fcundaticnsofdecay · 8 months
status: closed
pairing: everly & ezra
with: @darkwants
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it felt like it had taken her forever to realize what she was meant to do. there had been so many ups, downs, twists and turns. not the mention the total failure of a relationship. she had finally realized that she didn't want to keep doing what people thought. that she wasn't concerned with what her grandma wanted from her. it had led her down a very unexpected path. she had purchased her very own food truck. it was thanks to a tattoo artist named andres that she had a very unique design on it. he had also been the one to give her some of the ink that she currently had.
she had named it street savories because she thought it was catchy and easy to remember. she had hired a few people to help and food costs were low. she had made herself a success by just being herself. she had embraced the things that she used to fear. it certainly explained the hot pink streaks in her hair, the septum piercing, her tongue and just how she overall dressed. she had even been hired for weddings and other events.
that afternoon they were working at a car show. it wasn't her usual gig but she figured it wouldn't matter. the line was insanely long and the people just kept coming. she was in her element, taking orders, cooking or handing off the food. that day she was dressed in a cropped black shirt that had the truck's name on it. her hair was thrown back in what looked like an effortless messy bun. she had folded up a bandana to use it as a headband. another thing was different was the red stamp on the back of her hand. it was the tattoo for one of the most exclusive clubs in town that only a select number of people knew about.they had music blasting and she was laughing as she heard jameson cursing the damn panini press.
she was going to grab her tablet and was leaning out, yelling back about how they had more straws in the back. her gaze was firmly on the tablet," sorry about that! my employees apparently forgot where everything is today,' she joked," what can i get started for you?"
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status: closed
pairing: billie & ezra
with: @darkwants
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her day had gone from bad to worse. her shift at the bar had been absolute mayhem. there was apparently some big fight that everyone just wanted to watch. her boss was one of the few willing to pay for pay per view to allow the customers to watch it. one of the other bar tenders had called in sick and it just felt like absolute hell. on top of that when she was cutting some of the garnishes she ended up slicing into her hand with the knife. by the time she finally got out of there she just wanted to curl into a ball and not move. of course she had to drive home and she had yet to actually eat anything. she had been debating just stopping to grab a burger as she drove down the long stretch of road. she hadn't even realized the car was sputtering again and she realized in an instant it was slowing down. instantly she cursed, loudly as she slammed her hands against the steering wheel. she had scrambled to grab her phone, scrolling through her contacts. already she knew her father was likely at his latest hook up's house. he wouldn't answer and she didn't think she could pay for a tow. that left ezra who she prayed was still awake. he had thankfully picked up and she had explained what happened. it felt like it was eternity before she spotted headlights and was relieved to see it was him. she pushed herself up to her feet, going to tug on the hem of the red sundress that she had on," i'm so-so sorry to bug you like this, i just-i didn't know what else to do."
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misaligncd · 5 months
status: closed
pairing: billie & ezra
with: @darkwants
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her shift at the club hadn't been the typical one. it had started off as a bet between her and one of the bartenders. she hadn't thought that she would lose but she had. since she had lost she had been volunteered for the auction. it was a charity event that the club ran once every few months. there was no promise of anything besides what the person was willing to give. she had never imagined that an outright bidding war would commence or that ezra would be the winner. he was a regular there and he had always tipped her well. she had been very confused that he had wanted to win her in the first place. though he had told her that he would collect later on so she knew it was time for her to get some rest.
of course she had to wait for all the others to go before she ventured out to the parking lot. billie hadn't exactly told many about her current living situation. she had managed to scrape up enough money to buy a van and convert it so she could live in it. it wasn't as roomy as some people would like but it got the job done. she swapped out the tight top and skirt for some pajamas. after having a small bag of chips and some water, she was clambering into her bed.
of course since it was cold out she was crawling beneath four blankets. she had a space heater but she didn't want to leave it on when she was asleep. it felt like she had just barely passed out when there was a loud banging on the side door. she groaned as she rolled over, at first thinking it could be a cop. she was rolling over to look towards it and going to flip on the light from the small lamp she kept. she was going to slowly move to begin to yank the door open only to freeze when she realized who it was," wh-what are you doing here?"
