#dad fliegende klassenzimmer 2023
chucklepea-hotpot · 7 months
Das fliegende Klassenzimmer (2023) spoilers without context unter dem cut:
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jinx-you-owe-me · 2 months
of the dfk audiobook translation
Direktorin Kreuzkamm: „I hereby hand over the production for the closing celebration to you.“
Narrator (Nichtraucher): Given her overflowing time planner…
Direktorin Kreuzkamm: „Have fun and toi, toi, toi!“
[Note: is „Toi, toi, toi“ a thing in other countries?? Its basically a way to wish luck in the theatre. Like „break a leg“]
Narrator (Nichtraucher): …Frau Kreuzkamm counted on Jo and the self-responsibilty of the students.
Narrator (audiobook): Jo steps in front of the group.
Jo, overly enthusiastic and cheerful: „Let’s get started!"
Narrator (audiobook): Ruda, however, doesn’t play along with it.
Ruda: „You can do that on your own.“ Jo: „Come on, guys, it’s gonna be cool! Who's with me?“
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Apart from Jo's friends, only Egerland raises his hand, but Sebi slaps it down again and pulls him with her.
Narrator (audiobook): The Externs leave the hall as one, and even the majority of the Internals have other plans.
Internal: „Sorry, Jo, we’re not getting involved in that.“ Other Internal: „Too much stress for us…“
Everyone leaves, muttering among each other („No, no thank you“)
Jo: „Are you serious?!“
Narrator (audiobook): Apart from our four friends, all the other Internals seem to be serious about it as well, because Martina, Jo, Matze and Uli are the only ones left.
Jo: „Ugh, it can’t work with this amount of people!“ Martina: „It has to work! If I get a reprimand, I won’t be taken in.“ Matze: „Ask me, my father always punches me in the face when I get another one!“ Uli: „…It would be my first one…“
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Jo: „Guys. I have an idea.“
Narrator (audiobook): Jo brings her friends back to the clearing and proudly points to the train wagon.
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Jo: „Okay, guys, this is the flying classroom! We’ll put a nose on the front. A wing here. And a rocket engine in the back. We get the stuff from the theatre fundus, and then we produce a film that we’ll show at the closing celebration!“ Martina, lighting up: „A film?“ Jo, excitedly: „Yes!! And-“
Narrator (audiobook): Jo falls silent. From the inside of the train wagon comes piano music.
Jo: „Do you hear that?“
Narrator (audiobook): She sneaks to the wagon and looks through one of the windows. She sees a man sit there and play with a cigarette in his mouth. All of a sudden, he abruptly turns his head and looks directly into her eyes.
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Narrator (audiobook): Jo frantically comes running back to her friends.
Jo: „Shit, guys! Do you hear that? There’s someone in there! He saw me!“
The door of the train wagon slams open. The kids gasp.
Narrator (audiobook): Suddenly, the door of the wagon opens. At first, the Internals only hear a voice.
Nichtraucher: „Are you trying to break in here?“ Matze: „Co-come on, let’s scram!“
Narrator (audiobook): But Martina forges ahead.
Martina: „Excuse us! We got lost.“
Narrator (audiobook): The smoking man -approximately Herr Bökh’s age- steps out of the door and examines the Internals closely.
Jo: „Uh- What- What are you doing here?“ Nichtraucher: „That’s really none of your business.“
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Martina, with emphasis: „Jo, come on!“ Jo: „No, wait- Do you sleep in there?“ Nichtraucher: „… This is private property here.“
Narrator (audiobook): But Jo doesn’t let up and persistently asks further.
Jo: „What was that song? Who is it from?“ Nichtraucher: „…“ Nichtraucher: „From me.“ Jo: „Do you give lessons?“ Nichtraucher: „Piano?“
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Jo: „No, for smoking. Of course Piano.“
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Nichtraucher: „No, I don’t.“
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Nichtraucher: „Ok, and now off you go, you little squirts!“
He turns around to go back inside.
Jo: „No, stop, wait! Uh… We’re four Internals from the boarding school Sigismund. And we want to shoot a movie for the closing celebration. Because we have trouble with the Externs and… Doesn’t matter, you can’t explain that. In any case, we wanted to ask if we could shoot on your property.“
The Nichtraucher pauses when Jo mentions the boarding school and turns around.
He listens silently and seems to be thinking.
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Narrator (audiobook): Robert, that’s what the man is called, who, as previously mentioned, is also the author of this story, seems to be surprised by this blunt question. He takes a long drag and looks Jo in the eye.
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Jo: „Please?“
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jinx-you-owe-me · 24 days
of the dfk audiobook translation
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Martina: „I need to tell you something. I’m not a doctor’s daughter. I don’t have a phone because I don’t have money. And my clothes are second-hand. Not vintage.“ Jo: „Why didn’t you say anything? I told you about my mother too.“ Matze: „You know, Martina, I think that you don’t have to act like you’re rich. You’re still you!“ Martina: „I know. But I just wanted to be someone else.“ Matze: „Uli shouldn’t climb up there either.“ Martina: „And you don’t have to do boxing if you don’t want to.“ Matze: „And you, Jo, don’t have to be so cool all the time.“ Jo: (laughs) „I am cool! And you, Matze, are way more clever than you always think.“ Matze: „Really?“ Jo: „Yeah!“ Martina: (giggles happily) Matze, genuinely: „Thanks!“
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Narrator (audiobook): But their good mood abruptly vanishes when they meet Ruda and her gang down in town.
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Martina: „Oh no.“ Jo: „Not good!“ Matze: „Externs.“ Jo: „Technically it’s our territory…“ Martina: „We’re outnumbered.“ Matze: „We can’t just run away!“ Martina: „I don’t know!“ Jo: „Whatever. We stick together here.“ Matze: „For Uli.“ Martina: „For Uli.“ Jo: „Yeah. For Uli.“
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Narrator (audiobook): The three gather all their courage and approach the Externs - they’re prepared for the worst. As always, Ruda takes the word.
Ruda: „Uh. So. Well- We didn’t want it to come to this. We’re sorry.“ Sebi: „It just went way too far, that Internals-Externs thing.“ Martina: „Yeah. We all really overdid it.“
Narrator (Nichtraucher): And now? On this day, they didn’t have an answer. So Martina focused on studying for the admission test with the help of Justus Bökh.
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[Note: the red text on that picture says "Matze - losing is not an option - Papa"]
Matze: „Hello, Papa? I won’t go to the boxing camp this year.“
Narrator (Nichtraucher): Matze prepared his holidays.
Matze: „I’ll stay here with Uli!“
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Uli: „Mama!“
Narrator (Nichtraucher): Uli was brought new laundry and the school books for next year.
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Narrator (Nichtraucher): The handsome Theodor felt the pressure to be solely responsible for the entertainment at the closing celebration.
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Jo: „For you.“
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Narrator (audiobook): Martina can’t believe that Jo is gifting her the phone.
Martina: „What?“ Jo: „I'm getting a new one anyway.“
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Martina: „Jo, that- I can’t accept that!“ Jo: „How else am I gonna call you in the holidays?“
They hug.
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Martina studies in the light of her flashlight while Jo sleeps.
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Narrator (Nichtraucher): And apart from this nice gesture from Jo, not least because of the amount of school material, everything seemed to be heading towards a closing celebration without a play for Martina. To which Martina, Jo, Matze and Uli had still invited me though.
The doors to the assembly hall open. Kids run in first, followed by their parents and the older kids.
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Narrator (audiobook): It’s finally time. The day of the closing celebration has come. Parents, siblings, teachers and the students rush into the assembly hall in crowds.
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