#danish is a fuckin weird language though
ironwingedhawk · 1 year
Me using my mediocre Swedish skills and native German to understand the Danish in 1899 without subtitles.
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mylifetherant · 2 years
So, Disney put out that "We Dont Talk About Bruno, 21 Languages" version, and it made me really want to hear all of them. So i did, and catalogged it for tumblr. Tried to keep it down to two points each, so this wouldnt be any longer then its already going to be.
Theres two missing because i couldnt find the full versions online, so if anyone else has them please send them to me so i can complete the list!
One of the lines in camillos verse is changed to, in russian, "A midnight howl, your nightmare" which fuckin slaps honestly. Also the pastor in this one sounds extra pathetic and i kinda love it.
Really just love the pronunciations of a lot of the russian language. This ones just fun for the ears honestly.
Instead of saying THUNDER he just shouts EIN STORM and thats fucking hilarious.
Holy shit the camillo part in this one is. Like look ok i know the best part of the song is going to slap in any language but holy shit i did not expect to feel some type of way from the line "ein ratten" ok? Fuckin. Whoever they got to sing that part is fuckin wild and can have my babies holy fuck
Does a really good job of capturing the inflection of the english VA's. Delores and camillo especially.
While it doesn't have any super defining features like some others, its a really smooth one to one recreation, the line changes don't interrupt the flow at all like it does in others, and honestly you could probly swap it with the english one and id never notice.
Camilo really Spits out his verses in this one, really driving home that dark and terrifying vibe. Theres a serious force to some of his words that make them feel like theyre being hurled at you.
They actually pronounce Bruno's name differently, as a brun-yey or brun-ya, depending on the line, which i find really interesting.
Not too crazy about this one overall
The FUNNIEST version of "isabella your boyfriends here" i've heard so far. You just have to hear it for yourself, i cant do it justice.
A bit like the italian one, doesn't mesh quite as well as some others, that said
Thai-Delores verse fuckin sweeps this whole song. Its a little bit grittier and i fucking love it, really drives home the "dark secret" vibe.
Danish-Felix puts a little flair at the end of his lines that i love. Its his own little personal oomph, that just feels like he was having fun with it.
Solid overall, though not too much that stands out.
God DAMN does the french version go hard. These VAs just fuckin went OFF.
While there wasn't a lot of variance in inflection like some of the others, they really just fuckin sang their hearts out at the top of their lungs and its fuckin great.
Alright this was inevitable but camillo sounds like an anime villain especially during the "your boyfriends here" bit. Tell me that laugh aint straight outta your favorite shounen
I actually love the villagers verse! They have so much distinct character! Also as a sidebar, this is the best mirabel verse i've heard so far. The way she holds the "bruno" at the begining is just *chefs kiss*
Sadly the only version i could find sounded like someone recorded it from their closet, so there might be some finer details i miss.
That said, still a solid rendition all around. Loved the voice for isabella in this one, just very pretty, idk how else to put it. Definitely on the higher end, but still mostly a one to one copy of the original. Which is not a bad thing, to clarify.
Korean-Pepa&Felix are so much fun. Idk what it is but i love the vibes they put out.
Also, the dead fish girl just straight goes "the next day BLEG" and i fuckin wish they did that in the original because it so much funnier than saying it died.
N/A for now?
Sadly another low quality recording, but i don't think it suffered too much from it?
Its definitely the most unique rendition so far. Theres a weird tonal shift when camillos part comes in, and i think the beat is actually a bit slower from that point on. Whether thats good or bad ill leave up to you, im not 100% sure where i stand on it myself.
Norwegian-Felix sounds like an absolute bear of a man and im kinda hear for it. Also point to Norwegian-Camillo for being the first one to actually sound like a fuckin teenager.
Also, this is more an overall but its at this point in my journey that im realizing…
Every nonenglish-version of Abuela's one line sounds almost identical, and they all sound like theyre sung by a dude. Idk what it is. Maybe my brain is suffering BrunoBrainRot.
Bahasa Malaysia:
Another A Tier dolores. As someone who preferred Camillo in the english version, in a lot of these its surprisngly Dolores who steals the show.
Also, just to make my last one look stupid, abuela is once again a woman. Actually, a lot of the VA's in this one sounded really close to the English VA's, Camillo especially.
N/A for now
Euro Portugese:
Now THAT is a good Camillo. Not quite the level of some of my earlier faves, but still very good. Close to Russian Camillo.
I really enjoyed the inflection on Isebella's verse. Gave it a bit of extra oomph during a part i usually kind of glaze over. Her verse is pretty, but the slowest bit of the whole song, so i like when they do something that makes it Pop a bit more.
Brazilian Portugese:
Brazilian-Felix and the villagers both sound like theyre just having a blast. I really like the ones where it feels like they were just having fun recording.
Mirael and Camillo sound like they swapped ages, especially at the end. I cant stop picturing a 28 year old Camillo leaning on a tiny angry Mirabel's head.
Taiwanese Mandarin:
Taiwanese-Pepa is fucking beautiful. She should've gotten Isabellas verse, its so good. That said, its nice to hear an approach to Pepa that isn't so harsh.
Taiwanese-Camillo is haunting, a very ghostly quality to it. Its a different kind of spooky that i enjoy. Puts a fun spin on it.
Man i really saved the best for last. This is like the New Game+ of We Don't Talk About Bruno. Its the original, but better.
While there isn't anything that makes it necessarily unique, it takes every good quality from the english version and just cranks it up to 12. Def top tier material.
To close, this is a fantastic song in any language, that i'll be listening to for a very long time.
If anyone wants to hear these for themselves, i compiled a playlist for you, in order as they appear in this list: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLR5WNVkVKWQh0bSmkSLLFxxedR-28YNHr
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