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paintedmegoldenx · 11 months
closed for @darkwants
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madeline thought her heart might beat out of her chest as she pulled into their driveway, parking her car behind ezra's. tonight was the night. she'd had her gynecologist appointment at the start of the week, and, after a few sore days, she was back to normal following the removal of her iud. she'd been planning to surprise ezra with the news after a nice evening in. she'd picked up his favorite dinner and asked him if he could close the shop a bit early so they could have a date night. his car was confirmation that he made that work for her and this was happening. she couldn't wait to tell him.
she walked into the house with the full bag of dinner and a bouquet she'd made at work in the other. "i'm home," she said warmly, seeing the top of ezra's head in an armchair in the living room. she dropped her things on the dining room table, taking off her jean jacket and kicking off her chucks before padding across the wooden floors back to him.
"hi baby," she sat across his lap and pressed her lips to his neck in a soft kiss. "how was your day?"
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lustbitten · 1 year
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as soon as she'd gotten up to the door of the auto shop, she'd known she was not brave enough for this. sure, she'd been mentally kicking herself for the way she'd absolutely fucked up the other day, but this? this was sending anxiety throughout her body, her heart beating a little faster with each second that passed as she stood there. finally delta had decided that enough was enough and that she was going to be heading back home, hand slipping from the door handle as she turned on her heel. / @darkwants
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ofginjxints · 1 year
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It was getting late, what was a quick after work drink turned into a couple as she talked to one of her bartender friends. It was her usual haunt, down the street from the florist she worked part time. Lily had perched herself on a stool at the end of the bar, mostly minding her own business when a man she didn't know approached her.
She knew what by the slightly slurred way he greeted himself what he wanted. She humoured him, answering the questions shortly and not paying it too much mind as her friend kept an eye on the situation. It didn't help though as he leaned over way too close for her liking, slinking away as she smelled the beer and liquor on his breath.
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hedonistiics · 8 months
starter for: @darkwants
pairing: ezra & piper
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going away for a vacation in the caribbean, had been a surprise present from her husband, grant. despite making her own money as a nurse, he made more than enough as a surgeon, that they could live comfortably and even take time off for vacations and holidays. when they had first met, grant had wanted piper to be a housewife in order to be there for whatever kids they might have. he had however quickly realized it was a futile mission, attempting to change her mind on her employment. piper loved her career and instead of becoming a bored housewife as he wished her to be, she had taken his last name. a compromise. it seemed she'd been making a lot of those for her husband, and as of late she was often doubting her love for him. had they grown stagnant in their relationship and needed therapy, or was it because of a certain other man, whose place she was currently heading towards, that she doubted her future with grant?
piper had knocked on ezra's door and stood there waiting, having driven there as soon as she and grant had deposited their bags at their house. dressed in a sundress and a pair of classy nude pumps, piper begun wondering if she looked decent enough, looking down herself. she had a light layer of makeup on and her skin was slightly sunkissed from the vacation. when the door swung open, her eyes were cast downwards and the woman took him in from toes to eyes. "hi," she said, worried how he might react, knowing she'd left town with her husband. "i just got back..." she said and bit down on her lower lip as she shook her head gently, "and i missed you so fucking much." the woman nibbled on her painted lower lip, gaze lingering his a she waited for his response.
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satinssheets · 9 months
Closed starter for @darkwants Because you made this HAVE to happen
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When Sadie inherited her late grandfather's Camaro, she hadn't inherited anything to help her with the upkeep of the relic of better days. The once cherry red paint was chipped and dingey, with rust creeping up the edges, none of which the blonde could bother to be concerned with when the damn engine seemed to be having issues every other week. "I'll be completely honest, all I've got is a hundred dollars..." Sadie had known from the moment she'd dropped the car off that she wouldn't be able to pay for the repair, but she'd told herself she'd figure something out. The best she'd come up with was arriving in a little black dress that showed off her best assets and hoping he might take pity on her. "But I need the car to get to work. Maybe we could set up a trade, like free drinks whenever I'm behind the bar? Or something more worth your while?" Lashes fluttered as she grinned up at him, leaning back against the hood of the car.
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screamiingsiilence · 2 months
status: closed
pairing: everly & ezra
with: @darkwants
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her nerves had been a big part of why she hadn't allowed herself to experience more. she knew that her doctor, therapist and everyone else told her that it was okay to take things at her own pace. she had made such great strides in her recovery. a big part of that was because of ezra and everything that he had been willing to do for her. it couldn't have been easy on him but she appreciated every single thing that he did.
she wasn't sure what made her decide to ask if they could go to the aquarium. it had been clear that he was surprised but he had agreed. she had done some research, figured it wouldn't be that busy given it was the middle of the week. the blonde ended up choosing a yellow dress, she vaguely remembered that it was the color she had been wearing when she had met ezra. it was baby doll style, puffed short sleeves. a pair of white sneakers so she could walk comfortably.
the drive wasn't that long and soon they were walking inside. she didn't think twice about reaching to cling to ezra's arm. it seemed she was right about it not being crowded. her gaze traveled along as she wondered where they should head first," should we get a map? i haven't been here since i was a kid," she breathed," but i don't think it's changed much."
