shock you. The Languedoc finally is the biggest wine locale of France between the mountains and the Mediterranean. For quite a while, it delivered bad quality wine tables. In any case, throughout the previous 30 years the wines of the Languedoc on account of energetic people produce these days exceptional wines to be tasted during the journey.
So to find or find again the grape plantations of our lovely district, an alternate wine will be proposed at every feast as per your taste and obviously adjusted to the menu proposed. You could taste for instance, a Châteauneuf-du-Pape Domaine Mont Redon or the well known Fiole du Pape, a Côte-rôtie Domaine de Bonserine, a Gigondas Domaine des Bosquets, a Clairette de Bellegarde Terre des Chardons, a Vin des Sables Montcalm Prestige, a Costières de Nîmes Château Beaubois or a Pic Saint Loup Domaine de l'Hortus, or an AOC Languedoc La Clape Château Mire l'étang… Regular or shimmering water and squeezed orange will likewise be at your demeanor.
During the voyage, at any snapshot of the day, normal or shining water, softs, squeezed orange, lager, neighborhood red, white or rosé wine as well as espresso or tea will be at your demeanor.
Lunch or supper taken outside As indicated by the day or the spot, we visit we can pick either bistro, gastronomic, conventional or even some of the time colorful food. Dinners taken outside are significant: it's an ideal opportunity to rest between two visits or after a voyage; time to unwind; the joy to be together yet additionally to find different climates and new flavors.
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bestcandles · 3 years
The 10 Best Aromatherapy Candles of 2021
Fragrance based treatment candles have a unique method of changing the space where we reside—and it's not all in our mind. Albeit more examination is required, a few investigations recommend that fragrance based treatment—or the utilization of regular plant concentrates to advance wellbeing and prosperity—can be a viable method to ease wretchedness manifestations, further develop rest quality, and decrease by and large pressure levels.1
Each plant impacts the human body and its faculties in an unexpected way, however the right mixes of fixings can give genuine help to those needing unwinding and self-care.
As we as a whole explore altogether distressing and uneasiness initiating times, the least we can accomplish for ourselves is bring clean fragrant healing candles into our homes. Go on—light that wick, subside into a comfortable seat, and let the force of fundamental oils float through the air.
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Here are the best fragrant healing candles available.
Our Top Picks
Best Overall: Craft and Kin Fresh Linen Candle at Amazon
Made with soy wax and fundamental oils, it consumes neatly for quite a long time and fills your home with the perfect measure of aroma.
Best Budget: MRS. MEYER'S CLEAN DAY Scented Soy Aromatherapy Candle at Amazon
Made with brutality free, inexhaustible fixings like soy wax, vegetable wax, and cotton wicks, they're presented in signature aromas.
Best Natural: Lulu Candles Natura Belgium Lavender Candle at Amazon
Really spotless, biodegradable, and loaded up with the fragrance of valid lavender.
Best Splurge: L'or de Seraphine Premium Scented Jar Candle at Lordeseraphine.com
The fired compartment makes for a scaled down piece of craftsmanship while the actual candle emits relieving and inspiring energies.
Best Scent: Anecdote Candles Comfort Zone at Anecdotecandles.com
The embodiment of tranquility, with notes of cedarwood, espresso, orange bloom, vanilla, and patchouli.
Best for Smaller Rooms: Wild Beautiful Free Peace Gorilla Luxury Candle at Amazon
Restricted area requires a somewhat subtler flame, like this lavender and vanilla mix.
Best for Larger Rooms: Klayre Essence Sandalwood Rose Scented Soy Candle at Amazon
Premium aromas are slyly mixed to make its impeccably adjusted sandalwood rose fragrance.
Best With Botanicals: New Moon Beginnings Peaceful Home Candle at Amazon
This light genuinely brings a feeling of sorcery and good energy into your consecrated individual space.
Best Small Batch: Way Out West Aromatherapy Scented Candles at Amazon
Fills your home with perfect and relieving aromas that wait well after you've blown the flame out.
Best Gift Set: Wax and Oils Soy Wax Aromatherapy Scented Candles at Amazon
This adjustable set permits you to give three impeccably matched fragrances in one recyclable box.
Best Overall: Craft and Kin Fresh Linen Candle
Specialty and Kin makes 100% regular, hand-poured fragrant healing candles solely in the United States. Made with soy wax, a cotton wick, and fundamental oils, the candles consume neatly for quite a long time upon hours, filling your home with the perfect measure of fragrance. They come in lovely golden gold glasses that add a pleasant touch to any home stylistic layout. We are inclined toward the new cloth fragrance, which emits a perfect clothing smell, yet you really can't turn out badly with any of them.
