#curse my kubrick class for all my lolita knowledge
Fetishistic content anon here. So those questions were coming from a place of good faith, but you're right, I was asking them in a snarky tone. I shouldn't have done that and I apologise for it. I was genuinely curious about your responses to those questions, though.
I appreciate your answer. It's helped me see a bit more of your perspective. I disagree with it, but I appreciate you taking the time to answer and won't be bothering you any more. If you're interested in a respectful discussion around dark fic and such, I would totally be interested in engaging in that, but if not, I very much understand. Take care!
I very much appreciate the chill response anon, genuinely nothing makes me happier. I apologize if I jumped down your throat, you are not the first ask I've gotten on this subject and it can feel like it's the same person over and over if it's all anonymous.
You can for sure send me whatever you'd like to discuss about dark fic, I am cool with all discussions when people are being reasonable and coming from a good place. I don't mind dark fic, I read some dark fics; I've also read both Lolita (and seen the movie) and Flowers in the Attic, and It is my favorite book and it famously contains a very odd child orgy. Criticisms for that content should and do exist. Dark fic is a very wide category of content though, and I made my stance as clear as I could. I think people misunderstand me when they read it. They are topics that deserve to be taken with the upmost sincerity and seriousness, not as a smut oneshot or a disturbed dark romance plot.
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