#darius is a t-rex hybrid and yaz is a velociraptor hybrid
snugglylime · 21 days
JWCT Countdown Day#2: Favorite Duo/Friendship - Darius and Yaz
This is a snippet from my hybrids AU, though I've nailed down more of the details since my original post. Hope you guys enjoy!
Darius has long since lost track of the days. They’ve stopped being memorable and follow such a meandering sameness that they’re not worth keeping track of. There’s no real point in keeping a mental calendar either because there are no dates for him to look forward to.
Birthdays and holidays are off the table, and counting down the hours to weekends or anything else to be excited about has become entirely meaningless. Every day is the same, and every day he laments his lack of appreciation for the time before this horrible block of temporal sameness. 
But then, as abruptly as it’d started, the sameness stops.
No one comes to check on him today. The lights around the bend down the hall continue to cast shadows into his cell, and he can still hear the persistent humming of the generators and fluorescent lights, but the sameness of the world beyond his cell is obscured by the absence of footsteps and hushed voices.
It’s entirely quiet. 
So he makes a note of today. It’s a quiet, hungry, and lonely kind of day. Even if he hates the doctors with every fiber of his being- as much as he’s able to hate anyone, that is- it’s good to interact with things that aren’t just the mind-numbingly white walls of his cell. 
The day continues as silently and uneventfully as it started, which is to say it adopted a new kind of sameness that’s somehow worse than the last. Just yesterday, and for the dozens of yesterdays before that, he could occupy his mind with eavesdropping or putting images to the vague sounds filtering to him from down the hall, but now there’s nothing. Nothing stirs beyond his cell. The lights don’t go out when they’re supposed to, and no one brings him dinner, which is concerning because if no one feeds him, he very well could starve to death. 
Calm down, he scolds himself. You’re not some animal. It’s only been a day. 
He tries to sleep, but with the bright lights and compounding hunger in his gut, it’s futile. He tosses and turns on his sorry excuse for a mattress and tries to wake from this new, hellish sameness that must be a nightmare. 
Funny that he would prefer to be awake in the world where he gets poked and prodded by all manner of needles and instruments on a daily basis than the one where he’s just perpetually bored, hungry, and lonely. He really has been reduced to his basest instincts, hasn’t he? 
He can almost imagine a morally corrupt psychologist sitting outside his cell, pen and clipboard in hand, taking notes on the slow deterioration of his mind. The psychologist would say that this is all just another test, just without the usual invasion of his personal space and intraveneal injections. 
But no such psychologist exists, and the quiet, lonely, sameness persists long into the night (or what he assumes to be night in this windowless prison of his). 
Then, just as he’s about to fall into a shallow sleep, there’s a soft click followed by a familiar whoosh of air. Within an instant, the door to his cell inches open. The lights flicker and somewhere down the hall the generators make the sound of something long-suffering. 
He stares at the newly formed crack between the cell wall and the door. He’s heard that tell-tale click dozens of times, but with it has always been a doctor (or two, depending on the day and the extent of the testing he’s to be subjected to), and the set of restraints he’s grown as accustomed to as the clothes on his back.
Now there is neither, just the thin strip of light leading to the lab down the hall. 
He thinks of the non-existent psychologist and how all this must be some new experiment. The isolation and hunger of the past day- or however long it’s been since he’s started keeping track of the passage of time- make it impossible for him to think straight. As he cautiously creeps out of his cell, he feels like a little kid walking into his kindergarten classroom for the first time, seeing everything with new eyes, even though he’s made this trek as many times as he’s heard the opening click of his cell door. 
But even if this is some sort of test for obedience or to measure the extent to which his human brain still operates beneath the suffocating layer of prehistoric instinct and hunger they’ve injected him with, he can’t help but leap at the opportunity. 
Besides, out here is where the food comes from and he’s only getting hungrier. The more logical (and generally quieter) side of his brain scolds him for acting like an animal, but he can’t bring himself to care too much. All he cares about is finding food. 