Best Budget: MRS. MEYER'S CLEAN DAY Scented Soy Aromatherapy Candle
This well known cleaning item producer offers candles in its unique fragrances. The candles are made with sustainable fixings—like soy wax, vegetable wax, and cotton wicks. Mrs. Meyer's Clean Day doesn't utilize fundamental oils because of their flimsiness when delivered in enormous groups, yet it utilizes engineered scents that are consistent with rules from the International Fragrance Association and the Research Institute for Fragrance Materials.
With a 35-hour consume time, these brutality free candles make for a decent expansion to your home and leave you with a charming reusable glass container.
Best Natural: Lulu Candles Natura Organic Soy Vegan Wax Belgium Lavender Candle
Nothing brings you into nature very like the smell of true lavender—and the information that you're consuming a truly perfect and biodegradable light. This pick from Lulu Candles Natura line is made altogether of veggie lover soy wax, unadulterated natural fundamental oils, and unbleached, sans lead cotton wicks.
Liberated from poisons, phthalates, paraffin, parabens, and colors, this candle can assist you with focusing less with regards to the wellbeing of your home and Zen out with the fragrance of calming lavender.
Best Splurge: L'or de Seraphine Premium Scented Candle in Designer Ceramic Jar
Assuming you need to go all out with your fragrant healing flame assortment, look at these superior scented container candles from L'or de Seraphine. The earthenware holder makes for a little piece of craftsmanship in your home while the actual light occupies your space with the perfect measure of fragrance.
The candle is made with a mix of reasonably sourced palm waxes, unadulterated fundamental oils, and 100% natural cotton wicks. They are liberated from parabens and phthalates, and the biggest candles make some consume memories of 80 hours. Every one scents astounding, yet we are inclined toward Fragrance No. 07, a relieving and inspiring mix of ocean salt, violet, and vetiver.
Best Scent: Anecdote Candles Comfort Zone
Add an additional a portion of unwinding to your home with a candle from Anecdote. Their Comfort Zone Candle is the encapsulation of quietness with notes of cedarwood, espresso, orange bloom, vanilla, and patchouli. Depicted on the container as "smells like the delight of passing up a major opportunity," this flame is the ideal aroma for those comfortable evenings inside.
The entirety of Anecdote's candles are made with a mix of coconut and soy waxes, and they are liberated from added substances and additives. Accessible in a 7.8-ounce standard container or 3.4-ounce travel tin size, you can pick the right size for you. Furthermore, since they offer a wide assortment of special fragrances, they make the ideal presents for your friends and family.
Best for Smaller Rooms: Wild Beautiful Free Peace Gorilla Luxury Candle
Restricted area requires a marginally subtler flame, like this lavender and vanilla mix from Wild Beautiful Free. Ideal for your bedside table or Zen office space, the candle is made with natural coconut wax, a natural cotton wick, and unadulterated fragrant healing grade lavender and vanilla fundamental oils.
Furthermore, it's hand-filled a wonderful 24-karat-gold, elephant-stepped glass that can be reused once the flame is no more. Made in the United States, this 7.5-ounce candle makes some consume memories of 60 hours.
Best for Larger Rooms: Klayre Essence Sandalwood Rose Scented Soy Candle
Hold nothing back, correct? This 8-ounce Klayre Essence flame isn't the biggest on our rundown, however it effectively fills your home with the most loosening up fragrance. Its normal soy wax base is produced using American-developed soybeans, and it utilizes eco-accommodating cotton for the wick to consume for 40 hours.
Even better, premium aromas are shrewdly mixed to make its impeccably adjusted sandalwood rose fragrance. High quality in the United States, the candle is vegetarian and pitilessness free, and it's made without parabens or phthalates.
Best With Botanicals: New Moon Beginnings Peaceful Home Candle
In case you are delicate to the energy of your home, this New Moon Beginnings candle is the best pick for you. Made with regular eco-soy wax, helpful grade fundamental oils, sans lead cotton wicks, local natural spices, and a cautious curation of true precious stones, this candle honestly brings a feeling of enchantment and good energy into your hallowed individual space.
The rosemary, eucalyptus, and mint aroma blend immediately makes a quieting and stress-mitigating air.
Best Small Batch: Way Out West Aromatherapy Scented Candles
Love the mother and-pop shop feel of specific candlemakers? Then, at that point you need to look at these great finds from Way Out West Candles. Little bunch created for over 30 years, these fragrance based treatment candles are produced using a characteristic soy wax mix, unadulterated fundamental oils, and without lead cotton wicks. Every 17-ounce container gives 60 hours of consume time, filling your home with spotless and relieving scents that wait well after you've blown the light out.
While there is a wide collection of aromas to look over, you can't turn out badly with the exemplary Fields of Lavender smell. Each container makes for a kitschy piece of home stylistic theme that can be repurposed after the existence of the first flame.
