heelhausen · 22 days
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Nobody look at me this is the corniest thing I’m gonna post all year
Anyways. This started a few months back but now I’m using it as my one mermay piece for the year lol. Merman Roman x Selkie Crash ft a very cranky Paul Heycrab who is sick of this hooligan bothering the Chief of the Seas
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heelhausen · 2 months
Ok fuck it we ball. I need to go to bed but I’m posting the in progress drabble yeehaw.
There’s three quick raps on the bus door. When no answer meets them, the handle is tried. When it doesn’t budge, Roman hears the sound of shuffling and scratching for a few seconds. A telltale *click* rings loudly against the silence. The door swings open, and Roman doesn’t have to look to know who just barged in on him.
“The door was locked for a reason, Crash.” He calls, unable to stop his voice from cracking.
He buries his face in the pillow and hopes the fabric will be dark enough for Crash not to notice the wet spots his tears have left on the case.
Something cold is pressed to the back of Roman’s neck, making him jump a little and roll over so he can angrily squint up at Crash. There’s a water bottle being shoved in his face.
“Drink.” Crash instructs firmly.
What can Roman do but obey?
He sits up. He takes the bottle in shaking hands. He sips his water and watches Crash putter about the tour bus. It’s convenient that Roman’s favorite “pouting spot” (as Crash once put it) is in the kitchenette area— it gives him a prime position to watch Crash roll up his sleeves and start pulling out supplies from the cabinets.
The first thing he goes for is a small towel, which he runs under cold water to dampen before ringing out the excess. He returns to Roman with the towel in hand.
“Scoot.” Crash murmurs, nudging Roman’s legs out of the way so he can sit on the edge of the bench.
“C’mere. Just breathe.”
Crash cups Roman’s jaw with his left hand and carefully wipes at his face with the damp towel. He goes slow and steady, dabbing away the tears and easing the heat in Roman’s cheeks. God, he hadn’t realized how red his face must look. His eyes feel impossibly puffy.
“Good boy.” Crash tells him.
“Shouldn’t you be out there celebrating my downfall with everyone else?” Roman asks.
“Tomorrow night, they’re going to be chanting ‘Thank you, Roman’ loud enough that the arena will quake.” Crash replies. “Tomorrow night, you’re going to be well-rested enough to appreciate when they do it.”
“I lost, Crash.”
“So did Gunther. That doesn’t eliminate the six hundred and sixty six days that he held the IC Title for. You carried that belt for four years, Ro. It’s time you get the chance to lay down your burden and rest.”
Roman wants to argue. The best statement he can manage falls flat even as he says it. “I hit Seth with a steel chair.”
Crash shrugs. “You can apologize tomorrow.”
“He hit me first. Ten years ago. He hit me first. You told me I had to let it go. But I couldn’t let it go. And it cost me the match.”
“Yeah, dude, that happens sometimes. You gonna mope about it all night, or are you gonna let me help you wash up and untangle the mess in your hair?”
Roman stares at him. What else can he do?
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heelhausen · 22 days
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Crash once again causes a ruckus
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heelhausen · 2 months
Ok not to fag it up on wrestlemain again but Roman doing his little hairscritching thing where he’s stroking his own hair. I’m headcanoning that as self soothing motion that he picked up from when crash stroking his hair when they’re curled up together 🥺
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heelhausen · 1 month
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Crash obtains some merchandise
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heelhausen · 1 month
When Crash joined the bloodline he made Roman play Overwatch with him and it turns out Romans actually pretty good at the game.
The only problem is that Roman one tricks Mercy, and he’s kind of embarrassed about it. But he’s also a really fucking good Mercy player and keeps pissing off the enemy teams bc they cannot kill him when he superjumps around the map and keeps whipping out his pistol to vibe check unsuspecting genjis.
Crash mains Hanzo/Cassidy/Ashe and people keep screaming at them in chat when they queue together because Roman will hard pocket Crash and they will stomp poor unsuspecting enemy teams who just wanted to have a fun game
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heelhausen · 2 months
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The Fans are In Shambles
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heelhausen · 3 months
25 - crashreigns?
25- Write about your ship bathing or swimming together.
I will be honest the brain worms took over so instead of writing I present the current state of the Merman Roman and Selkie Crash illustration that this prompt inspired. Bonus Crab Heyman bc it made me giggle
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heelhausen · 3 months
Crash will walk into the el weewee locker room point at Roman and go “is anyone gonna collar that man” and not wait for an answer
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heelhausen · 2 months
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Snippets from the Butler Stipulation, part 3
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heelhausen · 2 months
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Snippets from Crash & the Butler Stipulation, Part 2
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heelhausen · 2 months
🎉 📝🌺 :-3
🎉 Tell us some fun facts about your newest selfship!
God so. I’ve got so many different versions of Crash at this point that I need to start separating them out into different AU verses to keep ‘em together in my head lol. But. The butler stipulation acquisition AU is my latest tomfuckery, so we’ll go with some fun facts from that one.
- Roman initially realized he kinda had a “thing” for Crash during the Crash vs Solo Sikoa “No DQ/Bloodline Rules” match. He literally came to the realization that he found Crash hot as he was actively watching the poor bastard get the shit beaten out of him by Solo for a solid 45min while completely refusing to fall down or give up. Roman hadn’t understood why Triple H said they’d need an extra half hour of airtime for the Solo v. Crash match. He understands now.
- Roman will read comments on his TikToks to Crash just to hear his reaction. The first time Roman read a comment out loud, Crash didn’t realize that he was doing and looked at him with such exhaustion in his eyes and just went “you can’t be saying that tribal chief.” It made Roman laugh so hard he nearly threw up.
- Crash adheres to the “driver picks the music” rules, which has led to him infecting Roman with his batshit insane taste in music. They will be vibing to a playlist that goes from Czech hyperpop to 90s country to the golden oldies to literally just the Fallout New Vegas soundtrack for the entire drive. meanwhile Heyman will be in the back seat drafting his final will and testament.
📝 Give us a piece of a WIP involving your F/O (writing, art, etc.)
Oough so. Current progress on the merman and selkie art is this:
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🌺 How do you and your F/O cuddle?
Curled up together on the couch, both half-falling asleep during the movie but neither willing to get up and actually turn it off. The remote was knocked off the arm rest an hour ago, but Crash has a hand idly playing with Roman’s hair and Roman is NOT getting up while his hair is getting played with. And Crash is not moving Roman off of him to grab the remote because for once Romans just let his brain shut off and relax, and Crash is gonna make sure that he gets all the rest he needs.
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heelhausen · 2 months
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In which Crash finally gets his hands on the butler stipulation contract and makes some discoveries about the terms and conditions
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heelhausen · 2 months
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Laid down the inks finally btw
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heelhausen · 17 days
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More crash momence
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heelhausen · 22 days
It’s fun bc everyone looks at Roman and crash and goes yeah the tribal chief is definitely topping the silly goofy guy. roman is definitely keeping crash around as a fucktoy and that’s why crash has stayed so long past the butler stipulation ending/hasn’t betrayed Roman yet
Meanwhile in actuality the moment they’ve locked the hotel door behind them, Roman’s flopping onto the bed and whining until he can be collared and leashed and have his designated puppy time where Crash spoils him rotten and then pegs him until he’s walking funny the next day
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