But when the corridor spits him out, he doesn’t find food. Instead, he finds the lab, eerily devoid of its occupants, both animate and not. The doctors- as well as their personal effects- are all gone save for a few backpacks and pencils strewn across the floor. The embryonic chambers, usually clouded with cold fog, are clear and devoid of the canisters of their prenatal residents. All the desks have been emptied and the endless rows of filing cabinets have been gutted, some of their contents lying amongst the backpacks and pencils and whatever else managed to find its way to the floor.
The lights flicker again. The generators belch and wheeze. 
If not for the gnawing hunger in his gut, he might’ve been skeeved out by the situation. But as things stand, he only feels mildly disturbed by the prospect of standing in the middle of a scene ripped straight out of a horror movie. 
Not that his whole life these past few months hasn’t been a horror movie. At least this is kind of exciting.
He decides to follow the left hall. He’s never been down here before, always having been ushered to the right where all the medical offices and examination tables are. But he knows those places like the back of his hand by now, and so he knows that there’s no food there. Which must mean that the food somehow comes from the left hall.
Like most of his memories from his time on the island before his abduction, his memories of the tour of this place he went on so many months ago are little more than a fuzzy blotch in the back of his mind, doing nothing to guide him where he needs to go. 
It doesn’t help that all the walls and offices here look identical, right down to the creaky ceiling fans and plywood desks. No expenses were spared except for when it came to the busy-bodies running this place. 
By the looks of things, they were about as well off as he was in his cell.
He rounds a corner and is suddenly accosted by a cacophony of clicks and bangs, like something heavy is hitting one of the white brick walls. He hesitates between the choice of going right and investigating, or going left towards a neon green exit sign. 
After a moment, he starts down the right hall. He’s still hungry, but he’s also lonely, and chances are that whatever’s making that thumping noise is more alive than anything else here. Maybe the clicking is a doctor typing at a keyboard, though how anyone could continue to work in conditions as chaotic as these he has no idea. 
Then again, he has no idea what caused these conditions in the first place. For all he knows, this whole situation could just be another experiment that he’s being subjected to.
Will he ever stop feeling like a lab rat? 
He follows the noises down a corridor not unlike the one leading to his cell. The tall, undecorated walls funnel him around a bend until he’s face to face with thick metal bars, just like the ones he’s stared at every day for as long as he can clearly remember. 
He freezes. There’s no way he managed to make one big loop- he may not know much about this place, but he knows for a fact that the building isn’t one big circle. And even if it was, this hall is all wrong, like a mirror image of the one containing his cell.
This is someplace different. 
He cautiously approaches the bars, realizing with dawning horror that the noises, having seemed so distant before, are coming from the darkness right in front of him. Then they stop so suddenly he thinks he might’ve imagined them. But now he’s standing just a few feet from the bars and can get a good look at what’s behind them, noisy creature or not. At least, he would have if not for the hand being flung into his face. 
He screams and stumbles backward. The unnatural weight of his feet and the awkward bend to his legs set him off balance enough to send him tumbling shoulder-first into the wall. He grunts and licks the two, sharp teeth protruding from the gums where his canines used to be. 
He’s still not entirely used to the feeling of them in his mouth, but he knows they’ll be useful in a fight if it comes down to it. 
“Darius?” A voice hisses. He recognizes it instantly, even though the memories it’s attached to are fuzzy. 
“Yaz?” Darius breathes. He hasn’t heard her voice in… well, however long it’s been since the abduction. Months at the very least, if not longer. 
“It’s me,” Yaz sighs. Then, as if to prove her point, she steps into the thin triangle of light cast through the bars of her cell. 
From the waist up, she looks exactly how he remembers. But as he looks closer, he realizes that’s not entirely true. Her skin has a pale, blueish quality to it and her eyes, stark against the abnormal pallor of her skin, are striking and unnaturally bright, like she’s seeing right through him. And below her waist, more shocking than anything else about her, are the leathery, awkwardly bent legs of a velociraptor.