Best Gift Set: Wax and Oils Soy Wax Aromatherapy Scented Candles
Candles make amazing presents for fragrant healing sweethearts, and this adjustable set from Wax and Oils permits you to give three impeccably matched aromas in a single box. Every 8-ounce flame arrives in a protected metal tin, and the actual candles are produced using non-GMO soy wax and unadulterated cotton wicks.
The dissolving point of the wax guarantees a spotless, residue free consume that keeps going over 20 hours for every tin. We track down the lavender, vanilla, and peppermint eucalyptus mix to be especially mitigating and an ideal present for anybody in your life.
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corallorosso · 4 years
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Decalogo del dito medio e dei suoi usi legittimi di Carlo Gubitosa In una società civile e moderna, il dibattito pubblico usa registri comunicativi e modalità espressive civili e rispettose, che servono a farsi capire con ragionamenti superiori orientati al progresso sociale, e non a prevaricare l'interlocutore per esprimere emozioni primarie come gioia, rabbia, tristezza, paura o disgusto. Nella nostra società incivile, il dibattito politico usa gesti, linguaggi e registri espressivi che esprimono emozioni primarie: l'erezione permanente vantata dal pregiudicato Umberto Bossi col dito medio alzato per esprimere la gioia legata all'ebbrezza del potere politico, il "vaffa" con cui il pregiudicato Beppe Grillo ha espresso il disgusto verso una classe dirigente di imbroglioni corrotti (prima di rimpiazzarla con una classe dirigente di incapaci asserviti), fino ad arrivare ai virtuosismi espressivi del pregiudicato Vittorio Sgarbi, capace di utilizzare i pretesti e gli insulti più vari per esprimere da trent'anni la stessa, identica e immutata emozione primaria: una profonda rabbia interiore, figlia di chissà quali traumi, frustrazioni, squilibri o scompensi, che sfugge alle analisi delle scienze della comunicazione per entrare nel territorio di competenza della psichiatria. (...) Ma nella nostra società incivile e ipocrita, il dibattito politico accetta le emozioni primitive espresse dai potenti e dai vip, anche se sono pregiudicati, ma stigmatizza, attacca e condanna quelle della gente comune, anche se è incensurata. (...) Tutto ciò premesso, provo a tracciare un decalogo provvisorio ed emendabile di criteri e principi per la valutazione dei nostri gesti e dei gestacci altrui: 1) La volgarità del potente di solito è una azione che influisce sul suo elettorato e sulla cultura del paese, quella del comune cittadino è solitamente una reazione con conseguenze limitate. 2) La nostra Costituzione ci consente di esprimere il nostro pensiero "con la parola, lo scritto e ogni altro mezzo di diffusione", e possiamo farlo liberamente e a norma di legge se il nostro messaggio verbale o gestuale non configura l'illecito di ingiuria ("Tizio è un imbecille") o il reato di diffamazione ("tizio è un pappone") ma si limita ad esprimere il nostro stato d'animo nei confronti di Tizio ("Tizio mi ha rotto le scatole, ne penso tutto il male possibile, che vada a quel paese"). 3) La legittimità delle libere espressioni del pensiero di cui al punto 2) è ulteriormente rafforzata nel caso in cui Tizio sia un personaggio pubblico, che riveste cariche pubbliche, amministra la cosa pubblica, fa parte di istituzioni pubbliche o ha comunque un ruolo pubblico con conseguenze sulla sfera pubblica. 4) Il dito medio del cittadino comune è il "pernacchio" di Eduardo de Filippo, una forma di resistenza nonviolenta al potere che si rivolge ad un bersaglio specifico e si avvale del linguaggio dei simboli per mostrare che il re è nudo, che il potente è solo un teatrante intrappolato nel suo personaggio da cui possiamo prendere le distanze con un semplice gesto. 5) Il dito medio del potente è l'arroganza del marchese del Grillo, è una forma di esibizione violenta del potere che si rivolge ad un bersaglio generico: la parte di società che la pensa diversamente da lui, negandone la dignità e la legittimità politica. 6) Chi si sente offeso dal dito medio del cittadino comune consideri che l'espressione popolare dell'insofferenza verso chi comanda con arroganza, anche quando è realizzata con gestualità che veicolano emozioni primarie, è sempre stata un lievito fertile per il cambiamento sociale, un antidoto contro la cristallizzazione dello status quo, un innesco per ridefinire nuovi rapporti di forza tra differenti classi sociali. In altre parole, lo sberleffo popolare dei potenti è cosa buona e virtuosa. 7) Chi legittima il dito medio del potente consideri che l'espressione volgare dei sentimenti da parte di chi ha un potere di indirizzo culturale o politico genera emulazione, sposta il confine del consentito, fomenta chi si sente moralmente autorizzato dal potente a passare dalla volgarità gestuale alla violenza verbale, e da questa alla violenza fisica. In altre parole, l'arroganza del potere verso i cittadini è cosa cattiva e perniciosa. 