#cristina fernandez de kirchner
ortoysangre · 3 months
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news-of-the-day · 2 years
Queen Elizabeth II died at age 96 after seventy years on the throne. Her son was proclaimed King Charles III on Saturday. The Queen will lie in state for four days in London before the funeral will be on September 19th.
The Ukraine's offensive made massive grounds in the eastern part of the country and reclaimed a large portion of territory. At the moment Russia is quiet about the losses, but it will undoubtedly launch its own counteroffensive. So far it's launched some airstrikes that hit power stations.
The Justice Department is fighting over the special master ruling and wants access to the documents it seized from Mar-a-Lago. Of particular interest are empty folders that were labeled "Classified." It states it needs to figure out what was in those folders, and whether they were lost or if purposefully taken.
Someone attacked Argentinian Vice President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner, aiming a gun at her face that failed to go off. The would-be assailant was identified as Fernando Andre Sabag Montiel. Kirchner is a controversial figure: She served as First Lady of Argentina before becoming her husband's successor in 2007. After her presidency, she became the object of many investigations and was charged with obstructing an investigation, fraud, illicit association, and treason. However she had become a senator in the meantime and had immunity from going to court (some of the charges were dropped), and right after that became vice president. However her tenure as president was an economic boom for Argentina, and her supporters are very loyal.
NYS has declared a state of emergency over a growing polio outbreak. The first case in over a decade was reported in July, then last month polio was discovered in wastewater. Although the majority of the samples came from the July case, some were not.
The second brother in the Canadian stabbing case, Myles Sanderson, was apprehended by police but later died.
Because the nature of these emails caters more toward headlines, it's hard sometimes to explain long-term trends or the bigger picture. Because of that, I want to draw your attention to The New York Times, which made a good article summarizing the economic problems in the world derived from the war, COVID, inflation, etc.
Edit: I did not add the link to the number 7 entry, I did now. Sorry about that.
1) BBC 2) BBC, Independent 3) Washington Post 4) Yahoo! 5) NYT 6) Globe and Mail 7) NYT
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geojr · 2 years
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yosoyati · 2 months
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¿Se acuerdan cuando encontraron al funcionario de obras públicas de Cristina escondiendo bolsos en una iglesia?
“Todos vimos a José López revoleando bolsos con casi 9 millones de dólares robados. Ese momento quedó en la memoria de todos como uno de los símbolos de la corrupción kirchnerista”, decía Larreta.
Se revela la verdad, resulta que los bolsos eran de la constructora IECSA, histórica empresa de la familia Macri y que en ese entonces había pasado a Ángelo Calcaterra, su primo. José López recibió los bolsos del mismísimo Nicky Caputo, nuestro actual ministro de finanzas. Nicky Caputo extrajo con la de débito del Banco Finansur, que en octubre del 2011 era propiedad de Jorge Sánchez Córdova, ex tesorero de Boca y generoso aportante a la campaña presidencial de Mauricio Macri en 2015.
O sea, digamos, las leyes están para los pobres. Mientras estos sujetos de guante blanco quedan impunes y nos siguen gobernando.
Para pasar este momento de mierda, recordamos Mine Ka, en donde nos toca ser ese López revoleando bolsos de dólares en una iglesia en General Rodriguez.
Macri nos recuerda que la posta está en hacerte una offshore y también buscar los mejores y más convenientes amiguis.
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ncfcatalyst · 5 months
Argentines speak out about Javier Milei the new President
With the recent election of economist Javier Milei to the presidency of Argentina with lawyer Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner as vice president, there are many concerns about the future of the country. Milei’s campaign was a mix of socially conservative culture fights and far right libertarian economics, the impact of which will remain unknown for Milei’s constituents until after he begins to put…
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adribosch-fan · 11 months
Marijuan, el fiscal al que le hicieron una oferta que no pudo rechazar
Por Ricardo Roa En un vuelco de esos tan de nuestra justicia, dice que Cristina no tiene nada que ver con Báez. Como Borinsky, que también favoreció a la vice, tienen un amigo en común: Sergio Massa. En el largo parloteo del mitín del clamor K en la plaza, Cristina omitió una palabra que supo usar y es posible que vuelva a usar, viniera o no viniere al caso: lawfare. Pasó que justo el día…
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irontragedyreview · 1 year
This woman speaks and makes you fall in love. The way she speaks and her intelligence is something to envy.
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ortoysangre · 5 months
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La fuerza política que se quedó afuera del balotaje en la primera vuelta va a asumir la presidencia en diciembre. Hablame de fraude electoral.
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harleygold · 2 years
"We can disagree, we can have deep disagreements, but hate speech cannot take place because it breeds violence and there is no chance of violence coexisting with democracy," Fernández added.
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conandaily2022 · 2 years
Why Brazil's Fernando Andre Sabag Montiel wanted to shoot Argentina's Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner
Why Brazil’s Fernando Andre Sabag Montiel wanted to shoot Argentina’s Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner
Fernando Andre Sabag Montiel, 35, of Brazil goes by the name Fernando Salim Cristiano on social media. He has a tattoo, which is Schwarze Sonne, a type of wheel originally employed in Nazi Germany.
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marie-f · 2 years
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light-miracles · 2 years
Argentina right now
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Alberto Fernández:
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adribosch-fan · 1 year
Las huellas del crimen de Cristina Kirchner
El Debate en América Cristina Fernandez-Imagen archivo Parece que las evidencias no matan las creencias y muchos de sus seguidores siguen sosteniendo –sin leer el fallo– que no hay pruebas contra la vicepresidenta de Argentina Objetivo impunidad: volver al poder no salvó a los Fernández, los delató Marta Nercellas Bajo la premisa de que la anomalía está en los jueces y funcionarios que…
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