Darius stares, transfixed at the homunculi standing before him. She looks like the product of a poor attempt at photoshopping a dinosaur’s legs onto a human’s body; her waist is too thin to properly accommodate the girth of the reptilian legs, and the dark, scaly flesh of them disappears beneath her shorts only to reappear as the perfectly smooth human skin of her barely exposed stomach. 
“What is it?” Yaz demands, startling Darius out of his thoughts. Despite the roughness of her voice- has it always sounded like that?- her lips are turned into a nervous frown like she’s embarrassed. 
“You…” he trails off, unable to find the words. He stiffens as a tail suddenly appears out of the darkness and swishes back and forth behind her body like the pendulum of an upside-down metronome. “Wow.”
“You don’t look much better,” she says with a strained grimace. 
“Oh, right,” his cheeks flush. He’d nearly forgotten about the state of his own body, not that he’d ever gotten a real good look at it. He’s been denied the privilege of a mirror, and while he can feel all the strange anomalies in his stature and movement, he doesn’t have a good idea of what it all looks like. Then he shakes his head and realizes who he’s talking to. “Not that you look bad or anything. I think the… ah… tail suits you. Yeah.”
Yaz blinks at him before turning away with a muffled snort. “Shut up. Yours suits you more, dino-nerd.”
Oh. Right. He’d almost forgotten about the heavy appendage sprouting from his tailbone. Not that he’d like to remember it. How he got to be this way is a process he’d prefer to forget, but it looks like he’s not the only one to have experienced it.
Which means that in all likelihood, he and Yaz aren’t alone. The others must be around here somewhere, too.
“Sure does,” Darius grins, suddenly feeling more excited than he has in months. He grabs the handle of her cell door and cocks his head. “Ready to get out of here?”
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gronjon44 · 3 years
Ok so I just finished Jurrasic Park: Camp Cretacious and honestly? So freaking rad.
Some mini highlights (without spoilers)
Yaz and Sammy are the best (I kept seeing stuff about the LGBT community in the CC fandom and like... idk what that'd about but if I had to genuinely ship anyone in this despite their being children it'd be Yaz and Sammy THEYRE SO CUTE
Kenji had an ACTUAL ARC (my boy got to do so much more this time around THANK YOU FOR LETTING HIM BE IN CHARGE)
Ben is STILL ANNOYING but for genuinely heartfelt reasons (also I was REALLY EXPECTING a big battle between Bumpy and the S-Rex)
Brooklynn and Darius are both awesome as always and the way the finally brought back his dad's love of the Gallimimus was really cute and IT MADE ME KINDA SAD
Now, bumping into spoiler territory here so you've been spoiler warned;
Wu making an actual appearance in S3 was something i genuinely wasn't expecting and seeing more interactions with him snd Brooklynn was really fun actually (Hawke and the mercenaries were generic mercenaries so there they've been honorably mentioned)
I'm not gonna lie S3 did what I wanted Fallen Kingdom to do with the horror element (the way it actually had MORE DEATH felt more like Jurrasic Park, the constant worry about the S-Rex and the utter chaos of the Islands shift in balance was super rad)
There's more but I don't wanna make this unbearably long so click the read more
Every new dinosaur inclusion was rad, both in refference to other media and just Dinosaurs in general, but I wanna dedicate a moment to talk about the Scorpius Rex (oh look I remembered the name)
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Scorpius Rex is everything I wanted the Indoraptor to be. Whereas the Indoraptor felt like a B-Grade version of the I-Rex whereas the Scorpius Rex felt more like an actual character.