8 ) Ha titolo morale per fare prediche e scambiare gesti di insofferenza per insulti soltanto chi si è già ribellato agli insulti omofobi di Sgarbi, agli insulti islamofobi di Meloni, agli insulti sessisti di Berlusconi, agli insulti antiziganisti di Salvini, agli insulti antimeridionalisti di Bossi, agli insulti razzisti di Calderoli. 9) Una ragazza che coglie nel sonno un potente con la responsabilità politica e morale di gente morta affogata, e decide di fare giustizia con un gesto simbolico e nonviolento di ribellione, merita la pubblica gogna, anche se vogliamo negarle la stima riconosciuta al personaggio biblico di Giuditta, che di fronte all'ingiustizia e alla prepotenza di un generale che minacciava un intero popolo scelse di sfoderare il coltello per la decapitazione, e non il dito medio per la derisione. 10) Nell'esaminare i punti precedenti va tenuto in considerazione che nella nostra società dell'ipercomunicazione istantanea la maleducazione e il bon ton, la ribellione e la prevaricazione, l'indignazione e il moralismo, lo scandalo di oggi e quello di domani sono tutti dei fuochi di paglia che durano lo spazio di un mattino fino a quando il dito medio alzato per deridere il potere non diventa un indice per mostrare una alternativa, da chiudere in un pugno per lottare contro l'ingiustizia.
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masterbarista · 5 years
South Beach Wine & Food Festival: Culinary by the Sea
I never object when illy sends me to Miami every February for the South Beach Wine & Food Festival. Warm sun, amazing food, incredible wine and the chance to rub elbows with A-list culinary personalities, chefs and like-minded connoisseurs…what’s not to love?
But dare I say that this year’s festival was the best yet?
This year marked the festival’s 18th edition. It attracted more than 60,000 guests who took part in more than 100 seminars, intimate dinners, tasting experiences, cooking classes and more over the five-day event. So the sheer size of it alone blew me away.
I was fortunate to be front and center at some of the most popular events, and had multiple opportunities to keep attendees refreshed and delighted with some of our newest products. First it was Aria Cold Brew’s turn to take center stage (and where better than cold coffee is always in season!). Our breakthrough, nitro-beating effervescent coffee officially debuted at a red-hot “Buddhas & Bellinis” event, where it perfectly complemented the liberally-poured signature Italian cocktails. Aria Cold Brew was also on hand in the VIP green room where chefs like Andrew Zimmern, Rocco DiSpirito, Scott Conant, Blobby Flay and Emeril Lagasse lounged and sampled before their performances on-stage. illy also had a presence at the Goya Foods Grand Tasting Village, where SoBe-goers enjoyed Ready-to-Drink and shared images on social alongside life-size illy cups.
Last, but certainly not least, I was on hand to serve signature illy espresso at a dinner hosted by the lovely, charming Food Network television host, chef Giada De Laurentiis. I assure you, the pleasure was all mine.
Here are some of my favorite images from SoBe – enjoy and here’s to next year!
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You needn't bother with an enormous spending plan to purchase an extraordinary corporate blessing. It is about how you present the blessing. Personalization can go far; it indicates thankfulness remarkably and centers around fortifying an esteemed working relationship. Marked limited time things bearing an organization logo doesn't accomplish this while, essentially, a name on a gift voucher does. It's critical to perceiving the distinction between customized endowments and limited time blessings – special endowments are for the majority while customized corporate cakes are for the person that assistance strengthens an important business relationship.
Go for the best in the class. In the event that you give somebody a Seiko watch who wears a Rolex, the blessing is destined to go unnoticed and unused. It is smarter to blessing consumables, eg: an extravagance box of desserts (like our Macaroons imply) that remain to establish a connection.
Discover something that is practical. If the blessing has no utilization other than going about as a thing of messiness, it will accomplish nothing, sit in a cabinet for a long time and is bound for the tip at the following get out. You need to discover something they will need to use, for instance, on the off chance that you realize your customer likes espresso, get them a heavenly processor (the Mignon is the best programmed processor that looks as keen for what it's worth – you can arrange from us according to popular demand) or maybe an espresso membership that will be put to great use.
Mean to discover something that will last. Sometimes a little blessing with no conspicuous aim is perfect and an incredible method to express profound gratitude. Different occasions you might need to discover something that will last, and this doesn't mean something like a plaque that sits on the divider gathering dust. It is smarter to purchase a month to month membership of blessing bins for a year (that you can purchase and disregard) that will be shared around the workplace and even be a conversational piece and help them to remember how liberal and astute you are!
