#dare i say i had hope for something redeeming? but alas the quality took a sharp nosedive and then started digging
americankimchi · 11 months
thinking about my book 3 playthrough and how it felt like i was watching a preset "default" detective go through the game with perhaps one or two moments where i could actually have some agency over the flow of dialogue. i still have zero control over the story because much like books 1 and 2 all roads lead to rome, but at least in the first two books there was a half-hearted attempt at a mystery. book 3 was mostly insensible filler content interspersed with extremely OOC romantic scenes both on the behalf of my detective and my chosen LI (in this case: adam)
idk if i even want to expend the energy to really critique this thing from top to bottom, but if i had to rate this game out of ten i'd give it a solid 3. and that's only because i think at one point it made me wheeze with laughter. (the sports car. why, of all things... a bright red sports car)
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