Scorpius felt like a genuine threat that no one knew about and then the reveal that *SPOILER* there are 2 S-Rexs *insert Ian Malcolm quote here* was actually a really awesome twist (also the constant threat of Sammy almost dying was a nice touch cause THANK YOU JURRASIC PARK UNIVERSE FOR NOT BEING AFRAID TO ALMOST KILL KIDS)
But there's one thing about the Scorpius I wanna talk about that just sticks with me.
The Scorpius is stated to be the first hybrid before the Indoninous Rex but was kept hidden due to it being unstable, though we're never shown why outside of it being much more aggressive.
Wu goes on record stating it's unstable behavior and appearance are part of why it was kept hidden and like, you can't blame him with the appearance of it at least the I-Rex LOOKS like a semi plausible Dinosaur.
But then I got thinking, what about tbis hybrid could make it so unstable? What DNA was used to make it that could've turned it into a Savage monster?
Well if its a predecessor to the I-Rex we can assume they're mostly similar in DNA Makeup (the official Indominus Rex DNA Makeup consists of Abelisaurus, Carnotaurus, Majungasaurus, Rugops, Giganotosaurus, and Velociraptor DNA)
We also know the I-Rex has other DNA in it such as Cuttlefish , Tree frog, Pit Viper, and Chameleon DNA.
The Scorpius Rex likely had all the same base DNA as the I-Rex (T-Rex, Carnotaurus, Giganotosaurus, and Velociraptor, as well as some unnamed ones we might not be aware of Wu states that it gets its name and poisonous nature from the Scorpion Fish)
And we can see it has some similar traits to the I-Rex such as the Pit Viper and Tree Frog DNA.
But something about just doesn't seem... right. Something about it it seems more unnatural, almost more like a different animal entirely...
I'm almost 100% sure that the Scorpius Rex has Human DNA mixed within that melting pot of a monstrosity.
There's actually a bit of evidence that points to this I think (bare with me)
Look at how it stands and acts.
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It doesn't quite stand like a natural dinosaur. You can argue that it stands like hunched over Tyrannosaurus or even a really fucked up Therizinosauria (which is stated to the JP Wiki to be mixed in with the Indominus Rex's DNA)
But even then it still doesn't stand naturally, and if you watch it run/walk it runs almost like a person when they try to run on all fours, it's forearms stretching out further then what most natural Dinosaurs do.
Now consider its intelligence.
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This thing is MUCH more intelligent then most of the other Dinosaurs (bordering close to human as is) but that could be excused as the Raptor DNA like with the I-Rex, but it borders closer to human then you'd think it would (I don't have much to say for this one as it can be excused as Raptor DNA)
It's physical appearance
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Now it's appearance can be attriebuted to mutplie factors (the shorter face could be a feature inherited from the Giganotosaurus or even the Carnotaurus since they have shorter faces); it's arms could be attributes inherited from anything (Raptor arms, T-Rex arms etc) but what gets me is the fact that it borders on having actual hands (its claws are much longer then any of the species it shares DNA with) and its arms are much longer then a T-Rex or a Velociraptor)n
Now this is a big one for me, but the scream
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Alot of animals tend to have borderline human screams/howls and when you hear it in the wild and just think "Who tf is getting murdered rn?" Yeah the Scorpius is like that but worse; every dinosaur in the franchise has been shown to have either a natural sounding roar or even just some really loud growls and or howls. None of them have been shown to really scream or howl. Then the Scorpius just shows up and makes the Deer scream sound weak in comparison; Hell even Kenji makes a comment about it and th3 visible discomfort everyone feels when it screams shows that none of them would have even come close to being prepared for something of that scale.
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Anyone who's anyone remembers this concept art, and the idea that accompanied this where they did at one point consider human/dinosaur hybrids. And look me dead in the eye and try telling me there isn't SOME similarity between the S-Rex and this old art.
Thats about the gist of it so I'd like to end this off by saying this:
The Indoraptor is a bitch and the Scorpius Rex is the villain we deserved for Jurrasic World: Fallen Kingdom.
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