Make it customized. Everybody wants to see their name on anything (other than bills), and if the monetary allowance does not reach out to etching a gold-plated self-renewing bubbly beverage and espresso candy machine (WE WOULD LOVE ONE!), a similar vibe great impact can be accomplished through something as straightforward as a customized blessing message. For instance, one of our corporate customers conveys a blessing bin each month on a membership premise including our most recent items and flavors with a little blessing label message on it bearing his customer's name. It gets imparted to his associates and that makes him feel like the workplace legend! Different customers blessing marked cupcakes to the whole office, the decisions are unending.
Make it repeatable. In this day and age, time is of the pith and your corporate blessing provider ought to resemble some other endorsed provider – a provider you have a decent involvement with and that you can utilize over and over. In the meantime you would prefer not to utilize a provider that has just a single item as variety is essential. This is one reason at Anges de Sucre we have built up a scope of corporate endowments that can be refreshed to incorporate our most recent flavorful treats that the fortunate beneficiaries can anticipate!
Don't simply concentrate on the customer. Give a blessing that the customer can have a ball and furthermore by their family and group. A blessing that can be shared is probably going to establish a superior connection all round.
Go for the unforeseen. While giving a present at Christmas is an unquestionable requirement, giving a present consistently, haphazardly, will help establish a long term connection and help the present to emerge. Keep in mind a customer perhaps accepting many presents at Christmas yet none amid bleak January when he will welcome a stimulating beverage
Discover a discussion starter. Talking about a customized blade can be troublesome and out of a great many people's region of intrigue while a blessing that everyone can identify with, similar to a gourmet blessing, is a lot simpler to discover shared opinion to begin a discussion.
Keep it Classy. Shabby is never great and most marked blessings are only that. A blessing message with unobtrusive marking gets your image at the forefront of their thoughts without going down the recoil commendable and crude customized marked photograph logo-on-anything course.
Deal with your financial plan with reasonable extravagances. At Anges de Sucre this is essentially our adage - our endowments don't blow the monetary allowance yet are rich profoundly… actually! On the off chance that you have £50 to spend, don't purchase a shabby watch yet the best box of macaroons! corporate gifts Bangalore with price
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mattkennard · 5 years
Jeremy Corbyn: My goal is to lead a government devoted to social justice
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Published: La Jornada (6 November 2018)
Arriving at the Houses of Parliament in London, I worried that I would find Jeremy Corbyn downbeat and nervy. The leader of the Labour Party, the official opposition to the British government, has been the victim of fierce attacks over the past six months -- the crescendo to a campaign that has been rolling since he was elected leader of the Labour Party in 2015.
In a near-universally hostile British media, he is regularly portrayed as an anti-semite, a misogynist, a terrorist sympathiser, a communist agent -- the list is literally endless. Every day, there is a new line of attack on a politician who for just about his whole political life was a largely unknown, marginalised left-wing voice in British politics.
But, like so much when it comes to Jeremy Corbyn, the opposite is the case. He is upbeat and relaxed. I meet him at his offices where he is surrounded by young and enthusiastic staff buzzing round the office. As he greets me, he hands me a double espresso. Someone has got his order wrong. “Want it?” he asks smiling.
He is quick to crack a joke, is intensely interested in other people, and seems at peace. His aura is one of enviable calm. Considering the storm around him, it’s disorientating. You take a lot of hits, I say. People worry this must have an effect on you: are you happy? “Absolutely,” he cries with his characteristic wry smile, raising his eyebrows. “Absolutely!” he adds again for emphasis. “I’m extremely happy. I do my work in Parliament, I spend a lot of time touring around the country doing campaigning events, meeting people. And I travel when I can, I was in Jordan this summer visiting refugee camps.” He then adds: “I lead a very balanced life. I read quite widely. I have an allotment, which I'm very proud of, and I keep myself fit and healthy. We want people to be able to lead full lives, and I lead a very full life, and I'm very happy doing it.” As we chat casually -- he is disarmingly open -- I have to keep reminding myself that I am sitting opposite the biggest threat to the British establishment maybe ever. There have been important anti-imperialist socialist figures throughout Britain’s history, but none has ever got as close to power as Jeremy Corbyn is right now. His rise has been improbable, but, after constant destabilisation campaigns (often by his own party) he is obviously going nowhere.
In the General Election of 2017, when he was roundly predicted to crash and burn, he increased Labour’s seat count and the Tories lost their majority in the Houses of Parliament. Some say it was the most important moment for progressive politics in modern British political history. The left finally proved that its ideas could be popular with the general population. Socialism is back, and many predict that if Britain’s unstable Prime Minister Theresa May falls and a general election is called, Corbyn and Labour would win a landslide.  