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lunarrscribbles · 1 year
plotted starter for @darkwants
these days, it was hard to get around. with a swollen belly that was beginning to eat away at her view of the ground, ellie waddled around their house daily, trying to busy herself as best she could. not that there was actually anything really to do. ezra was piecing together the furniture for the nursery, and they shopped often for clothes and things they'd need. she was voraciously reading everything she could get her hands on, her little e-reader practically attached to her hip as she found book after book to prepare her for their new arrival. but there was one thing that was lacking she felt. it didn't relate to the baby, no, but rather her.
ever since she had announced her pregnancy to him, his sexual appetite felt like it had doubled. there wasn't a moment that his hands weren't all over her unless he was physically gone from the house, like he was now. at work, making money for their life together. she was so appreciative of him and everything he had done and was doing that she felt like she needed to thank him in some way. something that was special. not a physical gift, no, something that he was really going to appreciate. so that's how she got the idea in her head for the special outfit, a callback to their early days and how he'd like to find her on the camera he had planted in her room when she couldn't make it to him. she didn't quit feel as sexy, but the way the fabric hugged her curves and displayed her belly, she knew he'd eat it right up. and her too, if everything went right.
so she waited on the couch, knowing they'd have no visitor so she didn't have to cover up. when the door opened, she eagerly sat up, expression hopeful as the door opened and he crossed the threshold. "hi daddy," she greeted proudly, moving to stand. "i wanted to dress up for you like i used to. do you like it?"
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dreamgrlevl · 1 year
closed starter @darkwants
hallie giggles as she sips at the bottle beer, she knows she probably shouldn't drink. she's always been a lightweight when it comes to alcohol, and she's told ezra as much. that hasn't stopped her from finishing off the bottle. while it takes most people a few bottles of beer to feel anything she's already feeling the effects. not quite drunk, but certainly tipsy enough to not question it because she's feeling good right now. it almost makes up for the fact that she's missing out on yet another party with her friends because of him. "you know," she starts, "you got a bad habit of making me miss out on parties." hallie points out with a giggle, reaching out to tap ezra on the nose playfully. she's practically spilling out of her top when she does, not even noticing the free show she's very nearly given him.
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fcundaticnsofdecay · 7 months
status: closed
based: things we plotted
with: @darkwants
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it was supposed to be a punishment, that much everly knew. her so called boyfriend had wanted to prove that she was nothing without him. that had been before ezra had come onto that platform. it had been ages since she had been put on display on the platform. it was a form of entertainment for everyone who wasn't on it. women who were misbehaving were put in stocks. sometimes those that weren't claimed were put on display for public use. she wasn't claimed but her boyfriend never wanted her up there. yet she had pissed him off one time too many. she hadn't been expecting anyone to approach but then ezra had. she had decided to prove her own point and it had worked.
she had been shocked when ezra told her where he worked. of course she remembered how he said if she wanted to find him, she could. her ex had been royally pissed but she had gone back to the housing complex. she was left alone for a few days before she decided to venture out on her own. due to the dress code for unclaimed women, she had to wear something with easy access. lingerie was more or less what she was allowed in. she opted for a red bodysuit and they allowed her some jean shorts that barely covered what should be. she had grown up hearing stories about what it had been like before the laws had been put in place. it had been in the name of helping the population but everyone had known what it really was.
she stepped inside the garage and was frozen when she realized how many employees were milling about. she was wondering if she had made a mistake given she didn't have a collar to protect her. she realized none of them had noticed her but she heard ezra's voice. she didn't let herself overthink it and forced herself to clear her throat," hey," she breathed," you told me where i could find you." she held out her arms as if to show that she was there," hope you don't mind."