Corbyn, unlike many in parochial British politics, is and has always been an internationalist. He links struggles for democracy and human rights across the world and has travelled extensively throughout his life. But Latin America, and especially Mexico, has a special place in his heart. I glance over to his desk where a miniature Mexican flies above his papers. Further back is a framed picture of his Mexican wife Laura Alvarez at her graduation.
Corbyn has been rereading A History of Mexico in preparation for the interview and he is clearly enthused by the fact Mexico has turned red with the election of Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador -- the first time, he points out, Mexico has elected a real left-winger since Lazaro Cardenas in the 1930s. In fact, he is so excited by what AMLO represents that he announces he will be travelling to Mexico for the inauguration of AMLO in December.  “AMLO has shown amazing personal and political courage over many decades,” he tells me. “He was one of the most reforming of mayors of Mexico City in history. Indeed, it's quite humbling when you go to the supermarket at the time of the month when the older people get their food vouchers, and they call them AMLOs.”
Does Corbyn sees similarities between himself and AMLO? “I see similarities in the sense that we're both of about the same age, both been in politics all of our lives, and both have an absolute commitment to human rights and to righting injustice. I support him in the difficulties I know he's going to face in searching for all the disappeared, as well as dealing with the Ayozinapa 43, and the dreadful case that that is.”
Corbyn first went to Latin America in the late 1960s when he was 20-years-old. He was living in Jamaica working with Voluntary Service Overseas and when he finished he embarked on a solo trip around South America. He fell in love with the region and has since visited nearly every country in Latin America. “There is a huge ethnic diversity across Latin America that's often not understood by people outside. Understanding the history of Latin America is very limited in the rest of the world. The diversity of Bolivia, for example, with Quechua being actually the dominant language not Spanish. When that diversity is recognized you tend to get more inclusive governments. For example, in Chile the great Salvador Allende recognized the needs of the Mapuche people, which had often been ignored until then. I see the strength of Latin America as bringing people together.”
This is the side of Latin America that has inspired the left across the world in the past century. But there is another, darker, side to the region that, in places like Brazil, is coming back. Corbyn is aware of this too. “I also see elites in Latin American that have often been interlinked with the armed forces and global corporations ... hence the problems that the Allende suffered. I think an ongoing issue is the question of control of resources, and the economic development of the continent. I was looking recently at my diaries from 1969, and I've got an entry from May the 1st, 1969, in Santiago. That was the time when Popular Unity had been formed which eventually led to the election of President Allende a year later. Remember it was the first past the post system, so Allende got elected on, I think, 36% of the vote. He faced opposition from the very beginning, particularly from the mining companies, and the CIA, much of it led by Kissinger. It's all very well recorded.”
Corbyn pauses then adds: “There are powerful forces that move around in the world that want to oppose those who want to bring about economic and social justice. The only way to combat it is insertion of democratic values and humans rights, and that is exactly what I'm determined to do.”
Corbyn has been called by some Britain’s answer to Salvador Allende. Except the powerful reactionary forces he mentions will be much more concerned about Britain going red than Chile. No core capitalist country has ever had an anti-imperialist socialist in power. The political and economic system is sick and immoral. It remains to be seen whether such a system will ever allow a decent and principled human being to rise to its apex. Do you worry, I ask, about the forces that brought down Allende doing the same thing to you? “Well, I understand a lot of the media are very unkind towards me here,” he says. “Extremely unkind,” he adds with a wry grin. “I think what we showed in the general election and since then is our ability to communicate with people was critical. Things like social media, and local organizations, have created a confidence amongst a lot of people in Britain that we can bring about political change, we can be a government of social justice and we can have a foreign policy based on human rights and justice. I'm utterly determined to achieve it.”
The Labour Party in Britain is nominally left-wing yet at least since Tony Blair won leadership of the Party in 1994 -- and arguably long before -- it has allied with reactionary forces across the world, from George W Bush to Silvio Berlusconi to the dictatorship in Saudi Arabia.  That meant it showed no solidarity at all with the “pink tide” movement of the late 1990s and 2000s which saw progressive governments come to power in Venezuela, Bolivia, Argentina, Ecuador, Paraguay and Brazil. In one of most exciting times for left politics in history, the Labour Party under Tony Blair and Gordon Brown was completely absent - only offering ritual denunciations of “authoritarianism��� and “populism” in the liberated countries.
I wonder if that will now change under Corbyn, that the Latin American left can expect solidarity from the Labour Party now. “I'm very clear that we have to build an international movement, which deals with economic injustice and inequality, and challenges the neoliberal agenda. We need governments that think alike to work together on economic justice and we'll absolutely do that.” He is particularly interested in the progress that Bolivia has seen under the government of Evo Morales and the social movements that catapulted him to power. “I had a very interesting visit to Bolivia some years back when I led a parliamentary delegation there. We were looking at the control of water, and the mining industry, but also the enfranchisement of the diversity of Bolivia. The idea that a non-Spanish speaking woman should be the author of the constitution of Bolivia was amazing and historic in so many ways. I've got a lot of respect for what they've achieved in Bolivia.”
Before we finish up I ask him if he has a message for Mexicans as AMLO takes power, and he shoots back, in perfect Spanish: “Saludos y buena suerte para el futuro, y paz y justicia para todo el pueblo de Mexico.” He smiles and then says tapping his Mexican history book, and back in English now, “I’m really looking forward to being in Mexico.”
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sembrais · 5 years
The New In between the Old- Santurce
The New In between the Old- Santurce, San Juan
    As I arrived at the Sagrado Corazón station (commuting on the train). Sagrado Corazón is a common space for the Santurce community since public transportation defines the environment a lot. From this, we can have some sort of insight into the socio-economic structure of the space. I headed to the bus stop to wait for the bus that would take me through the Ponce de León Avenue which is part of the area of Santurce. As I wait in the hot sun standing under a tiny piece of shade reflected by the roof of the already occupied small seating, I observe that I was mainly standing in between old people, with the occasional young person being a student or a worker. Despite the contrast in age, a common quality I’ve spotted in all these people is a sense of drainage, maybe due to the incompetence of public transportation or simply because of day to day personal matters. I presence two people selling sweet treats to sustain their families or themselves; one was a man who happened to be on the train with, whom I had purchased one of his packed “besitos de coco” who happened to be waiting for the same bus as I, and later on a lady selling chocolate wafer bars. Both people emitted a sense of desperation to get people to help them, a scream for compassion. After a tiresome wait, the bus finally arrives and I aboard for my adventure through the city.
    Staring through the window the images I first perceive are people roaming through the sidewalks mainly middle-aged men, students and abandoned structures covered in graffiti/ street art. In between these buildings, I start to spot “revamped” or shall I say new spaces that have made their way into the community. I decided to get off a stop close to Ciudadela, “The reimagination of what a city should be.” according to the structure’s philosophy. When I got off the bus two things captured my attention, a new modern café catching one’s attention since being plotted in the middle of dinginess and destruction of abandoned buildings, called “Café Comunión” and a skate shop called “La Paz Skate Shop”. I decided to walk towards the skate shop first. As I approached the store I noticed it wasn’t that big yet, it had a very nice aesthetic. When I entered, who I am assume was the owner of the shop, immediately started talking to me. He asked me if had been to the shop before and I answered no without giving any details of the motives of my visit. He proceeded to give me a little background of the shop saying that it had been opened for three years now, told me if I needed any help or had any questions with anything to let him know, then he told me about a party they were hosting the 27th in the community’s basketball court. It took me to surprise the fact that he mentioned such things as if he knew the motive of my visit. I decided to tell him about my blog project and asked him if I could take pictures which seemed to excite him even more about my visit. As I roamed around the store observing and photographing the surroundings I spot a skateboard isolated on the wall with a short paragraph on it.  In summary, it was a tribute to skateboard shops that have closed and a reflection on how skate shops are the epitome of skate culture, and creative epistemologists to the skater community. Once I finished reading that it gave me an incite of the purpose of this shop. The owner clearly opened that shop to preserve as well as introduce to people a culture of creativity and form of liberation for many.
   I walk past the café mentioned earlier and take a quick glance at the space. Contemporary, fresh and young are the first words that come to mind. The place reeks of young indie or more alternative living people. I don’t put much thought to it and proceed to walk along the sidewalk of Ponce de Leon. A little further down, I spot another café, “Café Espresso”. This one is crammed into a small little location, and clearly one of the oldies of the area, being an old-fashioned structure. In contrast to “Comunión”, the only people in this place were late middle-aged and old people. As soon as I realized this, the first thing that came to mind was why was there such a heavy contrast in age presence in each location? Another thing that stood out is how at Espresso the environment was much noisier and more connected within, and by that, I mean that the flow of conversation was very strong since most people were talking with each other, in contrast to “Comunión”, where most people were in their zone.
    The next place that stood out in the community was “Libros AC”, an independent bookstore. As I walked through the door it’s as if I had a huge room of books to myself. The store was empty (except on the café side), there wasn’t even an employee insight. I browsed through the tables reading the selection titles, which were mainly books in Spanish by latinx authors. Most of the books on the tables were related to cultural, identity and historical themes. As I checked out what was on the shelve I spotted a section dedicated to Puerto Rican authors which counted with a huge selection. This warmed my heart a little because I don’t think that Puerto Rican authors get the exposure they deserve. I spent a good amount browsing through this section, and still, I hadn’t spotted one employee come by the area. This surprised me, it was as if the place didn’t care about the possibility of books being taken, it was just a warm invitation for the community to explore the magic of books. During my visit, I saw a young girl around my age walk in the store and a little after she picked up a book of interest and sat down near the window and started reading it; for some reason, it was a refreshing occurrence. I spotted peculiar items non-related to books on the checkout counter, so I decided to pass by and see. It turned out to be items made here in Puerto Rico. It seemed like a good initiative in solidarity with other local business.