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status: closed
with: @darkwants
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she knew that what she was doing was crazy. yet she knew that she didn't have a place to go. she truly hadn't thought her father would kick her out over something that should have been her choice. she had gotten home from the bar only to find him in her room. he had found the suppressants that she had been "taking" ever since she had presented. the day she had presented it had changed her entire life. it hadn't been for the better as far as she was concerned. her father had never let go of the fact that she wasn't born a boy, let alone an alpha. he had hoped she would be a beta but being born an omega? that was not something that he ever saw coming and it had filled him with loathing. he had forced her onto the suppressants and scent blockers that very day. she had tried to do what he wanted but the side effects were unreal. she would spend days feeling like a semi truck had rolled over her. something that she had tried to explain to her father but he hadn't listened. she had finally stopped taking them only a matter of a few weeks prior. she had thought no one would notice anything and it felt like she was finally feeling normal. yet her father clearly didn't care. he had packed her things and thrown them on the front porch. she had planted herself on the front steps and struggled to figure out what she should do. at least till she glanced across the yard and landed on the house next door.
the house belonged to ezra who just so happened to be her father's best friend. she had always sought him out for help. mostly because he was the only one who stuck up for her in any sort of sense. she knew that he was home since his car was parked in the driveway. billie had no idea if her father had called him to let him know what had gone on. it was possibly foolish but she found herself going to drag her bags and walk down the front path. she walked along the sidewalk and then up to his front door. she let her bags drop before she reached to rap her knuckles against the front door. she couldn't help but feel nervous, standing outside and feeling utterly exposed. billie shifted her weight from one leg to the other before she went to knock again. she could hear the sound of footsteps and then the door was opening. instantly she took a few steps back," i, um, well," she paused, feeling her throat tightening up and tears were forming in the corners of her eyes," my dad found out i-i stopped taking everything and he told me to get out, i pro-promise i won't stay for more than a few days but i just-i didn't know where else to go?"
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misaligncd · 4 months
status: closed
with: @darkwants
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valentine's day wasn't a holiday that she truly cared about. at the very least it didn't exactly matter to her. usually she worked but the bar didn't host a party or anything like she had seen others do. she had never imagined that she would have someone that she would want to spend the day with. it seemed for once luck had been on her side. she had been expecting to work that night but then she got a call from one of her co workers. he had expressed that his girlfriend had dumped him for his best friend and he wanted to work to distract himself. that meant that she had the night off. she knew that her father was busy with the woman who invested far too much in bleach.
she opted to surprise ezra since it was rare that she ever got to do so. he had sent her a text earlier but she had played it off like they would have to meet up late. after that she was heading to the town nearby because she knew she wouldn't run into someone that knew her. it wasn't like they could go to out to some restaurant. she found herself buying two steaks, potatoes and some other ingredients. she found herself stopping at walgreens to print out some photos. the selfies they had taken together that she couldn't post. she had spotted a collage frame that was a bit cliche but she wished they could have it on display somewhere.
she wanted to show she was thinking of the future with him and the idea of a home they could share. it was an utter relief that she had a key to ezra's place. plus she had left some dresses that she had bought but never got to wear in his closet. she slipped into a mini black satin dress while finishing up with cooking. the photos were put into the frame and she turned it so the back was facing the room. she let it lean against the wall and lit some candles. she was pulling the french onion baked potatoes from the stove when she heard the front door opening. her head turned when she realized ezra was stepping inside and she prayed that he would be pleased," it might not be much," she breathed," but hope it's okay, happy valentine's day!"
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paintedmegoldenx · 1 year
closed starter for @darkwants
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madeline breathed the open air deeply as she looked out across the water to the beautiful trees and distant snow-capped mountains, the setting sun nearly gone behind them. it was peaceful and serene, something she imagined they both needed after everything they'd been through over the past couple of weeks with her family. she was comforted by the soft crackle and pop of the fire ezra was putting together, the final piece of her dream camp set-up, which also included a ridiculously expensive tent and bed set up that she spent too much money on. but it was worth it -- she knew she'd be grateful for a little comfort following their evening plans. she'd dressed in unimportant clothing -- a jacket she found at goodwill, an old t-shirt, a pair of black leggings, and a beat up pair of black chucks. clothing she didn't mind getting dirty. clothing she didn't mind having destroyed.
she turned back to ezra to find him standing from his soon-to-be roaring fire, his button down rolled to his elbows and a little dirt visible on his hands. she stepped over to him carefully, shifting onto her tip toes to wrap her arms around his neck and press her lips to his jaw in gentle kisses. "baby, can we start soon?" she whispered eagerly against his skin.
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lustbitten · 1 year
closed starter for @darkwants
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"hey, you have to stop..." she moans out, her hips shifting towards the hand he has pressed between her thighs, the friction of them moving against each other sending shivers down her spine. one of her hands is moving to grab at the wrist that's pinned between them, her delicate slender fingers grasping at him, nails digging in slightly as he applies more pressure to her clit, causing another moan to echo through the tiny room. "ezra." delta tries to keep her voice steady as she uses her other hand to push at his jaw, turning his face so they're looking into each others eyes. "we can't keep doing this."
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