   Right next to the bookstore is this modern lot of food trucks with a large variety of eateries. I decided to take a stroll inside and the first thing I see is a large group of middle-aged people eating at a picnic like table. The concept and diversity of options seem marvelous until you look at the prices of each establishment. It did not come to a surprise that the rates at these places were so high since I already have an internalized prejudice of associating these modern and innovative places appearing in lower class communities as exploiters and modern-day colonizers. The places I previously visited had temporarily brushed off that thought away for a moment but, as I experienced this place the questions resurfaced: Who are these spaces really made for? Are they made to benefit only a certain group of people while deteriorating another? Do the creators come with a vision to help the community and it just shifts into the opposite?
     I eventually got picked up by my parents and proceeded to explore more of the area focusing on urban art while riding in the car. As I mentioned earlier in the essay, once you arrive in Santurce, it’s basically unavoidable to not spot a form of urban art. As we moved in the car further past “la Parada 18” and more into the neighborhoods past the Fernandez Juncos Avenue, the art transforms into something soul awakening. I presence a lot of messages related to colonialism and overall the social context of the community and Puerto Rico as a whole. I can’t help to ask myself, are these expressions a form of confrontation to the system? Or to the people around? Maybe it is just a form of claiming permanency on a community that is theirs and always will be theirs no matter what. Maybe it’s the Santurce way of expressing latinx futurism.
  Pictures will be included in a second post along with more thoughts.
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taliya-writes · 2 years
Judgment Day snippet - DCMK
Shinichi hummed as he exited headquarters, ducking into Sakuradamon Station to catch the Yurakucho train bound for Wakoshi Station before switching trains at Ikebukuro Station.  He alighted at Ekoda Station, the journey from police headquarters to the Kuroba home as familiar to him as breathing.  He smiled upon seeing the house he had grown up in: nondescript, well-kept, and outwardly boring.  The conventional exterior betrayed nothing about its rather unconventional occupants—a neurosurgeon and retired phantom thief, a ranked police officer, and their twice-de-aged, adopted son.
Unlocking the front door, he announced, “I’m home.”
“Welcome home,” two people chorused, and Shinichi’s face cracked into a smile at hearing his father and godmother’s voices.  A moment later Kuroba Kaito and Haibara Ai emerged from the living room, and father and son hugged each other after Shinichi had slipped into his house slippers.
Kuroba Kaito was a wiry but spry man of fifty-seven years of age.  The outer corners of his mischievous indigo eyes were creased with laughter lines and his espresso-colored hair was liberally sprinkled with strands of silver concentrated around his temples—if still as wild as ever.
“Hi, Tou-san,” Shinichi whispered, then stepped back and glanced at his godmother before sweeping her into a hug as well. “Hello, Haibara.”
“Hello, Shinichi.”  Haibara Ai was ten years younger than Kaito.  A petite woman of mixed Japanese-Irish descent, her grey eyes were warm as she looked her godson over.  Silver also threaded through her auburn chin-length locks, but that was the only outward indication of her age.
“Where’s Kaa-san?” he asked as they trooped into the living room, where a tray of tea had been prepared.
Kaito filled and handed a teacup to his son. “She’ll be on her way soon.  I caught her in the middle of a meeting.” He groaned as he sat down on the sofa, chuckling at his son’s raised brow.  “I’m allowed to feel my age,” he griped somewhat defensively.
Shinichi snorted.  “You rarely ever act your age.”
“Doesn’t mean I don’t feel it in my joints.”
“You’ve no one to blame but yourself for that.”
“I’d like to see you be Kaitou KID for almost thirty years first, and then tell me your joints don’t feel like they are all falling apart.”
“Children,” Ai admonished, cutting through the father-son bickering.  “Behave.”
“He started it,” Kaito muttered with a pout at Shinichi, who replied by sticking his tongue out at his father.
The scientist sighed.  “How utterly mature of the both of you.”
The three chatted on various topics as they waited for Aoko to arrive.  After Kaito had greeted his wife home with a kiss to the cheek, the four sat down in the living room with mugs of green tea—Kaito and Ai on one side of the coffee table, and Aoko and Shinichi on the other.
“So,” Kaito began, and glanced somewhat nervously at his research partner.
“We wanted to discuss this with you before we bring it up with everyone else tomorrow evening,” Ai finished.  She took a deep breath.  “Shinichi, Kaito and I have developed something that might be able to bring your memories back.”
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